Quote Originally Posted by KingJaja View Post
Congo DRC needs to be shaken up. The people of Congo have had a raw deal since King Leopold and the Force Publique, they lack the internal capacity to reform themselves and no one in Africa (Nigeria included), has the resources or diplomatic capacity to do that.

I am told that 5.4 million have died between 1998 - 2008. Those numbers are staggering. Those numbers tell us that the political architecture of Congo needs to be renegotiated. Let's stop the pretense and break the country into component parts, starting with Katanga.

Please, the numbers are between 3.6 and 4.2 million people who died during that periode due to the consequences of war (displacement, malnutrition, banditry...).
Combats have made approximately between 250 000 and 500 000 victimes directly.

Also, the political architecture of DRC has been renegociated by the congolese themselves in Sun city through the dialogue inter congolais. They came out with a decentralised state in which provinces are semi autonomous and have provincial parliament. The decentralisation had to be accelerated in 2006 after the first elections since independance as said in the constitution.
In 2011 Joseph Kabila, DRC president decided to postpound indefinitely the decentralisation after not implementing it during 5 years. No congolese reacted because they are used to their 11 provinces.

Also, Katanga province is hightly controled by Kinshasa which is 3000 km far away. Actual president Joseph Kabila is originating from Katanga and Maniema. The Baluba from North Katanga are in power in Kinshasa. The actual president of the electoral commition is a Baluba from Katanga. In an interview he said: "before, I wanted to become a soldier to become very rich."
The actual governor of Katanga, who is the brother of the man controling all the logistic road export of mineral from Katanga to Mombassa has been harrassed by the members of president circle because he wanted more transparency in the mining exploitation in Katanga. He extended a ban on conflict mineral set by the president himself from Kivu and Maniema provinces to Katanga. By doing so he allegedly stopped illegal exports of conflict mineral from Maniema through Katanga. Maniema is a province where business is controled by DRC president twin sister...

The only people who want Katanga independance are radical extremist from congolese extrem right. In the 90, their movement, at that called UFERI, lead by the actual president of Katanga parliament killed more than 100 000 people because they were Baluba from Kasai.

Shall I continue to explain why your understanding of DRC is just wrong and dangerous?