
Here an excellently-prepared, really 'authoritative' Complete and Growing List of Vetted Groups of Syrian insurgents that either already have, or are about to get US military aid.
Why do you believe this Marxist propaganda site is authoritative? This looks like little more than propaganda directed against English speaking nations to gain support for different resistance movements, that by the way embrace a Marxist ideology. All photos of the Syrians throughout the articles show them holding up signs in English (target audience), and holding up drawings of President Obama.

There is nothing authoritative about this site. That doesn't mean everything in it is inaccurate, or that any of it is inaccurate, but it is clearly intended as propaganda. It also tells a story that agrees with your view, so obviously you embrace it. That is a human tendency we all embrace, and have to consciously fight to get closer to objective and further from subjective.

Your authoritative site is in George Sabra's name, a noted Syrian communist who is now the head of the Syrian National Council (SNC). Clearly an a non bias source that wouldn't twist the facts to achieve a political objective.

Who are the real puppet masters in Syria? Here is one view

Turkey and Qatar have been vocal supporters of the Syrian opposition and have been heavily engaged in efforts to coordinate the fragmented Sunni-majority Syrian rebels. The two states contributed jointly to the formation of the Syrian opposition’s civilian wing, the Syrian National Council, and its military wing, the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

Both countries have also been criticized for supporting the al-Nusra Front, the majority of whose militants later joined the ranks of ISIL.

The Qatar-Turkey line has occasionally deviated from the U.S.-Saudi approach in restructuring the opposition like the Syrian National Coalition and FSA into the Higher Military Council.
Nonetheless, the propaganda is well done. Give every organization a Facebook page, a flag, and a few photos to create the illusion of a real army in being.

War has always been propagandized with half-truths and lies, the only difference now is that it has exponentially increased with the web and social media.