Quote Originally Posted by Rex Brynen View Post
The NYT's Lede column yesterday has a piece which (quite apart from the link to a rather well-done pro-raid satirical video), contains some rather important pieces of the puzzle that haven't been well reported yet in the media frenzy around the raid:

The Turkish autopsies apparent show that while most of the dead received several hits from 9mm, one was hit in the head and killed by what may have been a crowd dispersal weapon of some sort:

There are several "less lethal" ammunitions in regular IDF use that could conceivably fit that description (RRNM, Roma GG, MA/RA 88), especially if it were fired at close range and/or the submunitions failed to deploy as intended.

All just speculation, of course--it is also possible that the weapon was fired in the chaos of the melee on the deck of the ship. However, it would indeed be a tragic irony if one of the "less lethal" initial warning shots from the air not only proved fatal, but also exacerbated the subsequent violence.
Anybody that knows anything about "Flash bangs" will be familiar with (or should be) the startle response.....freezing in place is NOT uncommon at all.