Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
Is what I find strange is that Martin Van Creveld lives there and could tell them exactly what they need to do.

Link to Zenpundit on how Israel doesn't understand 4GW. Now I am not crazy about the designation of 4GW because it dosen't truly describe what is happening but the main points Van Creveld makes are important, in this case the MORE force you use the more you will loose.
I think my contribution may be useful here.

I have a lot of respect for Martin as a military historian but his problem (like many) is that he does not understand (or articulate well) the dynamic between Policy and Strategy.
What I have painfully come to realise that very few other Israelis do either! (...and I see nothing coming out of the US which is an improvement).

a.) Policy is a Political objective - nothing more.
b.) Strategy is the method by which you seek to set forth that objective. Ends, Ways and Means, all of which have to be effectively linked.
c.) Strategy has to be set forth using tactics. if it cannot be done tactically the strategy will fail.

Given we all know this, I can never understand where the confusion creeps in.

If you apply FORCE in a way that does not support the POLICY, then you undermine the policy - which is why you have ROE, for example. Ghandi understood this and Clausewitz understood it.

....so yes, apply the wrong force for the wrong reason is dumb. Nothing to do with 4GW.