Quote Originally Posted by Azor View Post
I notice that you have completely avoided my comments on Ukrainian ethnicity and nationalism...

Are you out to lunch? Poland has six times Ukraine's GDP per capita PPP and almost double ita GDP growth.

Ukraine was a corrupt society under Yanukovych, Yuschenko, Yanukovych again and now Poroshenko, the latter being in the early stages of combating Ukraine's endemic corruption on both sides of the Dnieper.

Ukraine wants to join the EU to follow in Poland's footsteps, get subsidies from the wealthier countries (uncertain with the UK's departure) and have access to job opportunities and social benefits for its citizens in other countries. We'll see how long the pro-Western sentiment lasts when Brussels no longer has deep pockets...
"Out to lunch" another strange comment from you as is normal....

Appears you have not been in Poland in the last few days...entire areas where the unemployment is over 23% forcing many of the men to become truck drivers to feed their families..if you drive say the A12 98% of all truckers and long haulers are privately owned and Polish..gas/diesel used to be really cheap on the border but now is only a few cents less that German prices....the overall cost of living has risen massively just on the last six months and if you live in around Warsaw..you are paying London apartment costs.....a lot of their problems were swept under the rug because they did not join the Euro but lately under the new government they have lost control of the currency and now their living costs are now matching Euro living costs in say Berlin...Berliners would drive on the weekends to shop for food and clothing as the Polish prices were cheap when compared to Euro prices...that consumer tourism is now completely dead....

Not so sure you have been following the Ukrainian economy as close as you should be..even and that is strange the IMF is surprised by the actual strengthening economy and the next boost will be with the coming large scale land reform which will open up the farming sector to become a massive food engine on the grain side rivalling the US.

So out to lunch...check your economic figures for the last six months and then compare it to those of say Ukraine 2013 or even say 1998...

Corruption has been the hallmark of all former Soviet countries as it is the exact way the SU and now Russia has held them captive...money and tons of it to corrupt leaders..or why do you think Maidan occurred...