He's to the point, and most of it rings true to me, although I have not seen the inner bureau side enough to be able to say one way or another. It fits the analysis of Soviet deficiencies well. I will say that from what I've seen the "boots on the ground" of our CIA are quite weak even now. Shot through with political correctness and using simplistic methodologies "out of the book". But basically, I think he's right and it goes wider than that to the public at large and the weird conversation that sometimes goes on there.

I honestly think that this discussion, JeffC, is a symptom of the problems. Why go to all that trouble simulating what you don't know instead of go out and see the real thing? Some journalists do it, even get to Quetta from time to time. (Though none I know of personally recently.) Is the reluctance because it's dangerous? I'm trying to wrap my mind around where you're coming from.