Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
There was a time when a Cop witnessing a double flash to oncoming traffic would pull you over and harass you just for grins. Haven't seen that happen in the least 30-40 years.
That's another aspect of it that I've been curious about. When the signal is so easy to relay, it increases that chances that people will send it. By relaying the signal for the criminal, the signaler creates a closer bond with the criminal than with the police officer. When kids in Iraq alert an IED emplacer of an oncoming IA patrol or they act as the spotters for an ambush, they are suddenly part of the team. I don't know what to do about it, but it seems like a self-reinforcing activity.

For my part, whenever someone flashes their headlights at me, I flip the person off. Aside from the fact that I don't speed to begin with, my hope is that the person will get annoyed that, "geez, try to help a guy out and he flips you off - I'm not doing that again." I don't understand why people in this country find it so acceptable to help others break the law.