Hello all. My name is Chip Colbert, I'm also a part of GEN Dempsey's planning group, and I'm here at TSLC along with Jason and Bill.

Today's topic is focused on the discussion Bill mentioned the other day about our Profession of Arms. As I sat in on the discussion this morning, a fairly difficult question came to mind. Before I pose the question I need to provide some background and context.

We had the opportunity to listen to several great speakers this morning - to include GEN (R) Sullivan and GEN (R) Franks. Dr. Don Snider spent a good deal of time talking about a recently released white paper on the profession of arms and a forthcoming Soldiers' handbook called Army: Profession of Arms. Dr. Snider defined a profession as a social organization for doing expert work. If the Army is truly a profession, how do we define what constitutes our expert work and knowledge? The expert work is land combat and the White Paper and the Soldiers' handbook state our expert knowledge can be grouped into four fields: Military-technical, Moral-ethical, Political-cultural, and Human Development. #Of those four fields, Dr. Snider made the point, which I completely agree with, that the Human Development field is the most important for the success of our force - both current and future.

OK, so here comes the question. Our Army is faced with the dual challenge of winning our current wars while simultaneously preparing for future armed conflict. #Due to the past nine years of war, we've obviously and necessarily placed a great deal of emphasis and priority on tactical and operational assignments and experience - or to use this lexicon, the military-technical field of knowledge. Accordingly, I think we've devalued our professional military education system, ACS opportunities, and other broadening experiences that take people out of the fight - the Human Development field.

I'm not saying this is wrong because we obviously have to do this in order to ensure we prevail in today's fights. #The question I'm struggling with is how do we restore some balance between the two? #How do we ensure proficiency in the Military-Technical field while simultaneously prioritizing the Human Development field to continue developing our leaders for tomorrow's fight(s)?

Interested in people's comments and feedback. # # # # # # ##