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Thread: Ukraine: non-military aspects (August 2014-December 2015)

  1. #381
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  2. #382
    Council Member mirhond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
    1. You have to bring evidence that this Dmitriy Ermolaev and author of the report D. Yu. Ermolaev is the same person. (although its quite probably)
    2. Even if it is true, this fact itself does not make your Ad Hominem argument less fallacious.
    Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.

  3. #383
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    1. IGCP has their own youtube channel. They are making their own films. Longest films are 20 something minutes long. In the end of movies there is title "coordinator of project" and name Dmitri Ermolaev.

    For example at 23.25

    How many "journalists" with the same name you can find in Moscow?

    2. Why SVR officer is making films and reports about Ukraine? Just hobby?

    3. Why you are promoting this kind of report and organisation?

  4. #384
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    Wow, mirhond, you made my day! This Ermolaev is really interesting man. From the first link you can find he is working for Rosvesty newspaper. Some googleing and take a look what this Rosvesty wrote just 2 days before green men (RF soldiers) appearance in Crimea. Rosvesty tells readers that Right sector intends to attack bordering Russian Federation districts. Dejavu with Hitler's behaviour before attacking Poland in 1939. Hitler orchestrated border incidents and II WW was started. This guy is pure provocator!

    Украинские националисты готовят поход на Россию
    Armenia Today [ 25.02.2014 | 17:37 ] Политика , В мире

    По информации «Riga.Rosvesty», «Правый сектор» планирует добиваться назначения своего лидера Дмитрия Яроша главой Службы безопасности Украины (СБУ). На этом посту Ярош предполагает сосредоточить свои усилия не только на подавлении любого инакомыслия на Востоке и Юго-востоке Украины, в Крыму, но и проводить с использованием подразделений СБУ в приграничных областях активную подрывную деятельность против России. Об этом отмечает "Riga.Rosvesty" (Латвия).

    По мнению Яроша, приоритетом «закордонной» деятельности СБУ под его руководством должна стать дестабилизация обстановки в Воронежской, Белгородской и Курской областях с дальнейшим их возможным отрывом от России. Ярош считает, что интересам развития Украины отвечает дезинтеграция России.

    Do you remember rumours in Crimea about Right sector coming to town in train? Those rumors appeared 26.02. What didn't arrive was Right sector, but RF armed forces were already there. Another provocation?

    Komsomolskaya Pravda spread the rumours also 25.02.14.
    Last edited by kaur; 08-15-2015 at 06:36 PM.

  5. #385
    Council Member mirhond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
    1. IGCP has their own youtube channel. They are making their own films. Longest films are 20 something minutes long. In the end of movies there is title "coordinator of project" and name Dmitri Ermolaev.

    How many "journalists" with the same name you can find in Moscow?

    2. Why SVR officer is making films and reports about Ukraine? Just hobby?

    3. Why you are promoting this kind of report and organisation?
    Here, read a pair of a kool stories about this guy:

    Каплю истории Мы не могли пройти мимо такой подозрительной «упертости» и проведя журналистское расследование, вот что выяснили. Как показывают факты, все началось с того, что некий господин, скрывающийся под псевдонимом Сергей Владимиров, а на самом деле Дмитрий Ермолаев (по его утверждению, сотрудник Внешней разведки РФ), был уволен из этой структуры «за любовь к правде и справедливости…» Тут же, почувствовав острую необходимость в деньгах и одновременно отвращение к физическому труду, Ермолаев решил монетизировать свои писательские навыки и обратился к ветеранам московской журналистики, имевшим права на виртуальную газету с исключительно брендовым названием — «Российские вести». Профессиональные журналисты, будучи людьми склонными к сентиментальности (особенно, после «третьей» не закусывая), решили приютить неудавшегося «Штирлица» и позволили ему писать от имени газеты. Старые рыцари пера и «орала» не подозревали, в какие непролазные джунгли лжи и предательства затянет их издание этот «баблосос». А он, не тратя времени даром, обратился к своему старому знакомому по прежней работе - Главному редактору

    Анализ публикаций показывает, что газета вбрасывает эксклюзивную информацию с целью повлиять на политическую ситуацию в Латвии. Например, в материале, рассказывающем о саммите НАТО в Риге, говорится о «неких источниках». Чуть ранее издание поместило обширное интервью Дмитрия Ермолаева с послом России в Латвии Виктором Калюжным (по неофициальным данным, во время работы в Латвии Ермолаев являлся доверенным лицом посла, непосредственно способствовашим контактам с транзитным бизнесом Латвии в целом и Вентспилса в частности.).В бытность свою третьим секретарём посольства Российской Федерации (2002-2005 г.г.) в Латвии Дмитрий Ермолаев (30) неоднократно бывал замечен за рулём пьяным, демонстративно игнорировал правила дорожного движения, неразборчиво вступал в связи с женщинами, угощал незнакомых людей алкоголем за свой счёт, а также пытался втереться в доверие к представителям латвийской банковской и транзитной элиты. Отметим, что с 30-х годов прошлого века позиция именно третьего секретаря посольства обычно резервировалась за КГБ.

    Ok, you beat me - this dude says he is a former SVR agent, ergo this is true, everybody knows Russian spies never lie. There is one good evidence he is real agent - he has Diplomatic academy education.

    2. Oh-so real "SVR officer" just doing his job, obviously.

    3. How my motives are relevant to the subject?

    ps. Your "SVR agent" - based argument is still fallacy. Do everyone a favor and find any non-fallacious arguments against IGCP reports.
    Yours, Captain Obvious.
    Last edited by mirhond; 08-17-2015 at 12:09 AM.
    Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.

  6. #386
    Council Member mirhond's Avatar
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    Break for a joke.

    Putin's goons around the world, according to the Ukrainian site "Злочинець" (Criminal)

    1. Marine Le Pen
    2. Aleksis Cipras
    3. Miloš Zeman
    7. Xi Jinping
    8. Valéry Giscard d’Éstaing
    9. Donald Trump
    10. Nicolas Sarkozy

    Most notorious enemies, traitors and terrorists are also present. Putin is absent, though. That's because his malevolence, cruelty, cunning and magic powers are so great that creators of the site didn't dare even to mention his dark eminence.
    Last edited by mirhond; 08-17-2015 at 12:36 AM.
    Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.

  7. #387
    Council Member mirhond's Avatar
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    OK. break is over.
    Mobilisation plan in Lvovskaya oblast' (Western Ukraine) accomplished by 47%, 11 000 draft dodgers are on the run.
    Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.

  8. #388
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    ps. Your "SVR agent" - based argument is still fallacy. Do everyone a favor and find any non-fallacious arguments against IGCP reports.
    Yours, Captain Obvious.
    Just 1 example for fallacy expert IGCP report says that OCSE saw terrible crimes in Donbas. OSCE says that they were not there.

    23#сентября стало известно об обнаружении ополченцами серии за-
    хоронений в#районе шахты №#22#«Коммунар» под Донецком. После об-
    следования одного из них судмедэксперты пришли к#заключению, что
    найденные в#нем люди, одетые в#гражданскую одежду, со связанными
    за спиной руками, были убиты выстрелами в#голову с#близкого расстоя-
    ния. Среди убитых#– женщина на девятом месяце беременности. Страш-
    ные находки зафиксировали и#представители ОБСЕ, которые прибыли
    к# местам массовых захоронений, провели осмотр захоронений. Опол-
    ченцами найдены и#другие захоронения, которые не были вскрыты 882
    Source for this is

    882 Массовые захоронения в# зоне АТО и# призрак расследования преступлений. URL: http://rian. Существует видео, снятое ополченцами непосред ственно при обнаружении захоронений на шахте «Коммунар». См.: «Видеодневники ополчен-
    ца Константина Трифонова. Часть 2». URL:Бо-
    лее позднее видео см.: К# захоронениям в# селе Нижняя Крынка мониторинговую миссию
    ОБСЕ привели сепаратисты. URL:
    Read this.

    Monday, August 17, 2015

    Murders and Gang Rapes: Moscow Spins OSCE Probe Into Ukraine 'Mass Graves'

    Russian state media are abuzz with accusations of murder and gang-rape levelled against government forces in eastern Ukraine by a purported Western monitor.

    The charges stem from Einars Graudins, a Latvian political activist who, according to Russian media reports, is part of a team of international monitors dispatched to eastern Ukraine by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

    The "OSCE expert" is also widely quoted as claiming that hundreds of bodies have been exhumed from mass graves in the Donetsk region.

    The problem is, Graudins has never worked for the OSCE.

    This Graudinsh happens to be also from Latvia, like Ermolaev's past.

    What Amnesty International says?

    The discovery of ‘mass graves’ in the Donetsk region
    On 23 September Russian media reported the discoveries of “mass graves” in Komunar and Nyzhnya Krynka, two adjacent villages in the Donetsk Region, which until two days previously, had been held by Kyiv-controlled forces. They described the discovery of women’s bodies with signs of torture and the body of a pregnant woman. Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, was reported later as saying that more than 400 bodies had been discovered in the graves in this area and calling for international investigations.
    An Amnesty International delegation visited the area on 26 September. The delegation found strong evidence implicating Kyiv-controlled forces in the extrajudicial executions of four men buried in two graves near the village of Komunar. Five further bodies buried in a single grave nearby were revealed to belong to separatist fighters. Amnesty International spoke to members of their unit who said they had been killed in the course of hostilities.
    “The reality behind Russian claims of ‘mass graves’ in Nyzhnya Krynka is grizzly enough. It points to extra-judicial killing of four local residents by either regular Ukrainian armed forces or volunteer battalions operating in the area. These must now be investigated thoroughly. But it also shows the extent to which accusations of abuses are being inflated, particularly by the Russian authorities, in the parallel propaganda war,” said John Dalhuisen.

    Graudinsh, Ermolaev, Rossiskie Vesti. mirhond, do you remember when Putin was elected back there was international wing for Narodny Front called International Rossiya. One moment there was split and Ermolaev left the organisation and established this body. Take a look who likes the stories

    Soviet legacy is alive! Falin, who was part of Soviet active measures apparatus was head of International Rossiya expert council.

    15 октября 2011 возглавил экспертный совет международного комитета международного движения «Интернациональная Россия».
    Last edited by kaur; 08-17-2015 at 03:36 PM.

  9. #389
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    Russian troops desert army over Ukraine conflict!!!

  10. #390
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    mirhond, one Russian spetzpropaganda (in English Psyops?) student tells about his studies and tricks. Suits to my example context.

    Вот например метод «гнилой селедки». Работает так. Подбирается ложное обвинение. Важно, чтобы оно было максимально грязным и скандальным. Хорошо работает, например, мелкое воровство, или, скажем, растление детей, или убийство, желательно из жадности.

    Цель «гнилой селедки» вовсе не в том, чтобы обвинение доказать. А в том, чтобы вызвать широкое, публичное обсуждение его… НЕсправедливости и НЕоправданности.

    Человеческая психика устроена так, что, как только обвинение становится предметом публичного обсуждения, неизбежно возникают его «сторонники» и «противники», «знатоки» и «эксперты», оголтелые «обвинители» и ярые «защитники» обвиняемого.

    Но вне зависимости от своих взглядов все участники дискуссии снова и снова произносят имя обвиняемого в связке с грязным и скандальным обвинением, втирая таким образом все больше «гнилой селедки» в его «одежду», пока наконец этот «запах» не начинает следовать за ним везде. А вопрос «убил-украл-совратил или все-таки нет» становится главным при упоминании его имени.

    Forgot the Falin's link. Take a look at the tasks
    Last edited by kaur; 08-17-2015 at 04:05 PM.

  11. #391
    Council Member mirhond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
    Just 1 example for fallacy expert IGCP report says that OCSE saw terrible crimes in Donbas. OSCE says that they were not there.
    Praise Allah, The Mercyful, now you understand how an argument works!

    So, you have discovered that 1 (one) piece of IGCP reports is exaggerated and looks more like sh!tstorm trigger. Anything else?

    Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
    mirhond, one Russian spetzpropaganda (in English Psyops?) student tells about his studies and tricks. Suits to my example context.
    I prefer not to be bothered with such trivial matter, you don't need to explain me "propaganda 101" here, really. You have a special thread for this.
    ps. You, a Novice in the Art of an Reasonable and Cogent Argument, please stay vigilant and don't waste your mental powers on irrelevant data, or you'll never become a Master of The Art !

    Quote Originally Posted by Dishonesty View Post
    Russian troops desert army over Ukraine conflict!!!
    "Troops deserted" is a quite strong definition in this case. I'd rather say "several soldiers" who don't like to risk their lives for some piece o'crap.
    Last edited by mirhond; 08-17-2015 at 04:28 PM.
    Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.

  12. #392
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    mirhond, I have spend enough valuable time today to make argument. You got it. Good. I have no time to go through the whole SVR guy's book. Like propaganda student said, this is the purpose to make us talk, talk and talk. I don't buy your offer

  13. #393
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    This comment by Stasi suits well to describe IGCP paper mirhond is promoting. It takes full time job to sort out truth, half-truth and fiction Russians are cooking somewhere in Moscow

    The East German Ministry for State Security, the security and
    intelligence service known as MfS or Stasi, played an important role in
    Soviet disinformation strategy. An official report to Minister Erich
    Mielke in 1969 explained, “One can select actual events, problems etc.
    using a mixture of truths, half-truths, fiction and other purposeful, well
    crafted interpretations which seem credible to the recipient and [thus]
    attain the desired impression.
    Exact knowledge of conditions within the
    particular government in the operational area is imperative. Absolutely
    necessary is thorough knowledge of western language use, as well as
    psychological, sensitive tactic in approach.”

    CEPI think tank makes a try.

    Ukrainian crisis: The most frequent myths and lies

    Disinformation, falsehoods and facts taken out of context thwart Czech and Slovak debates on the Ukrainian crisis and the Russian aggressive involvement. The public is exposed to unprecedented volume of propaganda distorting the truth, and having pathological effects on our societies and political systems.

  14. #394
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
    This comment by Stasi suits well to describe IGCP paper mirhond is promoting. It takes full time job to sort out truth, half-truth and fiction Russians are cooking somewhere in Moscow.
    Oh yes, data won't sort and analise itself.
    Thanks for the first paper - it's really useful.
    Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.

  15. #395
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    You are welcome! I doubt there is something new for hardened Moscow propaganda teams

  16. #396
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    Krymnash enthusiasts from Putin on down have offered such “a multitude of justifications for the seizure of Crimea” that is difficult to avoid the suspicion that many of them are simply being put out without much confidence that anyone will believe them

    But there are two claims, which continue to be offered as explanations for why Moscow had to act and which have to be examined:

    - that ethnic Russian residents in Crimea were threatened with a genocide and that if Moscow did nothing,

    - NATO would put bases in Crimea.

    Neither of these notions stands up, Popov says.

    Take a look what Hitler told 1939 about border incidents.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  17. #397
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    Indeed both Hitler and Stalin felt the urge to fabricate a farce to be able to 'shoot back', one in Gleiwitz, the other around Mainila.

    On 26 November 1939, a border incident was reported near the village of Mainila. A Soviet border guard post had been shelled by an unknown party resulting, according to Soviet reports, in the deaths of four and injuries of nine border guards. Research conducted by several Finnish and Russian historians later concluded that the shelling was carried out from the Soviet side of the border by an NKVD unit with the purpose of providing the Soviet Union with a casus belli and a pretext to withdraw from the non-aggression pact.[71][F 12]
    From good old Wikipedia.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said on 14 March 2013 at a meeting with military historians that Stalin launched the war to "correct mistakes" made in drawing the border with Finland after the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.[77]
    Sounds quite familiar....


    Rather fitting that his Russia gave us recently another homage to Stalin:

    Russian court has sentenced the Ukrainian film director Oleg Sentsov to 20 years in prison after a trial described by Amnesty International as “redolent of Stalinist-era show trials”.


    The trial was littered with irregularities: Sentsov said he had been tortured, while investigators dismissed the bruises on his body as being the result of a supposed penchant for sadomasochistic sex. The main prosecution witness recanted in the courtroom and said his evidence had been extorted under torture. He said no “acts of terrorism” were ever committed except for an arson incident in which nobody was injured and Sentsov denied involvement.
    I confess their defiance was rather touching as was their overall courage in face of it all.
    Last edited by Firn; 08-26-2015 at 08:53 PM.
    ... "We need officers capable of following systematically the path of logical argument to its conclusion, with disciplined intellect, strong in character and nerve to execute what the intellect dictates"

    General Ludwig Beck (1880-1944);
    Speech at the Kriegsakademie, 1935

  18. #398
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    Reading here Louis Budenz's book "Techniques of Communism" (1954), where former insider tells how Soviets use and abuse of minority groups. There is subsection "Communists and the Negro". This blacks in US lever reminds me very much how Kremlin is using Russians lever in neigbouring countries.

    There are two chief reasons why the Negro question is considered important for the conspiracy. First of all, it can be the occasion for the crating those"contradictions" or division within this country that would have serious consequenses if Communist propaganda were to prevail.

    The second leading reason for Communist interest in Negro is the effect that reports of discrimination in the USA can produce among the Asiatic and African peoples.
    Pemanent talk about discrimination fo Russian compatriots via Russian channels. Second point is classical Russian battle cry "наших бьют" in English our guys get beaten. This helps to rally Russians in other countries and in RF. Most of the times this is unproved, but emotional atmosphere is created.

    This leads us to the second reason for the Communist persistence in holding to the objective of a "Negro nation". A moment's thought will bring out the violence and turmoil that would follow any loud raising of this issue, particularly in times of crisis. If the Soviet Union in its scheme for world domination were to attack the United States by military means, it would be of great aid to the Soviet armed forces if civil warfare were to break out in the United States. If Negroes themselves did nothing about this demand for nationhood, but if the Communists would rise it in such a form as to cause narrow,inded whites to assail the Negroes physically, Soviet purpose would be well served. From the Kremlin's viewpoint, the Negro is expendable.
    Like Odessa tragedy, which was started by Russian provocators. In Crimea there were no Ukrainian nationalists, just rumors spread by Russia and local Russian agents.

    From Kremlin's viewpoint, the Russian compatriot is expendable.

    At least 1970 Andropov asked pemission to use Negros card in KGB operations.
    Last edited by kaur; 08-30-2015 at 05:01 PM.

  19. #399
    Council Member mirhond's Avatar
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    Usual day in the Ukr. army.

    bonus vid.
    Drive safely!

    Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
    Like Odessa tragedy, which was started by Russian provocators.
    Yeah, blame the victim, it always works.
    Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.

  20. #400
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    "Svoboda" party activist threw a grenade, killing three policemen, during radicals protest against "traitors in Rada" that happened yesterday.
    Last edited by mirhond; 09-02-2015 at 01:43 AM.
    Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.

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