The one gross similiarity with RVN and Iraq is the fact the adjacent countries harbored the "bad guys". While no real TET offensive of the magnitude seen in February of 1968 s expected, cross border "bad guys" will move into Iraq and continue to tie down and "bleed" American troops. That said, Iran and our other implied adversaries (Russia & China) are making themselves stronger both in military and political terms.

But, for the ordinary Iraqi, TET is sometimes a daily event. Because of the elections and other international headlines of late, the average Iraqi continues to suffer...for him or her, TET is an everyday instance.

The US mil is now dependent of Iraqi sources for "news" and civilian KIA's. The Iraqi's know that "bad news" is likey to quicken the the withdrawl of American troops. That said, the Iraqi's with US oversight are restricting what "news" of local KIA's are validated and provided international media.

The Iraqi's are bleeding the United States..both in military terms and expense now estimated to be in the multi-billions, yet the Iraqi government has some 70 billion in US banks. IS THERE SOMETHING WROING WITH THIS FACT..?

Keeping US troops in Iraq deminishes our ability to respond to other confrontrations..Iran, China and Russia know this and therefore, as mentioned, will do all they can both individually and collective to keep America tied down in Iraq.

And, let us not forget about our "democratic" Arab friends in Saudi Arabia and Jordan...not to mention Baathist Syria. These countries benefit from our presence in Iraq for many reasons..the most being to offset Shia influence in the region.

The Saudi's..another beacon of democracy in the Middle East would rather have American blood in the Iraqi sand than Saudi blood.

In short, a political mess!