there (must be ?) (should be ?) more meat.

1. His real estate holdings (much cited in initial articles) seem to be family, at least in part:

Estonia's spy scandal hits relatives of Herman Simm
Toomas Hõbemägi
17.10.2008 09:32
Several properties that belong to the alleged spy Herman Simm and were seized by the prosecutor were co-owned by his relatives.
According to the real estate registry, Simms own seven properties including large land holdings in Raplamaa, Suure-Jaani, Ida-Virumaa, Saue, Padise and Pärnu. Among others, the prosecutor seized his 500 square metre apartment near Tallinn.

For instance Paul and Martin Künnap, the sons of his stepsister, are co-owning three properties with Simm. The three own 100 hectares of agricultural land in Viljandimaa that historically belonged to Herman Simm’s father and were returned to Simm.

Paul Künnap said that they have been taking steps to divide the properties. “This process has now stopped because of the seizure of properties.”

2. As to the money, the English language article is too laconic - here

As I glean Estonian (which ain't much), the key parts to the money story are here:

Päevalehe andmetel sai Herman Simm võõrriigile edastatud salajase teabe eest 1000 eurot ehk 15 600 krooni kuus, mis teeb pisut alla 200 000 krooni aastas.
Palk oli suurem

18 000 krooni kuus

teenis Herman Simm viimati kaitseministeeriumis. Sellele lisandus politseipension.

50 000 krooni kuus

teenis Simmide perekond ametlikult kokku.
So, eminent translator of things Estonian and Lingala, traduction, s.v.p.

Odd that he would have admitted to the espionage as some stories have said. Wonder if that is true ?