That last part needs a lot of work, but I started to write it to answer Slap's questions about the Marines in the Frontline A'stan video. There are other ways to do business.

Slap asked:

"Don't know if this can be answered but has anyone ever tried surrounding the village and watching it for several days before they go patrolling through it?"

"Where is the Afghan Political Cadre that would follow the village elders everywhere they go 24/7? I say forget all this doctrine stuff......fight like a Guerrilla. Where is the Afghan Revolution? Where is the PSYOP Radio stations that should be broadcasting White Propaganda through the radios you handed out. Where is the Afghan Puff Daddy and The Real Slim Shady? You goota have some MoJo going on or ain't nobody gonna follow you anywhere"

The story I'm going to tell is an unheard of tale of decentralized operations during the Surge- Little Groups of Paratroopers using our Mojo to breakthrough.
