Maybe it's because Wilf stopped posting, maybe for other reasons; I seem to sense that the craze about how killing leaders supposedly wins wars is largely over?

Here are two articles that should be relevant for those who are still infected with that nasty fever:

Killing Drug Cartel Bosses Isn’t Working, Says Top U.S. General

The decapitation strategy — they’ve been successful at that. Twenty-two out of the top 37 trafficking figures that the Mexican government has gone after have been taken off the board,” Gen. Charles Jacoby, commander of U.S. Northern Command, said during testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday. Then, a caveat: “But it has not had an appreciable effect — an appreciable, positive effect.

How to get rid of Konys

It is no coincidence that there is a civil war in northern Uganda nor that Kony is still on the loose. There are good reasons for the conflict and once you recognize that, then an implication is that just killing Kony will not solve the problem, there will be many other potential Konys.
same link also with reference to Colombia:

The long standing leader Tirofijo died of natural causes in May 2008 before he could be eliminated and just two months earlier FARC’s spokesman and Secretariat member Raúl Reyes was killed by the government in Ecuador. Yet the deaths of Tirofijo and Reyes led not to peace but another bad guy leader Alfonso Cano who was killed by the government and their high tech equipment in November 2011. But now there is just another bad guy leading the FARC by the name of Timochenko. Maybe the problem in Colombia is not just bad guys, and the solution to the civil war is not simply the elimination of bad guys but a resolution of the political and economic problems that create the war.

I'm beginning to feel like an old man, given the pace at which military theory BS pops up and goes down while I sit through it.
It's probably a symptom of our gross cluelessness about actual warfare. After all, we had only ####ty small war experiences for two generations, observed some not really telling wars between distant countries and had no great war for two generations.
A lot of mil theory BS popped up and was debated seriously back when this was an accurate description for the last time; prior to 1914.