There is no place for COD in today's military. Teaching and conducting it only enforces first generation infantry tactics plain and simple. COD promotes the concept of "strengh in numbers" and the only way to have it is by have the troops all lined up to look pretty and go over the top in WW I trenches.

We are pushing for the Strategic Corporal, Distributed Operations, COIN, LIC, DIME or whatever today's neat acronym is while we cognitively pass on to the junior leaders that good military leadership is founded in marching the troops in squares.

Why bother with language, culture, tactics, techniques, and proceedures when all no need to do is stand in formation. COD, spit shined boots, pressed out cammies are like a good coat of paint being applied to rusted metal. It looks nice but the foundation will crumble at the most unopportune moment.