Dave & others,

A lot depends on who the users are. If it is staff college students I assume they have other places to start, i.e. help from a professional librarian and directing staff. SWJ Library maybe an add-on for them. For those outside such places SWJ LIbrary is one of many places to check.

Who else needs a library? SWC members as they look around for resources.

The COIN Library I have visited before and today looked at areas where I have some pre-reading: Northern Ireland, Rhodesia, Algeria and Namibia. The library offers very little, a fraction of the books Jon Custis and I have found on Rhodesia for example. Little on Algeria (not surprising as most is in French) and nothng on Namibia - even in the South Africa (apartheid) section.

Is an improved SWJ Library value for effort? Let alone cash.
