Amidst all the issues we look at here I know the odd comment is made on expatriate communities in "new" states, e.g. Russian speakers in the baltic States; the conflicts which can occur when communal tensions explode i.e. Bosnia and Georgia. Plus immigration and related issues e.g. Muslim populations in Western Europe. The emergency evacuations of the 'international community' over the beach examples Beirut and Liberia and at airfields e.g. missionaries plus from Rwanda.

Decades ago it was called 'kith & kin'; e.g. notably in Rhodesian UDI in 1965 and whether the UK could / would use military force.

Have we thought about the sizeable populations from Western countries living abroad? Particularly in countries that could quickly or slowly become 'Chaos Country'.

I can recall the small, mainly US medical student presence in Grenada being used to justify or re-inforce US military intervention.

The catalyst for this was finding a Canadian paper on 2.8m nationals living abroad, equivalent to 8% of the population and larger than some provinces: Part of a larger website:

Time to stop.
