Here are the most recent documents RE the Diamond side of the case:

FYI Earlier in the thread someone mentioned that Egyptians don't identify themselves with tribes. Boy is that true. They don't even see themselves as Arabs but as Egyptians. Arabs are people from the desert or the Gulf in their view and parlance.

I have been in Egypt at least 30 times the past 10 years and am working on finishing a book on the true story of the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990, Oct 31 1999. If you recall its the fatal accident off the Atlantic coast of the US where the first officer was accused by NTSB of downing the plane while committing suicide.

BTW We have two more investigations that expose Diamond's errors (fabrications?) forthcoming soon. One involves his famed book Guns, Germs and Steel and the second one is about another indigenous Papua New Guinea tribesman who worked for Diamond and his tribe that Diamond accused in multiple publications of having conducted systematic "genocide" for revenge.

Finally, Mike and Steve, it's no mystery IMO what studies have credibility. There are signposts like transparency of method and providing clear sources and documentation. For example, we not only have photos of Isum walking around (that Diamond falsely reported was paralyzed in a wheelchair for 11 years, "cut" in his spine from Wemp's assassins' arrow), we also have hospital records and XRays that verify his medical history and the dates.

New Yorker's fact checking method, as they admit in multiple places, involved speaking to no witnesses or named indigenous people. The editor said "in this case we consulted a large number of experts in the various fields the material touches on.” In other words, no specific facts were checked... with the people in the article accused of crimes, police, govt agencies, NGOs, missionaries, maps, oil companies or the one expert who is widely known in the field on the specific area of Papua New Guinea, Paul Sillitoe, who even knows Wemp, Isum etc.

We checked with ALL of the aforementioned and have published much, but not all, of this information on