This is a big deal being made about something completely irrelevant. We've got a Pizza Hut booth and a Dairy Queen booth here and I've never seen more than 2-3 people in line at either. I do agree that this stuff is irrelevent to the war effort, but are we really flying in Burger King resupply on C-17s? Instead of ammo or Soldiers? The worst was the artilce in Stars & Stripes recently that had the gall to say it should all be pulled because it wasn't fair that some Soldiers didn't have access to it. Since when has the military been about being fair?

This is an easy thing to complain about: sure Troops are getting soft and fat of Big Macs and we don't need this stuff to fight. But the guys in WWII didn't get 15 days of non-chargeable leave during their 9 month deployment. Or laundry service. How about we bring back the old WWII-style deployments "until it's over over there?" Get rid of the internet? We can just write letters, then there are less OPSEC violations, too.

Times change, wars change and amenities change. How about we get rid of the military folk who don't leave the FOBs? That would save on water and electricity and make room for more ammo, too. We've got President Karzai launching all sorts of inflammatory talk as we move into the traditional fighting season and we're focused on frappes. I'm new to being deployed (7 weeks into my first deployment) but shouldn't the focus be, well, elsewhere?

Just my 2 Afghanis.
