Cav Guy, I'm not entirely sure what NIPR net is. I understand the SIPRnet is secure. But let me talk about something really unclas and unofficial - this site and my email ( Generally, if I don't want something spread widely, I use my email account. It is relatively secure - not completely - but relatively so. If I want to discuss it more widely, I would do so here - knowing that I risk some bad guys having access but recognizing that not everybody monitors this site. If I want to carry on a discussion here more privately I go PM. There is also and always snail mail and the telephone. Bottom line, I think, is the uncommon qualities of common sense and good judgment.

Sam, FOUO is NOT a classification but a protective marking. So, your doc has not been classified at all. Here are a couple of suggestions depending on how much you want to screw with the system:
1. Ask the guy you were helping out to email you a copy - after all it's yours.
2. Take your original (or recreate it if you must), put your name on it, and post it to your blog along with the story.
3. Contact the agency that made it FOUO and threaten to sue them for violation of copyright - which exists even if you never registered it, as I'm sure you know.

Let us know how it all comes out.

