Quote Originally Posted by M-A Lagrange View Post
Actually, I tend to agree with you.
I made some research on the military tradition in Congo and my personnal opinion is that since 16th century, the army has a tradition of brigant and no more a tradition of soldiers.

I came to that conclusion through the study of the evolution of the military engagement of Kongo empire and the various effect of first the slave trade by europeans, and then the mercenaries of Leopold and the belgium colonisation.

Qui vivra verra...
Let see, one day may be...
I see we are in agreement.

The issue is tied to why I found Hochschild's book, King Leopold's Ghost ultimately patronizing. For all the faults of the Congo Free State and King Leopold, the horrors of the Congo were not merely a product of the Europeans who exploited the area and the people. King Leopold did not commit the original sin by biting the African apple, although he was infamous for declaring his desire for a slice of the African cake.

C'est le Congo
