As part of the G7 meeting the US, France and Germany leaders indicated they would implement harder sanctions if Russia does not rein itself in and things get far more serous on the fighting front.

Seems that Putin did not get that message--------

We are now at that moment in historical times when these three countries verbally committed to do something NOW have to do something or forever hold their comments and allow Russian hegemony control over all of Europe.

The average shellings and ground attacks had been holding over the last week in the 60 to 65 a day range--which was the average BEFORE Minsk 2.

Yesterday the number of attacks shot up to 109 and it appears a Russian troop and her mercenaries are seconds away from an eminent general ground offensive.

SO where is that loudly proclaimed G7 statement for more serious and harder sanctions if the fighting does not subside and gets worse.

IT is worse now and YET--silence is what we hear from Obama, Hollande and Merkel.

For whole of yesterday, Rus forces attacked UKR positions & residential areas 109 times. Twice used GRAD MLRS – ATO

Y-day militants fired at Ukr positions 109 times - record in recent months. Hottest situation stands near #Donetsk

Due to reports, militants launched new major offensive on Mariinka, west to Donetsk