I wish the Iranians all the best. Indeed, I wish them a quick removal of that fascistoid regime that's terrorising even itself (as absurd and amazing at it might sound, but that's the simple truth about the Khamenei, IRGC and the entire gang of cliques there).

However, and I'm very sorry to say it: I do not see how should their protesting ever work?

The regime is so deeply embedded in the society, and having such a firm grip of the economy and security, nothing else but a civil war might ever work.

Indeed, 'this time' it's the very core basis of the IRGC's regime that's protesting. Contrary to what various of Shah-wannabes abroad are trying toe explain, it's masses of poor Iranians. Not the educated elite, nor anybody else, but the poorest between the poorest. Just like in Syria of 2011.

With other words: in 'best case scenario', this is going to be 'just another Syria of 2011' (even much of 2012).

Perhaps even worse than that: the last six years, the Mullah regime has been taught (by the West), that it can apply any kind of terror, any kind of weapons upon its own population (and that of several neighbouring countries) - and absolutely nothing is going to happen to it.

On the contrary: Airbus and Boeing are going to continue selling it airliners.