Sam - Tank and I were,... well talking about the optics in another regard, but - they are some outstanding optics. Being able to put a missile out to say 4(+) Kms then (who knows how far now) requires some really good optics.

Now these optics are also a superb surveillance device. Having the communcations between the MGS platoon and Infantry platoons allowed us some advantages in this respect. Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and Sailors are all pretty good at figuring out how to get more out of their equipment - beyond its designed purpose. Thermal devices in general are now pretty prolific at the tactical level - the Javelin sights, the small arms TWS sights, etc. If you know the capabilities and limitations, and can combine them with higher's assets you can come up with a pretty good R&S plan that allows you to get out in front of the enemy - catch him when he thinks nobody is looking.

Retaining a TOW Company at the SBCT level also provides a good round out capability for the 06 CDR - and makes the SBCT a more capable force. TOW has come a long way (so has Javelin) - but TOW is still wire guided.

Best, Rob