
I appreciate where you are coming from, but 95% of your arguments/statements are the same as I have heard for keeping the infantry rifle platoons back in the dark ages and not forcing a higher standard of competence on to them.
As it is, in most Commonwealth Army's infantry has a far greater range of skills than any other arm. We undervalue the infantry and always have, and we fail to serve them well with equipment, training and doctrine.

I think we need "snipers"/Long Range Rifleman.
I think every platoon needs two. Selecting and training them, need to be re-thought in that regard.
I also think Platoons should train towards a predominantly dismounted reconnaissance and surveillance role. Do that well, all else follows.
I think all Infantrymen, should have "Ghilles" - in the right terrain.

The arguments about optics/sensors and comms were true, 20 years ago. Today, every fire team can have a data capable PRC-148, spotting scopes, and Thermal Imagers. Having said that, I served in a Close Reconnaissance Platoon in the early 1980's with little in the way of specialised equipment.

The ultimate consequence of wholly Recon and Sniper thought, is you end up pulling good man power from the Rifle Platoons. Rifle Platoons are the critical element. Rifle Platoons literally win wars. That is where the main effort of training and resources needs to go.