Would the Army compassionately reassign Joe if he was expecting to ETS and play pro football, but one day from release, he was stop lossed? Would they give him a cushy coaching job? The stop lossed Soldiers I know, were sent to Iraq for a year (and though they were not NFL caliber, they were awesome people).

I joined ROTC my sophomore year, and took the oath right before i left for ROTC basic camp that summer. When I passed the camp, I was told that I could still quit, but if I showed up to ROTC, I was obligated from that point on, and to get out of it, would take a pretty damn good reason, and repayment of my scholarship. That was 2001-2002. LT Campbell entered USMA after 2001, knowing we were at war. He took the oath, and if he knew he would be happier playing football, he should have transferred. The reaction of every officer I've talked to about this topic was disgust, and no pity. I can understand he is disappointed in not going to the NFL, but there are worse fates in life. He is not dead, wounded, or scarred. He's not even going overseas anytime soon. He should be going to Fort Bliss or Fort Sill for ADA Basic Course, but will he even do that if he is coaching?

Bad policy on the Army, but bad on him for taking the free ride, then using a loophole to try and sit out the war, and maybe ride the pine.

Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
With a caveat that in this case someone may just be trying to assuage a bitter pill as the Army offered to let him go in good faith and got overruled, ergo they'll try to make up for that to an extent. If that's the case, I'd say laudable bur not too smart. All things considered, it's a policy that should logically on a popular consumption basis have been suspended for the duration and this is not a great response by the Army to the DoD edict IMO. YMMV.