In fact, it's a major problem and IMO use of the Guard and Reserve as an operational rather than an emergency and strategic reserve is unwise. I do believe that a specific subset of both (recall the original definitions of Ready Reserve and Standby Reserve) could be so used but it should be comparatively small.

I have long contended that the Reserve Cmponents should be larger than the Active Components in all services but that sure does upset the active heirarchy...

Interesting factoid is that the biggest employer problem with long call-ups for the RC involves two very distinct categories of employers --the major Corporations (During DD/DS ATT was an absolute monster about it...) who are exceedingly cost conscious -- a few are however, very supportive -- and at the other end, local government entities, small cities and counties who are only one deep in many employees. I'm not at all sympathetic to the big guys but the little ones have a very real problem -- yet they are supportive to the point of pain. Interesting contrast between the large and small...

An allied problem to this is the large number of serving police and sheriff's officers who are sometimes but far from always MPs -- most small Departments can ill afford their lengthy absence. Same applies to EMTs and Paramedics.

There are no easy solutions to this -- but return of the RC to a non-operational reinforcing mode will, I believe, be necessary and demanded over the next few years. Hopefully the wizards (Heh ) at DoD are figuring this in.