I started to reply to a series of post on this thread when I realized that we're possibly being myopic about this discussion. The military bureaucracy is not on the same page as the soldier in the field. The squad and platoon are the tip of the spear. Why can't we develope a weapon or weapon systems that will best suit our troops and their mission. What's wrong with the military procurement system? I think the relatively micro managed war in Iraq and to a lesser sense, Afganistan, has lulled us into a sense of complacency. From what I hear from most of the returning Vets is that they feel that they were as much policemen as soldiers. Even in Afganistan, conflicts are sharp quick and sanitized. Are all future wars going to be like this?

So I propose that we change things a little bit here and actually come up with systems that we would really want our virtual squads and platoons to field. What existing systems that would best suit our troops is an important discussion. But like Wilt mentioning the Milkor M32 and M40 multiple round GL launchers, what other weapon systems would be optimum to give the best bang for the buck or just the best bang?

I'll start with a few questions and hope I can get a few answers.

First, the United States has millions of M16's ver A2 - A4. Is it worth scapping all these weapons for a new system and/or caliber cartridge? Should we keep our investment in the M16/M4 system and modify the upper reciever and barrel to optimize for the optimum 5.56 NATO round. Should we just say that there is no reason to change anything and just accept the status quo.

Should we develop an effective IAR and through that develope a SDM. Should we scrap the SAW or use it for special missions. The Saw seems to suffer from not only being fragile but it's a maintenance hog. However, if we create a IAR and SDM program to its extremes, should it be the same cartridge as the rest of the squad? It would ease supply issues if and when we fight a war that isn't as supply intensive as the ones we're fighting now.

What should be the extra weapons systems and how should they be depolyed? Wilt is a fan of the multiple warhead type M72 PI And I still like and trust the ancient RPG7v2-3. Is there something else that would work better. Should we scrap the AT4, the SMAW and the Javelin for something new or should we better deploy them?

I quess what I'm really asking is what should the "real" 21st century soldier be like? And I would like to extend it beyond the Iraq/Afganistan and think out side the box for many people I deal with are concerned that things maybe developing that are much larger than what we'ew involved in now.

One last example, The F22 program is in trouble and without it, we are using decades old technolgy. There is also a question that the F22 may not be the equal of the S 37. Do we cut the program to save money that could be used other places? Do we bite the bullet and order more F22 to replace our aging fighter aircraft? Or do we see if a better fighter can be built? This has nothing to do with SWC infantry squad and platoon weapons. I've just used this as an example of what I would like for us to do if possible.

Thank all of you for humoring me.