Quote Originally Posted by jkm_101_fso View Post

If this is the logic for the decision, then in fairness, the following programs must be abolished, IOT "get these Soldiers in the fight", because they enlisted or were commissioned into the Army to fight wars, not do “other non-essential activities” at the expense of the taxpayer:

-Golden Knights Parachute Team
-Army Marksmanship Team (who routinely sends shooters to the Olympics)
-Army Athlete Program (also sends Soldiers to the Olympics)
That would be about the only thing in your post I agree with. I believe that taking the King's coin means serving in the field. That does not mean recruiting to fill football teams at the Point or slots in the Golden Kinights--many of whom in the 70s I knew and jumped with. Some of the Knights then were recruited and became instant corporals after basic so they could try out. As for the marksmanship unit, it has in the past done good work. But in the current environment, I fail to see the need for a pellet pistol champion.

In the case of the LT in question, I would not criticize him as an officer had he not opened his mouth first. That aside, I would criticize the priorities of the Academy and the Army that said he could side step his obligation.

If that is what you call martyrdom, then I am a martyr and a taxpayer.


Reference the other post, well that was started by someone essentially using the forum as a lab.