Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
Wouldn't surprise me at all. This whole thing is about chasing ghosts, nobody seems to know anything for sure. That is why we should stick with the backrounds of all the people involved, the hardware answers just don't seem to be working out.
True enough, though if anything really interesting or suspect has been found out about any of the people, it has yet to be revealed... which is of course not surprising.

Quote Originally Posted by TheCurmudgeon View Post
I keep coming back to what I term my "worst case scenario" - that the plane was stolen (and all aboard who were not in on the plan, killed) in order to use it to fly something big and nasty into the US. The saving grace seems to be that, from what I can tell, even if fully refueled, it could not make it to the US from, lets say, Pakistan. (Sorry to everyone in London, I am pretty sure it could reach you.)
I just can't see how you'd get it to Pakistan, or any similar place. To fly it to Pakistan you'd have to cross India and/or China, and how do you do that without triggering some kind of alert? Given the combination of having to fly through heavily watched airspace, finding a place to land, refuel, and take off again undetected... it just doesn't come off as very probable, at least not without active complicity from one or more governments..

If I had to guess, I'd guess somebody had a plan, and it failed catastrophically, leading to the plane cruising off over and eventually into the ocean. It would not be a guess with a very high confidence level, but at this point none of them have a very high confidence level.