I think I can compare them as long as they are supposed to fight on the same planet.
It's pointless to define the need for more infantry away. It persists, and no matter how you call a formation or what you assign as mission; you need a lot of infantry in closed and mixed terrain.

Modern mechanized/motorized ground forces are the equivalent of the 10% of the German WW2 army that were not foot- and horse carriage-mobile.
We removed the 90% infantry divisions and removed most of the infantry from the already infantry-weak mechanized forces as well.
That's not combined arms any more. It's a desert and prairie wars TO&E.

Look at the historical roots and you'll see that the conventional brigade structures of today were meant for a three-week mobile war in a country with much territorial security and infantry forces.
The dominant TOE philosophy was tested and found successful against 3rd rate forces in mostly open terrains. It was useless once settlements, hilly or mountainous terrain or forests became the focus.