Quote Originally Posted by Rank amateur View Post
That's the message. If you join Al Qeada, you'll blow up Muslims. The message is already working. We just need to help spread it.
I agree with this statement; however, convincing them not to kill the "near enemy" is only half the battle. We then need to convince them not to kill the "far enemy". If I remember correctly, this is the split that UBL had with Azzam. UBL was willing to take the fight to his fellow Muslims and Azzam was not. Azzam was only willing to fight non-Muslims, and UBL had him killed for his different point of view, at least this is the speculation.

The bottom line is that we need to continue, as you suggest, to convince them to stop killing fellow Muslims, and this will help us in Iraq. However, we still have that global Islamic insurgency to deal with, which will require the same kind of IO campaign that we are seeing in Iraq!