Quote Originally Posted by M-A Lagrange View Post
I hate to say it and to admit it but Buffer zone, as humanitarian corridors in Yugoslavia are killing fields. Especially under UN protection.
UN troops are not commited and willing to do anything, they are too politicised to actually just do their job.
Yes indeed M-A and herein lies the problem. This inability to keep the peace in situations when the peace (or ceasefire) is really threatened makes such a UN interventions laughable.

For this and other reasons it is why I advocate as early and violent an intervention as possible once the culprit and his key supporters are identified beyond doubt to ensure they are "neutralised" swiftly and effectively.

In a previous article, someone suggested that private contractors could do the work. Unfortunately I had to respond it would not be possible because of national pride and soverainty.
And that's the problem. When you ask a chiwawa to do a bulldog job: you end up with a bloody mess.
There is certainly potential for the use of private contractors but I would suggest that this type of intervention should be limited to short duration exercises as such organisations would have serious problems maintaining discipline, among what would primarily be mercenaries, in the medium term.