Graphei, Marct

I will try to respond but I am absolutly not a religion speciallist. My field being politic and conflict/humanitarism.

In Liberia, the main influences are the secret societies. You have 2 secret societies imaginaries/sincretism/paradigm that met/clash and finally mixed in Liberia.
1) the leopard secret societies. With all the initiation or the adolescent going in the bush for a month to be taught the secrets of the tribe and some being chosen to become sorcerer but also to be part of secret societies. Also, during that time the individuals are no more human and some may die, eaten by the Devil of the Bush. Do not know what it recovers in reality. Ellis assumption is that it is a ritual practice of cannibalism (they eat the dead bodies) controled by being done out of the humanity environment. (the Devil of the Bush and the Bush Schools).

2) the francmacon imported from the US.

I think that the 2 found a sort of negative match in each others as secret societies are not really secret in West Africa and the Francs macon neither in US. (It's completely different in Europe).

Concerning the Hollywood/Pulp influence. It's my personal impression and analyse of what I saw and heard when I was there.
The fighters were high and listening Reagge, watching Rambo and Schwarzeneger movies. For them there was no difference between their reallity and a movie. A movie was scenes and stories filmed live with real people.
One of the blockbuster of all times in Liberia was the snuff movie of Samuel Doe (the former dictator in the 80) tortured by Prince Johnson (A Taylor lieutnant). All filmed by a PLO cameraman... It's basically a remake "live" of Scarphace. All what they want are the Swiss Bank Accounts details.
On the other hand, Taylor is a pure product of USA. Ha has a MAB but was caught dealing drugs, freed by CIA, trained in Lybia...
The urban youth were dreaming of "Boys in the Hood". They were listening Gangsta rap... Compare to their daily struggle to survive, this was paradise.

Both sides did construct their imaginary on "made in USA" cheap cultural products.