Quote Originally Posted by Jones_RE View Post
I think the alternative is a three team squad, which has twice the potential for suppression all other things being equal, or a two squad "section."
I think that the issue of adding more members to each team (which I favor) or adding more teams to the squad is separate issue from the one I was addressing. No matter how many men you have in your team/squad/section/gaggle or whatever, one thing remains constant somebody is shooting (base of fire element) and somebody is moving (maneuver element). At least that is my take and I am wondering what the alternative that is that Reeb seemed to be alluding to.

As for squad composition I like the idea of adding a man to each of the fire teams that we have now. That way there are three riflemen, an AR with LMG and the team leader with an M203. I just don't think that three maneuver elements are needed at the squad level. The squad leader for the squad in contact is going to be in the fight. He needs to be thinking about firing element and his maneuvering element (if he has one). He doesn't need to be worrying about a reserve or whatever the third maneuver element would be doing. The platoon leader should be more removed from the immediate fight and can therefore initiate more complex tactics which is why three maneuver elements is a good thing at the platoon level and not so good at the squad level. In my opinion anyway.