Quote Originally Posted by LawVol View Post
I'm in a master's program at AMU (National Security) and my program does not have a thesis. If you prefer a thesis, many programs have that option; you simply substitute the thesis for an elective course. In place of a thesis, my program has a final exam. Unfortunately, I have no information on that as I am only about half way through the program.

The papers due at the end of the courses I have taken generally range from 12-16 pages, certainly not in the neighborhood of a thesis. However, nearly all of my assignments have involved writing so be prepared.

Ski is absolutely correct. Expect alot of reading. I have also not had a test yet. Good Luck!
Hello LawVol,

I recently enrolled into the National Security Master program at APU (July 2008), can you provide me with any insight as to pros/cons, preferred instructors, etc?

What is your opinion of the National Security major as a whole so far? I would like to complete the program in one year, is that possible while working full-time?

I'm an Investigator (former Fed), and was thinking of returning to the Fed Gov't in some sort of security-related occupation so I'm hoping this degree might help, plus I'm very interested in the curriculum.

Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.........