I have a couple more I remember that I'm trying to relocate.

In the meantime, your RFI raises political questions as well, since there are significant disputes on where exactly the border is. Additionally, the Afghan government isn't too crazy about closing the border. This was Karzai's reaction to an announcement that Pakistan intended to build a fence and mine part of the border (From the 29Dec06 edition of the NYT):

President Hamid Karzai voiced strong opposition on Thursday to Pakistan's announcement that it would lay mines and erect fences along its border with Afghanistan. He said the moves would only hurt the people living in the region and would not stem cross-border terrorism.

''Thousands and thousands and thousands of people have been maimed and killed by mines,'' Mr. Karzai said in comments to journalists at the Presidential Palace, ''and we are strongly against this idea. We are politically against it, and in humanitarian terms we are against it.

''Mines will not prevent terrorism crossing the border into Afghanistan, or militants who come and kill our people. Laying mines or fencing the border will only separate people and families from each other. Rather than helping, it will cause people difficulty in movement in trade and meeting each other.''
Karzai's comments on mines are understandable, but the Afghans and Pakistanis have clashed over the placement of Pakistani fences as well.

All in all, a very tough nut.