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04-07-2010, 11:01 PM
21st century PYSOPS, with a few shades of 'Oddball'

"Taliban hate [this] music," said a US special forces sergeant. "Some locals complain but it's a way to push them to choose [sides]. It's motivating marines as well." Apparently, when rebel forces start firing on American soldiers in Marjah, an armoured vehicle with "powerful speakers" fires up the tunes, blaring rock and heavy metal so loudly that it can be heard two kilometres away. The tactical playlist continues for several hours.

Ron Humphrey
04-08-2010, 12:24 AM
21st century PYSOPS, with a few shades of 'Oddball'


PSYOPS would be if they had a MRAP with a bunch of these

or maybe one of these


Just think of the possibilities :D

Chris jM
04-08-2010, 10:05 AM

However, does a bit of music really force insurgents to 'lay down their arms??

Also, are locals going to choose whether to support the insurgency, sit on the fence or assist GoIRA forces based upon a US Army playlist????

Sounds a little on the gimmicky, far-fetched side. I can, however, see some of the S2 crowd really getting into this. Geo-specific band effectiveness overlays, a whole new set of Info Requirements generated to aid the S2 in designing the next playlist, some acoustic surveys to ensure appropriate placement for surround sound.... :wry:

"It's inappropriate," said lieutenant colonel Brian Christmas, the commander of marines in northern Marjah. Christmas claimed he had not heard of (or heard) the audio attacks. "I'm going to ask this to stop right now.

I think I agree with the Lt Col - however, had those in charge of the playlist used a little more style and started with Wagner I might be more sympathetic to the whole carry-on...

04-08-2010, 10:41 AM

However, does a bit of music really force insurgents to 'lay down their arms??


I don't know about insurgents but when I was in Yemen the Yemeni's wouldn't listen to anything other than Yemeni folk songs (www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZu0nk80UNc&feature=related). When I tried to play some alternative arabic music (i.e., more to my taste:D) like Haifa Wehbe (www.arabicnights.com.au/artists/haifa_wehbe.php) or Mayriam Fares (www.myriamfaris.com) they would often look as though they were physically sick. In fact, a freind of mine once said that his ears hurt and he felt nauseaous (sic?)! I have to admit, listening to their prefered music did have that same effect on me. Maybe, music does sooth/enflame the savage beast? Keep sendin' out them positive waves baby!:cool:

04-08-2010, 01:04 PM
Music can do some pretty weird things to both your brain and body :wry:. As an FYI, Metal is a key part of the culture wars going on in Egypt right now (see here (http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/2437.htm)).

04-08-2010, 01:28 PM
Guess I will have to start the SBW playlist:D What a job:) Somebody have the guy in charge send me a PM. Time for some Hnedrix!


04-08-2010, 07:33 PM
I wouldn't want to deafen myself more than I already do in combat, much less deaden my sense of hearing while in combat. Works for them, but can't say I would follow suit.

04-08-2010, 07:50 PM
I wouldn't want to deafen myself more than I already do in combat, much less deaden my sense of hearing while in combat. Works for them, but can't say I would follow suit.

Perhaps this development warrants a in-depth study of the effectivness of sound-based rhythmic weaponary in FID operations in conservative islamic countries. :D


04-09-2010, 12:18 AM
Perhaps this development warrants a in-depth study of the effectivness of sound-based rhythmic weaponary in FID operations in conservative islamic countries. :D


I am about to upload some Kind Diamond. It is the most putrid evil stuff there is out there for heavy metal. I charged it on my credit card, so I hope this might be re payed. It is only $38.50 for 3 CD's.

I am thinking, if we have some real hacker talent, we might take it to the next level & also have Psy Ops upload some christian videos to the hardcore jihadists websites, with some web redirects to the christian music browsers or to bible type stuff. God and the devil type stuff! I know a few 100 + muslim insurgent sites to upload to if US .Gov sanctioned hackers are interested in disrupting Al Queda based recruiting boards, past blasting ATF type David Koresh music with Psy Ops. Don't get me wrong, I am enthused about the Psy Ops music program, and asked personally to be signed up. so let me know... Want some King D for Afghanistan?

William F. Owen
04-09-2010, 07:59 AM
I dunno, if you want to annoy Violent Muslim Extremists, Terry Poison (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpIaRTSYMTA), is about as good as you can get.

1. Emancipated women
2. Israelis
3. Not dressing "correctly"
4. Playing techno - which even I find annoying.

Having met one of them personally, I can say they are extremely cute. Not my Punk-Rock-Rockabilly-HipHop, sort of taste, but not that offensive either - and very nice to look at. Wife tells me I'm a pervert, but that may be a different issue! :D

04-09-2010, 08:19 AM
King D is on the way!
stand by!

Chris jM
04-09-2010, 09:14 AM
Music can do some pretty weird things to both your brain and body :wry:. As an FYI, Metal is a key part of the culture wars going on in Egypt right now (see here (http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/2437.htm)).

Fascinating... and all power to the young artist/ rock chick in that interview.

Thanks for the link marct, I vaguely recall reading an article posted on aldaily on a similar topic. Good stuff.

Likewise Tukhachevskii cheers for the anecdote. I find it all v interesting.

With regards to Mr Owen's Terry Poison recommendation, that's soft core! Instead of just annoying Violent Muslim Extremists we could always go out of our way to full out provoke them via a bit of Benni Bennasi 'satisfaction' or Eric Pryde's 'Call On Me' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_fCqg92qks). Those two clips make Ms Spears seem positively angelic by comparison :eek:

However, I can't promise that such a choice in music won't distract the coalition soldiers who will no doubt have some fond memories of the music videos in question! :D

William F. Owen
04-09-2010, 09:39 AM
With regards to Mr Owen's Terry Poison recommendation, that's soft core! Instead of just annoying Violent Muslim Extremists we could always go out of our way to full out provoke them via a bit of Benni Bennasi 'satisfaction' or Eric Pryde's 'Call On Me' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_fCqg92qks). Those two clips make Ms Spears seem positively angelic by comparison :eek:

Maybe my wife has a point! Beyonce's "All the Single Ladies (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyHVQT8aIBM)" ?

04-09-2010, 09:50 AM
Benni Bennasi 'satisfaction' or Eric Pryde's 'Call On Me' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_fCqg92qks). Those two clips make Ms Spears seem positively angelic by comparison :eek:

Nothing compared to a band a "friend" of mine used to listen to ...Rockbitch (www.rockbitch.com) and a track whose name I couldn't possibly enter here (www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiFwu_GtCHA), she insisted on playing as loud as possible...enjoy:confused:

Chris jM
04-09-2010, 10:10 AM
Nothing compared to a band a "friend" of mine used to listen to ...Rockbitch (www.rockbitch.com) and a track whose name I couldn't possibly enter here (www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiFwu_GtCHA), she insisted on playing as loud as possible...enjoy:confused:

I apologize as I am taking this thread COMPLETELY of course but I can't help but comment here - having just wikipedia'd said band to see what I was in for while youtube was loading, I find they had the following band members and their positions:

Nikki: Piano, Flute, Nymphomaniac
Jo: Drums, Confrontational Predatory Lesbian

Eeee gads!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

04-09-2010, 11:20 AM
Music can do some pretty weird things to both your brain and body :wry:. As an FYI, Metal is a key part of the culture wars going on in Egypt right now (see here (http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/2437.htm)).
---End Quote---
Fascinating... and all power to the young artist/ rock chick in that interview.

Thanks for the link marct, I vaguely recall reading an article posted on aldaily on a similar topic. Good stuff.

Likewise Tukhachevskii cheers for the anecdote. I find it all v interesting.

With regards to Mr Owen's Terry Poison recommendation, that's soft core! Instead of annoying Violent Muslim Extremists we could always go out of our way to provoke them via a bit of Benni Bennasi 'satisfaction' or Eric Pryde's 'Call On Me' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_fCqg92qks). Those two clips make Ms Spears seem positively angelic by comparison :eek:

However, I can't promise that such a choice in music won't distract the coalition soldiers who will no doubt have some fond memories of the music videos in question! :D

Max here,

I just got downloading some more King D. I have to say my wife nearly threw up when listening to "The Graveyard" album.

After reading the section listed here from MEMRI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_fCqg92qks) We can see the debate in the muslim community already! That is the separation from the youth in revolt we felt in the early 60's and 70's is what they are describing. No doubt every kid in America grabbed a copy of King D and lit up a cigarette just to revolt against parenthood! The issues MEMRI was discussing of drugs and offensiveness is exactly what our community here US stateside encountered years ago in a culture shock of youth movement rebellion across America with sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll! It's exactly what the musicians need to shock the moral extremist fabric of the muslim community. I feel a few US soldiers will relate to some of the lyrics also. Some of the songs are so macabre, yet romantic in a darker sense...

All the Best,

Max Anderson
@max1mos111 in Twitter

04-09-2010, 11:27 AM
I dunno, if you want to annoy Violent Muslim Extremists, Terry Poison (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpIaRTSYMTA), is about as good as you can get.

1. Emancipated women
2. Israelis
3. Not dressing "correctly"
4. Playing techno - which even I find annoying.

I guess it is all about intentions and METT-TC :D

Not my choice of music anyway, it would be annoyed if it would blasted over my head.


04-09-2010, 11:56 AM
I always liked this song by Judas Preist.

Was thinking of making it my theme song for my advanced team of data miners, geeks, and soldiers abroad!


All the best,

Max Anderson


@max1mos111 in Twitter

04-09-2010, 01:21 PM
SBW #2 on the playlist.

04-10-2010, 01:26 PM
SBW #2 on the playlist.

That is more what I think is for the soldiers. I have another top hit from Necrosis ready titled "Kingdom of Hate". In a PsyOps perspective this song is not disruptive, unless in a sense you read the lyrics and sing along once or twice! Wink! If you are noticing I am pulling up songs with the lyrics if you drop down the tabs under the video box...


This song in particular has some interesting verbiage in in about the black flag and oppression to the masses of the innocents. I think this will sink in and tear at their will to fight, once the enemy realizes what we are transmitting here in this song, perhaps pirated into all of their mullah FM Taliban radio...