Thank You JMA, I will be looking forward to the threads to the other videos.

I currently teach a class on Human Factors at the Infantry Officers Course in Quantico, VA. We base our classes mostly off of the works of Lt Col. Grossman as well as some articles that we have read. We constantly talk about the need for Officers to understand killing. They need to not only understand it but be capable of talking about it to their Marines. We also teach a follow on class called Human Factors II that deals with PTSD and combat stress. This class is based on personal experience and pulling some information from the Marine Corps reference publication.

I say all this to say that overall as a military community we do not discuss this enough. Like the podcasts talk about and it has been highlighted we often call it something different and fail to spend time understanding "killing."

I am very interested in learning more about this and developing a continuous dialogue about the topic. Thank You.

Has anyone every read the book mentioned in the podcast "An Intimate History of Killing"? Just wondering if it is a good read.