I saw this one today on the Ebird and wanted to post it here. Mr, Salopek's article in this gets a thumbs up. Rendition is controversial. I personally question its effectiveness when balanced on the classic scale of risk versus gain. Large scale proxy rendition, especially when the proxy has a dubious human rights record, is asking for the scale to plop solidly on the risk side with little hope for gain. This is very much a case of creating more enemies than you catch.


Renditions fuel anger against U.S.
By Paul Salopek | Tribune correspondent
December 4, 2008

NAIROBI, Kenya—Clement Ibrahim Muhibitabo is one of the forgotten ones.

So is Ines Chine. So is Abdul Hamid Moosa.

Rwandan, Tunisian and South African citizens respectively, the three Africans are among the victims of one of the largest if most obscure rendition programs in the global war on terror: the mass arrest, deportation and secret imprisonment of some 100 people who fled an invasion of Somalia last year—a roundup that even included women and small children.

The snatch-and-jail operation was carried out by U.S. allies Kenya and Ethiopia but involved CIA and FBI interrogators, say European diplomats, human-rights groups and the program's many detainees.