
I am no position to vouch on the accuracy of this website, but it appears to be an open source site for criminals, one that could put undercover police officers, their sources, and others at grave risk. Talk about background checks! It appears once you register, you can post any information you have, which means if you want to get someone knocked off you may be able to faslely accuse him of being a rat (both pro's and con's to this approach when you think about disrupting networks by sowing distrust).

There is no reason that AQ and other insurgent groups can't use this methodology.

Slapout what are your brothers in arms in LE saying about this site? Is it B.S.? If it isn't, why can't the government shut it down?

I found this link on U.S. best websites (and worst), so it now should be fairly well known. I couldn't believe it, call me a dinasour, but I still can't believe it.
