Hi Rob, I have read your paper three times and I am really impressed. If you can just get it implemented. The only areas I will comment on are in the CRT company. The undercover/plain clothes details are going to develop large informant networks, at least if they are any good they should. If not something is wrong. This is going to require a special payment capability. Most informants are and should be paid in cash. You will have to have special accounting procedures to account for the money and to protect the identities of the informants. This is a critical process, people lives are at stake and it should be handled care.

Wal-mart logistics. I just love that idea because again your plain clothes people can not use anything that would give them away. Again payments systems are critical. How they pay for their apartments,clothes,cars everything can not give them away or look American in any way. Their weapons, clothes, hair regulations all must blend in completely with the local community.

The UC's (under cover) should work on mission type orders. So long as they produce results and stay inside the law just let them run at their own speed and time. This is probably going to give any military organization fits, but it is important. If the operations are going well they will probably look sloppy to an outsider, that is the only way I can think of to explain it. However the standard is are they producing good actionable Intel!!! If they are leave them alone, if not then find out why (there may be good reasons) and if you are not satified they should be removed form the unit, promptly!

That is about all I would change. Later Stay Safe