Man, if I lived in Portland I'd be dropping some serious coin at Powell's.

A few that have stood out to me in the last few years:

The Long Tail by Chris Anderson
Global Brain by Howard Bloom
Terror at Beslan by John Giduck
The Fourth Turning by Strauss & Howe
The Medici Effect by Frans Johansson
Predictably Irrational by Daniel Ariely
The Science of Fear by Daniel Gardner
Denialism by Michael Specter
The Management Myth by Matthew Stewart
The Big Short by Michael Lewis
The Black Swan and Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The math in The Black Swan gave me a headache, but you'll probably be right at home with it. If you're looking for some good non-fiction that's a bit off the above topics I'd highly recommend Tim Egan's The Worst Hard Time or The Big Burn. Egan's a great story teller.