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10-05-2015, 06:21 PM
VIDEO: Russian Krasukha Electronic Warfare System seen in #Syria

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krasukha_EW_System … pic.twitter.com/DKNiFXoa6J

10-05-2015, 06:25 PM
Another day of combined #Russian/#Assad air strikes nears its end
What have you done,world?!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TatoS6y_c9M … pic.twitter.com/0ISBMcaQpu

And before some state media accuses me of lying again, this one was most probably conducted by the #Assad air force South East of #Damascus.

10-05-2015, 06:28 PM
Russian MoD Video depiciting bomb release and ground strikes----

Минобороны России Verifizierter Account 
‏@mod_russia #СИРИЯ: #ВИДЕО уничтожения военной техники #ИГИЛ сегодня утром подтверждается радиоперехватом
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyeAE_ryCQM …

Russian Black Sea Fleet "Moskva" in exercise in sea near #Latakia http://syria.liveuamap.com/en/2015/5-october-russian-navy-moskva-in-exercise-in-mediterranean … via @metesohtaoglu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Djp-BLm7HSU …

Russians Moving Artillery, Ground Forces to #Hama, #Syria http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/isis-terror/russians-moving-artillery-ground-forces-hama-syria-n438801 …

Shocker: Putin lied abt no ground forces. CNN reporting #Russia artillery+ seen moving from Latakia to Idlib. #Syria pic.twitter.com/gcCgCYYZtm

Breaking US sees Russian ground forces moving into position for possible ground offensive not against ISIS but moderate Syrian rebels

Syria: Furqat al-Hamza (#FSA-SF) rebels giving a tour around Tall al-Ahmer, taken recently https://youtu.be/EWyOZlKsOJM

Downed jet & arrested pilot is a warning to #Russia about what happens to those who attack moderate opposition held areas in #Syria

10-05-2015, 06:38 PM
الله @HadiAlabdallah

Moscow blaming weather for illegal entry into Turkish airspace yesterday, but skies were clear & Latakia field hospital was hit during raid.

10-05-2015, 06:43 PM
Turkey: #Russia long opposed intervention in #Syria, blocked UN resolutions, now escalating & aiding state terrorism

https://twitter.com/yenisafaken/status/651035616491229184 …

The moment #ASSad helicopters dropping 4 Barrel Bombs #Daraya
#Damascus OCt5

10-05-2015, 07:01 PM
Al-Qaeda affiliate issues bounty for capture of Russian troops in Syria: Newsweek
http://www.unian.info/world/1143511-al-qaeda-affiliate-issues-bounty-for-capture-of-russian-troops-in-syria-newsweek.html …

Syria, russians seen in Latakia https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-russians-seen-in-latakia/ …

Syria Aleppo regime helicopters dropped TNT barrels on… https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-aleppo-regime-helicopters-dropped-tnt-barrels-on-9 …

Syria, Hama rif, regime helicopter dumped TNT barrels on Kfarnabouda (Kfarenbouda) https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-hama-rif-regime-helicopter-dumped-tnt-barrels-on-kfarnabouda-kfarenbouda …

10-05-2015, 07:14 PM
Syria, the daily report of field events for 05/10/2015 https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-the-daily-report-of-field-events-for-05102015 …

Rushin’ to #Syria: Riyadh Pledges to Counter Moscow’s Sudden Escalation https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/rushin-to-syria-riyadh-pledges-to-counter-moscows-sudden-escalation/ …

Syria news as reported by the LCCSy for 05/10/2015 – Update https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-news-as-reported-by-the-lccsy-for-05102015-update/ …

Syria Aleppo #FSA Suqur Al Jabal has dismantled… https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-aleppo-fsa-suqur-al-jabal-has-dismantled/ …

Syria Idlib southern rif regime helicopter dropped TNT… https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-idlib-southern-rif-regime-helicopter-dropped-tnt/ …

Syria Homs eastern rif 40 airstrikes on Palmyra… https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-homs-eastern-rif-40-airstrikes-on-palmyra/ …

Syria, Aleppo|JAF forces at Nayrab airbase destroys regime force reinforcements with a B9 https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-aleppojaf-forces-at-nayrab-airbase-destroys-regime-force-reinforcements-with-a-b9/ …

Syria, Aleppo|JAF forces targeted regime forces in Sheikh Najjar https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-aleppojaf-forces-targeted-regime-forces-in-sheikh-najjar/ …

Syria, Hama Northen rif : air traffic for 4 Oct 2015 https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-hama-northen-rif-air-traffic-for-4-oct-2015/ …

Syria, Hama rif, JAN kills more regime forces on Atharya-Khanaser road https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-hama-rif-jan-kills-more-regime-forces-on-atharya-khanaser-road/ …

Syria, Hama rif, Russia sends an ultimantum to Kfarnabuda . let us in or we attack! https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-hama-rif-russia-sends-an-ultimantum-to-kfarnabuda-let-us-in-or-we-attack/ …

Russia is using psychological warfare on Hama and Homs : 'Leave or we kill you" #Syria

Syria, Aleppo, a carbomb dismantled by the #FSA nearby one of their points https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/syria-aleppo-a-carbomb-dismantled-by-the-fsa-nearby-one-of-their-points/ …

Syria #Aleppo #FSA accuse kurdish forces for sending a car bomb
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cQ4vceiM8M …

Syria Collection of #Russia'n airstrikes td in rural #Hama & #Homs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrJuxHOh6z4&feature=youtu.be …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvbEo6a2MyI … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ja8x4ooQMo …

Syria #Damascus JaI claim killed 15 Republican Guards on mountain ridge west of #Homs-highway
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.623482&lon=36.419678&z=14&m=b …

10-05-2015, 07:28 PM
Update on our geolocation and verification of Russian MoD video, most are done, and can be viewed here

bellingcat @bellingcat
All reported strikes in Raqqa were filmed elsewhere, all remaining strikes on ISIS were in locations with no current ISIS presence 2/2

bellingcat @bellingcat
(although in videos where they say they bombed "terrorists" instead of just "ISIS" we verify them as correct if the location is correct)

10-05-2015, 07:29 PM
Carl Bildt ✔ @carlbildt

Talk of Russian “volunteers” heading for Syria. They will then perhaps man the artillery and rocket systems that have now been unloaded.

Komoyedov: "It's likely that, within the ranks of Syrian Army, formations of Russian combat volunteers will appear" http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/06/world/europe/nato-russia-warplane-turkey.html …

HERE come the MANPADS-----21 minutes ago----

Here we go: Jaysh al-Islam says it's shot down a Russian jet in #Syria. http://www.albawaba.com/loop/syrian-rebels-claim-they-shot-down-russian-or-syrian-aircraft-ghouta-751130 …

10-06-2015, 05:34 AM
Also Al-Lataminah hit by artillery from around.
I guess, we know where this is to lead ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvbEo6a2MyI … pic.twitter.com/glJKg9ogIr

No more "we fight IS" BS?
Alexej Pushkov (chairman of FA Committee in Russian Duma) on RU Channel One: "We bomb rebels who fight Assad".

Bill Clinton White House suppressed evidence of Iran's terrorism - Washington Times http://tracking.washingtontimesemail.com/tracking/click?msgid=morx5i-4y3u07nh6w7u6j&target=http%3a%2f%2fwww.washingtontimes.com%2fnews %2f2015%2foct%2f5%2fbill-clinton-white-house-suppressed-evidence-of-ir%2f …

U.S. concludes Russia targeting CIA-backed rebels in Syria http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-concludes-russia-targeting-cia-backed-rebels-in-syria-1444088319 …

10-06-2015, 06:01 AM
Syria #Aleppo Rebels shelling #IS in Harbul with DIY-rockets
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8KN274hNZw …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.428879&lon=37.166576&z=14&m=b …

Syria Some of the spoils seized by rebels in the latest battle in #Quneitra/Tell Ahmar http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.213809&lon=35.881691&z=15&m=b …

Iran dismisses commander of its troops in Syria.

Report from Sweida says Assad statue is still down, security forces withdrawn from the city & clerics take lead
http://www.alaraby.co.uk/politics/2015/10/5/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%A1-%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D8%BA%D8%AA%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%84-%D8%A8%D9%84%D8%B9%D9%88%D8%B3-%D9%86%D8%AD%D9%88-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D9%83%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B0%D8%A7%D8%AA%D9%8A- …

MORE from Syrian info warriors--that is total false

State media: More than 1k Syrians from Deraa surrendered to the govt after the recent gains made by the armed forces https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP61TR0Dhg4&feature=youtu.be …

No one went anywhere out of Deraa---

10-06-2015, 09:44 AM
Putin sends #Russia|n spetsnaz, 'polite people' to prop up #Assad in prep. for ground attack
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3261560/Now-Russia-sends-special-forces-prop-Assad-Putin-s-fearsome-Spetsnaz-units-preparing-ground-assault-wipe-rebels-fighting-Syrian-President.html#ixzz3nmAnqQTm … pic.twitter.com/TtkdqsxUSU

Putin's special forces (spetsnaz) are under orders to wipe out opponents "by any means," Just like in #Chechnya.

Russia spetsnaz r in #Syria 2mop up after air strikes, call in air strikes, go on covert missions against rebels & ultimately wipe them out

Agence France-Presse ✔ @AFP
#BREAKING NATO head says Russia's Turkey air violations 'not an accident'

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
Manipulation of information considering civilians started from first minutes of Russia military operations in #Syria http://sputniknews.com/politics/20151005/1028070026/Foreign-Media-Manipulate-Facts-of-Russians-Syria-Actions-Foreign-Ministry.html#ixzz3nmEOcEpI …

NOW Russia is getting a taste of what it has conducted hourly over the Ukraine airwaves and the internet AND do no appear to like it.

10-06-2015, 09:46 AM
Russian Ambo on the carpet: "@AFP: #BREAKING Turkey says Russian envoy summoned to 'strongly protest' second air space violation"

DOES Russia really want a war with NATO--which they could not get triggered in eastern Ukraine??? From their actions--yes.

Kremlin does it again after #Turkey says they will open fire on Russian planes next time, just to check if true.
https://twitter.com/AFP/status/651302259356135424 …

First it was a navigation error, then the weather and now what......?

Reuters Top News ✔ @Reuters
Russia says checking claim its plane violated Turkey's airspace for second time http://reut.rs/1Z6lcmw

10-06-2015, 10:16 AM
Syria Rebels claim repelled counter attack by regime in #Quneitra

Syria Clashes at #SAA regiment 137 south of #Damascus the past days
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQGMBkQ3xc0 …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.357183&lon=36.110837&z=16&m=b …

Syria Today #Russia'n airstrikes focused on Jabal al-Zawiya (mountain area) in #Idlib

Syria #Hama Result of #Russia'n airstrikes on Al Habit town
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_quvfXMDdo …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.439135&lon=36.540270&z=14&m=b …

Syria #Idlib #Russia'n airstrike on Kafar Aouid village/Mount al-Zawiya
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.628140&lon=36.462507&z=14&m=b …
Syria #Damascus Jaish al Islam fight back largest attempt by #Assad-forces to regain lost area north of #Douma (Tel Kurdi, quarries)

Syria New #Russia'n army camp in #Hama city -housing several hundred soldiers at hippodrome
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.118803&lon=36.772850&z=16&m=b …
Map shows possible areas for #Russia/#Iran backed regime ground offensive #Syria
Most likely: 3 btw #Homs & #Hama

Syria #Homs Clashes btw Tasnin (regime hold) & Kafr Nan
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=34.876742&lon=36.652451&z=15&m=b …

10-06-2015, 10:17 AM
Zbigniew Brzezinski calls for US retaliation if #Russia doesn't stop attacking FSA . http://www.politico.com/story/2015/10/zbigniew-brzezinski-financial-times-op-ed-obama-retaliate-russia-214438 …

10-06-2015, 10:24 AM
Further preps for upcoming ground offensive.
#Russia bombs Kafar Aweed and Kafr Nabl.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXhuMe_uWRM … pic.twitter.com/4Rc4wBMbcn

10-06-2015, 01:53 PM
Further preps for upcoming ground offensive.
#Russia bombs Kafar Aweed and Kafr Nabl.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXhuMe_uWRM … pic.twitter.com/4Rc4wBMbcn

And the Syrian Sealift Express just keeps on sailing southwards---

LIVE on #Periscope: Russian Navy Ropucha class landing ship Azov heading south on bosphorus https://www.periscope.tv/w/aOPHmDEyODQ3OTk1fDFQbEtRV29qdlJaSkXVuWKa3sNM_UgJDP 1EFSXw6n1W8khqp6K_TDbyWi3ojA== …

10-06-2015, 01:58 PM
Things look set to get v. interesting north of #Homs city in coming days. Watch ground developments in Talbiseh & Al-Rastan closely.

Ground crews loading unguided rocket pods on a #ruaf Mi-8 in #syria. pic.twitter.com/xXBhbu1pjE

More mi-8 pics. It's the latest modification, stamped 2014. Job is to rescue any downed pilots. pic.twitter.com/c0ejPy4ins

Muhamed Tafnakji, who disposed of the bodies of #Assad's torture victims, is in #Germany: https://unfetteredfreedom.wordpress.com/2015/10/03/list-of-shabiha-posing-as-refugees-in-europe/ … pic.twitter.com/cB1R5AxFtt

Photo gallery of Russian plane-spotting in #Syria: https://meduza.io/galleries/2015/10/05/rossiyskaya-aviatsiya-v-sirii …

10-06-2015, 02:04 PM
Appears Russian air maps are way way wrong-----seems they cannot find IS anywhere in Syria and Iraq??????

Syria Still not a single proof (video, image...) of #Russia'n airstrikes on #IslamicState-positions

BreakingNews Huge convoys of armored vehicles and troops spotted heading towards #Atshan #Hama..

A MiG-29 puts #Turkey jets on radar lock few minutes ago near #Syria|n borders.. (reported two hours ago)

Russia|ns enjoying #selfies with their jets carrying death to the #Syria|n people..

10-06-2015, 02:15 PM
N°1 #Syria myth is the 'lack' of US support narrative
CIA assistance to rebels is the most extensive program they ran for years - worldwide

Flash: Turkish jets are harassed by the Syrian MIGs for 4.5 minutes today. This is the 4th time in last couple days

Talbesah, #Homs is dominated by #FSA Jaish al-Tawhid. #Russia of course said they attacked #IS

But Syrian state media reported it | #RUSSIA: "All reports by foreign media that Russia conducted strikes on Palmyra are absolute lies."

Close Calls Between Russia & NATO In Syria - Russian Jets Entered Turkish Airspace Twice http://www.interpretermag.com/putin-in-syria-more-close-calls-between-russia-and-nato/#10277 …

10-06-2015, 02:52 PM
N°1 #Syria myth is the 'lack' of US support narrative
CIA assistance to rebels is the most extensive program they ran for years - worldwide

Flash: Turkish jets are harassed by the Syrian MIGs for 4.5 minutes today. This is the 4th time in last couple days

Talbesah, #Homs is dominated by #FSA Jaish al-Tawhid. #Russia of course said they attacked #IS

But Syrian state media reported it | #RUSSIA: "All reports by foreign media that Russia conducted strikes on Palmyra are absolute lies."

Close Calls Between Russia & NATO In Syria - Russian Jets Entered Turkish Airspace Twice http://www.interpretermag.com/putin-in-syria-more-close-calls-between-russia-and-nato/#10277 …

One very small mistake in this Putin led Russian game of chicken and we are into WW3--it is that easy now in Syria.


Russia Violates Turkish Airspace For Second Time

(Actually for four days running they are crossing into Turkish airspace)

13:48 (GMT)

Over the weekend, Russian jets crossed from Syrian airspace into Turkish airspace, a dangerous and uninvited "mistake" since Turkey is a member of NATO.

That prompted a strong response from Turkey.

And yet, today NATO says that Russian jets violated Turkish airspace twice, not just once. CNN reports:

"Russian combat aircraft have violated Turkish airspace," Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said, according to NATO's website. "This is unacceptable."

Stoltenberg elaborated at a news conference.

"We also have seen two of them, two violations of Turkish airspace," he said. "Intelligence that we have received provides me with reason to say it doesn't look like an accident."

The first violation of Turkey's airspace is reported to have happened Saturday. The second was Sunday, officials said.

The headlines, then, are slightly misleading, since Turkey's statements that it would shoot down Russian aircraft in its airspace came yesterday and both incidents occurred this past weekend.

Still, the incident has increased tensions in the region. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned today that Russia's actions could damage the relationship between Ankara and Moscow, a relationship which has been very good lately. Russia and Turkey are cooperating on the energy front, with Turkey playing a key role in several Russian plans for new natural gas pipelines which would deliver gas to Europe while bypassing Ukraine.

France 24 reports:

"If Russia loses a friend like Turkey with whom it has a lot of cooperation it is going to lose a lot of things. It needs to know this," Erdogan said in Belgium at a press conference alongside Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel broadcast on Turkish television.

Turkey believes that the Russian mission in Syria fundamentally changes their game plan, which was already damaged because of Western non-committal. BBC reports:

Turkey's government has been enraged by these Russian incursions - and by Moscow's military intervention in Syria as a whole.

First, any violation of Turkish airspace could lead to the object being shot down, which would dramatically escalate events. Second, there could be a mid-air collision close to Turkey's borders, as this is the first time since World War Two that Russian and American combat planes have been in the skies over Syria. But third, Russia's air strikes are the final nail in the coffin for Turkey's "buffer zone" idea in northern Syria.

Ankara has continually pushed for this, ostensibly to allow some of the two million Syrians in Turkey to return - though critics say it's designed to break up areas controlled by Syrian Kurds, who Turkey see as a threat.

There was already opposition in the West to the plan. But Russia's air strikes will make it almost impossible to implement.

Today, Russia seems to have confirmed this theory -- as long as Russia is in Syria, there will not be a no-fly-zone:

Russia claims that these incidents were a mistake, but NATO is clear -- these cross-border infiltrations were not a mistake, and Russia is playing a dangerous game. Bloomberg reports:

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg condemned the Russian intrusion into Turkey’s airspace and on Tuesday called it deliberate provocation.

“This doesn’t look like an accident, the violation lasted for a long time compared to previous violations of airspace,” Stoltenberg told reporters in Brussels. He called on Russia to stop targeting civilians and Syria’s legitimate opposition, and to avoid coming into conflict with U.S.-led forces fighting Islamic State in Syria.

Even if Russia does not violate Turkish airspace again, however, Russian and NATO aircraft are now operating in very close proximity, increasing the chances of an international incident. The commander of the US air campaign in Syria says that Russian planes have now traveled within 20 miles of US aircraft, and even closer to unmanned drones operated by the US. This picture demonstrates the problem. Russian planes are yellow, US planes are green

10-06-2015, 03:02 PM
For those that believe it is impossible to push back and or defeat Russian information warfare--the following.

Ah.. the power of open source analysis via social media.

BTW this was a crowdsourced project--rare actually.

Initial Findings of the Crowdsourced Geolocation and Analysis of Russian MoD Airstrike Vid via @bellingcat https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2015/10/06/initial-findings-of-the-... …

One hour after these findings were released Russian info war media wnet into overdrive attempting to counter the report of the poor Russian bombing campaign directed supposedly against IS.

BREAKING: #RussiaVsISIL operation prompted smear campaign in world media - @mfa_russia

10-06-2015, 03:05 PM
One very small mistake in this Putin led Russian game of chicken and we are into WW3--it is that easy now in Syria.


Russia Violates Turkish Airspace For Second Time

(Actually for four days running they are crossing into Turkish airspace)

13:48 (GMT)

Erdogan threatens Russia with rupture of diplomatic relations because of situation in Syria.http://www.gazeta.ru/politics/news/2015/10/06/n_7739873.shtml … pic.twitter.com/wPub0LSEJq

10-06-2015, 03:09 PM
This is the updated diagram of geopolitical relationships in the Middle East with Russia included.


10-06-2015, 03:22 PM
Russia beefs up Hama military presence
https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/NewsReports/566016-russia-beefs-up-hama-military-presence …

Destruction of water wells and houses so anti Assad forces cannot use them----
Russian Chechnya tactics----

From #Zabadani now.. #ASSad mercenaries exploding the wells & homes in #Madaya plain as you read this..
#Syria Oct 6

ASSad #SAA #Hezbollah #Russia mercenaries launch an offensive to Sahl Al #Ghaab today Oct 6

Rebels attacked with grad rockets the military airbase in #Hama

10-06-2015, 03:30 PM
Reference the MIG 23 shot down yesterday----

I've also heard reports that jet wasn't shot down in Ghouta but pilot had dropped a blank parachute as a diversion

Pilot is alleged to have been Russian based on his ID taken from him---
Claims of arrested Russian pilot, however...

Russian army outraged by "foreign media" claims, they attacked #ISIS-held Palmyra.
Indeed:SANA leaves it open. pic.twitter.com/XPwldB5oDD

But Syrian state media reported it | #RUSSIA: "All reports by foreign media that Russia conducted strikes on Palmyra are absolute lies."

Syria #RuAF IL-20M ELINT platform over Idlib. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyP1fZLsLi4 … pic.twitter.com/rQ0oSfsI6L

Close Calls Between Russia & NATO In Syria -photo of the air movement screen depicting all aircraft in and around Syria--Russian aircraft in yellow US in green pic.twitter.com/OR8glCrqAS

10-06-2015, 03:39 PM
RuAF airstikes targeted Mount Zawiya villages #Idlib today.
via @anasanas84

RuAF unexploded cluster bombs dropped on rural #Aleppo y'day.

Aftermath of the Russian attack on #Hobait, conducted on Sept 30.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_quvfXMDdo …

Faylaq al-Rahman says their AA unit downed the Mig 23 regime fighter over eastern #Ghouta.

Scary footage of the moment regime TNT barrel bomb hit Daraya district in #Damascus suburbs.

10-06-2015, 03:43 PM
RuAF airstikes targeted Mount Zawiya villages #Idlib today.
via @anasanas84

RuAF unexploded cluster bombs dropped on rural #Aleppo y'day.

Aftermath of the Russian attack on #Hobait, conducted on Sept 30.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_quvfXMDdo …

Faylaq al-Rahman says their AA unit downed the Mig 23 regime fighter over eastern #Ghouta.

Scary footage of the moment regime TNT barrel bomb hit Daraya district in #Damascus suburbs.

Unconfirmed reports suggest #Russia will be deploying TU160 strategic bomber in #Syria soon..

10-06-2015, 03:44 PM
One very small mistake in this Putin led Russian game of chicken and we are into WW3--it is that easy now in Syria.


Russia Violates Turkish Airspace For Second Time

(Actually for four days running they are crossing into Turkish airspace)

13:48 (GMT)

Infringing Turkish airspace may simply be part of a Russian drive to push US into closer 'liaison', creating impression of common front

10-06-2015, 05:08 PM

Putin Views Obama as Being in ‘Panicked Retreat’ from the World, von Eggert Says

October 6, 2015

Staunton, October 6 – Vladimir Putin views Barack Obama as being in “panicked retreat” because of the latter’s decision to extricate the US from wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and believes that it would be foolish not to exploit the possibilities that such a drawdown in American power present, according to Konstantin von Eggert.

But in doing so, the Moscow analyst says, Putin has opened the door to even more problems for himself as the conflict continues not only internationally but at home where most Russians and especially Russia’s predominantly Sunni Muslim community oppose his support of Assad.

In the short term, von Eggert argues, Putin has achieved five goals by his Syrian actions:

First, he has forced Obama to meet with him because, as a result of Syria, Obama “simply could not refuse dialogue with Putin” given the stakes.

Second, Putin has succeeded in reducing the importance of Ukraine for Washington and thus making it less the defining issue of the West’s relations with Moscow.

Third, Putin has “sent an unambiguous signal to the not-very-numerous allies of the Russian regime: ‘if things are going badly for you, we won’t throw you over,’” a message by which the Kremlin leader wants to contrast himself with the behavior of the United States.

Fourth, “participation in the Syrian civil war is giving [Russia] a chance to demonstrate what the latest Russian arms are capable of,” something useful not only to influence others but to attract new orders for Russia’s arms exporters.

And fifth, “Putin has made it clear to the entire world and above all to the United States that the principle of the sovereign right of any regime to do what it finds appropriate on its own territory is for him inviolable.”

Putin’s moves in this regard reflect a fundamental difference between the West and Russia. Western leaders get involved in foreign affairs “by necessity.” Putin in contrast sees foreign actions as “one of the main (if not the chief) component parts of his legitimacy in the eyes of his compatriots.”

Moreover, von Eggert continues, “Obama and his entourage have the dislike of using military force characteristic of Western leftists while Putin considers [the use of such force] as the key element of world politics.” For him, respect is everything because people “’respect the strong but beat the weak,’” as he has said many times.

Von Eggert says that he is “certain that the decision of Obama to leave Iraq and Afghanistan was viewed in the Kremlin as a panicked flight from responsibility,” as actions and an attitude that have created a power vacuum that it would be “strange” if Moscow were not to try to exploit.

And consequently, Putin has moved back into the Middle East in much the same way the Soviet leadership did during the Cold War, as a region of competition with the US “in which Moscow has nothing particular to lose” unless and until Washington shows a new willingness to counter him.

If Putin is able to get Obama to agree to his terms in Syria: Russian support for the fight against ISIS in exchange for the West’s acceptance of Assad’s remaining in power, then, von Eggert says, “America will suffer yet another diplomatic defeat and [Putin] will be confirmed as a politician without whose participation no major international problem can be resolved.”

“More than that,” the Moscow commentator says, “until the end of the Obama presidency, Moldova, Kazakhstan, and Belarus will have reason to be nervous. For in the Kremlin, such a development of events will be viewed as carte blanche for a new expansion in the post-Soviet space, and even possibly into the Baltic countries.”

But if Obama and the West do not agree, then “the situation for official Moscow could become quite unfavorable.” Russia is “not the largest, most influential and richest player in the Middle East scene,” and Putin would have to face potentially serious problems both there and at home.

“Terror inside Russia and against objects linked with it abroad, the taking prisoner and execution of Russian troops, the gradual broadening of a military presence in Syria and the prospect of being dragged into a full-scale war on the ground are only some of the undesirable but possible consequences,” von Eggert says.

At home, polls show that most Russians are not enthusiastic about any campaign in Syria and “the overwhelming majority of Russian Muslims are Sunnis.” Consequently, “the Kremlin’s struggle to save the Assad regime which is viewed namely as the hangman of Syrian Sunis is hardly going to please them.”

And thus Putin might discover that “leaving the Middle East without losing face…would be more difficult than doing so from Ukraine,” von Eggert says, offering in conclusion the following analogy that the Kremlin leader may ultimately have to face.

“The legitimization of a political regime with the help of ‘small victorious wars’ recalls a bicycle race: it is impossible to stop; one must keep pedaling. And thus risk a major defeat. Vladimir Putin, [by going into Syria as he has,] is risking just that.”

10-06-2015, 05:39 PM
Either the Russians have really really really bad air maps are they are simply lying like champs for the home public--there cannot be any other explanation for being so far wrong on their combat videos.

RuAF "near Talbiseh" geolocated to Jabal alAkrad http://wikimapia.org/#lat=35.739999&lon=36.246858&z=17&m=b … ~110km from Talbiseh https://youtu.be/5b08s4F-Z0o

Julian Röpcke @JulianRoepcke
See on the #map how far #Russia's target claim is away from the real target, thanks to geolocation of the video. pic.twitter.com/rcwjbTvcfu

10-06-2015, 05:41 PM
Breaking: The battle of Hama-Aleppo road has began, #SAA backed by #RuAF launched an offensive, shelling Atshan v pic.twitter.com/7OH46is5AJ

10-06-2015, 05:48 PM
Syria: more Su-25, again over-painted insignia, tractor drivers on vacation? @Ukr_Che pic.twitter.com/u3JUB4VrGn

Full vid: #Russia|n Mi-24 gunship pilot inspection & low-fly-pass #Latakia #Syria
NO INSIGNIA on copter or pilots!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnv60LkQH94 …

10-06-2015, 06:01 PM
Just friggin brilliant, now both #Russia & #ISIS are targeting FSA Suqour al-Jabal at the same time in #Aleppo, #Syria. Air + ground attack!

Hypocrisy! @RT_russian: terrorists move arms to mosques,"knowing that Russia wd NEVER strike one"—remember #Chechnya? pic.twitter.com/IllJqwO9AV

Report: Mounting evidence that Russians are using cluster bombs in #Syria
http://mashable.com/2015/10/06/russian-cluster-bombs-syria/#VOw49Zgig056 …

BREAKING Turkish mil. says a MIG-29 of unidentified nationality interfered with 8 F-16s over Syrian border

10-06-2015, 06:40 PM

Syria Air Strikes Raise Risk of Terror Attack in Russia, Experts Warn

By Eva Hartog

Oct. 05 2015 20:41

According to textbooks on political violence, a terrorist attack requires the following key components: a target, an actor or actors, and motivations.

The Kremlin's decision to launch air strikes in Syria could raise the risk of terrorist attacks on Russian soil, security analysts said, as the move increases the motivation of Russia-related supporters of the Islamic State to retaliate against Moscow.

As its forces waged security sweeps and real combat operations in the Northern Caucasus during the past two decades, Russia has been targeted by terrorists many times, but in the past 18 months the security forces have managed to contain them, at least from committing massive acts of deadly violence.

"Islamists, jihadis and extreme Muslims are, to put it mildly, not pleased with Russia's interference in Syria and they will be prepared in some way to answer what is happening at the moment," Sergei Goncharov, a terrorism expert who heads an organization for veterans of Alpha, a Russian special forces unit, told The Moscow Times.

Russia's Defense Ministry said Monday in an online statement that its planes had flown 25 sorties in Syria in the past 24 hours and had hit nine Islamic State targets.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 14 fighters, most of whom belonged to the Islamic State, had been killed since Russia launched its air offensive on Wednesday, Reuters reported Saturday.

The threat of retaliation is not a new one: Even before Russia's massive buildup of arms in Syria over the last month, Islamic State counted Russia among its enemies.

In September last year, after claiming to have seized a Russian-made MiG fighter jet at a military base in the Syrian province of Raqqa, IS militants for the first time openly declared war on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"This message is for you, Vladimir Putin! These are the aircraft you sent to [Syrian President] Bashar [Assad], and we're going to send them to you. Remember that!" a militant could be heard saying in a video uploaded to YouTube at the time.

But the decision to launch air strikes in Syria could be a trigger to translate words into actions, experts said.

Homegrown Danger

Around 2,400 Russians — mainly natives of Russia's southern predominantly Muslim-populated regions of Chechnya and Dagestan — are fighting together with Islamic State militants in Syria, Sergei Smirnov, first deputy director of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), said last month.

Nearly all major terrorist attacks in Moscow, from the Nord Ost theater hostage crisis in 2002 to the twin metro bombings in 2010, were perpetrated by natives of these regions.

While those people are fighting in the Middle East, Russia is safer, said Simon Saradzhyan, a research fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, a Harvard University policy think tank.

"As long as they are there, the threat [of terrorism in] Russia has actually diminished," he said. "The more [militants] Russia annihilates on the ground [in Syria], the fewer will come back."

But according to Alexei Malashenko, an analyst at the Carnegie Moscow Center think tank, the real number of fighters from Russia and Central Asia who have joined the Islamic State is closer to 7,000, and hundreds of them have already returned to Russian soil.

The Russian government stepped up security at home after launching the air strikes in Syria.

Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday that the county's National Anti-Terrorism Committee, special security forces and FSB were on alert.

"They are constantly taking measures to prevent [terrorist attacks]," Peskov was cited as saying by state-run news agency RIA Novosti.

Terrorists strive to hit symbolic targets and generate as strong a media storm as possible. In Russia, they have taken hundreds of hostages, including children, sent teams of female suicide bombers on coordinated missions, and targeted Moscow. The concentration of the media — including international outlets — is the highest in the capital, which is the most targeted Russian city outside the North Caucasus.

"The likeliness of a terrorist attack is very high, and it will probably take place in a large city like Moscow, to make a political point. But we cannot know when," said Malashenko.

No Negotiations

Previous attacks were primarily aimed at forcing Russia's hand in the North Caucasus, not abroad, and proved unsuccessful in pressuring the Russian government to change its policies with regard to Chechen separatists and the radical Muslim underground in the North Caucasus.

But terrorist organizations have often hit targets abroad in order to force foreign policy change, such as the 2004 bombing of commuter trains in Madrid by an al-Qaida-inspired terrorist group when Spanish troops were supporting the U.S. military campaign in Iraq.

Russia has a mixed record on negotiating with terrorists — the hostage taking in the Stavropol region city of Budyonnovsk in 1995 was widely seen as a turning point in the first Chechen War by forcing the Kremlin to return to the negotiating table with Chechen rebels.

But since Putin took the helm in 2000, there has been an unbending policy of non-negotiation with terrorists, said Saradzhyan.

Putin stood firm in refusing to give in to Chechen separatists even after the 2004 Beslan school hostage taking that shocked the world, in which over 350 people were killed, more than half of them children.

"Even if the Islamic State manages to stage successful attacks on Russian soil, it will not change Russian policy [in Syria]," Saradzhyan said.

Prolonged Threat

Most analysts said the air strikes were unlikely to translate into immediate terrorist attacks. However, the danger will grow if Russia is drawn into a long conflict.

"The question is whether the Kremlin gets seduced into the pattern, so often visible when countries embark on interventions abroad, of thinking one more push, one more expansion of forces will make a difference," Mark Galeotti, an expert in Russian security services and a professor at New York University, told The Moscow Times in written comments.

And while Moscow's air strikes could eliminate some of its enemies, it could also sprout new ones.

Western leaders have repeatedly expressed concern that Russia is targeting not only the Islamic State, but also U.S.-backed groups like the Free Syrian Army.

Broadening its line of fire to include moderate groups will not win Russia new friends and could sow the seeds for a new wave of violence, Saradzhyan said.

"Inevitably, these groups will develop grievances vis a vis Russia and will try to avenge," he said.

More immediately threatened could be Russians based in Syria: both military specialists and "ordinary Russians who reside in Damascus and other cities," said Yury Barmin, a Middle East expert.

"I also think that Russia's involvement in Syria may be risky for Orthodox Christians who live in Syria's coastal region," he added.

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, publicly backed the air strikes last week, and Vsevolod Chaplin, a spokesman for the Moscow Patriarchate, called the fight against terrorism in Syria "a holy war."

"The endorsement of the Syria operation by the Russian Orthodox Church gives extra impetus to the extremists," Theodore Karasik, a senior adviser for Gulf State Analytics, a consultancy, told The Moscow Times.

10-06-2015, 07:22 PM
Syria #Russia planes cannot even navigate within proper borders yet #Putin claims his a/c so accurate that impossible that civilians killed

Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins (aka bellingcat)
Loads of idiot pro-Putin trolls expressing astonishment that I suddenly know so much about Syria

10-06-2015, 07:25 PM
Russia Is Bombing Ambulances in Syria http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/10/06/why-are-the-russians-bombing-my-ambulances.html …

Russia Is Bombing Ambulances in Syria

On the same day the U.S. struck a hospital in Afghanistan, Putin’s pilots struck medical facilities and vehicles nowhere near ISIS.

Dr. Ammar Martini has a simple question he would like answered: “Why are the Russians bombing my hospitals and ambulances?”

One of the cofounders of Orient Humanitarian Relief, a non-profit that provides medical treatment and educational services in northern and central Syria, Martini was recounting to The Daily Beast how Russian airstrikes in the Idlib countryside Saturday destroyed a part of his emergency ambulance center. “They destroyed four or five of our vehicles,” he said. “These attacks were specifically targeting Orient.”

Below is a video Oubai Shahbandar, a former Pentagon officials turned Orient employee, shared The Daily Beast, showing the charred vehicles. “If the Russians think ambulances are legitimate terrorist targets,” Shahbandar emailed, “imagine what they’re going to do to the rest of Syria.”

On the same day the U.S. struck a hospital in Afghanistan, Putin’s pilots struck medical facilities and vehicles nowhere near ISIS.

It’s been a dark week for medical volunteers, all around. A Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan was struck repeatedly on Saturday by U.S. warplanes. 19 were killed, the majority of them hospital workers. Colonel Brian Tribus, the U.S. military spokesman in Afghanistan, said that any powdered medical facilities constituted “collateral damage” against legitimate Taliban targets threatening U.S. forces in the area. Doctors Without Borders countered that there were no militants in or around its facility, and accused the American military of a “war crime.” That isn’t clear, at this point. But what is apparent is that the Kunduz hospital attack is a major violation of the standards U.S. forces have set for themselves. A military investigation is underway, and the Pentagon has now retracted its initial claim that American soldiers were under threat.

Russia, too, nearly hit a separate Doctors Without Borders hospital in a refugee camp in Al Yamdiyyah, Latakia. According to McClatchy, “The bomb struck in the village just a few hundred yards from the actual border, wounding several townspeople, local residents said. The Doctors Without Borders hospital apparently was not damaged.” However, Dr. Jawad Abu Hatab, a heart surgeon at the hospital, told the news agency that he believed Russia had been targeting the site and missed.

So far, 80 percent of Russia’s air sorties in Syria have hit decidedly non-ISIS targets, mainly in the center, north, and west of the country. That’s where, in addition to civilians, a grab bag of opposition fighters ranging from hardline Islamists to al-Qaeda to U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army units have all had bullseyes painted on their backs.

“They attacked Jisr al-Shughour and Latakia,” Martini said, “but also Yamadea, where there is a big hospital that’s been in operation for about 40 years. Thank God they didn’t hit it! The missile went elsewhere. They also struck on the outskirts of Hama, attacking a the field hospital and killing a lot of people.”

One recent sortie struck another Orient ambulance, this one transporting casualties from Ihsem, a village in the Jabal al-Zawiyah area, which lies about 30 kilometers southwest of the provincial capital of Idlib City. A medical facility there maintained by the White Helmets, a civil volunteer corps opposed to the regime and ISIS, was bombed on October 3. Two Orient paramedics were wounded while ferrying the injured out of the village. Luckily, they survived. But after the Russians bombed Jabal al-Zawiyah, regime helicopters swooped in and dropped one of their nastier munitions — barrel bombs, according to Martini. These are large metal drums packed with shrapnel and explosives, which Assad’s air force has relied on increasingly as a means to unleash the highest degree of devastation on the least discriminate target zone.

The one-two punch on Jabal al-Zawiyah only underscored for Martini the operational coordination between Damascus and Moscow, and the true nature of Vladimir Putin’s Syria adventure: “Russian forces came to continue what the regime began. I think the regime is giving the targets and locations. There is no ISIS here, absolutely.”

Martini had been a successful surgeon in Idlib, Syria’s northwest province, before the 2011 uprising against Assad. That’s when he was instructed by Assad’s military police to ignore his Hippocratic oath altogether, and let any opposition-affiliated patients die on the slab at the Red Crescent hospital he then worked in. Martini refused. So he, too, was arrested and tortured, an experience he declined to relay in detail to the Washington Post eighteen months ago. His hospital’s general manager was murdered by the regime.

Orient was established in 2012 by Martini and a wealthy Syrian, the Dubai-based entrepreneur Ghassan Aboud, who financed the project. It aimed to inject a bit of humanity into a ghoulish conflict that has since become not one civil war but several.

Although Orient runs an anti-Assad television station out of the Gulf, its charitable activities inside Syria are strictly non-aligned, Martini insists: “Our ambulance system works for all people from the regime to the rebels to innocent civilians who are on neither side. We treat anyone who is wounded.”

Orient’s only no-go zone, Martini told The Daily Beast, is territory controlled by ISIS. “We don’t work inside ISIS areas because they are criminals who attacked Orient already,” he said. “In March 2014, they sent a car bomb to Atmeh [a border-town in Aleppo] and killed 17 people, 5 of them children. In Marea, ISIS attacked people with chemical weapons. We treated people with very strange symptoms.”

“It is very dangerous to shoot these hospitals because we have oxygen pumps and highly flammable equipment. One explosion can cause a lot of damage.”

Martini is based in Turkey, about a kilometer from the Syrian border. But he darts in and out of his homeland, at great personal risk, to oversee Orient’s extensive network. Today, the charity maintains ten surgical hospitals in Syria, from the north to the Aleppo borderline. “These are all free. We perform more than 500 operations each day. Every hospital has outpatient clinics. It is very dangerous to shoot these hospitals because we have oxygen pumps and highly flammable equipment. One explosion can cause a lot of damage.”

One Orient hospital in Kafranbel city, Idlib, contains 70 beds. It routinely provides kidney dialysis to 15 patients with renal failure. But all that is now under threat, thanks to Putin. “We cannot open the hospital or accept any patients because we were very afraid the Russians will attack us again. All hospitals are afraid. They’re working in the basement, closing outpatient clinics. We run outpatient clinics at night. We can work only then and treat people to avoid the warplanes.”

As The Daily Beast earlier reported, Russian jets have mainly been using “dumb bombs” rather than guided munitions, making it difficult to discern intended targets and guaranteeing higher body counts. There’s already evidence that Russia’s Su-24 bombers have been firing cluster munitions in southwest Aleppo. These bombs have been proscibed by U.N. convention, to which Russia is not a signatory.

10-06-2015, 07:39 PM

The Russian airforce know as much about map reading as the Russian paratroopers do.

10-07-2015, 05:04 AM

Spy Planes, Signal Jammers, and Putin’s High-Tech War in Syria

Russian airplanes are battering rebel targets throughout Syria, but Moscow’s use of next-generation surveillance and communications-blocking equipment is packing a growing punch.

By Elias Groll

October 6, 2015

Russia has been sending fighter jets, drones, and bombers to Syria to bolster the regime of Bashar al-Assad, generating concern and outrage among the United States and its allies. Far less attention has been paid to Moscow’s simultaneous deployment of advanced surveillance, signals intelligence, and electronic warfare equipment that could deal a new blow to the beleaguered, American-backed rebels working to oust him.

In recent weeks, Russia has deployed the IL-20 surveillance aircraft, better known by its NATO name “Coot” and roughly equivalent to the U.S. Navy’s P-3 Orion, a mainstay of the Pentagon’s spy tools. The Russian plane is bristling with high-tech equipment like surveillance radar, electronic eavesdropping gear, and optical and infrared sensors. One of the Kremlin’s premier spy planes, it provides Russian forces with a powerful tool for locating rebel units and assigning targets to its fighter planes. In late September, Syrian rebels posted a video purporting to show the plane flying over a battlefield.

The Russian buildup of intelligence assets and tools of electronic warfare also includes the deployment of the Krasukha-4, an advanced electronic warfare system used to jam radar and aircraft. Its presence in Syria was reported by Sputnik News, the Russian state outlet, which claimed to have spotted the distinctive jamming system in a video report on Russian jets at a Syrian airfield in Latakia. The system and its parabolas are visible at the 6-second mark in the video below.

The deployment of the IL-20, or Coot, is perhaps the clearest indication that Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to ensure his troops in Syria are not reliant on Assad’s forces for targeting information — and that they may be preparing for a ground combat role. On Monday, Moscow said “volunteer” troops would be heading to Syria to join in the fight there, a barely disguised sign that Russian forces could soon be directly battling U.S.-backed rebels inside Syria.

Russia’s transfer of advanced electronic warfare tools to Syria is the latest example of Moscow’s so-called “hybrid warfare” tactics, which use deception and covert operations to achieve strategic objectives with a minimal use of military force. Indeed, the Krasukha-4 was also spotted in Ukraine and played a key part in Russia’s campaign of electronic warfare there, which Kiev claimed resulted in a disruption of cell service at times. The deployment of the Krasukha, which can be used to disable aircraft avionics, came at around the same time that Western policymakers publicly entertained the idea of establishing a no-fly zone over eastern Ukraine. The positioning of the Krasukha, in addition to other air defenses, prevented the enforcement of such a no-fly zone and kept Putin in control of the skies, according to Igor Sutyagin, a senior research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, a London think tank.

Now, too, the Krasukha has been put in place as several countries are calling for the establishment of a no-fly zone in northern Syria. Sutyagin described the deployment of the Krasukha as an effective “no-fly zone for those who want to create a no-fly zone.” For now, there is no evidence that the electronic warfare system has been used against American and other coalition planes flying in the skies over Syria, but its presence has surely been noted by the American military.

The use of cutting-edge signals intelligence and electronic warfare tools is indicative of Russian intentions in Syria. Jeffrey White, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and a 34-year veteran of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, described the rebels as not “that hard a SIGINT target,” using a shorthand term for signals intelligence, or transmissions plucked off the airwaves. “Do [the Russians] need their best and most sophisticated collection techniques and methods?”

Russia’s use of the new tools — in particular the equipment designed to provide more precise targeting information — comes amid a fierce debate between Putin and the Obama administration over Russia’s true targets in its Syria air war. Russian leaders insist they are only hitting targets tied to the Islamic State, but rebel groups in the country — backed by senior U.S. officials like Defense Secretary Ash Carter — say Moscow is actually dropping almost all of its ordnance in areas held by groups fighting Assad.

If it changed course and decided to focus on the Islamists, Russia could more easily use the newly deployed equipment to mount precision strikes against Islamic State targets and jam the group’s communications. If Moscow sticks to its current path, by contrast, it will have powerful new tools to use against Syria’s moderate opposition.

Russia and Syria have a long history of intelligence cooperation in the fight against the country’s rebel groups, and Russia has previously supplied signals intelligence expertise to the Syrian government. In October 2014, rebels overran a Syrian military base near the Golan Heights, discovered a joint Russian-Syrian listening post, and posted a gleeful video tour of the highly secretive facility.

Asked about the intensified Russian intelligence buildup in Syria, one U.S. senior defense official remained closed-lipped about Moscow’s capabilities there other than to acknowledge the sophisticated tools at Russian troops’ disposal and that “their operational patterns remain the same” as in Ukraine. Speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss classified details, the official said that Russia has concealed communications and movements as it did in Ukraine, including by hiding Russian fighter jets within the signature of larger cargo jets.

Other assets deployed to Syria include the R-166-0.5 signals vehicle, which provides command and control functions for a battalion of Russian ground troops. Its presence in Syria is intriguing, Sutyagin said, because it implies the presence of a battalion-strength detachment of ground troops. On Monday, Interfax reported that the Vasily Tatishchev, an advanced naval surveillance ship, has sailed for the eastern Mediterranean.

Earlier this summer, military blogs reported that the Syrian army had received from Russia a new batch of R-330P communication jammers. The simple radio communications tools used by anti-Assad rebels are easy fodder for such a system and could be used to undermine coordination by rebel forces in mounting operations and offensives.

Between the Krasukha, the IL-20, and the Vasily Tatishchev — in addition to the reported presence of surveillance drones — Russia has poured its best assets into Syria against targets that really shouldn’t be particularly hard for the country’s air force to hit. But that deployment is still quite small, and its concentrated use has allowed Putin to achieve his goals with a minimal amount of effort.

With a handful of fighter jets, a few naval assets, a jammer, and a signals intelligence plane, Putin has managed to reshape the balance of power in Syria. It is what Sutyagin, who spent 11 years in jail in Russia on flimsy espionage charges that caused human rights groups to label him a political prisoner, called a huge achievement “with tiny efforts.”

10-07-2015, 10:28 AM
More cluster munitions by #Russia on non-#ISIS positions in Kafrzita, #Hama, #Syria http://youtu.be/-kYJ_PQX7GM

Use of cluster munitions by #Russia on civilian/rebel liberated areas in #Syria are now slowly becoming the norm unfortunately.

10-07-2015, 10:28 AM
Russia opened d airstrikes today in reef Hama and in #Idlib, Jabal al-Zawiyah and other targets as well in the area.

Syria 17 #RuAF airstrikes in less than 5 minutes against rebels/JN positions north of #Hama.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JELcCMJLS-U&feature=youtu.be …

Video of regime missiles taking off and landing on Kafrzeita in Hama. #Syria

Syrian Air Force IL-76 cargo plane YK-ATB went from Damascus to Hamah AB early this morning (~4am local time)

10-07-2015, 10:29 AM
Footage of #ISIS moving military equipment into mosques & civilian areas after Russian air strikes. https://www.rt.com/news/317805-russia-hit-isis-tuesday/ …

Syria Its raining in northern #Hama province- bad conditions for airstrikes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3Hx_MQDyKg …

VIDEO: #Russian gangs attempt to sell nuclear material to #ISIS in Moldova - @Telegraph
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/moldova/11916040/Criminal-gangs-attempting-to-sell-nuclear-material-to-Islamic-State.html …

10-07-2015, 10:36 AM
Syria #Hama #Assad-forces try to advance northwards over a length of 30km now

Heavy clashes between rebels & regime in northern #Hama this morning as regime tries to advance under heavy #Russia air cover.

FSA TOW teams are extremely active today in the ongoing fighting----
Reports 5th Assad tank was taken out in #Hama now between Morek & al-Sayad.

TOW missiles in full action on the ground however, multiple Assad tanks, IFVs & APCs reportedly killed. #Hama #Syria

10-07-2015, 10:39 AM
Children and and women are still being killed and not a single comment by any western leader--all missing in action it appears.

2 women, a child & a man were killed by #Russia|n airstrikes in Daret Izza, #Aleppo this morning.

Assad dropped 10 barrel bombs so far on the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in #Damascus, several civilian casualties reported. #Syria

10-07-2015, 10:40 AM
Syria #Hama Seems Kafr Nabudah is a main target of regime offensive by air & ground https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Jo7eT1mF8M …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.429204&lon=36.496325&z=14&m=b …

Syria #Russia'n airstrikes on #Aleppo suburb Anadan continues
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG445DLlvRM …

Syria Report from frontline in northern #Hama province
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KndcFSzilxU …

NOTE: this video is extremely interesting as it depicts Syrians who are fighting for a beliefe not like say the Iraqi's---they mention Russian troops are also active in the fighting in front of them--notice they are not in the least impressed by the Russian ground attack--

Syria #Hama #Russia'n airstrikes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUIylqMR21w … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UofXOquacEU …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdFbP1ciTJ0 … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdhrNU_7bI4 …

10-07-2015, 10:49 AM
Syria Regime-forces lost a dozen vehicles (tanks, BMPs, technicals) at frontlines in northern #Hama this morning when they try to advance

Syria #Hama Rebels destroyed tank in fields east of Kfar Zita http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.385271&lon=36.633482&z=14&m=b …

#Syria #Hama Rebels destroyed another tank in Al Mughayr
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.408920&lon=36.489201&z=14&m=b …

10-07-2015, 10:53 AM
Syria #Idlib #Russia'n airstrike on Ma`arrat Hurmah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65EZebkPCiE …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.550036&lon=36.546965&z=14&m=b …

Syria #Hama Huge #Russia'n airstrike hit Al Habit town
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lmHQSWCH0A …

Syria #Russia'n airstrike hit #Aleppo suburb Darat Azzah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-o4Q6TEf1A …

Syria Massive #Russia'n attack on northern #Hama province
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JELcCMJLS-U …

Syria #Hama Several #Russia'n helicopter bring ground-forces to Morek town? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ByOgaREMBc …

Syria #Hama #Russia'n airstrike on Al-Lataminah town
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqVOlVGX1VM …

Syria Rebels in northern #Homs countryside prepare for regime ground assault on their area https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfnsAwPRMYQ …

Only 2 of 57 Russian airstrikes targeted ISIS - Turkey's PM Davutoğlu
http://www.dailysabah.com/diplomacy/2015/10/07/turkeys-pm-davutoglu-only-2-of-57-russian-airstrikes-targeted-isis … pic.twitter.com/9GKn7OVSQG

Also in #Idlib province, the Russian air terror continues.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8RTXE7MAg8 …

10-07-2015, 11:04 AM
Western silence on what happens in #Syria now is directly responsible for #slaughter of civilians,more #refugees & #radicalisation.

10-07-2015, 11:36 AM
BreakingNews #ISIS SVBIED hits #DeirEzzor air-base gate. Inghimasi group reportedly penetrated #Assad defenses now inside the base.. #Syria

BREAKING--RUSSIAN NAVY in the fight now--so much for that so called "war game exercise" their propaganda put out there was they entered the Med.

Russian defense minister says 4 Russian warships launched 26 rockets on Islamic State in #Syria - RIA

Rocket attacks came from #Russia’s fleet in Caspian Sea, nr Iran's northern coast.
RF claim 'precision weapons hit all 11 intended targets'

Shoigu said cruise missile "Caliber" hit targets in 1500 km from Caspian Sea.
SS-N-27 «Sizzler» 3M-14/3M-14T rng 2500

10-07-2015, 11:38 AM
Very insightful panel discussion about #Syria and the #Syriamasstorture system documented by 'Caesar'.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KakLGitpm8&feature=youtu.be …

Russian air strikes have reportedly destroyed the main weapons depots of a U.S.-trained rebel group in Syria

10-07-2015, 11:51 AM
More Russian propaganda porn---meaning we will not join you anti IS coalition because you are illegal BUT we are what again "legal"????

Russian Embassy, UK ✔ @RussianEmbassy
Russia not planning to join US-led coalition in Syria, its actions in Syria illegitimate. pic.twitter.com/BYBqaZIyEx

BUT we REALLY REALLY REALLY want you to join us to give us legitimacy BECAUSE if we fail then we will blame you all.

THAT is typical Russian doublespeak.

QUESTION is--will Obama "fall" for it again even after his famous statement-"we will judge Putin on his actions not his words".

10-07-2015, 11:55 AM
Syria #Idlib #Russia'n airstrike on Ma`arrat Hurmah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65EZebkPCiE …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.550036&lon=36.546965&z=14&m=b …

Syria #Hama Huge #Russia'n airstrike hit Al Habit town
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lmHQSWCH0A …

Syria #Russia'n airstrike hit #Aleppo suburb Darat Azzah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-o4Q6TEf1A …

Syria Massive #Russia'n attack on northern #Hama province
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JELcCMJLS-U …

Syria #Hama Several #Russia'n helicopter bring ground-forces to Morek town? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ByOgaREMBc …

Syria #Hama #Russia'n airstrike on Al-Lataminah town
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqVOlVGX1VM …

Syria Rebels in northern #Homs countryside prepare for regime ground assault on their area https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfnsAwPRMYQ …

Only 2 of 57 Russian airstrikes targeted ISIS - Turkey's PM Davutoğlu
http://www.dailysabah.com/diplomacy/2015/10/07/turkeys-pm-davutoglu-only-2-of-57-russian-airstrikes-targeted-isis … pic.twitter.com/9GKn7OVSQG

Also in #Idlib province, the Russian air terror continues.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8RTXE7MAg8 …

Looks like a Russian Spetsnaz GRU officer was killed this morning during the air assault.

Syria #Hama Several #Russia'n helicopter bring ground-forces to Morek town

Many sources (rebels & media activists) reporting a #Russia officer has been killed in clashes around #Morek in #Hama this morning. #Syria

10-07-2015, 11:58 AM
Looks like the IS Media Furat Russian outlet is back in business after a somewhat strange disappearance---probably redoing their Russian messaging in light of the Russian "Holy War Crusade" in an Arab country.

Furat media, Daesh Russian language outlet is back, also on FB, VK and tumblr... pic.twitter.com/Kkq2NB6mxa

10-07-2015, 12:03 PM
Syria Kafrzita, Hama targeted by cluster munitions. Probably delivered by BM-30 Smerch


10-07-2015, 12:11 PM
Really good overview of the social media side of the anti Assad forces--using social media for open source analysis of Russian military actions in Syria---which has been faster than most of the western mainstream media and has been pushing back on Russian Syrian propaganda.....

New from @EliotHiggins: Navigating the Syrian Opposition's social media as the bombs fall

https://medium.com/1st-draft/navigating-the-syrian-opposition-s-social-media-as-the-bombs-fall-825cfc9b660d … pic.twitter.com/qVNTvYsYxu

10-07-2015, 12:18 PM
Russian air strike on Orient Field Hospital in Kafranbel, a town held by rebels fighting against ISIS.

10-07-2015, 12:27 PM
BreakingNews #ISIS SVBIED hits #DeirEzzor air-base gate. Inghimasi group reportedly penetrated #Assad defenses now inside the base.. #Syria

BREAKING--RUSSIAN NAVY in the fight now--so much for that so called "war game exercise" their propaganda put out there was they entered the Med.

Russian defense minister says 4 Russian warships launched 26 rockets on Islamic State in #Syria - RIA

Rocket attacks came from #Russia’s fleet in Caspian Sea, nr Iran's northern coast.
RF claim 'precision weapons hit all 11 intended targets'

Shoigu said cruise missile "Caliber" hit targets in 1500 km from Caspian Sea.
SS-N-27 «Sizzler» 3M-14/3M-14T rng 2500

Russia fires missiles from the #Caspian towards targets in #Syria across one of the busiest air traffic corridors:

10-07-2015, 12:29 PM
BreakingNews #ISIS SVBIED hits #DeirEzzor air-base gate. Inghimasi group reportedly penetrated #Assad defenses now inside the base.. #Syria

BREAKING--RUSSIAN NAVY in the fight now--so much for that so called "war game exercise" their propaganda put out there was they entered the Med.

Russian defense minister says 4 Russian warships launched 26 rockets on Islamic State in #Syria - RIA

Rocket attacks came from #Russia’s fleet in Caspian Sea, nr Iran's northern coast.
RF claim 'precision weapons hit all 11 intended targets'

Shoigu said cruise missile "Caliber" hit targets in 1500 km from Caspian Sea.
SS-N-27 «Sizzler» 3M-14/3M-14T rng 2500

Russian "long range missiles" hit three villages in #Idlib province.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbjLWLlEQqI … pic.twitter.com/KlSVtipZ8u

WE HAVE TO WAIT to see exactly which anti Assad group was hit BUT am favoring FSA-----

SLCMs are overkill. Russia wants to send a message to the US, “hey we can also strike targets with precision from strategic range"

10-07-2015, 12:33 PM
UNCONFIRMED Russian loses in today's Syrian ground attack-------awaiting video footage that will probably be drifting in tonight from Syria as the internet there is largely via sat phone and or sat uplinks.

Source is a well known reporter who is usually correct in his coverage as he seems to have very reliable sources.

الله @HadiAlabdallah

Reliable sources told us Russian troops were killed today in Hama province by Syrian Revolutionaries who also destroyed 12 tanks

AWAITING as well the well know TOW videos from the FSA TOW hunter killer teams.

10-07-2015, 12:36 PM
Russian journalist posts picture from the front in Hama showing multiple rocket launchers

And what's on Russian telefiction these days? Reports that the West is starting to accept Russia's actions in Syria https://twitter.com/eliothiggins/status/651698311527837696 …

10-07-2015, 01:16 PM
AA #NDF backed by #SyAAF & #RuAF launches offensive in north #Hama countryside http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-begin-large-scale-offensive-in-northern-hama-ahaya-al-mughayr-and-markabat-captured/ …

According to this facebook account from Idlib https://www.facebook.com/miladahmdfadel , Russian jets in Syria are using cluster bombs.

Syrian Air Force IL-76 cargo plane YK-ATB went from Damascus to Hamah AB early this morning (~4am local time) he flies almost every day. I wonder what loads it carries?

New on The Hoplite: ARES documents the 12th model of submunition in Syria, the Russian SPBE. http://armamentresearch.com/rbk-500-spbe-cargo-munitions-employed-in-syria/

10-07-2015, 01:20 PM
The FSA TOW hunter killer teams could teach the US Army on the use of the TOW-------

ANOTHER FSA TOW hunter killer strike and destruction of Assad tank---

Syria #Hama Rebels blow up another tank
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvUsqkZykRo …

Syria Burning regime tank in northern #Hama--long distance TOW hit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DFjgklNVf4 …

Syria: 13th Division (#FSA) monitors regime (Russian?) helicopters flying over N #Hama

BTW--the IR flares being fired are no protection against a well aimed RPG 7 thru 27s as they are remaining low to avoid MANPADs.

10-07-2015, 01:38 PM
BreakingNews #ISIS SVBIED hits #DeirEzzor air-base gate. Inghimasi group reportedly penetrated #Assad defenses now inside the base.. #Syria

BREAKING--RUSSIAN NAVY in the fight now--so much for that so called "war game exercise" their propaganda put out there was they entered the Med.

Russian defense minister says 4 Russian warships launched 26 rockets on Islamic State in #Syria - RIA

Rocket attacks came from #Russia’s fleet in Caspian Sea, nr Iran's northern coast.
RF claim 'precision weapons hit all 11 intended targets'

Shoigu said cruise missile "Caliber" hit targets in 1500 km from Caspian Sea.
SS-N-27 «Sizzler» 3M-14/3M-14T rng 2500

Russia'n navy launch missiles towards #Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMasnaAf_H4 …

Did Russia consult the countries whose airspace they were shooting cruise missiles through? From Caspian Sea to Syria.

10-07-2015, 01:39 PM
All indications point to a large #SAA offensive on North Hama gone disastrously wrong after relying purely on #Russian air cover.

10-07-2015, 02:10 PM
Regime forces in Hadar are now in threat; they will be besieged if Rebels will be able to reach Beit Jinn area.

Map - The Military Situation in North of #Quneitra | #Syria | October 7.
HD: http://archicivilians.com/2015/10/07/map-the-military-situation-in-north-of-quneitra-syria-october-7-2015/ …

Multiple Russian air strikes on #KafrZita.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5atoOXftwXc …

FSA TOW team----
Tank in #Syria is unbelievably lucky as #US-made TOW anti-tank #missile hits post instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jn1vN5Bz0E … pic.twitter.com/fThe9s8LVB

10-07-2015, 02:12 PM
All indications point to a large #SAA offensive on North Hama gone disastrously wrong after relying purely on #Russian air cover.

Something happened today on the Syrian battlefield---Russia was indirectly beaten by so called rag tag rebels who went wild with their TOWs--

Field reporting is typical right now by Arabic standards--all over the map emotionally speaking.

BUT what ever happened in Syria today---it was a lopsided fight AND the RuAF bombings had absolutely no effect--if anything it motivated them to even greater resistance.

FSA division13 has commited a horrible massacre against regime armours in north Hama today.
Let's wait for the videos

Great Putin 63rd birthday present--are some of the comments---

The comments are flowing in now---currently only three videos are in--- the FSA TOW teams record all their hits so it will take time for them to upload via sat phones.

I’m told today's offensive in Hama by regime+Russia+Iran was massive: air, armor, ground troops. The rebels held back, no inch retreat.

10-07-2015, 02:29 PM
Does Russia truly want a major war--seems so-----this is not going to end well until Obama finally stands up as a adult and says something and then backs that up with decisive action.

Turkey Says Missile Systems In Syria Locking Onto Their Jets http://bit.ly/1OXVDAy

Russia is provoking Turkey as they did the Ukraine forces daily----and the US said nothing.

10-07-2015, 04:28 PM
Does Russia truly want a major war--seems so-----this is not going to end well until Obama finally stands up as a adult and says something and then backs that up with decisive action.

Turkey Says Missile Systems In Syria Locking Onto Their Jets http://bit.ly/1OXVDAy

Russia is provoking Turkey as they did the Ukraine forces daily----and the US said nothing.

Curious why you think the US needs to do anything for Provoking Turkey? For once, I like things just as they are. Lets see how the Russians like fighting rebels for a change. Lets see how long they stay in the fight where all of thier "hybrid" tactics mean nothing.

10-07-2015, 06:15 PM
Curious why you think the US needs to do anything for Provoking Turkey? For once, I like things just as they are. Lets see how the Russians like fighting rebels for a change. Lets see how long they stay in the fight where all of thier "hybrid" tactics mean nothing.

Right now Turkey is a serious wild card---and a serious player inside Syria--if they get agitated they will fire back and the US knows it so they have to do something to calm them down and show the US is actually backing them..

Also they are in the middle of an election cycle thus beating their chest gets votes.

Plus they have not forgotten the Russian AD crew that shot down their RF4 over the Med.

10-07-2015, 06:22 PM
FSA-SF officer greets Russians (in ru!) & warns Putin:
Don't let #Syria be a 2nd Afghanistan!
v @arabthomness

FSA destroyed more than 30 regime equipment in rural Hama, including 18 tanks & 4 BMPs. #Syria pic.twitter.com/Jhv5cUrsYJ

10-07-2015, 06:36 PM
Syria: Today´s start of #Hama offensive probably the day with the highest regime armor kill rate in this conflict.

Counting 8 out of 20 claimed, 1 captured out of 4 claimed. another Tajamu Ala'azza TOW's hit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx4wHXkqfG0 …

Liwa Fursan al Haq TOW ATGM used against SAA armoured vehicle. Hit the target, not clear if destroyed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7RtGMItxdE …

Div. 13 used 3 TOW ATGMs. 1 missed the target, 2 hit a T-55 and a T-72.

Soqur al Ghab used a TOW ATGM vs 1 T-55 (hit) in this area. Tajamu Ala'azza used 2 9K111 Fagot ATGMs vs 1 BMP-1 (destroyed)& 1 T72 (hit)

They are newly trained recruits , looking the way they attacked . Helicopters was nowhere to seen helping this column ,they learn

Syria 2 #RuAF Mi-24P provoding CAS for SAA & allies's offensive in Hama. https://youtu.be/UIKa4_ZCNXc

They will soon learn why the SyAF Mi-25 are flying much muuuuch higher.

10-07-2015, 06:45 PM
Syria: footage from al-Latmin (#Hama) which is still under rebel control at sundown https://youtu.be/0oUemzeT5Nc

Rebels destroyed a regime 57 mm gun in northern Hama https://youtu.be/kJbre_bTc3w

Syria: 46th Division (#FSA) rebels destroyed a regime anti-tank gun I'm northern #Hama https://youtu.be/kJbre_bTc3w

Impressive: #FSA Fursan al-Haq blow 2 regime tanks on the move with TOWs ATGM in #Hama today

Syria #Hama 1 of 4 captured regime tanks
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilqcCnOq06Q&feature=youtu.be …

I lost the count..another TOW vs another tank and you know the rest.

10-07-2015, 06:52 PM
EXCLUSIVE: Russian jets 'intercept' US predator drones over Syria, officials say -

By Lucas Tomlinson, Jennifer Griffin
·Published October 07, 2015

Russian fighter jets shadowed U.S. predator drones on at least three separate occasions high above Syria since the start of Russia’s air campaign last week, according to two U.S. officials briefed on this latest intelligence from the region.

Meanwhile, U.S. Navy Captain Jeff Davis told reporters a U.S. aircraft flying over Syria had to be rerouted to avoid a Russian fighter jet at least once.

“We have taken action to maintain safe separation,” Davis said, adding that the U.S. aircraft "changed path a little bit." He did not disclose which type of U.S. aircraft was involved.

U.S. officials tell Fox News the drone encounters took place over ISIS-controlled Syria, including its de facto headquarters in Raqqa, as well as along the Turkish-Syrian border near Korbani. Another occurred in the northwest, near the highly contested city of Aleppo.

“The first time it happened, we thought the Russians got lucky. Then it happened two more times,” said one official.

The U.S. military's MQ-1 Predator drone is not a stealth aircraft.

"It is easy to see a predator on radar," said one official.

The Russians have not attempted to shoot down any of the U.S. drones, but instead have flown "intercept tracks," a doctrinal term meaning the Russians flew close enough to make their presence felt, according to one official.

One other official said, “the Russians flew very close, but did not impede the drone flight.”

“The first time it happened, we thought the Russians got lucky. Then it happened two more times."

- U.S. official briefed on intelligence

Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook, traveling with the defense secretary in Europe leading up to a NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels Thursday, said the Pentagon is open to more military-to-military talks with the Russians. No immediate date has been established to conduct the next round of talks, according to one defense official.

This development comes as Russia has moved some of its Mi-24 gunships and transport helicopters from an air base along the Mediterranean to another air base outside Homs, roughly 100 miles away. Russian ground forces, hundreds of Russian marines -- as well as four BM-30 Smerch rocket launchers capable of firing cluster munitions, mines as well as high explosive warheads -- are now in position to strike, but there is no evidence they have done so according to multiple defense officials. Infantry fighting vehicles and more a conventional artillery battery has also been seen by the intelligence community.

All these movements demonstrate the Russians are forming a "protective belt" around Latakia, the stronghold of Syrian President Bashar Assad, and are carrying out airstrikes against anti-Assad rebel forces, some backed by the CIA, to protect both regime and Russian interests, including a Russian naval base in Tartus established in the 70s.

The Pentagon maintains the vast majority of strikes from its forward operating base at Bassel al-Assad airport in Latakia including some 30 fighter/bomber jets have been against Syrian opposition forces and not ISIS, and one official pushed back on Russian defense ministry claims on the number of strikes the Russians have launched.
"The Russians carried out only one half or at best a quarter of the strikes they claim to have conducted," said a senior military official.

Over the past weekend, Turkey claims that Russia on two separate occasions violated its airspace. Despite Turkish pressure on NATO and top US government officials calling the action "unprofessional" and a "provocation" two senior US military officials downplayed the incident.

"The Russians flew along the border and we still don't know for sure what happened."

At least one of the alleged incidences occurred in Turkey's Hatay Province.

In 1939, land belonging to Syria and the Assad family in the northwest, along the Mediterranean bordering Latakia where the Russia has established an air base, was annexed by Turkey. Syria has never recognized the action and the two countries have been bitter enemies ever since.

10-07-2015, 07:03 PM
Right now Turkey is a serious wild card---and a serious player inside Syria--if they get agitated they will fire back and the US knows it so they have to do something to calm them down and show the US is actually backing them..

Also they are in the middle of an election cycle thus beating their chest gets votes.

Plus they have not forgotten the Russian AD crew that shot down their RF4 over the Med.

I am actuall surprised they did not shoot. Turkey has dealt with Russia and Soviet Satellite states for some time. I think they know how far they could push things.

10-07-2015, 07:11 PM
Video: #Russia|n "caliber" missile overflight of #Iran (probably)

The Syrian rebel front in #Hama under attack by #Assad's tanks and #Putin's jets.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-rqdPdTP5M … pic.twitter.com/dzCGDqykRP

More #Assad tanks in the #HamaOffensive with #Russia get destroyed by the TOW.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGHnYc3yHsg … pic.twitter.com/XoF0cjHIU9

10-07-2015, 07:19 PM
Probably the same two vehicles being targeted by 9M111 Fagot ATGMs:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG9PEwhuzAA …
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHyh5t5g7GQ …

Syrian Rebels just cut off the main road leading to #Aleppo Central Prison. #Syria

Syrian Rebels' spies said that each day 9 #Assad tanks sent to northern #Syria during 4 days, so 36 Tanks. 18 destroyed by Rebels today...

Best picture from the Russian spy plane IL-20 over #Syria so far by Syrian citizen journalist @HadiAlabdallah. pic.twitter.com/qpo9bNgWX3

Video of #Russia|n warships strike targets in #Syria from Caspian Sea
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMasnaAf_H4 … pic.twitter.com/Okx3dGt4oc

10-07-2015, 07:25 PM
الله @HadiAlabdallah

Video: Interview with FSA commander explaining today's battle in the Hama suburb of Morek and the gains made

Video: joy among Syrian Revolutionaries over their gains despite the relentless Russian bombardment

Hama pro regime map. Incorrect pre offensive front lines and complete lack of visual evidence for alleged gains.

10-07-2015, 07:45 PM
I am actuall surprised they did not shoot. Turkey has dealt with Russia and Soviet Satellite states for some time. I think they know how far they could push things.

My concern---is that their Sunni emotionalism gets the better of them---as Russia is truly looking for a provocation just to open fire to prove to the world the US MUST join them in the coordination center thus lending creditability to their Syrian adventure---

We cannot allow that as it would then appear to the Sunni Front States that we have sided with Iran and Shiaism.

10-07-2015, 07:50 PM
Zain al-Hassan, one of anti-tank TOW missiles operators in #Syria, is said he destroyed 4 gov. tanks near Murak pic.twitter.com/4jRPfJpHJi

Experts: Russian navy missile strikes were 'bravado' without real tactical need

Brave citizen reporter @HadiAlabdallah once again missed by a regime shell by a few meters.
Stay safe Hadi! pic.twitter.com/fImL3fMIUM

Today's #Russian backed regime offensive in #Hama clearly didn't go as expected. Pic shows #Ahrar with captured tank pic.twitter.com/ZwYWXG0Ktf

Syria: #Hama regime offensive pushed back by opposition to some extent at least. #Ahrar pic is a clear indication. pic.twitter.com/Ybtsg2bQYn

VIDEO: Assad forces retreat from the battlefield in Northern #Hama #Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEvVx_r5Jmo … pic.twitter.com/v7AweTSY3p

10-07-2015, 08:06 PM
Appears Russian Navy was also targeting FSA--------

Syria Interesting. One of the Russian 3M-54 Klub Kalibr-NK missile hit rebels positions in Khan Al Assal, Aleppo.

link to the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQgPIxaGE50 ….

10-07-2015, 08:10 PM
Russia not even pretending any more: supporting Assad ground assault on rebel positions from air & sea. Not about #ISIS at all.

Syria: What we witnessed today was the #Russia/#Assad war on #FSA while #IS remains untouched. Great work, #Putin!

Yep. Assad & Putin troops took 50-70 km on the first day of the #HamaOffensive.
Take care. You just entered Turkey! pic.twitter.com/2UOVkewJN7

10-07-2015, 08:11 PM
Eliot Higgins ‏@EliotHiggins · 10m10 minutes ago
It would be nice if the Russian MoD posted at least one video of them actually hitting ISIS targets just so we've at least one to verify

10-07-2015, 08:23 PM
Even though his endgame is not simply intelligence on US and NATO systems, my guess is that Putin will want to put his forces as close to ours as possible in order to gauge capabilities, determine how easy our systems are to target, or how best to defend against them.

On the flip side, we will get to see exactly how good Russian systems are, what they are capable of, how to identify them, and theoretically how to defeat them.

My hope is that he invests too deeply and things do not turn for Assad. We should also consider leaving ISIS in Syria to Russia and concentrate on the Iraqi side of the border. If Putin had to deal with ISIS on his own, then he would have less capability to attack FSA elements.

10-08-2015, 04:53 AM
Even though his endgame is not simply intelligence on US and NATO systems, my guess is that Putin will want to put his forces as close to ours as possible in order to gauge capabilities, determine how easy our systems are to target, or how best to defend against them.Although it seems that some knees in the DC and NY are already trembling, I remain unimpressed. This is a pure 'airshow with fireworks', Putin's ToyStory with clear marketing purposes.

Namely, vast majority of air strikes are actually ineffective. Nearly 50% are repeats (why would these be necessary if the first attack obtained objectives claimed by the MOD in Moscow), and now it seems some of always-better-knowing Russian generals forced the regime into an offensive at wrong time and place (indeed: without even considering the weather forecast).

...and except for Putin's birthday, primary reason for deployment of Kaliber-NK cruise missiles yesterday appears to have been 'bad weather' (clouds) in most of northern and central Syria. Seems RuAF neither likes to fly in such weather, nor can hit anything.

Even then, several of cruise missiles hit insurgent positions along frontlines to the Daesh, meaning Moscow is now providing indirect fire support for the ISIS...

On the flip side, we will get to see exactly how good Russian systems are, what they are capable of, how to identify them, and theoretically how to defeat them.Indeed. One of 'nice to have' results so far are about 10 minutes of recordings of all sorts of emissions from RLSU-30MK-R Bars-R (N011M-R) radars - and even more from IFF-transponders - of RuAF Su-30SMs, just for example. Somebody from Brussels might want to decorate Russian crews in question...

My hope is that he invests too deeply and things do not turn for Assad.Except Russians wastly improve their performance, I do not see how do they ever expect to 'complete the mission in two to three months'. That's beyond illusion...

We should also consider leaving ISIS in Syria to Russia...If they would be bombing the Daesh, that would be a good idea. But, they do not do so: 95% of air strikes were flown against insurgents, primarily those that are either US-equipped, or even US-trained.

Worst of all: last few days (1-6 October) the besieged regime garrison in Dayr az-Zawr was receiving air support from the CENTCOM: Russians flew two combat sorties into the area - and then only on the last day of the latest battle there...

Overall, declared intentions, planning of this entire operation, methods of deployment, combat ops planning and efficiency look rather as if somebody equipped a gang of kids from the nearby kindergarden with Sukhoi fighter-bombers and cruise missiles, and then ordered them to go 'fighting Daesh' - and then wonders how comes all the windows in the nearby streets are broken, but Daesh not hurt...

10-08-2015, 05:49 AM
Russia adding tanks, artillery in Syria with Iranian-trained force that may number 10,000+

2 videos reported to be of Russian cruise missiles on way fr Caspian to Syrian targets yday
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kWlxZNO8ZY …
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zIKziWYVx8 …

More Russian Syrian propaganda porn---
Not content with lying about location & targets of airstrikes, #Putin's shills now fabricating pilots.

Putin joins forces w/ Assad in targeting hospitals, destroying ambulances & killing nurses.
http://physiciansforhumanrights.org/press/press-releases/russian-warplanes-strike-medical-facilities-in-syria.html?referrer=http://t.co/70UY1RnSj9 … pic.twitter.com/JoMXZa1Jme

The INF violation - is it about a SLCM after all? My quick take on Syria strikes, Kalibr-NK, and the INF treaty http://russianforces.org/blog/2015/10/syria_strikes_kalibr-nk_and_th.shtml …

10-08-2015, 05:55 AM
Russia says it’s bombing ISIS in Syria. This map shows it’s lying. http://bit.ly/1LiFFyn pic.twitter.com/GrycTaR2jn

INTERESTING--now even the Russians admit their offensive failure yesterday-----
Pro-Kremlin Journalist says there have been “no results on the ground” in #Hama offensive #Syria

10-08-2015, 06:33 AM
Although it seems that some knees in the DC and NY are already trembling, I remain unimpressed. This is a pure 'airshow with fireworks', Putin's ToyStory with clear marketing purposes.

Namely, vast majority of air strikes are actually ineffective. Nearly 50% are repeats (why would these be necessary if the first attack obtained objectives claimed by the MOD in Moscow), and now it seems some of always-better-knowing Russian generals forced the regime into an offensive at wrong time and place (indeed: without even considering the weather forecast).

...and except for Putin's birthday, primary reason for deployment of Kaliber-NK cruise missiles yesterday appears to have been 'bad weather' (clouds) in most of northern and central Syria. Seems RuAF neither likes to fly in such weather, nor can hit anything.

Even then, several of cruise missiles hit insurgent positions along frontlines to the Daesh, meaning Moscow is now providing indirect fire support for the ISIS...

Indeed. One of 'nice to have' results so far are about 10 minutes of recordings of all sorts of emissions from RLSU-30MK-R Bars-R (N011M-R) radars - and even more from IFF-transponders - of RuAF Su-30SMs, just for example. Somebody from Brussels might want to decorate Russian crews in question...

Except Russians wastly improve their performance, I do not see how do they ever expect to 'complete the mission in two to three months'. That's beyond illusion...

If they would be bombing the Daesh, that would be a good idea. But, they do not do so: 95% of air strikes were flown against insurgents, primarily those that are either US-equipped, or even US-trained.

Worst of all: last few days (1-6 October) the besieged regime garrison in Dayr az-Zawr was receiving air support from the CENTCOM: Russians flew two combat sorties into the area - and then only on the last day of the latest battle there...

Overall, declared intentions, planning of this entire operation, methods of deployment, combat ops planning and efficiency look rather as if somebody equipped a gang of kids from the nearby kindergarden with Sukhoi fighter-bombers and cruise missiles, and then ordered them to go 'fighting Daesh' - and then wonders how comes all the windows in the nearby streets are broken, but Daesh not hurt...

Great comment----

Video compilation of today's "harvest of regime tanks" in Hama's countryside
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxTxKqIawKk …

NOTICE the game of FB in both the Ukraine and now Syria--this video was blocked by FB on violation of terms of service AFER Russian trolls COMPLAINED to FB as they did not want the massive loss of armor yesterday to hit internationally.

FB by the way has a 700M USD Russian investor as part owner and he had nothing to do with this--700M USDs is a lot of influence ven inside a US owned company.

10-08-2015, 06:49 AM
Unconfirmed: a Ukrainian website lists names of #Russia|n pilots who are taking part in the campaign against #Syria
http://metelyk.org/criminal/?cf%5Bname%5D=%D0%BF%D1%83%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD-%D1%85%D1%83%D0%B9%D0%BB%D0%BE&cf%5Bcountry%5D=%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D1% 8F&cf%5Baddress%5D=&cf%5Bphone%5D=&cf%5Bdesc%5D=%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BD% D0%BE-%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2 …

10-08-2015, 06:55 AM
FSA Suqour in Ahras, #Aleppo fighting ISIS on 2 fronts, targeted by Russian airstrikes + ISIS tanks & VBIED y’day http://youtu.be/Ga_7tfiewh8

Syria Intense #Russia'n airstrikes now in northern Ghab plain to pave regime ground forces the way

Map - The Military Situation in North of #Hama | #Syria | October 8. #IUCA
HD: http://archicivilians.com/2015/10/08/map-the-military-situation-in-north-of-hama-syria-october-7-2015/ …

Food from #Egypt reach rebel hold areas in southern #Syria /#Daraa/Tasil town
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7qTxfnU9_w …

Syria #Idlib #Russia'n airstrike on Masran killed a lot of residents
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw1tJpddnfg&feature=youtu.be …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.706238&lon=36.804199&z=14&m=b …

Fighting in village west of Kafr Nabudah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIiwnRay1rw …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.433444&lon=36.447380&z=16&m=b …

#Syria #Hama Fromfrontline at Kafr Nabudah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnreju5HrPY …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQKs-DAiXfs …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.426442&lon=36.496024&z=15&m=b …

10-08-2015, 08:03 AM
Syria #Hama Rebels defend Kafr Nabudah against regime-forces coming from south https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmhqBOzbAyk …

@Aswed_Flags confirmed regime/russian offense on Jabal Akrad reef #Latakia, to what extent not clear.

Heavy attacks on Salma, reef #Latakia possible attempt at a regime/russian offense on area.

Heavy clashes this morning between rebels & Assad forces/militias in #Jobar, #Damascus

An advanced tank named "Command Tank" has been captured by revolutionaries yesterday in Morek in Hama province --was a T72 variant not previously seen in Syria-variant is still not identified---this as an area yesterday that the Russians air assaulted into

3 civilians killed in RuAF attack on Darat Izza #Aleppo y'day.

10-08-2015, 08:09 AM
In #Syria yesterday, an #FSA US-made TOW ATGM team take out an #SAA Russian-made Kornet ATGM team.
Sublime symbolism.


10-08-2015, 08:19 AM
Pres Putin says he’s ready to help pool efforts by Assad’s Army and FSA in fight against ISIS - seems at odds with facts on ground #syria

Roland Oliphant
‏@RolandOliphant New Syrian govt ground offensive back by Russian air power this morning apparently. Yesterday's reportedly ran into trouble

Eliot Higgins ‏@EliotHiggins ·
Trouble = lots of ATGMs

Captured regime officer said the russians pushed them into a failed battle because they were looking for a swift victory

Russian military mindset is not on the battlefield that technically adaptable as the West seems to think--IT was all about info war for the Russian home front especially after the naval cruise missiles were launched--- for the Russian Naval "me to efforts" for the RT cameras.

Syria: Furqat al-Wasta (#FSA) rebels kills a squad of regime soldiers in Markabah (N #Hama) https://youtu.be/vVgK6umQ3eE

Syria: footage of the 13th Division (#FSA) destroying its 4th tank in northern #Hama today https://youtu.be/_D2-IhOZSFQ
NOTICE--in the last seconds of this video you will hear English with an Arabic accent being spoken--"come on this one is dead-- you got it".......

Syria: Tajammu al-Izzah (#FSA) fires a TOW missile at a tank & blah blah you know the rest https://youtu.be/yx4wHXkqfG0
NOTICE--Russian info war trolls are applying pressure on FB to block these TOW attack videos --FB gives in all the time to Russian troll complaints--ever wonder why a US company can be pressures by Russian trolls to do their bidding--a Russian 700M USd oligarch investmentat--that is why.

10-08-2015, 08:47 AM
Is Moscow preparing Russian public for a longer campaign in Syria? Today Kom.Pravda warns "battle against Islamic State could last forever"

Syria | Government forces launch an offensive in Al-Ghab plain, around 25 km north-west of Hama, backed by Russian airstrikes – Activists

And Russian agents #Kots/#Steshin' story yesterday was:
"Syrian officers: Terrorists fleeing to Turkey" pic.twitter.com/Rh83N0c6ZA

Regime army believed the Russian rumour that the rebels had fled to Europe. That dose of spirits cost them a lot.

10-08-2015, 08:50 AM
Social media open source analysis bellingcat is taking on the entire Russian Today media front over Syrian Russian MoD released videos--he has basically proven that yes they bomb but the locations they are claiming to have hit ARE not the actual locations hit.

Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins
It says a lot about our work that @RT_com dedicates a front page article to smearing us pic.twitter.com/gmzlJJxmmY

Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins
Also, @RT_com, we're not accusing the Russian MoD of faking the videos, we're saying they're lying about where and who they are bombing.

Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins
.@K69atie @RT_com Claiming Russia lies about MH17, Ukraine, and Syria aren't insults, they're provable facts.

Seems social media is getting the better of the Russian info war right now--

10-08-2015, 08:51 AM
"The Russians are seeking greater cooperation, and frankly we don’t want that." Pentagon abandons "deconfliction." http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/08/world/middleeast/a-semantic-downgrade-for-us-russian-talks-about-operations-in-syria.html …

10-08-2015, 08:57 AM
1 Assad tank killed, another hit & several Assad forces & militias killed by rebels in #Jobar, #Damascus this morning.

Reports Russian jets mistakingly bombed an Assad position on the outskirts of Bahsa in the Ghab Plain, #Hama, #Syria

Appears the Russians need some JTAC training for their air strikes??????

Syria #Idlib #Russia'n airstrike on Al-Taman'ah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkJLwEbfx1E …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.456755&lon=36.746521&z=13&m=b …

10-08-2015, 12:05 PM
BREAKING MAJOR fighting is currently ongoing--anti Assad forces seem to be holding their own and downing Russian copters in the process.

Syria #Latakia Ahrar al Sham claim repelled #Assad-forces #Salma
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.686651&lon=36.136351&z=15&m=b …

Activists says 4 unidentified RuAF or SyAF helicopters tried to air-drop infantry inside Kafranbouda village N #Hama when targeted by #FSA.

Unconfirmed: #FSA Suqor al-Ghab & Ajnad al-Sham downed Mi24 helicopter over Salma village in Akrad Mount.

Activists say another helicopter was downed near Kafranbouda village norther #Hama. Huge if true.

10-08-2015, 12:07 PM
BREAKING MAJOR fighting is currently ongoing--anti Assad forces seem to be holding their own and downing Russian copters in the process.

Syria #Latakia Ahrar al Sham claim repelled #Assad-forces #Salma
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.686651&lon=36.136351&z=15&m=b …

Activists says 4 unidentified RuAF or SyAF helicopters tried to air-drop infantry inside Kafranbouda village N #Hama when targeted by #FSA.

Unconfirmed: #FSA Suqor al-Ghab & Ajnad al-Sham downed Mi24 helicopter over Salma village in Akrad Mount.

Activists say another helicopter was downed near Kafranbouda village norther #Hama. Huge if true.

Syria #Hama Reports: Rebels shot down helicopter above Kafr Nabudah
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.428435&lon=36.490831&z=14&m=b …

10-08-2015, 12:10 PM
NATO announce to deploy more soldiers in #Turkey

10-08-2015, 12:11 PM
Syria #Russia carried out 20+ airstrikes in Ghab plain- regime sources claim
rebels retreat from Al-Bahsa
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.679714&lon=36.272264&z=15&m=b …

Jaysh al-Islam says destroyed regime tank and technical in Jobar tried to advance into the district today.

The regime stages an offensive from multiple fronts in Joubar at the outskirts of Damascus.

#Syria Regime try to advance along western Ghab-road toward north.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.681213&lon=36.274366&z=14&m=b …

#Syria #Hama Rebels blow up regime artillery stationed in Al Mughayr

10-08-2015, 12:16 PM
The #Assad regime resumed bombing #Damascus city (#Jobar quarter) today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzSgVIjtAq4 …

Rus bombardment, coinciding with the regime/Rus offensive on Kafarnabodah yday.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbY0eLH1UEc …

Syria More AO-2.5RT Anti-Personnel submunition in Ma'saran, Idlib. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgvrJ-5Dxew …

10-08-2015, 12:27 PM
#Syria|n revolutionaries near Kafr Nabodeh, #Hama, have shot down a helicopter attempting a coordinated air assault on al-Mugheer.

I just heard radio transmission clip from rebels in Kfar Nabouda saying they shot down two Assad helicopters, not one as Reuters quoted.

Syria #RuAF Su-34 heavy config with 4 X KAB-500 PGMs. via @MuradoRT pic.twitter.com/8lpi6KeNXW
#PT if not mistaken, this is the first time we see Lattakia based Su-34 with this config. Prev. only 2 KAB-500 carried on fus. hardpoints

Saudi sources now saying they are stepping up their arms supplies to #Syria in response to #Russian
air strikes

Syria #Hama Rebels destroyed another tank in Al Mughayr today

Appears that the Russians forgot that the anti Assad forces have lived under air strike conditions for now four years--they have learned and adapted to them---so the Russian shock and awe just does not work.

10-08-2015, 12:27 PM
NATO ready to defend #Turkey, send troops if needed: Stoltenberg - Reuters http://reut.rs/1jb0aCd

Provocation is a Russian core competency.
Not knowing when to stop is another one.
Together, such things can go very seriously awry.

10-08-2015, 12:29 PM
If they would be bombing the Daesh, that would be a good idea. But, they do not do so: 95% of air strikes were flown against insurgents, primarily those that are either US-equipped, or even US-trained.

We should have no delusion that our campaign in Syria against the Daesh is not helping Assad stay in power. As we are attacking ISIS, the Russians are free to attack other threats to Assad. If we leave Syria to the Russians, they will have to deal with the Daesh on thier own.

Also, if we concentrate our efforts in Iraq it leaves less room for the Russians to move into Iraq, something I am sure the Iraqis with Iranian ties would like. Russian support does not come with “ideological” strings. Whomever the sovereign is works for them (as long as the sovereign is not “suppressing Russian speakers.”) We require at least the appearance of moving towards democracy and not violating human rights.

Ultimately, we have no real strategic interest in Syria, we have one in Iraq. We could have more of one if we decided to go that route.

Finally, I would love to see the Russians become deeply involved in Syria, if for no other reason, because it would provide us with a wealth of intelligence on their capabilities. As you point out it appears that the Russian Air Force may not be an all-weather force. What other intelligence can we gather while Putin plays war in Syria.

10-08-2015, 02:02 PM
IS the Russian AF actually flying missions for the Islamic State YET telling their own civil society that the "Glorious Russian Army" is fighting IS and other terrorists??????

http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/10/08/russia-s-giving-isis-an-air-force.html …

Michael Weiss

10.08.151:00 AM ET

Russia’s Giving ISIS An Air Force

Putin’s air campaign in Syria is not only supporting Assad, it’s giving cover to fighters from the so-called Islamic State.

Last June, the U.S. embassy in Damascus accused Bashar al-Assad’s air force of clearing a path for an ISIS advance on Syrian rebels in the Aleppo town of Azaz. “Reports indicate that the regime is making air strikes in support of [ISIS’s] advance on Aleppo, aiding extremists against Syrian population,” the embassy account tweeted, following up with a broader accusation: “We have long seen that the regime avoids [ISIS] lines, in complete contradiction to the regime’s claims to be fighting [ISIS].”

Now Russia seems to have inherited Assad’s role as the unacknowledged air force of ISIS.

On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s fighter jets rocketed an ammunition storehouse, destroying artillery, armored personnel carriers and even tanks belonging to Liwa Suqour al-Jabal, or The Mountain Eagles, a U.S.-backed brigade of the Free Syrian Army. A video uploaded by the brigade to YouTube shows the burning wreckage of the Russian airstrike, in Mansoura, in the western suburbs of Aleppo, as the local commander known as Abu Mohammed taunts his enemy: “Thank God, we are all fine,” says Abu Mohammed. “We don’t fear Russia or anyone helping the Russians. Bashar, we will remain resistant fighting you even without any ammunition or bullets. We will fight you with knives. We don’t need ammunition, Allahu Akhbar.”

The cameraman then adds that the Russians weren’t the only ones hitting the brigade yesterday. “The Russian airplanes are targeting Suqour al-Jabal’s weapon depots in Aleppo and ISIS attacked the bases with explosives at the same time.”

Hasan Hagali, the top commander for Suqour al-Jabal and a former captain in the Syrian Arab Army, explained via Skype to The Daily Beast: “Yesterday, at 5:30 p.m. a base belonging to Suqour al-Jabal was targeted in two air raids in Mansoura. In each raid, there were three Russian Mig-31 jets. That’s our main arms depot, where we supply all our units. At the same exact time—5:30 p.m.—ISIS sent a car bomb against us in Deir Jemal, against our base. This is about 130 kilometers away from Mansoura.” An earlier ISIS attack against a Suqour al-Jabal frontline position, he added, occurred in Ehres, also in western Aleppo, at around 3 o'clock. But ISIS locations in the province, no doubt equally visible from the air, were left unscathed by the Russians.

In the last week, less than 10% of all Russian missiles (and now ship-borne cruise missiles) has struck ISIS or al-Qaeda-affiliated targets, according to the U.S. State Department. What is a consensus view among analysts is that ISIS clearly is not Putin’s quarry in Syria, at least not yet, because he’s too busy killing the anti-Assad rebels supported and armed by the Central Intelligence Agency. U.S. officials have acknowledged as much.

But that Moscow might actually be objectively helping ISIS defeat a common enemy by acting as air support for the jihadists’ ground assaults against U.S. proxies is less well understood, even though it fits with predictions warning that Putin’s adventure in the Levant was never going to be counterterrorist in nature.

Rather, this Russian adventure was designed to fortify a faltering client regime, possibly help it regain lost territory, and above all eliminate any credible threat to its legitimacy or long-term rule which, for the moment, ISIS does not pose.

“It’s clear that Russia’s strategy in Syria is to make the conflict binary by giving Syrians only two choices: Assad or ISIS,” said John Schindler, a former U.S. intelligence analyst and occasional Daily Beast contributor. “Attacks on the FSA, while encouraging defections to the regime, are a key component of how Russia operationalizes its strategy for Syria. Russia has excellent intelligence on Syria, especially from signals intelligence, and is using this to target FSA and others in a manner that the U.S. government can do little about now. Joint operations with ISIS are to be expected, some with intent, some by default, and should not surprise given the extent of regime intelligence penetration of [ISIS].”

Jeffrey White, a former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst and a military specialist at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, says that while he doesn’t doubt that the Russians will eventually set their sites on ISIS, for the time being, it behooves Moscow’s war aims to indirectly allow ISIS to devour U.S.-backed rebels. For one thing, Putin’s Federal Security Service (FSB), Russia’s domestic intelligence arm and one of the successors of the former KGB, has actually been helping jihadists in Dagestan emigrate to Syria to join ISIS, the better to lower the temperature on a homegrown Islamic insurgency and also enervate American-led coalition efforts.

The Russians, White added, have strategic form here. “We had the classic case of the destruction of the Polish Army in 1944,” he told The Daily Beast. “As the Soviets approached Warsaw, they stopped and let the Germans crush the Polish rebellion. The Red Army did nothing to help the Poles. But then they chased Germans out of Poland. It’s possible that a similar plan is unfolding in Syria.”

But it may not work.

“It’s clear that Russia’s strategy in Syria is to make the conflict binary by giving Syrians only two choices: Assad or ISIS.”

One of the ironies of the Obama administration’s vow not to interfere with Russia’s intervention in Syria is that it already has—and successfully.

Today, Russian warplanes heavily bombarded several targets along a salient in Hama province, reportedly using thermobaric munitions and the same multiple launch rocket systems earlier employed to devastating effect in east Ukraine. At the same time, Assad’s army advanced to dislodge the rebels from towns such as Kafr Zita, Morek and Kafr Nabudah. But the army failed, principally because many of its Free Syrian Army opponents were equipped with TOW guided anti-tank missiles, all supplied by the CIA. As many as 18 regime tanks (all manufactured in Russia or the former Soviet Union) were destroyed by these weapons in a 24-hour period. And the rebels held their ground in Hama.

At roughly the same time, Russian naval vessels fired long-distance cruise missiles across Iranian, Iraqi and Syrian airspace, hitting indeterminate targets in eastern Raqqa (where ISIS is present) but also in western Aleppo and Idlib (where ISIS is not). Footage of these strikes, accompanied by swishy computer-generated simulations of their flight paths, were disseminated almost in real time throughout Russia’s state-controlled propaganda organs, such as the English-language RT.

The battlefield may yet change following the injection of an unknown quantity of Russian “volunteers”—Putin’s shorthand for plausibly deniable Russian soldiers — in addition to hundreds of Iranian troops said to being joining Assad’s beleaguered military in the coming days and weeks. But it is almost beyond dispute that these foreign fighters will not be deployed to Raqqa and Deir Ezzor, where ISIS reigns, but rather to central and western Syria, where the Free Syrian Army plus other assorted Islamist and jihadists factions do.

The missile strikes at unknown targets from the Caspian are meant to project “strength and power,” according to Lilia Shevtsova, a nonresident fellow and Russia expert at the Brookings Institution. “The Kremlin’s adventure has both psychological and systemic dimensions,” she emailed The Daily Beast. “On the one hand, this is an act of blackmail against the West—Putin’s way of trying to force the Americans to accept the Kremlin’s rules of the game. On the other hand, it’s a desperate attempt to reproduce the military patriotic legitimacy of the Russian government. But erasing terrorists? Come on!”

10-08-2015, 02:13 PM
UNCONFIRMED-coming from Turkish sources not Syrian sources---maybe just fog of war---BUT Turkey is extremely quiet on this.

Rami ‏@RamiAlLolah · 4h hours ago
HOLY! There are UNCONFIRMED reports suggest #Turkey shot down a fighter jet crossed into Turkish airspace..

10-08-2015, 02:15 PM
FSA-affiliated rebels allied with Kurds say they've received new military equipment, preparing for advance on Raqqa. http://syriadirect.org/news/liwa-thuwwar-raqqa-spox-confirms-preparations-for-decisive-battle-to-liberate-raqqa/ …

Footage said to show smoke from "downed helicopter" in Kafarnabodah
I can not confirm that.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RH-kG8MW20 …

Russian Mil Mi-24 over #Morek, firing missiles at rebels around.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3c62h5rgDM …

The #FSA fires at low-flying Russian Mil Mi-24 in Kafarnabodah.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3bDbSqtKyQ …

Women and children were hit again by the Russian AF---
Russian air strikes hit the center of #KhanShaykhun causing civilian casualties

The #Damascus suburb of #Daraya today.
Mil Mi-24 dropping bombs on civilians.

10-08-2015, 02:16 PM
UNCONFIRMED--only a single source has commented via sat phone-----awaiting further comments.

THIRD Russian copter has been downed today.

There are reports of a third helicopter downed now near Salma in #Latakia #Syria #Russia

10-08-2015, 02:20 PM
SECOND Russian ground offense in two days fails to take objectives---even with tactical air support and MI-24 support.

Syria #Latakia Regime forces failed to take Jubb al-Ahmar
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.675949&lon=36.240420&z=15&m=b …

10-08-2015, 02:22 PM
Syria: #Russian Mi-24 attack rebel positions in Kafr Nabouda, #Hama and deploying flares against possible MANPADS

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWJ6oFBqdJc …

10-08-2015, 02:26 PM
[B]UNCONFIRMED--only a single source has commented via sat phone-----awaiting further comments.

Not to sound like a warmonger, but I hope this turns out to be true. From what I read, it did not sound like the Turks were in any mood to put up with these incursions.

10-08-2015, 03:20 PM
Unbelievable footage!
Rebels fight w/Ak-47 vs. #Russian Mil Mi-24 10 meters above in #Idlib
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TSMCkbKO18 … pic.twitter.com/jWiWMC1spB

Awaiting the anti Assad forces to figure out that at ten meters the Mi-24 cannot withstand a RPG hit--the speed of the newer RPGs make them very effective for these low level type Mi-24 attack passes.

ISIS reportedly shot down an #Assad army helicopter in #Homs. Pilot is reportedly captured..

10-08-2015, 03:28 PM
Appears that all those Russian cruise missiles --all 26 as they claimed---did not hit much of anything except empty spaces.

AFAIK, most of Putin's missiles missed their targets, but as we know, the real target was the media...

2x (4x?) Russian Mi24 in #Kafarnabodah #Syria anyone ID type of rockets being used? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWJ6oFBqdJc … pic.twitter.com/uFDi6ylV39

Report is Putin lost 2 aircraft: not sure which ones (assad's, iranians, or his).

10-08-2015, 03:36 PM
First Russian bomb FSA, then the Russian FM claims they know nothing of the FSA, then the FSA kills tanks and Russian military yesterday------

THEN this---either Russia has a very short memory or they are in an altered state of reality.

MFA Russia Verified account 
‏@mfa_russia Russia is ready to facilitate the pooling of efforts by Syrian Army and Free Syrian Army in the fight against ISIS http://en.mid.ru/en/web/guest/foreign_policy/news/-/asset_publisher/cKNonkJE02Bw/content/id/1831095 …

10-08-2015, 03:40 PM
Syrian Express just keeps on sailing on--------

BSF Ropucha class LST Novocherkassk 142 transits Bosphorus, going to the Russian naval facility in #Tartus #Syria

10-08-2015, 03:47 PM
Really worth listening to---he is probably one of the currently most knowledgeable journalists on the IS, Iraq and Syria right now---

.@michaeldweiss on vivacious form here, dismantling #ISIS, #Assad, @POTUS, etc, in a terse hour http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/74949365 …

10-08-2015, 03:57 PM
...If we leave Syria to the Russians, they will have to deal with the Daesh on thier own.I understand your logic very good (I think).

'But - and this is something I'm 100% sure even Oblabla is aware of, although it's extremely hard to explain to 'average Americans' - I can't stress sufficiently strong the importance of Syria for Arabs and the Middle East in General.

The USA have already 'outsourced' this war more than enough: we can see what's happening when that is done. And US allies in the Persian Gulf are already considering Americans for their 'enemies' because from their POV Americans have handed Iraq over to Iran....

By side the oil: psychologically, Syria is much more important than Iraq for Sunnis. It's simply no place one is leaving to somebody else: nobody in the DC can go to Riyad or whatever other local capital and say, 'forget Syria'. Or if, then don't be surprised if the HQ 5th Fleet is kicked out of Manama on the next morning (just for the start, and followed by all other US bases in the GCC)...

So, sorry, but this is something I doubt anybody in the DC would ever come to idea to seriously consider.


BTW, the Russian AF contingent in Syria seems to have only one 'true' AW platform: Su-34s. Su-24s are said to have deployed various KABs (PGMs) already, but were seen only once armed with Kh-25 air-to-ground missiles. On the contrary, Su-34s seem to be almost exclusivelly armed with KAB-500S-Es (GLONASS-homing PGMs). Below the first photo showing one armed with four such bombs.

10-08-2015, 04:03 PM
More Russian altered state of reality--------

Channel of the Russian defence ministry boasts "destroying American missile systems at IS positions" in Syria https://twitter.com/zvezdanews/status/652141591243591680 …

Russia's Shock And Awe: Moscow Ups Its Information Warfare In Syria Operation http://www.rferl.mobi/a/russia-syria-shock-awe-military-air-strikes-information-warfare/27293854.html …

After losing most of their attacking force in N #Hama regime & RuAF retaliate by attacking civis in Khan Shaikhon.

War in #Syria. Russian correspondents continue to disclose the names of the killer-pilots
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Finformnapalm.org%2F13425-dannye-pylotov-su-24m&edit-text= … pic.twitter.com/fRm7Ve56fV

10-08-2015, 04:10 PM
BREAKING: France agrees to establish a secure zone in northern Syria. - #RFS https://twitter.com/RFS_mediaoffice/status/652143079655215104 …

10-08-2015, 04:41 PM
Russian cruise missile strikes fired without advanced notice: #US - Reuters

VIDEO: Footage of Russian/Syrian helicopters patrolling over al-Ghab plain in #Syria.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKtFf0_upq0 …

VIDEO: Kafr Nabudah continues to be bombed by air today #Hama #Syria -

10-08-2015, 04:44 PM
Russia is disparate to show to their civil society that they are leading the IS fight as the singular superpower and that they forced the US to support them.

Russia secretly filmed first meeting with America to discuss air safety in #Syria and posted it on youtube - CNN
http://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2015/10/07/us-jet-close-call-with-russian-fighter-starr-dnt-lead.cnn …

10-08-2015, 04:45 PM
After 8 days, Russian airstrikes cause more civilian deaths in #Syria, than 7 month bombing campaign in Libya

Strong words from UK #Syria Envoy @garethbayley, condemning #Russia military action:

“A war on the Syrian people"

10-08-2015, 05:03 PM
Appears that all those Russian cruise missiles --all 26 as they claimed---did not hit much of anything except empty spaces.

AFAIK, most of Putin's missiles missed their targets, but as we know, the real target was the media...

2x (4x?) Russian Mi24 in #Kafarnabodah #Syria anyone ID type of rockets being used? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWJ6oFBqdJc … pic.twitter.com/uFDi6ylV39

Report is Putin lost 2 aircraft: not sure which ones (assad's, iranians, or his).

Appears that not all of the Russian fired cruise missiles made it into Syria--UNKNOWN number crashed in Iran---SO much for Russian missile technology?????

Breaking: A number of cruise missiles launched from a Russian ship and aimed at targets in Syria have crashed in Iran, officials say

Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins
Russian cruise missiles prove to be as worthless as their media.

Pentagon saw 4 Russian cruise missiles go down in Iran. Not clear if detonated, casualties. http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/08/politics/russian-missiles-syria-landed-iran/index.html … pic.twitter.com/E5v2We1358

IRNA reported explosions in Takab, 36°24'05.7"N 47°06'42.3"E ,which is inside that circle http://www.irna.ir/fa/News/81789206/ … https://twitter.com/HayesBrown/status/652166456193343488 …

Oops.. Russian cruise missiles 'crash in Iran'
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/syria-conflict-russian-cruise-missiles-crash-in-iran-a6686856.html … pic.twitter.com/dLQ4rKxqrH

10-08-2015, 05:09 PM
Another tank up in flames after being hit by an FSA TOW missile near Masasneh, Hama. #Syria

Clashes between FSA Fursan al-Haq brigade & regime forces near Morek in rural Hama. #Syria

Clashes between FSA & Assad forces backed by Russian air cover near Morek in Northern Hama. #Syria

Clashes between FSA & regime forces at Breij in rural Aleppo. #Syria

So #SAA and #Russia didn´t take Kafr Naboudah, #Hama as claimed yesterday by pro regime sources.

RuAF airstrike targeted Babila village north Ma'rrat al-Numan #Idlib.

Russians pound #FSA held ares in #Hama with missiles and say destroyed #ISIL depot and command centre again!!

Regime retreat from Jobar #Damascus after heavy losses.

Syria Russian airstrike N- of Al Taman'ah, geolocated .
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.464934&lon=36.710129&z=14&m=bs …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Stnn5ZaZKJk … pic.twitter.com/4MDo7gefzS

10-08-2015, 05:29 PM
Russian air strikes have resulted in over 150 civilians killed; almost 500 civilians injured; 2 rescue workers killed; 3 field hospitals hit

Use of unguided & crude bombs by #Russia has resulted in the bombing of mosques & Yamadiyah camp where IDPs are seeking refuge

Reports that Russia will commit more weapons & ground troops to Syria are deeply concerning - this will only further escalate the crisis.

There's no escaping the fact that #Russia’s activities are tantamount to a war on the #Syria-n people.

10-08-2015, 05:33 PM
This development has increased Syrian people trust in FSA following recent victory and will lead to 1000s joint FSA to become very big army

The news coming from the north of Syria that 100s of young Syrians residents in the camps are joining the FSA training camps.

10-08-2015, 05:35 PM
Crowbat, I respectfully disagree.

'But - and this is something I'm 100% sure even Oblabla is aware of, although it's extremely hard to explain to 'average Americans' - I can't stress sufficiently strong the importance of Syria for Arabs and the Middle East in General.

Really, that is why we have not gotten involved in Syria for over two years, because we realize its importance to Arabs? If it was that important to Arabs, where is their support for Syrian Arab refugees? How many refugees have SA taken in? In posturing, there my be support for their "Arab Brothers," but reality is that is only rhetoric deep.

... And US allies in the Persian Gulf are already considering Americans for their 'enemies' because from their POV Americans have handed Iraq over to Iran....

All the more reason to concentrate our efforts there. We need to counter Iranian (and therefore Russian) influence as much as possible. Our dificulty there is the Kurds, who we would love to back, but who are considered terrorists to our Nato ally Turkey. Of course, after Turkey shoots down a Russian Jet or two, Turkey may have bigger fish to fry.

By side the oil: psychologically, Syria is much more important than Iraq for Sunnis. It's simply no place one is leaving to somebody else: nobody in the DC can go to Riyad or whatever other local capital and say, 'forget Syria'. Or if, then don't be surprised if the HQ 5th Fleet is kicked out of Manama on the next morning (just for the start, and followed by all other US bases in the GCC)...

Again, if true, why were we able to wait years before getting involved?

In Realpolitic, I don't think the US has any real reason to fight in Syria, and we would not be fighting there if it was not the sancuary for ISIS when they attack Iraq. I think the domestic politics, the fall-out from "abandoning the democratic freedom fighters in Syria," would be much harder for Washington to deal with than anything in the Middle East. Of course, Obama is a lame duck, so he may not care.

10-08-2015, 05:43 PM
This development has increased Syrian people trust in FSA following recent victory and will lead to 1000s joint FSA to become very big army

The news coming from the north of Syria that 100s of young Syrians residents in the camps are joining the FSA training camps.

I don't think this is going to end for Assad and the Russians the way Putin had expected. Perhaps Putin's birthday present to himself in Syria was really a gift to the West.

10-08-2015, 06:27 PM
Well, at least they got the correct location, still not the correct group targeted. No ISIS there.

3th video geolocated near Khan Al Assal - inside the Army Fueling Station
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3k6_MMuMqw …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.170967&lon=37.032799&z=17&m=bs&search=khan%20al%20asal …

The second Russian airstrike S of Al Taman'ah geolocated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtMRLwnG03Q … http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.450108&lon=36.756670&z=18&m=bs …

Syria Russian airstrike N- of Al Taman'ah, geolocated .
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.464934&lon=36.710129&z=14&m=bs …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Stnn5ZaZKJk …

10-08-2015, 06:30 PM
Appears that not all of the Russian fired cruise missiles made it into Syria--UNKNOWN number crashed in Iran---SO much for Russian missile technology?????

Breaking: A number of cruise missiles launched from a Russian ship and aimed at targets in Syria have crashed in Iran, officials say

Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins
Russian cruise missiles prove to be as worthless as their media.

Pentagon saw 4 Russian cruise missiles go down in Iran. Not clear if detonated, casualties. http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/08/politics/russian-missiles-syria-landed-iran/index.html … pic.twitter.com/E5v2We1358

IRNA reported explosions in Takab, 36°24'05.7"N 47°06'42.3"E ,which is inside that circle http://www.irna.ir/fa/News/81789206/ … https://twitter.com/HayesBrown/status/652166456193343488 …

Oops.. Russian cruise missiles 'crash in Iran'
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/syria-conflict-russian-cruise-missiles-crash-in-iran-a6686856.html … pic.twitter.com/dLQ4rKxqrH

Putin has now dropped more ordinance on Iran than he has ISIS


Updated targeting map for Russian air force pilots & also cruise missile programmers pic.twitter.com/wiCIMpieE6

Forthcoming at RT and Sputnik: "Exclusive: Watch Russia's Navy Destroy Clandestine ISIS Base in Iran."

Russian cruise missiles did not crash in Iran. They didn't get that far.

Russian missiles that #Putin claimed are "accurate within 9 feet" miss targets by 1000 miles.
#Putin also claims he is 6'2"

Russian MoD: Ships launched 26 missiles, 11 ISIS targets destroyed!
Q:-Where are other 15 missiles?
A:- Oops

Russia Ministry of Defense to @CNN: All sea-launched cruise missiles hit their targets. https://twitter.com/mod_russia/status/652190294159544320 …

More Russian lies-----

10-08-2015, 06:36 PM
Erdogan warns #Russia: #Turkey could get natural gas elsewhere in light of incursions into Turkish air space

VIDEO #Russia(n) Mi24 Hind gunships at Forward Base 100 miles fr #Homs #Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAawPcWB6eI … pic.twitter.com/3ShQZtvdSG

VIDEO: Rebels blow up Shilka AA vehicle with TOW in Al Mughayr #Hama #Syria - @markito0171
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LhwPzt2QAQ …

Syria #Hama Rebels blow up field cannon in Ghab plain with TOW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jTywqUr4x0 …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.646835&lon=36.327367&z=15&m=b … pic.twitter.com/Qbn4QcWLrB

The #FSA destroys another BMP-1 of the #Assad regime in the Ghab plain w/ the TOW.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFEliogPkck … pic.twitter.com/zOr3OWxKYD

Syria #Hama Rebels blow up Zell truck in Al-Brika /Ghab plain
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-zmVPni0e0 …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.671173&lon=36.272135&z=15&m=b …

10-08-2015, 06:42 PM
http://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-20484867-frank-rose-potential-raspuns-militar-din-partea-sua-daca-rusia-continua-incalce-tratatul-fortelor-nucleare-intermediare.htm …

10-08-2015, 06:52 PM
Day 2 of #Russia'n/#Iran'ian & Regime offensive in #Syria:
Results = zero gains

Saudi Arabia is responding to the recent Russian air strikes on Syrian rebels by stepping up its supplies of lethal weaponry to three different rebel groups, a Saudi government official has told the BBC.

The well-placed official, who asked not to be named, said supplies of modern, high-powered weaponry including guided anti-tank weapons would be increased to the Arab- and western-backed rebel groups fighting the forces of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad and his Russian, Iranian and Lebanese allies.

He said those groups being supplied did not include either Islamic State (IS) or al-Nusra Front, both of which are proscribed terrorist organisations. Instead, he said the weapons would go to three rebel alliances - Jaysh al-Fatah (Army of Conquest), the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Southern Front.

10-08-2015, 06:58 PM
Who says that Assad and the Islamic State do not work together----

20 dead & at least 30 wounded in car bomb explosion in #Hreitan, #Aleppo which was followed by Assad rocket attack.


10-08-2015, 07:34 PM
Erdogan warns #Russia: #Turkey could get natural gas elsewhere in light of incursions into Turkish air space

VIDEO #Russia(n) Mi24 Hind gunships at Forward Base 100 miles fr #Homs #Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAawPcWB6eI … pic.twitter.com/3ShQZtvdSG

VIDEO: Rebels blow up Shilka AA vehicle with TOW in Al Mughayr #Hama #Syria - @markito0171
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LhwPzt2QAQ …

Syria #Hama Rebels blow up field cannon in Ghab plain with TOW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jTywqUr4x0 …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.646835&lon=36.327367&z=15&m=b … pic.twitter.com/Qbn4QcWLrB

The #FSA destroys another BMP-1 of the #Assad regime in the Ghab plain w/ the TOW.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFEliogPkck … pic.twitter.com/zOr3OWxKYD

Syria #Hama Rebels blow up Zell truck in Al-Brika /Ghab plain
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-zmVPni0e0 …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.671173&lon=36.272135&z=15&m=b …

Rebels say they repelled regime forces attacks on al-Bahsa and al-Mansoura villages in Ghab plain.

10-08-2015, 07:41 PM
Moderator adds: video removed

SANA video from Hama. On 4:20 clear Russian artillery corrector
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzdrzYhZzd0 …

"Now its OK, rightwards, third, at same distance"

10-08-2015, 08:06 PM
Just heard that Lieutenant General Shafiq Fayad has mysteriously died today. A notorious regime criminal.

VID: #NEW: Showing Kafr Nabouda still under #FSA control in #Hama countryside and also destruction.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMbUMlspCSU ….

ISIS launches a full scale attack against rebels in northern #Aleppo, clashes intensifying now in Baraghida, Kafra fields & al-Bal.

Reports of clashes now as rebels try to thwart an #ISIS attack on several areas in northern #Aleppo, #Syria

ISIS is targeting Kafra & al-Bal in the Azaz area in #Aleppo with mortar shells & reports of an #ISIS infiltration attempt in Mare’a.

10-09-2015, 05:05 AM
Interresting "military expert" claim in Czech talk show:
#Syria'n regime retreated the past months purposely- to force #Russia into war

Anyone who believes that?
Saudi's send manpad (anti aircraft rockets) to #Syria'n rebels)

MORE cluster munitions being fired at civilian targets----
Putin gave #Syria's #Assad new hell toy
Grad rockets 9M218
used tonight in northern #Hama
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDLmMBldyac …

Syria: Jaysh al-Yarmouk (#FSA-SF) has finished the training of a new round of recruits in #Daraa province

Not surprising anymore, both Assad & #ISIS appear to be simultaneously attacking the rebel held infantry school in #Aleppo

Hama Summary of TOW-hits the past 2 days
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ita8aJwQdbc …

Syria Rebels blow up armored bulldozer in eastern rural #Hama with TOW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y97zlAudsNo …

Seems #Assad-forces failed to advance towards Kuweyres Military Airbase - besieged by #IslamicState
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.120128&lon=37.503891&z=12&m=b …

10-09-2015, 10:44 AM
Crowbat, I respectfully disagree.It's OK, I can understand why.

Really, that is why we have not gotten involved in Syria for over two years, because we realize its importance to Arabs? If it was that important to Arabs, where is their support for Syrian Arab refugees? How many refugees have SA taken in? In posturing, there my be support for their "Arab Brothers," but reality is that is only rhetoric deep.USA didn't keep its fingers out of this affair: it 'outsourced it'.

Outsourcing some 'business' (and every war is one), means not 'not getting involved'. On the contrary. In this case it very much means: 'keeping things under control', too.

Remember when Saudis decided to start doing everything on their own, back in late 2013? Oblabla immediately intervened and Prince Bandar was fired (and large parts of 9/11 report, those related to Saudi involvement, blotted out in return), while subsequently Congress granted US$ 500 million for training of Syrian insurgents, 'but for fighting Daesh only'.

All the more reason to concentrate our efforts there. We need to counter Iranian (and therefore Russian) influence as much as possible.All very nice and fine. But reality is: you can't counter Iran in a country rulled by Iranian puppet government.

Our dificulty there is the Kurds, who we would love to back, but who are considered terrorists to our Nato ally Turkey.Well, you can't really complain about various of US allies not being happy about USA trying to cooperate (probably on Israeli insistence) with an entity that,

a) wants to create an independent state at the cost of what Arab Sunnis consider 'Arab soil', and

b) is - in the case of Syrian Kurds - run by what is a terrorist organization (PKK) that de-facto exterminated all the political opposition within own ranks (i.e. all the other Syrian Kurd political parties) in order to establish itself in power of this so-called 'Rojava'.

Such 'things' make plenty of US-allies in the area even more mad - about the USA.

Of course, after Turkey shoots down a Russian Jet or two, Turkey may have bigger fish to fry.Turkey - which was stubbornly resisting Oblabla for years - has already made a step back in July. It even started launching air strikes on Daesh. These were stopped on 27 July on insistence of the CENTCOM, which complained Turks would be messing up with USAF's flight plans without timely notices.

Again, if true, why were we able to wait years before getting involved?USA are involved all the time. Not 'neck-' but certainly 'knee-deep' (see back in the old thread on Syria to read my complaints about US meddling from back in 2013 or early 2014).

In Realpolitic, I don't think the US has any real reason to fight in Syria, and we would not be fighting there if it was not the sancuary for ISIS when they attack Iraq.Of course not. Your POV is that of majority of Americans I happen to know.

I'm sorry if the following might be too blunt, but for you, ISIS is a problem on its own, essence of which is Iraq. This is simple and easy to explain.

Taken within context the story is much too complex. AQI had to withdraw into Syria in order to find a sanctuary, ean billions from robbing ('confiscating') money and taking over local oil production, from selling oil and gas to the regime in Damascus, which welcomed it because AQ's presence was bolstering its legenda of 'fighting foreign-supported terrorist extremists', and because the AQI - cum Daesh - then began exterminating Syrian insurgents, 'common enemy', too. This is neither simple nor easy to explain (and even less so to understand). Correspondingly: 'no story'.

While... well, take a look at the map attached below. At the bottom of the shown area is the city of Aleppo. Red-marked are regime-held areas, green are insurgents, black is Daesh, yellow are Kurds.

The last three days, Russian air force and cruise missiles (apparently launched by Tu-160s, not by some corvettes in the Caspian Sea) were blasting insurgent positions - primarily those of 'non-existing' US-supported (and vetted) insurgents, like Nureddin az-Zenki Movement - north of regime-held northern Aleppo suburubs. Around the same time, YPG's Kurds in Sheikh Maqsoud District in northern Aleppo, began causing problems to insurgents: they blocked the Castello road (last road used by insurgents to haul supplies into eastern Aleppo), provoking a number of fire-fights in return.

Yesterday, Daesh launched an offensive and captured this area.

Simultaneously, IRGC-QF - that is: IRGC-QF's Liwa al-Fatimioun (IRGC-recruited outfit consisting of Afghan Hazara mercenaries) - launched an offensive from the south.

Even the C-in-C IRGC-QF in Syria - Maj-Gen Hamedani - former C-in-C BAsiji Corps IRGC (in Iran) and the very creator of Assad regime's NDF - was confirmed killed there.

But, these two attacks sandwiched the insurgents and collapsed their defences.

Anybody who has at least a trace of clue about military operations knows that one is not starting offensives without 'at least a few days' of preparations. And that means there is obvious cooperation of Russians, Iranians AND the Daesh there.

And now see the situation from the Sunni Arab POV:
- Syrian regime (Alawis), supported by
- Russian air power (foreigners), in cooperation with
- Kurds (non-Arabs) and
- Daesh (led by Chechens, i.e. non-Arabs; one third consisting of Kurds, and at least one third of ex-Europeans)

... is overrunning Sunni Arabs fighting against all of these.

I can't imagine a better recipe for Sunni-Arabs beginning to despise the USA (because this is holding them back from getting intensivelly involved in Syria). No wonder Saudi preachers are already dictating an all-out Jihad in Syria...

But - and please keep in mind: this is nothing personal - if you think it's better so, or it doesn't matter, ignore all of this, and keep on doing the same like until now.

I think the domestic politics, the fall-out from "abandoning the democratic freedom fighters in Syria," would be much harder for Washington to deal with than anything in the Middle East. Of course, Obama is a lame duck, so he may not care.Oblabla is just doing enough so he can say 'we're doing something'.

10-09-2015, 11:10 AM
A 'side note' on the loss of a Syrian Mi-25 during attack on Kfar Naboudah (west of Kfar Zita), on 7 October.

For the start, 'a quick and dirty ID guide on Hinds in Syria':

1st attached photo: Syrian Mi-25
2nd attached photo: Russian Mi-24P

Notable: light camo of Syrian example, relatively 'dark' camo of Russian example.

Problem: from distance, either appears 'dark', because aircraft and helicopters tend to appear 'dark' against 'light' sky.

Apparent result: all videos of Mi-24s active over Kfar Zita area appear to show Russian examples.

But, during the evening of 7 October, pro-regime sources reported the death of 'fighter pilot Khalil Wardi' during the battle for Kfar Naboudah. This report appeared around the same time like reports about 'retreat' of regime forces from Kfar Naboudah, and at the same time two insurgent groups claimed downing a Hind. Video of low-flying Mi-24 appearing over the area, quickly landing near 'source of smoke', then flying away appeared on the next morning. Video of that 'source of smoke' appeared shortly after, together with a bunch of other videos showing Hind-activity...

3rd attached photo: closer look at some of helicopters seen on various videos 'reveals' some of them wearing 'light' camo. This 'confirms' numerous media reports about activity of Assad's helicopters over the combat zone - on 7 and on 8 October. Indeed, on 7 October (start of offensive on Kfar Zita) only Syrian Mi-25s were active there.

Other attached photos point at armament of Russian Mi-24s which - including B-8B pods for unguided rockets and AT-6 or AT-14 ATGMs - is entirely different than that of Syrian Mi-25s (usually consisting of UB-32-57 rocket pods, gun-pods, and bombs).

Finally, on morning of 8 October, a video surfaced showing a Mi-24/25 going down over a village south of Kfar Naboudah:

Bottom line: regime says it lost a pilot within the combat zone on 7 October. Subsequently it turns out (https://www.facebook.com/Syrian.military.capabilities/photos/pb.435592786483258.-2207520000.1444330475./1001829706526227/?type=3&theater) the pilot in question was actually flying helicopters. Two insurgent groups claim a helicopter downed over Kfar Naboudah on 7 October. No other helicopters but regime's Mi-25s were active there on 7 October. Multiple Hinds - regime's and Russian - were active there on 8 October. MEDEVAC-like activity of anther helicopter was confirmed within the combat zone on 8 October.

Conclusion: regime lost another Mi-25. Pilot KIA, rest of crew recovered in unknown condition.

10-09-2015, 11:43 AM
Reports rebels have destroyed the 4th Assad tank in Ma’aan near #Morek in #Hama today.

6 tanks in northern #Hama so far and counting..

Confirmed: Rebels re-captured al-Bahsa village in #Ghab plain and Jub al-Ahmar in Akrad Mount lost to Assad/Russian forces y'day.

Several RuAF airstrikes on Karanbouda village northern #Hama today.

Now we're talking...Ahrar al-Sham pounding #Hama airbase with D30.

FSA Fursan al-Haq destroyed two regime tanks in Ma'an village NE #Hama with TOW missiles.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.359026&lon=36.795444&z=14&m=b …

10-09-2015, 11:44 AM
Russian air strikes now against mosques during Friday prayers---civilian
death toll still not being released-----

The moment RuAF targeted a mosque in al-Rastan #Homs during Friday prayer.

Confirmed: Rebels re-captured al-Bahsa village in #Ghab plain and Jub al-Ahmar in Akrad Mount lost to Assad/Russian forces y'day.

10-09-2015, 11:46 AM
AND Russia and IS are not working tactically together in Syria????

Reportedly #FSA lost 10s of fighters defending the infantry school & couple of villages captured by #ISIL NE #Aleppo

AND at the same time FSA was enduring Russian air strikes BUT not a single Russian air strike during this battle on any IS positions anywhere.

10-09-2015, 11:49 AM
AND Russia and IS are not working tactically together in Syria????

Reportedly #FSA lost 10s of fighters defending the infantry school & couple of villages captured by #ISIL NE #Aleppo

AND at the same time FSA was enduring Russian air strikes BUT not a single Russian air strike during this battle on any IS positions anywhere.

Apparently Russians found a reliable ally with similar agenda. #ISIL succeeded to advance in Aleppo after #Assad failed in Hama & Latakia.

Unfortunate reports that #ISIS was able to capture the infantry school in #Aleppo from rebels following a fierce Assad supported attack.

10-09-2015, 11:50 AM
Iranian General killed by IS in Aleppo last night----

Syria #Iran'ian Brigade General Hossein Hamedani killed last night in rural #Aleppo

10-09-2015, 11:53 AM
Reports rebels have destroyed the 4th Assad tank in Ma’aan near #Morek in #Hama today.

6 tanks in northern #Hama so far and counting..

Confirmed: Rebels re-captured al-Bahsa village in #Ghab plain and Jub al-Ahmar in Akrad Mount lost to Assad/Russian forces y'day.

Several RuAF airstrikes on Karanbouda village northern #Hama today.

Now we're talking...Ahrar al-Sham pounding #Hama airbase with D30.

FSA Fursan al-Haq destroyed two regime tanks in Ma'an village NE #Hama with TOW missiles.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.359026&lon=36.795444&z=14&m=b …

FSA seems aiming at a dozen tanks today..at this rate regime will lose most of its armoured force in #Hama very soon.

10-09-2015, 11:56 AM
Iranian General killed by IS in Aleppo last night----

Syria #Iran'ian Brigade General Hossein Hamedani killed last night in rural #Aleppo

Breaking: IRGC now confirms that Gen. Hamedani killed in outskirts of Aleppo while "giving advisory support to Syrian army."

Iran’s Head of #Syria operations, General Hossein Hamadani killed in #Aleppo:

IRGC general Hamedani operated under the pseudonym Abu Wahab and was the commander of all Iranian forces in Syria for the past three years"

10-09-2015, 12:01 PM
More Russian air strikes on Syrian IDP camps--civilians are being killed and yet the West says not a single word on Russian targeting of civilians.

Almost all in IDP camp in al-Nuqair, #Idlib either killed or injured in #Russia cluster munition rocket attack y’day

BREAKING: Dozens of civilians killed and injured after Russian Airstrikes targeting a Refugees Camp in #Idlib countryside.

Massive regime cluster-bombs attack on rural #Idlib villages. Reports of many civilian casualties.

10-09-2015, 12:02 PM
Syria #Quneitra Military security arrest #SAA commander of brigade 90
"charges of cowardice and deal with rebels"
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.209034&lon=35.962629&z=15&m=b …

Well it appears Russia needed a scape goat for their offensive being stopped in it's tracks--as the glorious Russian Army can never suffer a defeat--at least not in Syria.

10-09-2015, 12:05 PM
Hama Jaish al Fatah try to storm now loyalist Ma`an town
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.358081&lon=36.797805&z=14&m=b …

Latakia Rebel deny regime control of Kafr Dulbah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HHiW8wVzFU …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.669604&lon=36.161413&z=15&m=b …

Russia'n state media lies: "airforce destroyed #IslamicState pos. in #Aleppo's Khan al-Asal"
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.167467&lon=37.038946&z=15&m=b …

Hama Heavy clashes at Bahsa /Ghab plain
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.679749&lon=36.275911&z=15&m=b …

Aleppo Rebel police forces patrolling in Huraytan suburb
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYiT_56U4Lo …

Hama From battlefield near regime hold Tell Othman
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdkgjNaZeHA …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.427980&lon=36.443067&z=15&m=b …

Russian Mi-24P attack of rebels held positions in Kafarnabodah from SAA & allies view. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBCn2hKt-Q0 …

10-09-2015, 12:07 PM
AND the Islamic State and Russia are not following a mutually common tactical and strategic strategy in Syria?????

Julian Rpcke ‏@JulianRoepcke
Crazy! Almost all Russian-fired cruise missiles passed ISIS territory and hit rebel land.

10-09-2015, 12:17 PM
Hama Jaish al Fatah try to storm now loyalist Ma`an town
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.358081&lon=36.797805&z=14&m=b …

Latakia Rebel deny regime control of Kafr Dulbah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HHiW8wVzFU …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.669604&lon=36.161413&z=15&m=b …

Russia'n state media lies: "airforce destroyed #IslamicState pos. in #Aleppo's Khan al-Asal"
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.167467&lon=37.038946&z=15&m=b …

Hama Heavy clashes at Bahsa /Ghab plain
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.679749&lon=36.275911&z=15&m=b …

Aleppo Rebel police forces patrolling in Huraytan suburb
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYiT_56U4Lo …

Hama From battlefield near regime hold Tell Othman
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdkgjNaZeHA …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.427980&lon=36.443067&z=15&m=b …

New UAV flying over Kafr Dulbah, Lattakia. Could be a Russian Zala 421-16E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HHiW8wVzFU …

10-09-2015, 12:18 PM
Russian airlift is now 24 X 7--------

shuttle flights from Damascus to Hamah AB by SyAAF IL-76 airlifters YK-ATA, YK-ATB and YK-ATD continue day and night

10-09-2015, 12:20 PM
Islamic State drive car-bomb into #DeirEzZor airbase

10-09-2015, 12:24 PM
Is Obama Admin on verge of strategy of humiliating abandonment of both US interest and US values in #Syria?

http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-10-09/white-house-is-weighing-a-syria-retreat …

10-09-2015, 12:31 PM
It's OK, I can understand why.

Well, you can't really complain about various of US allies not being happy about USA trying to cooperate (probably on Israeli insistence) with an entity that,

Of course not. Your POV is that of majority of Americans I happen to know.... And now see the situation from the Sunni Arab POV:

Actually, my source for my opinion is KSA newspapers. From an opinion piece yesterday:
After four years of chaos and civil war in Syria; after hundreds of thousands of Syrians being killed and many more were wounded; after millions of Syrians being displaced; and after a total destruction of the country, the Russians took it as a golden opportunity to get back to the international arena and regaining their lost glory by intervening in Syria. And they are doing it the cheap way.

Attack as many targets in Syria and regardless of how many will be dead and injured, Russia knows that no one will pay attention. The Syrians are so wounded, now they don’t feel any pain. But, sure the Russian actions were admired by many people and think that finally, someone is capable of challenging the Americans. In these Russian military operations, it is only the Syrian blood being spilled.

To be honest, no matter what reasons are behind the Russian intervention, no one for sure knows about the outcome; or how the Syrians, or the regime will benefit from it. But, at the end, Russia that took the initiative will most likely stand benefitted from the military adventure.
The Russians have finally found a way to challenge the Americans, and Russian President Vladimir Putin will be hailed as a decisive world leader. In other words, Russia has nothing to lose, regardless of the outcome. Syria, which remained an ally of Russia has never had any strategic friendship with the West.

So for Russians are legitimately on track to come to the aid of their ally. But why now?

Ironically, the former Soviet Union never came to the aid of their Arab ally when the US was involved. The Arab world saw this in 1967 when Moscow stood still and again in 2003 when Moscow sent just words of mouth to the Iraqis when it was invaded by the West.
Russia intervened in Syria because they saw a broken and fractured country that they can use to regain their lost glory.

Russia didn’t come to fight Daesh or any terrorist groups. Russia is there because the West wasn’t there. Russia this time wants to be the bride and not the bridesmaid.


There is no dilusions in the Arab world about what Russia is doing, or the fact that Syria is not a Western priority. Russia is FINALLY comming to the aid of thier ally (it only took them four years), and no one really cares. In fact, the US is more interested in Syria now that they feel challenged by Putin then they ever did because KSA or other Arab allies had an interest in Syria.

There is also almost no interest in what is happening in Syria on the part of the Arab world. Yemen, yes. Syria, no.

10-09-2015, 12:38 PM
Meanwhile in the 'safe zone', #IS advances in the area, #Assad and #Putin bombing it and the rebels are loosing it.

10-09-2015, 12:53 PM

How America can counter Putin’s moves in Syria

By Condoleezza Rice and Robert M. Gates October 8 at 9:08 PM

Condoleezza Rice was secretary of state from 2005 to 2009. Robert M. Gates was defense secretary from 2006 to 2011.

One can hear the disbelief in capitals from Washington to London to Berlin to Ankara and beyond. How can Vladimir Putin, with a sinking economy and a second-rate military, continually dictate the course of geopolitical events? Whether it’s in Ukraine or Syria, the Russian president seems always to have the upper hand.

Sometimes the reaction is derision: This is a sign of weakness. Or smugness: He will regret the decision to intervene. Russia cannot possibly succeed. Or alarm: This will make an already bad situation worse. And, finally, resignation: Perhaps the Russians can be brought along to help stabilize the situation, and we could use help fighting the Islamic State.

The fact is that Putin is playing a weak hand extraordinarily well because he knows exactly what he wants to do. He is not stabilizing the situation according to our definition of stability. He is defending Russia’s interests by keeping Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in power. This is not about the Islamic State. Any insurgent group that opposes Russian interests is a terrorist organization to Moscow. We saw this behavior in Ukraine, and now we’re seeing it even more aggressively — with bombing runs and cruise missile strikes — in Syria.

Putin is not a sentimental man, and if Assad becomes a liability, Putin will gladly move on to a substitute acceptable to Moscow. But for now, the Russians believe that they (and the Iranians) can save Assad. President Obama and Secretary of State John F. Kerry say that there is no military solution to the Syrian crisis. That is true, but Moscow understands that diplomacy follows the facts on the ground, not the other way around. Russia and Iran are creating favorable facts. Once this military intervention has run its course, expect a peace proposal from Moscow that reflects its interests, including securing the Russian military base at Tartus.

We should not forget that Moscow’s definition of success is not the same as ours. The Russians have shown a willingness to accept and even encourage the creation of so-called failed states and frozen conflicts from Georgia to Moldova to Ukraine. Why should Syria be any different? If Moscow’s “people” can govern only a part of the state but make it impossible for anyone else to govern the rest of it — so be it.

And the well-being of the population is not the issue either. The Russian definition of success contains no element of concern for the dismal situation of the Syrian people. Refugees — that’s Europe’s problem. Greater sectarianism — well, it’s the Middle East! Populations attacked with barrel bombs and Assad’s chemicals, supposedly banned in the deal that Moscow itself negotiated — too bad!

Putin’s move into Syria is old-fashioned great-power politics. (Yes, people do that in the 21st century.) There is a domestic benefit to him, but he is not externalizing his problems at home. Russian domestic and international policies have always been inextricably linked. Russia feels strong at home when it is strong abroad — this is Putin’s plea to his propagandized population — and the Russian people buy it, at least for now. Russia is a great power and derives its self-worth from that. What else is there? When is the last time you bought a Russian product that wasn’t petroleum? Moscow matters again in international politics, and Russian armed forces are on the move.

Let us also realize that hectoring Putin about the bad choice he has made sounds weak. The last time the Russians regretted a foreign adventure was Afghanistan. But that didn’t happen until Ronald Reagan armed the Afghan mujahideen with Stinger missiles that started blowing Russian warplanes and helicopters out of the sky. Only then did an exhausted Soviet Union led by Mikhail Gorbachev, anxious to make accommodation with the West, decide that the Afghan adventure wasn’t worth it.

So what can we do?

First, we must reject the argument that Putin is simply reacting to world disorder. Putin, this argument would suggest, is just trying to hold together the Middle East state system in response to the chaos engendered by U.S. overreach in Iraq, Libya and beyond.

Putin is indeed reacting to circumstances in the Middle East. He sees a vacuum created by our hesitancy to fully engage in places such as Libya and to stay the course in Iraq. But Putin as the defender of international stability? Don’t go there.

Second, we have to create our own facts on the ground. No-fly zones and safe harbors for populations are not “half-baked” ideas. They worked before (protecting the Kurds for 12 years under Saddam Hussein’s reign of terror) and warrant serious consideration. We will continue to have refugees until people are safe. Moreover, providing robust support for Kurdish forces, Sunni tribes and what’s left of the Iraqi special forces is not “mumbo-jumbo.” It might just salvage our current, failing strategy. A serious commitment to these steps would also solidify our relationship with Turkey, which is reeling from the implications of Moscow’s intervention. In short, we must create a better military balance of power on the ground if we are to seek a political solution acceptable to us and to our allies.

Third, we must “de-conflict” our military activities with those of the Russians. This is distasteful, and we should never have gotten to a place where the Russians are warning us to stay out of their way. But we must do all that we can to prevent an incident between us. Presumably, even Putin shares this concern.

Finally, we need to see Putin for who he is. Stop saying that we want to better understand Russian motives. The Russians know their objective very well: Secure their interests in the Middle East by any means necessary. What’s not clear about that?

10-09-2015, 01:03 PM
Gen. Idriss says TOWs made the difference in battle for Hama, but says in short supply now; says in all 20 regime tanks destroyed in 2 days

Reports of 500 new TOWs delivered to #FSA from Saudis this week..this explains a lot..

10-09-2015, 01:10 PM
I find this statement interesting:
Moreover, providing robust support for Kurdish forces, Sunni tribes and what’s left of the Iraqi special forces is not “mumbo-jumbo.” It might just salvage our current, failing strategy. A serious commitment to these steps would also solidify our relationship with Turkey, which is reeling from the implications of Moscow’s intervention.

I don't see how "robust support for the Kurds" is going to "solidify our relationship with Turkey."

... and I don't think Turkey is reeling from Putin's intervention, I think certain elements of the US Old Guard is.

10-09-2015, 01:43 PM
There is also almost no interest in what is happening in Syria on the part of the Arab world. Yemen, yes. Syria, no.There is a big difference between:

- (Sunni) Arab interests declared in the media;
- interests of (Sunni) Arab 'street'; and
- actual interests of various Arab governments.

This is where Yemen is a perfect example.

Arab 'street' is not the least or even against going there. Actual interest of Arab governments is an imposition of a puppet regime, and the media is reporting accordingly (because it has to).

And the reason why they went there was that - contrary to Syria - they've got a green light to go there, from the USA.

...while Oblabla never gave them a green light to go to Syria. Which doesn't mean that the governments (and the 'street') are not interested in Syria, or wouldn't have gone there.


Anyway, it seems the regime's Russian-supported offensive on the al-Ghab Plain is ending in similar fashion like that in Kfar Zita area, two days ago: insurgents are already recovering several of places they've lost yesterday.

A reason more for the IRGC - which was the crucial factor in all negotiations in Syria so far (i.e. Iranians negotiated Homs and various cease-fires in Damascus, Eastern Ghouta and Western Ghouta, not the regime) - to be eager to have the Daesh attack insurgents in northern Aleppo: in order to prevent them from sending reinforcements to Idlib or Hama.

10-09-2015, 03:23 PM
There is a big difference between:

- (Sunni) Arab interests declared in the media;
- interests of (Sunni) Arab 'street'; and
- actual interests of various Arab governments.

You are absolutely correct that a country that has a state-run media will only put out what it wants its public to believe, but it also has to counter what is being said on the street. Case in point is all the Russian media putting out conspiracy theories about who shot down the Malaysian jet liner.

The problem with your assessment is that I have seen none of that. Nor have I seen anything from any other social media site indicating that the Peninsula Arabs care about Syria. If you could point to some Arab sites (or even Arab diaspora in other areas expressing the opinion you are advocating), I would be interested in seeing them.

10-09-2015, 03:51 PM
Gen. Idriss says TOWs made the difference in battle for Hama, but says in short supply now; says in all 20 regime tanks destroyed in 2 days

Reports of 500 new TOWs delivered to #FSA from Saudis this week..this explains a lot..

Syria: the 13th Division (#FSA) destroyed a regime T-72 tank in Atshan village (N #Hama) https://youtu.be/KO0SAHgAaxA

Syria: regime strategy 101; placing a couple of tank next to each other in a open field, knowing enemy has ATGM's

Liwa Fursan al-Haqq (#FSA) destroyed a second regime tank right next to the first 1 https://youtu.be/ZH3y3l4AYHc

Liwa Fursan al-Haqq (#FSA) took out a regime tank in Ma'an village (N #Hama) https://youtu.be/ZoOi77iLDDM

Syria Regime lost about 25 tanks & armored vehicles the past 3 days of northern #Hama battle
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO0SAHgAaxA …

10-09-2015, 03:55 PM
Syria: during this push by #Daesh against Syrian rebels not one airstrikes was conducted by #Russia against Daesh in the entire province!

Syria: this move is really threatening the remaining rebel areas in northern #Aleppo province, will the coalition or #Turkey respond?

Another #Assad regime tank in #Hama province bites the dust thx to the #FSA TOW.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2C-bQBz66Q … pic.twitter.com/ATpHS6Tw5H

Syria #SAA/#Russia "major gains" after 3 days of #Hama & #Latakia/Ghab plain -battle is this village:
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.317016&lon=36.668415&z=16&m=b …

FSA took back that same village the Russians have fought over or three days----

Syria #Hama Rebels destroyed T-72 with TOW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVXVPJTMinI …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.385061&lon=36.814327&z=14&m=b …

Hama Nusra claim pushed #Assad-forces back to Maan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INL6_L8rzzg&feature=youtu.be …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.363016&lon=36.798878&z=13&m=b …

Syria Russian TOS-1 Buratino are now in Syria. Thermobaric weapon to be used against rebels/JN.
Russian TOS-1 Buratino Thermobaric Missile Launcher In Syria http://www.interpretermag.com/putin-in-syria-refugee-camp-in-idlib-province-struck-with-cluster-munitions-last-night/#10387 … pic.twitter.com/obhX5ybldb

Two more #Assad vehicles go up in flames in #Mughayr thanks to the #FSA's (US) TOW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCm9o4bsFMU&feature=youtu.be&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dk Cm9o4bsFMU%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&has_verified=1 … pic.twitter.com/i3uygeDEG6

'@RuPhotoMilitary Fighters of the Syrian Arab Army (#Assad) with elements of #Russia'n "polite" equipment. pic.twitter.com/pbFumLKZmZ

#Assad/Russian troops continue to take heavy casualties due to the #FSA's (US) TOW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtcbQAKByyQ … pic.twitter.com/QCbfULy3Gm

10-09-2015, 03:56 PM
There is a big difference between:

- (Sunni) Arab interests declared in the media;
- interests of (Sunni) Arab 'street'; and
- actual interests of various Arab governments.

This is where Yemen is a perfect example.

Arab 'street' is not the least or even against going there. Actual interest of Arab governments is an imposition of a puppet regime, and the media is reporting accordingly (because it has to).

And the reason why they went there was that - contrary to Syria - they've got a green light to go there, from the USA.

...while Oblabla never gave them a green light to go to Syria. Which doesn't mean that the governments (and the 'street') are not interested in Syria, or wouldn't have gone there.


Anyway, it seems the regime's Russian-supported offensive on the al-Ghab Plain is ending in similar fashion like that in Kfar Zita area, two days ago: insurgents are already recovering several of places they've lost yesterday.

A reason more for the IRGC - which was the crucial factor in all negotiations in Syria so far (i.e. Iranians negotiated Homs and various cease-fires in Damascus, Eastern Ghouta and Western Ghouta, not the regime) - to be eager to have the Daesh attack insurgents in northern Aleppo: in order to prevent them from sending reinforcements to Idlib or Hama.

Reports of 500 new TOWs delivered to #FSA from Saudis this week..this explains a lot..

10-09-2015, 04:11 PM
Syria First Russian airstrike geolocated in Raqqa. Hit Ittihad Private University.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBEkjj9PL5I …

Targets of Russian Air Force in Liwa al-Haq - #Syria. Alleged arms depots near a former prison building.
Turned out to be a private university--so much for quality Russian intel.

Either @mod_russia lied about targeting #ISIS, or their weapons are 10% accurate. I'm not joking!

Bomb release footage at the beginning looks to be southwest of Raqqa. pic.twitter.com/5NV6Y2EinE

10-09-2015, 04:18 PM
How could Iran-Russia-Assad counteroffensive be going well if Iran is losing its theater commander on like Day 1?
https://twitter.com/borzou/status/652511960848814080 …

SInce #Russia began 'fighting #Daesh' their territorial control grew
https://twitter.com/Mario_Greenly/status/652426933985107968 …

Russia's presence in Syria created an effective NFZ in favor of ISIS, w/ the safe zone preventing coalition strikes.

هادي العبد الله @HadiAlabdallah
Multiple fronts for #Syria|n revolutionaries: in rural #Hama against Russia, in rural #Aleppo against #ISIS.

هادي العبد الله ‏@HadiAlabdallah ·
Video: Fursan al Haq brigade of the FSA destroys a tank at Maan frontline in Hama province 9/10/2015

Video 2 : Fursan al Haq brigade of the FSA destroys another tank at Maan frontline in Hama province 9/10/2015

10-09-2015, 04:46 PM
The Arab news site I quoted a few posts back made this statement:

"So for Russians are legitimately on track to come to the aid of their ally. But why now?"

It makes me wonder if this is not Putin pushing back for NATO involvement in Ukraine. Essentially, it is a "###-for-tat" – “you screw with me where I have interests and make me look like a fool, I will screw with you where you have interests and make you look like a fool.”

Problem is, his forces are still looking like fools.

10-09-2015, 04:59 PM
Stunning video of #Russia|n Su-34 bombers attacking targets in #Syria — via @TheAviationist


10-09-2015, 05:01 PM
The Arab news site I quoted a few posts back made this statement:

"So for Russians are legitimately on track to come to the aid of their ally. But why now?"

It makes me wonder if this is not Putin pushing back for NATO involvement in Ukraine. Essentially, it is a "###-for-tat" – “you screw with me where I have interests and make me look like a fool, I will screw with you where you have interests and make you look like a fool.”

Problem is, his forces are still looking like fools.

Don't stop the party! Turkish fighters locking on "unidentified" aircraft harassing them from #Syria http://kokpit.aero/turk-f16lari-radar-kilidi-atiyor …

10-09-2015, 05:04 PM
Russia takes REB (what US/NATO weakly terms EW) very seriously and #Syria demonstrates this yet again.
http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/09/opinions/syria-electronic-warfare-russia-nato/index.html?eref=edition …

Looks like Assad's troops are getting new Russian Army combat clothing & equipment. RU MoD 8 Oct pic.twitter.com/09uBrNrO2E

Russia'n state media lies: "airforce destroyed #IslamicState pos. in #Aleppo's Khan al-Asal"
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.167467&lon=37.038946&z=15&m=b … pic.twitter.com/i1Hk9bCs0h

Hama Rebels blow up T-72 tank
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE8KMSS3IWg …

#Syria #Latakia Rebels retook all points of Jubb al-Ahmar
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.672951&lon=36.235700&z=15&m=b …

Reports of rebels recaptured Tall Sosin village near the infantry school northern #Aleppo lost to #ISIL y'day.

During clashes in Ma'an, Nusra fighters filmed RuAF attack on Atshan village northern #Hama.

Nurse & Ajnad fighters storming Ma'an northern #Hama. Clashes inside the village for hours.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.356821&lon=36.792955&z=14&m=b …

North #Hama Updates: After pushing Regime forces to south from Atshan & Tall Sukayk, Rebels launched new offensive on Ma'an village.

10-09-2015, 05:05 PM
If you could point to some Arab sites (or even Arab diaspora in other areas expressing the opinion you are advocating), I would be interested in seeing them.Asharq al-Awsat (http://english.aawsat.com/category/news-middle-east) (supposedly the largest online daily in Arabic language) has a new report from Syria every day. In English not as often, but still it has several very influential people writing OPEDs about Syria.

Then, al-Arabiya (http://english.alarabiya.net/) (UAE), Khaleej Times (http://www.khaleejtimes.com/international) (UAE), Arab Times (http://www.arabtimesonline.com) (Kuwait), and Qatar Tribune (http://www.qatar-tribune.com/viewnews.aspx?cat=gulf&d=20151009) for example are all regularly reporting about Syria.

Where there are next to no reports are countries like Bahrain, Oman and Saudi Arabia.

Of course, Jordanians (al-Bawaba (http://www.albawaba.com/news)), and Lebanese (NOW (https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en)) are publishing the most, but they're not really on the 'Arabian Peninsula'.

10-09-2015, 05:21 PM
FSA targeting rocket Hama military airport headquarters of #Assad's forces and #Russian troops

Assad forces marking their vehicles for air recognition-----
they put a cross on the truck to avoid friendly fire from the sky, first time

10-09-2015, 05:26 PM
Syria: during this push by #Daesh against Syrian rebels not one airstrikes was conducted by #Russia against Daesh in the entire province!

Syria: this move is really threatening the remaining rebel areas in northern #Aleppo province, will the coalition or #Turkey respond?

Another #Assad regime tank in #Hama province bites the dust thx to the #FSA TOW.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2C-bQBz66Q … pic.twitter.com/ATpHS6Tw5H

Syria #SAA/#Russia "major gains" after 3 days of #Hama & #Latakia/Ghab plain -battle is this village:
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.317016&lon=36.668415&z=16&m=b …

FSA took back that same village the Russians have fought over or three days----

Syria #Hama Rebels destroyed T-72 with TOW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVXVPJTMinI …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.385061&lon=36.814327&z=14&m=b …

Hama Nusra claim pushed #Assad-forces back to Maan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INL6_L8rzzg&feature=youtu.be …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.363016&lon=36.798878&z=13&m=b …

Syria Russian TOS-1 Buratino are now in Syria. Thermobaric weapon to be used against rebels/JN.
Russian TOS-1 Buratino Thermobaric Missile Launcher In Syria http://www.interpretermag.com/putin-in-syria-refugee-camp-in-idlib-province-struck-with-cluster-munitions-last-night/#10387 … pic.twitter.com/obhX5ybldb

Two more #Assad vehicles go up in flames in #Mughayr thanks to the #FSA's (US) TOW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCm9o4bsFMU&feature=youtu.be&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dk Cm9o4bsFMU%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&has_verified=1 … pic.twitter.com/i3uygeDEG6

'@RuPhotoMilitary Fighters of the Syrian Arab Army (#Assad) with elements of #Russia'n "polite" equipment. pic.twitter.com/pbFumLKZmZ

#Assad/Russian troops continue to take heavy casualties due to the #FSA's (US) TOW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtcbQAKByyQ … pic.twitter.com/QCbfULy3Gm

There's no way Assad/Putin/Suleimani planned for the losses they're taking in Hama right now. This is a debacle.

10-09-2015, 05:41 PM
don't stop the party! Turkish fighters locking on "unidentified" aircraft harassing them from #syria http://kokpit.aero/turk-f16lari-radar-kilidi-atiyor …

pull the trigger!!!

10-09-2015, 05:44 PM
Asharq al-Awsat (http://english.aawsat.com/category/news-middle-east) (supposedly the largest online daily in Arabic language) has a new report from Syria every day. In English not as often, but still it has several very influential people writing OPEDs about Syria.

Then, al-Arabiya (http://english.alarabiya.net/) (UAE), Khaleej Times (http://www.khaleejtimes.com/international) (UAE), Arab Times (http://www.arabtimesonline.com) (Kuwait), and Qatar Tribune (http://www.qatar-tribune.com/viewnews.aspx?cat=gulf&d=20151009) for example are all regularly reporting about Syria.

I monitor all of those. Have not noticed even a slice of the amount of articles as I have in the Western Press.

This is the site that seems to do the most coverage on Syria http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2015/10/kurdish-leader-pyd-russia-support-syria.html?utm_source=Al-Monitor+Newsletter+%5BEnglish%5D&utm_campaign=b21403b394-October_09_2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_28264b27a0-b21403b394-93069393

10-09-2015, 06:18 PM
An Arab Perspective -

"Why the Gulf isn't to blame for Syrian refugee crisis"

As European nations appear to be opening their doors to Syrian refugees, Gulf countries face mounting criticism for their alleged refusal to follow suit.

International anger is palpable. Just Google “why aren’t Gulf countries” without completing the question and links will appear to articles blasting oil-rich Arab states for their perceived indifference to the plight of Syrians fleeing their country’s tragic civil war. The Washington Post claims that Gulf countries are doing “next to nothing” for Syrian refugees, and an Amnesty International infographic shows how only five countries — Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt — host 95% of the refugees. Even Saudi Arabia’s announcement that it will help serve Syrian refugees’ religious needs by funding the construction of 200 mosques in Germany was met with derision.

Yet Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait see the criticism as unfair. Abu Dhabi’s government-owned The National newspaper recently ran an editorial to remind the world that since the Syrian civil war began in 2011, 100,000 Syrians have moved to the United Arab Emirates. A total of a quarter-million Syrians now live in the UAE.

Saudi Arabia is defending its record more forcefully. On Sept. 11, an unnamed official at the Saudi Foreign Ministry claimed Saudi Arabia had received around 2.5 million Syrians, though the actual number is probably between 100,000 to 250,000. The Saudis also claim to have provided approximately $700 million to Jordan and Lebanon — although that figure falls far short of the $5.5 billion Turkey has spent.

So why is there a discrepancy between Gulf countries’ official positions on Syrian refugees and their alleged inaction? According to a Bahraini analyst who spoke to Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “Geography matters.” He said, “Unlike Turkey, Jordan or Lebanon, the Gulf states share no land borders with Syria. And in contrast with Europe, Gulf states are inaccessible via the Mediterranean.” In other words, most Syrians find it more convenient to head to Europe than the Gulf.

Another reason is the traditional Arab taboo against boasting about one’s charitable efforts. Riyadh’s Sept. 11 announcement said, “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not intend to speak about its efforts to support Syrian brothers and sisters during their distress.” It is poor form in Arab culture to praise what is essentially a humanitarian obligation.

Another problem is that Gulf countries are not signatories to the Geneva Convention on the status of refugees. When Syrians come into Saudi Arabia or the UAE, they are not officially registered as “refugees” but as “guests” or “workers.” Treating refugees as “guests” carries an element of prestige for the host country. The government of Turkey, party to the 1951 convention, also has preferred to call the Syrians who fled there “guests” or “visitors” to show its domestic supporters and the international community that it was wealthy enough to provide assistance without outside interference.

There is also a mix of socio-economic and domestic political considerations at play. A Dubai-based Turkish professional who spent years living in Qatar argues that while Saudi Arabia could absorb more Syrians because of its large territory and population, smaller countries such as the UAE, Qatar and Bahrain do not have that luxury. The Turkish national told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “Qataris and Emiratis do care about Syrian refugees and they have helped them financially. But these countries are rich precisely because they have small populations and land — they are concerned that they could be flooded demographically, economically and politically.” Qatar and the UAE are very safe places but local citizens are already outnumbered by foreign workers, leading the countries' leadership to wonder whether they could cope with disorder if an uprising by the foreigners occurred.

Fahad Nazer said those concerns exist, but with a caveat. A senior political analyst at JTG, Inc. in Washington and a former analyst at the Saudi Arabian Embassy, Nazer told Al-Monitor in an interview that Riyadh “is indeed trying to reduce the number of foreign workers in its private sector to make room for the thousands of Saudis who enter the job market every year.” Furthermore, he added, “the Saudi government is also incurring a significant budget deficit this year because of the steep drop in the price of oil. However,” he warned, “There is little evidence to suggest that demographic challenges and budgetary constraints are major determinants of the government's policy.”

Adam Coogle, a Middle East researcher at the global advocacy organization Human Rights Watch, concurred. Over email, Coogle wrote that he finds it “hard to imagine any Gulf country making a demographic argument for keeping [Syrian refugees] out, given the enormous number of migrants living in Gulf countries already.”

But even more salient than demographic challenges are the security risks that seem to lurk in many people’s minds. There is a genuine fear that no matter how unlikely, al-Qaeda and Islamic State militants could blend in with Syrian refugees who are moving into North America, Europe and the Gulf. “I haven’t heard this,” said Coogle, “but it’s certainly reasonable to imagine that Gulf countries have security concerns on this issue. All countries in the region have become fearful of [al-Qaeda/IS] infiltration.”

“I also don’t think that security concerns are a major factor,” said Nazer, adding, “It is certainly not beyond to try to exploit the suffering of Syrian refugees to its benefit. It’s very clear that [IS] doesn’t believe in any moral red lines.”

[I]In the final analysis, Gulf countries — just like Turkey, Iran and Russia — deserve blame for their role in and inability to stop the civil war in Syria.(my emphasis) And just like European countries, the United States and Canada, Gulf countries could do a better job of sharing the burden of caring for Syrian refugees with Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt. But whatever Gulf countries’ faults, failing to help Syrian refugees is not one of them.


The Arabs see Russia as failing to support its ally in Syria.

10-09-2015, 07:18 PM
Yes, that's right: al-Monitor does the most (simply forgot to cite them).

Anyway, while there's no doubt that many of Gulf-Arabs can't care about Syria as much as about their Gucci-cars and whatever else...the importance of the Syria remains a factor on the international plan.


BTW, one thing particularly interesting about this regime's offensive in Hama is 'disappearance' of the 'Soleimani's Afghan...'... sorry: 'Syrian Arab Army' (SyAA).

Of course, regime is all the time claiming 'SyAA' did this and did that. But, a closer look at composition of regime's units involved in attacks is quite clear: all of these are NDF.

For example: reports are now citing some '4th Assault Corps' as overall authority - instead of the former 4th Armoured Division. But, this is little surprising. In essence, Assadist regime seem to have 'upped' the status of the former 4th Armoured to that of a 'Corps', to present themselves stronger than they are. Which they can't be, then they've suffered too many losses in the last four years and are left with about 100,000 combatants in total. Therefore, they found a solution where everything remains the way it was (in the field), but involved units - actually a mix of NDF gangs corsetted by elements of the former 4th Armoured (probably by detachments from various 'security' agencies too, just to make sure nobody would defect) - 'sound bigger'.

Some evidence in this regards:

1st Photo
One of units of this corps - indeed, the one that launched the first attack on Kfar Zita, two days ago - is said to be the '87th Brigade of the 11th Armoured Division'. The 87th Mechanized Brigade used to be a part of the 10th Armoured Division and all but disappeared from the scene already in summer 2012. Whatever was left of the 11th Armoured Division was de-facto destroyed during retreat from Jishr ash-Shughour (SW Idlib) in spring this year.

But now there's that 'new' 87th Brigade - driving T-55s marked with big red crosses. Sure, these are a sort of ID-markings, but foremost: they stand for crews driving these tanks, which are Christian members of the NDF (as indicated by big insignia on the glaciss of this T-55 too).

2nd Photo
Quick move some 15-20 kilometres further north-west... when it came to launch the offensive in direction of Jishr ash-Shughour, and thus try to cut off the insurgent approach to Lattakia... who is there in the frontlines?

Some fancy 'SyAA' outfit?

Buzzzz! Error, ladies and gentlemen. It's the SSNP Militia (gangs of the Syrian Socialist National Party, in essence Arabs with ideology similar to that of German Nazis).

10-09-2015, 07:33 PM
The Arabs see Russia as failing to support its ally in Syria.Mate...the situation is such that Syrians were always leaning 'pro-West' (yes, so also at the times of closest Syr... erm Assad-Soviet friendship, back in the 1980s). So, if they're running away, then 'go West'.

Secondly: 'everyday' Saudis feel so oppressed at home, back in the 2000s (i.e. before the war), whoever only could was spending the summer in Syria, because they felt 'free' there in comparison at home (this is first hand info, i.e. from chats with several Saudis I met at a specific places, back then).

Surely, part of reason for this was general success of Syrian soap-opera industry in the 2000s but...

...really, one can demand from KSA to do this or that about refugees, but no matter how important 'Sham', 'Dimashq' etc., might be for them in sentimental sense, and regardless how much they like to day-dream about water and green vegetation of Anti-Lebanon mountains and poets from 'Hallab'... a) Saudis royals can't care less about those 'pro-Western Syrian Kufars' (Syrians), and b) nobody can force majority of Syrian refugees to go to Saudi Arabia: they know it's 'another Assad' there.

10-10-2015, 05:48 AM
Yes, that's right: al-Monitor does the most (simply forgot to cite them).

Anyway, while there's no doubt that many of Gulf-Arabs can't care about Syria as much as about their Gucci-cars and whatever else...the importance of the Syria remains a factor on the international plan.


BTW, one thing particularly interesting about this regime's offensive in Hama is 'disappearance' of the 'Soleimani's Afghan...'... sorry: 'Syrian Arab Army' (SyAA).

Of course, regime is all the time claiming 'SyAA' did this and did that. But, a closer look at composition of regime's units involved in attacks is quite clear: all of these are NDF.

For example: reports are now citing some '4th Assault Corps' as overall authority - instead of the former 4th Armoured Division. But, this is little surprising. In essence, Assadist regime seem to have 'upped' the status of the former 4th Armoured to that of a 'Corps', to present themselves stronger than they are. Which they can't be, then they've suffered too many losses in the last four years and are left with about 100,000 combatants in total. Therefore, they found a solution where everything remains the way it was (in the field), but involved units - actually a mix of NDF gangs corsetted by elements of the former 4th Armoured (probably by detachments from various 'security' agencies too, just to make sure nobody would defect) - 'sound bigger'.

Some evidence in this regards:

1st Photo
One of units of this corps - indeed, the one that launched the first attack on Kfar Zita, two days ago - is said to be the '87th Brigade of the 11th Armoured Division'. The 87th Mechanized Brigade used to be a part of the 10th Armoured Division and all but disappeared from the scene already in summer 2012. Whatever was left of the 11th Armoured Division was de-facto destroyed during retreat from Jishr ash-Shughour (SW Idlib) in spring this year.

But now there's that 'new' 87th Brigade - driving T-55s marked with big red crosses. Sure, these are a sort of ID-markings, but foremost: they stand for crews driving these tanks, which are Christian members of the NDF (as indicated by big insignia on the glaciss of this T-55 too).

2nd Photo
Quick move some 15-20 kilometres further north-west... when it came to launch the offensive in direction of Jishr ash-Shughour, and thus try to cut off the insurgent approach to Lattakia... who is there in the frontlines?

Some fancy 'SyAA' outfit?

Buzzzz! Error, ladies and gentlemen. It's the SSNP Militia (gangs of the Syrian Socialist National Party, in essence Arabs with ideology similar to that of German Nazis).

Normally under Russian doctrine the current pocket there should have been "deep attacked" with two enveloping flanking movements to close the pocket--but instead almost head on attacks so what is coming from the flanks--suspect Russia is leery due to assuming the FSA is getting US intel feeds of Russian movements.

10-10-2015, 05:49 AM
First comment on this--unconfirmed---

Not only #Russia sending military vehicles, now Chinese BAW ‘Yongshi’ (Warrior) jeeps arriving in #Syria:
Bit far from the “Silk Road”?????

10-10-2015, 05:50 AM
RuAF and Regime artillery pounding KafrZita, al-Habit and Latmin villages northern #Hama.

Syria #Hama Movements of #Assad-forces in Al Mughayr when tried to storm Kafr Nabudah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf4EH3U439c …

Syria #Hama Reports: Failed #Russia'n airborne ops- helicopter landed on Tell Sukayk -16 captured
-not confirmed- http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.412994&lon=36.789372&z=16&m=b …

Syria #Hama Rebels shelling #Assad-forces in Maan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kur7DIqG3OM …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.360706&lon=36.797247&z=14&m=b …

#Syria #Hama Rebels defeated #Assad-forces from Atshan & nearby Tell Sukayk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qltEqfor1kw …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.410599&lon=36.803384&z=15&m=b …

10-10-2015, 05:51 AM
BREAKING Russian airstrike destroys the HQ of the 13th Division (FSA) responsible for launching multiple anti-tank (TOW) missile attacks

Syria #Russia'n propaganda at its best: "Destroyed HQ of Liwa al-Haqq & killed 200 gunmen"
"also killed 100 more by airstrikes in #Aleppo"

10-10-2015, 05:52 AM
Crow Bat--anything to this comment???

#Syria Regime withdraw dozens of military vehicles from the area around #Zabadani toward the city of #Damascus
-unknown reasons-

10-10-2015, 05:53 AM
Syria #Russia'n SU-30? in sky of northern #Hama
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HkXpJOEC4Y …
seems SU-34

#Hama #Russia'n gunship shot S-5/8 rockets on Kafr Nabudah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC27W33VUxQ …

Russia'n reconnaissance aircraft above northern #Hama
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8WsMHbLtPk …

Hama Seems TOW missed rocket launcher target
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7iKhedEjg4 …

10-10-2015, 06:50 AM
Crow Bat--anything to this comment???

#Syria Regime withdraw dozens of military vehicles from the area around #Zabadani toward the city of #Damascus
-unknown reasons-

Not really. Too many things to follow at once from other battlefields in Syria.

The last I've heard from this area is that there were no regime forces there - IRGC and Hezbollah only - and that the IRGC negotiated a cease-fire with local insurgents (Kataib Madaya, Jaysh Thuwar and Qalamoun Hawks Brigade, all FSyA), because these are sitting on major water source for Damascus in ar-Rawda (few kilometres west of Zabadani). That was about one week ago.

10-10-2015, 07:06 AM
Normally under Russian doctrine the current pocket there should have been "deep attacked" with two enveloping flanking movements to close the pocket--but instead almost head on attacks so what is coming from the flanks--suspect Russia is leery due to assuming the FSA is getting US intel feeds of Russian movements.
That attack on Kfar Zita area (on 7 October) was launched simultaneously along three prongs:

- on east and western side of Kfar Naboudah (west of Kfar Zita)
- on south and eastern side of Latameah (south of Kfar Zita)
- on western side of Moarek in direction of village named Latmeen.

Means: insurgents were exposed to simultaneous attack at the 'pocket' of Latameah, and flanking attacks too.

It 'didn't work because Russian air strikes and preparatory barrage by regime/Russian artillery was ineffective, and their planning (run by a Russian officer, at least according to one of captured NDF officers) was overoptimistic.

Namely, instead of turning around and running away on the sight of about 30 T-62s, T-72s and additional BMP-1s advancing on them, insurgents returned fire with TOWs. They say they knocked out 18 of armoured vehicles and captured 4. Videos and photos confirm 8 kills and 1 captured. Regime confirmed a loss of 9 armoured vehicles and 33 KIA (plus one Mi-25 shot down over Kfar Naboudah with the loss of its pilot). Insurgents lost three KIA (all three from IF's infantry).

Unsurprisingly, this clash is now known as something like 'Slaughter of Assadist tanks'.

Yesterday, the regime attempted another attack from Moarek in northern direction, attempting to combine a heliborne landing of 'commandos' at Tel Sukayk (behind insurgent lines) with another armour push toward north (that was a sort of 'frontal' attack). Heliborne landing took the insurgents by surprise, but subsequently they encircled commandos and captured 16 of them. A TOW team from the 13 Division FSyA then outflanked regime's armour and knocked out four T-72s bunched together behind few farm-houses (and that from 3.6km/2 miles range), scattering the NDF.

Learning from such failures, the much larger Russian-controlled NDF offensive on Ghab Plain, launched on 8 October, is a much more cautious operation. It is primarily run by infantry with plentiful air- and artillery support. That's the probable reason it didn't fail by now.

Nevertheless, advance is extremely slow, enabling insurgents to bring in reinforcements and recapture few of villages and tactically important positions they have lost earlier. Plus, regime is lying about securing of certain objectives - as seen from videos of additional TOW attacks, launched from places regime claimed as 'captured'...

10-10-2015, 09:48 AM
Russians seem to have flown in an additional batch of Sukhois via Caspian Sea, Iran and Iraq to Syria, the last night.

Flightradar24 showed a corresponding track for Tu-154 RA-85563 - similar to that when such an aircraft led a formation of Su-34s to Syria, slightly less than two weeks ago. This morning, that flight was deleted.

That said, two days ago a 13th Russian Su-24M was observed at Bassel al-Assad IAP/Hmeemmem AB, near Lattakiya. Since sat photos from late September were showing presence of 12 Su-24s, this would indicate they've had already flown-in another batch sometimes in early October.

10-10-2015, 02:34 PM
Russians seem to have flown in an additional batch of Sukhois via Caspian Sea, Iran and Iraq to Syria, the last night.

Flightradar24 showed a corresponding track for Tu-154 RA-85563 - similar to that when such an aircraft led a formation of Su-34s to Syria, slightly less than two weeks ago. This morning, that flight was deleted.

That said, two days ago a 13th Russian Su-24M was observed at Bassel al-Assad IAP/Hmeemmem AB, near Lattakiya. Since sat photos from late September were showing presence of 12 Su-24s, this would indicate they've had already flown-in another batch sometimes in early October.

Iran/Russia intell sharing. Mohajer 4 drone flying alongside #RuAF Su-34. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8WsMHbLtPk …
NOTE--the SU-34 is a net centric aircraft able to share data with a number of sources.

BTW--the initial 33 aircraft is far to few to actually do close air support via Russian doctrine and at the same time cover the entire Syrian battlespace.

This confirms that the RuAf has realized they need more aircraft--but then that represents more aircraft to shot at--so they are in a kind of Catch 22 event.

10-10-2015, 02:36 PM
Syria week of unconfirmed(false?) news. Pro-rebels claim 3 helo, 2 RuAF Su-24Ms downed, 8 Russians soldiers + 16 VDV captured, 4 killed.

Iraq 6 months b/w Chinese CH-4B armed drone's delivery to Iraq & first public appearance.

10-10-2015, 02:41 PM
Wounded civilians in RuAF attack on Kafernabel #Idlib today.

Nearest #ISIL existence in 100 km east & nearest #FSA front is 50 km south. Make no mistake, this is systematic terror bombing nothing more.

Assad forces pounding Salma village in rural #Latkia with rocket artillery.

As-Sham Front fighters in al-Hakoura front in #Ghab plain.

Regime 23 mm antiaircraft gun on fire destroyed by #FSA near al-Mghayer northern #Hama.

Rebels blow regime position in Myasir #Aleppo with home made Saqr IRAM short-range rocket.

More IS propaganda--turned out to be a junk yard of old cars in their photo---
ISIL claim destroyed #FSA convoy northern #Aleppo! This looks junk yard to me..

Another #TOW #ATGM by Division 101

Rebels say they took Tall al-Quba' (UN) the highest regime and hezbollah position northern #Qunitera.

The rebels formed a new coalition Jaish al-Sham @sham__army combining members of Ahrar al-Sham & army defectors.

3 Assad tanks reportedly killed so far by the FSA today at al-Moughair, Um Hartain near Ma’an & Kafrnaboudeh. #Hama #Syria

10-10-2015, 02:55 PM
Russian MoD in total rejection of reality: "active ISIS groups is registered all over the territory of the Syr.Ar.Rep at the present time".

Thus, #Russia could attack "55 ISIS objects" in the last 24 hours in "Raqqah, Hamah, Damascus and Aleppo" & "Idlib".

10-10-2015, 03:05 PM
First confirmation of Russian mercenaries fighting in Syria---same model used as in eastern Ukraine--"per contract"
Russian troops of Central Asian origin (plenty seen in Ukr.) or Afghan mercs with brand new Russian gear in #Syria? pic.twitter.com/Kv8y8FsISC

New Photos released by #SAA #SyrianArabArmy #SyrianArmy Tiger Force Soldier's. pic.twitter.com/bXc1GTiY0h

What Russian operating systems are in action in Syria? It's a big list. Take a look. pic.twitter.com/JWNZSeKdz9

VIDEO #Russia(n) Krasukha-4 electronic warfare system in #Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=6&v=YQtsEvAYBWk …

Russia : Great video showcasing the 'perfection' and accuracy of #Putin 's weapon systems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELz8wkQyMIU&feature=youtu.be …
IN Arabic----

Syria: the First Coastal Division (#FSA) has deployed tanks in #Latakia to repel the regime https://youtu.be/6sKzFkPpBDc

10-10-2015, 03:10 PM
...and now to make an end with all the idiotic claims about Chinese deployment (especially those about 'Chinese aircraft carrier') to Syria, here a statement from official source in Beijing (http://english.chinamil.com.cn/news-channels/2015-10/10/content_6716358.htm):

Hua Chunying, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, said on October 8, 2015 that she has not got any information about the Chinese Air Force's possible involvement in the air strike against "ISIS" in Syria.

While Russia is launching military intervention against Syria, many media, mainly the Israeli media, have published a series of sensational reports: China is preparing for military intervention in the armed conflicts.

Apparently none of these reports is based on hard facts. Russia's news agency Sputnik published an article by Kashin, expert with Russia's Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies in this regard on October 9.

These sensational reports often mention China's aircraft carrier "Liaoning" which seems to be moving towards the Syrian coast and is ready to use its own J-15 warplane there. The report by Debka, an Israeli media, is the most incredible. It said that China's aircraft carrier "Liaoning" has arrived at the Syrian coast (or entered Russia's "Tartous" Base), and that the carrier-borne aircrafts will assist Russia in the air strikes against "ISIS".

Such rumors collapse automatically. A spokesperson of China's Ministry of National Defense has said that aircraft carrier "Liaoning" is basically an experimental and training ship. As it is China's only aircraft carrier, any movement of it will draw the close attention of all major military powers and many media.

Aircraft carrier "Liaoning" has to cross the Indian Ocean and the Suez Canal in order to enter the so-called "battlefield" -- this fact itself is a piece of sensational news. "Liaoning" ship needs to be accompanied by destroyers, frigates and depot ships. But no one has seen these happening so far.

Many other media, such as a Lebanese media called Al Masdar, made more "detailed" reports. It said that China will send military advisers and technical personnel to Syria, and also quoted an Syrian insider as saying that the Chinese will arrive "in the next few weeks". However, there is no solid evidence in this regard either.

Perhaps the Syrian crisis will still last for a long time, and we have no idea when China will decide to intervene. It is completely possible that China's cautiousness will help it choose a more successful moment for its appearance on the world stage as a leader.

10-10-2015, 03:39 PM
Syria week of unconfirmed(false?) news. Pro-rebels claim 3 helo, 2 RuAF Su-24Ms downed, 8 Russians soldiers + 16 VDV captured, 4 killed.

Iraq 6 months b/w Chinese CH-4B armed drone's delivery to Iraq & first public appearance.

First official footages of Iraqi CH-4B UAV http://aerohisto.blogspot.com/2015/10/first-official-footages-of-iraqi-ch-4b.html?spref=tw …

10-10-2015, 03:53 PM
Voices in Damascus telling me public presence of Russian military quite visible. Officers Club full of Russian officers located next to MOD.

Told Russian military presence - troops, advisers, technicians, logistics - over 3000. #Assad asked for "as many as possible." More to come.

Russia, Assad, Iran & proxies working "to get rid of all the Opp. What wld be left is Assad/Daesh. "Leave no room to negotiate with anyone."

Video: @masoudtarek on "The Arab Spring: Pathways of Repression and Reform" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2PFzCjOd-w …

Really worth listening to----
Video: @masoudtarek on "The Arab Spring: Pathways of Repression and Reform" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2PFzCjOd-w …

10-10-2015, 04:13 PM

Russian jet shot down by Turkey after it flew into its airspace

10.10.2015 | 19:04

A Russian jet has been shot down by Turkish forces after it flew into the country's airspace, according to as yet unconfirmed reports circulating on social media, the Daily Express has reported.

Eyewitnesses saw a large explosion in Huraytan, northern Syria, while three fighter jets were hovering above.

One journalist tweeted that three Turkish planes were responding to "mysterious" lock-ons from Mig-29 jets, which are used by Putin's forces.

Express.co.uk has contacted the Turkish government and the Russian military but neither could be reached for comment.

It comes amid heightening tensions between Putin and the West just days after another Russian bomber violated Turkish airspace.

F-16 fighters were scrambled after a MIG-29 twin-engined jet locked radar on Turkish planes near the town of Yayladagi, in Hatay province close to the border with Syria.

Turkish jets then escorted the Soviet-era aircraft back into Syrian airspace.

10-10-2015, 04:15 PM
Russia government not used to open source investigation says @EliotHiggins "this means they can't lie & get away with it anymore"

#FSA TOW vs. regime bolldozer in #Latakia prov.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZTiW5ram6s …
Probably a Kamaz left of it ... pic.twitter.com/HcLssZlEvQ

Multiple artillery (or MLRS) rounds hit #Salma in #Latakia province.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ftcWF0CPcM …

VIDEO #Syria rebels fire SPG-9 gun destroying an #Assad forces position #Hindarat #Allepo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7CaQJTN0xk … pic.twitter.com/WcygUSjrC4

Vid: Russian helos flying at low altitude firing 10s of rockets at rebels in Ghab Plain in #Hama (Jorin to Mansoura) http://youtu.be/UU_yrPTh15Q

Unexploded Russian BM-30 Smerch rocket found in northern #Hama.

The rebels formed a new coalition Jaish al-Sham @sham__army combining members of Ahrar al-Sham & army defectors.
After much preparation, Jaish al-Sham forms in N. #Syria mainly to fight #ISIS. Led by @TalalBazrbashi & @abuabbas5

Idlib 6 civilians including women and children killed by regime airstrikes targeting the town of Tamanaa

Unconfirmed reports that rebels were able to shoot down one of the Russian helicopters with AA fire near Mansoura in the Ghab Plain, #Hama

10-10-2015, 04:22 PM
Putin-#Russia will fight for right of #Palestinians to their own state

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/vladimir-putin-says-russia-will-fight-for-the-right-of-palestinians-to-their-own-state-10141902.html … pic.twitter.com/7uZHnjrcgL

10-10-2015, 05:34 PM
Eliot Higgins ‏@EliotHiggins
Russia Today is turning into the crazy ex-girlfriend of the MSM.

Russian RT reported that JN had executed local civilians because of their hands being tied----
RT report from Bahsa in Al Ghab. No indication of executed civilians. Hands tied in preparation for burial.

Russian AF chief: “Not a single civilian facility has been hit by our aviation in Syria.” http://bit.ly/1GBUOp7 Another airpower miracle.

10-10-2015, 05:38 PM
That attack on Kfar Zita area (on 7 October) was launched simultaneously along three prongs:

- on east and western side of Kfar Naboudah (west of Kfar Zita)
- on south and eastern side of Latameah (south of Kfar Zita)
- on western side of Moarek in direction of village named Latmeen.

Means: insurgents were exposed to simultaneous attack at the 'pocket' of Latameah, and flanking attacks too.

It 'didn't work because Russian air strikes and preparatory barrage by regime/Russian artillery was ineffective, and their planning (run by a Russian officer, at least according to one of captured NDF officers) was overoptimistic.

Namely, instead of turning around and running away on the sight of about 30 T-62s, T-72s and additional BMP-1s advancing on them, insurgents returned fire with TOWs. They say they knocked out 18 of armoured vehicles and captured 4. Videos and photos confirm 8 kills and 1 captured. Regime confirmed a loss of 9 armoured vehicles and 33 KIA (plus one Mi-25 shot down over Kfar Naboudah with the loss of its pilot). Insurgents lost three KIA (all three from IF's infantry).

Unsurprisingly, this clash is now known as something like 'Slaughter of Assadist tanks'.

Yesterday, the regime attempted another attack from Moarek in northern direction, attempting to combine a heliborne landing of 'commandos' at Tel Sukayk (behind insurgent lines) with another armour push toward north (that was a sort of 'frontal' attack). Heliborne landing took the insurgents by surprise, but subsequently they encircled commandos and captured 16 of them. A TOW team from the 13 Division FSyA then outflanked regime's armour and knocked out four T-72s bunched together behind few farm-houses (and that from 3.6km/2 miles range), scattering the NDF.

Learning from such failures, the much larger Russian-controlled NDF offensive on Ghab Plain, launched on 8 October, is a much more cautious operation. It is primarily run by infantry with plentiful air- and artillery support. That's the probable reason it didn't fail by now.

Nevertheless, advance is extremely slow, enabling insurgents to bring in reinforcements and recapture few of villages and tactically important positions they have lost earlier. Plus, regime is lying about securing of certain objectives - as seen from videos of additional TOW attacks, launched from places regime claimed as 'captured'...

Next week maybe more interesting. The first wave of attack is a "forced reconnaissance". Details in my article after tomorrow @adammowafi

10-10-2015, 05:44 PM
Iran lost its most senior man in Syria yesterday, Hizbollah lost its highest today.

I think #Hezbollah will announce the death of its most senior officer killed Hassan Hussein al-Haj soon (today/Tomorrow).

Hassan Hussein al-Haj, aka (also known as) Abu Maher, was in charge of d protection of Iklim al-Tuffah facing #Israel. He was head of unit.

10-10-2015, 05:46 PM
Ahrar al-Sham IED targeted and killed regime Col. Hassan Mahmoud in Wadi al-Dahab #Homs.

RuAF airstrike on al-Mansoura village in #Ghab plain today.

Syria: regime forces managed to recapture the village of Atshan (N #Hama) under heavy #Russia|n air cover

Russo-Assad cluster munition rocket attack today on Sukayk, #Idlib, #Syria

Qom, Iran: Funeral for 10s of Afghan & Pakistani fighters recently killed in Syria [Arabic]

ISIS is making a huge progress on the ground in #DeirEzzor air-base battle now..

10-10-2015, 06:15 PM
...and now to make an end with all the idiotic claims about Chinese deployment (especially those about 'Chinese aircraft carrier') to Syria, here a statement from official source in Beijing (http://english.chinamil.com.cn/news-channels/2015-10/10/content_6716358.htm):

Let's see no carrier but the first three armed Chinese drones under direct Chinese controllers flying in Iraq.

First official footages of Iraqi CH-4B UAV http://aerohisto.blogspot.com/2015/10/first-official-footages-of-iraqi-ch-4b.html?spref=tw …

10-10-2015, 06:25 PM
Eliot Higgins
I remember @michaeldweiss being attacked for making the point Russia was effectively acting as an air force for ISIS

The New York Times ‏@nytimes
ISIS makes significant gains in Syrian area bombed by Russia, taking 6 villages near Aleppo

10-10-2015, 06:47 PM
Ahrar al-Sham IED targeted and killed regime Col. Hassan Mahmoud in Wadi al-Dahab #Homs.

RuAF airstrike on al-Mansoura village in #Ghab plain today.

Syria: regime forces managed to recapture the village of Atshan (N #Hama) under heavy #Russia|n air cover

Russo-Assad cluster munition rocket attack today on Sukayk, #Idlib, #Syria

Qom, Iran: Funeral for 10s of Afghan & Pakistani fighters recently killed in Syria [Arabic]

ISIS is making a huge progress on the ground in #DeirEzzor air-base battle now..

FSA TOW team strikes again----
Hama Rebels destroyed tank near silos of Kafr Nabudah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttW0bnvkMuE …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.412837&lon=36.507965&z=17&m=b …

10-10-2015, 06:49 PM
Educational vid by #FSA weapons specialist: How to dismantle Russian cluster-munition safely.

10-10-2015, 06:52 PM
Iran lost its most senior man in Syria yesterday, Hizbollah lost its highest today.

I think #Hezbollah will announce the death of its most senior officer killed Hassan Hussein al-Haj soon (today/Tomorrow).

Hassan Hussein al-Haj, aka (also known as) Abu Maher, was in charge of d protection of Iklim al-Tuffah facing #Israel. He was head of unit.

Death of Hassan Hijazi, Hezbollah commander in Syria day after death of Iranian Hussain Hamedani.
I smell conspiracy

Ahrar al-Sham claims assassination of a top regime security official in Homs city http://eldorar.com/node/88328

10-10-2015, 07:05 PM
Russian invaders killed dozens of Assad soldiers in an accidental airstrike on Alhakoura in Sahl Ghab

Idlib: Hezbollah commander Abu Mohammad Al Qlim killed in battles

Syrian Rebels in Quneitra take the strategic Tal Al Aqabe. Which means they could liberate western Ghouta soon http://en.eldorar.com/node/287

Hama: Syrian Rebels retake the silos http://en.eldorar.com/node/290

Wreckage of Russian rocket dropped on Kafranbouda village northern #Hama.

10-10-2015, 07:24 PM
Iran lost its most senior man in Syria yesterday, Hizbollah lost its highest today.

I think #Hezbollah will announce the death of its most senior officer killed Hassan Hussein al-Haj soon (today/Tomorrow).

Hassan Hussein al-Haj, aka (also known as) Abu Maher, was in charge of d protection of Iklim al-Tuffah facing #Israel. He was head of unit.

Iranian General set to oversee east Aleppo offensive to lift I.S 2yr siege of Kuweires Military Airport, killed~>http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/irania

10-10-2015, 07:31 PM
Human Rights Watch - Syria: Apparent Russian Airstrikes Kill Civilians
https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/10/09/syria-apparent-russian-airstrikes-kill-civilians?ss …

HRW: 'Russian authorities should investigate credible allegations of violations of laws of war' http://go.shr.lc/1RAcrvY

10-10-2015, 07:36 PM
Russia's electronic warfare units are jamming Nato's communications in #Syria

Russian cruise missiles in Syria Trigger European alert to airlines. @R_Wall on a NOTAM: http://www.wsj.com/articles/russian-missile-strikes-in-syria-trigger-european-alert-to-airlines-1444473837?tesla=y …

10-10-2015, 08:00 PM
Odd coincidence? Turkey attacked by terrorists -- specifically *Kurdish rally* after Turkey reports downing of Russian plane in Syrian war.

10-10-2015, 08:10 PM
Russian invaders killed dozens of Assad soldiers in an accidental airstrike on Alhakoura in Sahl Ghab

Idlib: Hezbollah commander Abu Mohammad Al Qlim killed in battles

Syrian Rebels in Quneitra take the strategic Tal Al Aqabe. Which means they could liberate western Ghouta soon http://en.eldorar.com/node/287

Hama: Syrian Rebels retake the silos http://en.eldorar.com/node/290

Wreckage of Russian rocket dropped on Kafranbouda village northern #Hama.

Hama Part of #Russia'n Tactical Missile fired on rebels in
Kafr Nabudah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfHYct7wNV0 …

10-10-2015, 08:12 PM
FSA TOW teams are getting some amazing shots and hits---

Hama Rebels hit tank with TOW at Umm Haratayn frontline
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlAJDj2UkrQ …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.383382&lon=36.860847&z=14&m=b …

FSA mortar regime positions at Kafr Ajouz in rural Latakia. #Syria

Another cluster bomb attack in rural Hama. #Syria

Another FSA TOW hit----
FSA destroyed a truck w/ a mounted gun on it near Kafrnabouda. Nice fireworks. #Syria #Hama

Clashes in Daraa city resume. FSA target Assad forces in Manshiyeh district. #Syria

Insane regime bombardment on Rebels in Quneitra. Media activist filming was injured.

Tour at the Rebel front at Tal Syad in rural Hama. #Syria

Cluster bomb attack on Skeik village in Idlib countryside. #Syria

Jabhat al-Sham FSA battle regime forces at Mgheir. #Hama #Syria

Helicopters bombarding the Ghab plain. #Hama #Syria

Central security unit formed in Busr Harir to protect the border from ISIS in Lajat. #Syria

From the FSA trenches in near Jab al-Ahmar. #Latakia #Syria

Clashes between the 46th Division (FSA) & regime forces near Kafrnabouda. #Hama #Syria

Clashes between the FSA's 46th Division & regime forces near Janabra in rural Hama. #Syria

While Russian warplanes blitzkrieg Hama & Idlib, Assad's warplanes scorch Damascus suburbs.

Massive air strike on Tamanaah in Idlib countryside. #Syria

T-72 tank burns in Mgheir after being destroyed by an FSA TOW missile. #Syria #Hama

10-10-2015, 08:36 PM
US Success of CIA TOW program makes you wonder what could have been achieved with a robust covert program.

10-10-2015, 09:11 PM
Reportedly Intl Coalition targeted #ISIL in recently captured Tall al-Qarah village NE #Aleppo near Infantry School.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.371677&lon=37.178936&z=13&m=b …

Syrian army pushes forward in Daraya"
#Assad / #Russian PROPAGANDA going ALL-IN.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXquXS2uCeE …
Look how they all stay cool when the "rebel shots" come in.
All staged. pic.twitter.com/g3gHHtJetS

10-10-2015, 09:11 PM
"I have information that #Russia supports migration of refugees into the EU" - Czech Defence Minister
http://zpravy.idnes.cz/rozhovor-s-ministrem-obrany-stropnickym-v-mf-dnes-fwr-/domaci.aspx?c=A151010_094343_domaci_bur …

10-11-2015, 06:45 AM
"AlSorra Free Media Channel" made it into Kafarnabodah today.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug2nQC4BSlA …

First media outlet of any kind reporting from the side of the FSA against an entire Russian info war media campaign.

AND from SMS--nothing........

10-11-2015, 08:18 AM
Ahrar al-Sham, Jabhat al-Nusra, FSA, Jund al-Aqsa and Faylaq al-Sham formed a new ops room y'day to co-ordinate ops on Atshan front.

Local activists confirmed regime didn't capture Tall Skayke or Atshan villages but only took a Hill & few advanced positions S & E Atshan.

Syria, Daraa Rif, #FSA Amoud Horan regiment target a regime trucks with a TOW https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2015/10/11/syria-daraa-rif-fsa-amoud-horan-regiment-target-a-regime-trucks-with-a-tow …

Latakia Rebel shelling regime supply road at Jubb al Ghar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIhM9eisw-Q …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.639023&lon=36.223726&z=15&m=b …

I case you've ever wondered what a full salvo of 122 mm rockets from a BM-21 battery looks like. Hama (alas incomplete link)

How Syria is becoming a test bed for high-tech weapons of electronic warfare https://theconversation.com/how-syria-is-becoming-a-test-bed-for-high-tech-weapons-of-electronic-warfare-48779 …

They have frontlines on hundreds of kms with #Hezbollah and #Assad Forces, but #ISIS continue to send suicide bomb against Rebels in #Aleppo

FSA Tajamu Ezzat commander unveils #SAA lies: "you didn't progress 1 inch"
Rebels hold their frontlines. #SAA lost almost 150 killed.

10-11-2015, 08:29 AM
Seems the #ISIS car bomb in #Ihras was targeting FSA Suqour positions, no casualties reported. Total no. of #ISIS car bombs today is 3.

10-11-2015, 10:08 AM
I've seen a lots of PRBS in this war, but this is beyond imaginable:
Two F16 aircrafts violate Syrian airspace, target electric power plants in Aleppo (http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/two-f16-aircrafts-violate-syrian-airspace-target-electric-power-plants-in-aleppo/)....

Namely, it was the Daesh that blew up two blocks of that power-plant (see the photo attached bellow), but Syrian regime is now blaming Turkey for this...?

This nonsense is de-facto admission that the regime - and that means Russians and Iranians - are actually cooperating with the Daesh, perfectly in sense of what can be read here: Russia is Giving ISIS an Air Force (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/10/08/russia-s-giving-isis-an-air-force.html).

By side that all that's left of Assad's 'SAA' are Russians, IRGC (not even 'Iranian IRGC', but Afghan Hazara mercenaries!), Hezbollah (Lebanon) and Hezbollah (Syria), Christians, SSNP and Ba'ath Party Militia...

But this is just sick: compared to this, even that dilettantic PR campaign of Saudis in Yemen is a 'kindergarden'. :rolleyes:

10-11-2015, 12:04 PM
Revolution Syria being driven by the Syrian civil society has:

Too many enemies:

•Assad regime
•Iraqi gangs/so called Shia militias
•World’s hypocrisy
ADD on top of this the total lack of US leadership

Hama Ahrar al Sham claim killed 10 #Assad-forces at Fawru frontline
in Ghab plain
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.701917&lon=36.281061&z=15&m=b …

Hama Rebels target tank in Al Mughayr with 9К111 Fagot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDmpbCDhLQs …

Dispite #Russia'n close air support #Assad-forces not able to advance in northern #Hama (day 5 of battle)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKzoLmmdFLY …

10-11-2015, 12:16 PM
Assad IRAM rocket lands on civilians in #Zibdin, eastern Ghouta, #Damascus. Many civilian injuries reported.

Russian helicopters bombard Kafr Nabudah as the regime still isn't able to take it https://youtu.be/vnBRpkU0-m8

Aftermath of the Assad barrel bomb attack on western al-Gharyia in #Daraa this morning, civilian casualties reported http://youtu.be/yFZAvpwoqAg

RuAF attack on Taman'a village #Hama.

Russia|n airstrike targeting rebels in Jabal al-Akrad in rural #Latakia, #Syria http://youtu.be/Kmasv12sBmw

DAILY SABAH ‏@DailySabah
BREAKING — Turkish Armed Forces: Syrian jets and missile systems harassed Turkish F-16's near border on Saturday

The little Russian backed Assad advancement in Tal Sukayk & Atshan seems to have been fully reversed by the rebels in #Hama today

10-11-2015, 12:48 PM
Photos allegedly of parts of the Russian cruise missiles that landed in Iran - @QasiounNewsAR

Hama Burning regime tank at Tell Sukayk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmaO29FWf7I …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.413152&lon=36.788793&z=15&m=b …

Rebels shelling Russian Hama military airport with 130mm howitzer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DSopU2aFZc&feature=youtu.be …

Russian air strike on Saraqeb in Idlib countryside. #Syria

10-11-2015, 12:55 PM
FSA's Suqour al-Jabal brigade are also fighting ISIS at Harbal in northern Aleppo. #Syria

FSA Suqour al-Jabal brigade fighting ISIS during the night at Tal Qarah, Aleppo. #Syria

Meanwhile as the 16th Division fought the regime in Khalidiyeh, Suqour al-Jabal tried to hold ISIS back. #Aleppo

10-11-2015, 12:58 PM
FSA bombard regime forces at Hamamiyat with mortar shells. #Hama #Syria

FSA mortar regime forces in Maan, Hama countryside. #Syria

Video of barrel bombs hitting Khan al-Sheeh earlier. #Damascus

Clashes between FSA & regime forces in Khalidiyeh district, Aleppo.

Clashes between FSA & regime forces in Ashrafiyeh district in Aleppo. #Syria

Rebels in N-Hama pound regime with heavy artillery, GRAD missiles, rockets & mortars. #Syria

Clashes between FSA & regime forces at Kafrnabouda.

10-11-2015, 01:26 PM
RuAF helicopters flying low over Kafranbouda today. Rebels AA guns can be heard but no luck.

Under the "just what the heck does he mean" rubric????

Putin: Russia does not want to get involved in inter-religious war in Syria.
He is already in one and is being perceived to support both the Shia and Islamic State.

Latakia Coast-#FSA destroyed tank at observatory tower near Nabatah with TOW http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.659981&lon=36.118884&z=16&m=b …

10-11-2015, 01:49 PM
Syrian village identified that was hit by Russian B-30 cluster strikes--

Town, hit by Russian hell, identified as #Al_Arbaeen in #Hama province.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZrhWU_vYYA … pic.twitter.com/eUZsj7k634

Syrian islamist and moderate rebels defend the town side by side.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfEIXp0tqWA …

Syria #Map
Rebels bomb #Assad regime tank at Tell Sukayk, defending #Sukayk in #Hama.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmaO29FWf7I …

Iraq: Pretty much a daily talking point in Shi'a militia discourse: U.S. sending weapons to IS:

VIDEO #Syria rebels firing at #Russia(n) aircraft with old Soviet 14.5mm gun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-1vYLrXjdo … pic.twitter.com/umXd1NBibp

RuAF airstrike near Atshan northern #Hama countryside https://youtu.be/Lb2qPqoG4LE geolocated http://wikimapia.org/#lat=35.390738&lon=36.812868&z=17&m=b …

10-11-2015, 02:03 PM
Manned Russian jets are reportedly stalking US Predator drones in Syria http://read.bi/1LFn4i1

HRW: Cluster munitions used in new Syrian/Russian offensive in #Syria. https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/10/10/syria-new-russian-made-cluster-munition-reported … pic.twitter.com/uZb9bQod0j

10-11-2015, 02:06 PM
FSA bombard regime forces at Hamamiyat with mortar shells. #Hama #Syria

FSA mortar regime forces in Maan, Hama countryside. #Syria

Video of barrel bombs hitting Khan al-Sheeh earlier. #Damascus

Clashes between FSA & regime forces in Khalidiyeh district, Aleppo.

Clashes between FSA & regime forces in Ashrafiyeh district in Aleppo. #Syria

Rebels in N-Hama pound regime with heavy artillery, GRAD missiles, rockets & mortars. #Syria

Clashes between FSA & regime forces at Kafrnabouda.

NOTICE just how Russian info warriors are using MSM in this case Reuters--
NOTICE where the article is released ie Sochi and by who a Russian reporter.

World | Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:24am EDT
Related: World, Russia, Syria

Syrian army advances with help of intensified Russian air strikes

SOCHI, Russia/AMMAN | By Vladimir Soldatkin and Suleiman Al-Khalidi

BUT then the reality of the actual fighting-----
20+ #Assad soldiers reportedly killed in huge VBIED attack in Atshan in #Hama..

10-11-2015, 02:13 PM
Crow Bat--------

Chinese military publication: PLA Navy support for Russian operations in Syria would enhance open sea capabilities. https://www.facebook.com/globalstrategyblog/posts/914664531946466 …

Another way of saying the same thing: Military leaders in China would like to provide naval support for Russian operations in Syria.

10-11-2015, 02:26 PM
Syria: helicopters drop bombs all over Kafr Nabudah, this is what scorched earth looks like https://youtu.be/h4_hU69OHjE

Russian helicopters bombard Kafr Nabudah as the regime still isn't able to take it https://youtu.be/vnBRpkU0-m8

Jabhat al-Sham (#FSA) rebels continue to fight hard to hold off the regime https://youtu.be/kj3oOXCR0Cw

Any info on levels of defending rebel casualties on the north Hama front? Can't imagine those Russian cluster-bomb frenzies being harmless??

Reports tens of Assad militias killed by rebels in failed attempt to advance in Tartiah castle near #Salma in rural #Latakia, #Syria

10-11-2015, 02:30 PM
Syrian rebellion will be battered in coming months, but it will survive, consolidate, radicalize and be vengeful. Huge dilemmas ahead...
Past 4.5 years wasn’t exactly a walk in the park

10-11-2015, 02:33 PM
Intense Israel jet activity over the Golan heights.

BreakingNews #Assad media outlets claim AA downed 6 #Israel|i drones west of #Izra a while ago..

Unusual #Israel|i air-forces activity over #Golan #Quneitra began a while ago..

10-11-2015, 02:49 PM
Russian Interfax press releases from today----

15:46 Aerospace Forces aircraft perform 64 combat flights, strike on 63 ISIL sites in Hama, Latakia, Idlib and Raqqah provinces over past day - Russian Defense Ministry

ABSOLUTELY no indications via Russian MoD combat videos that these air strikes actually hit IS targets as most of the air strikes today hit the FSA positions.

10-11-2015, 02:52 PM
From Russian Interfax press release today---

October 11, 2015 14:29



As if bombing of civilians and anti Assad forces AND virtually no attacks on IS are the results that Putin talks about here????

Putin: Objective of military campaign to stabilise the legitimate authorities &create conditions for a political compromise

Putin's lies concerning his intent to attack Islamic State--which has not been occurring so when he attacks western leaders he appears to actually be outright lying about his actions towards the Islamic State.

In German---
Putins ISIS-Lüge in Syrien
Mehr als 100.000 Leser bis jetzt.
http://www.bild.de/politik/ausland/syrien-krise/isis-luege-42942894.bild.html …

10-11-2015, 03:13 PM
From Russian Interfax press release today---

October 11, 2015 14:29



As if bombing of civilians and anti Assad forces AND virtually no attacks on IS are the results that Putin talks about here????

Putin: Objective of military campaign to stabilise the legitimate authorities &create conditions for a political compromise

Putin's lies concerning his intent to attack Islamic State--which has not been occurring so when he attacks western leaders he appears to actually be outright lying about his actions towards the Islamic State.

In German---
Putins ISIS-Lge in Syrien
Mehr als 100.000 Leser bis jetzt.

This is Putin's first serious miscalculation----
Putin spoke last night on Russian channel One: "We don's see difference between Shia and Sunni". http://kommersant.ru/doc/2830342

10-11-2015, 03:15 PM
Crow Bat---I had mentioned this SAA troop movements meant what?

Here is the answer----

Regime has moved big forces from Zabadani into Damascus in preparation for a probable offensive on Daraya suburb.

10-11-2015, 03:19 PM
Crow Bat--------

Chinese military publication: PLA Navy support for Russian operations in Syria would enhance open sea capabilities. https://www.facebook.com/globalstrategyblog/posts/914664531946466 …

Another way of saying the same thing: Military leaders in China would like to provide naval support for Russian operations in Syria.
Sorry, but that's no official source in Beijing. On the contrary, it's based on exactly the kind of sources (Sputnik News) countered by official Beijing.

10-11-2015, 03:33 PM
Syria Rebels destroyed 5 regime tanks today at northern #Hama frontlines

Hama #Russia'n airstrike with thermobaric bomb on Camp "Khazanat" near Khan Shikhoun
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.421546&lon=36.679659&z=15&m=b …

10-11-2015, 03:35 PM
Allegedly meeting between #Assad' advisers & Manaf Tlass in Paris some days ago--is Russia trying to find a compromise with anyone in or outside Syria.

10-11-2015, 03:49 PM
Important article by @ibrahimhamidi about a Russian plan to dismantle Syria's National Defence Forces http://www.alhayat.com/Articles/11536041 …

The forces will be dismantled "gradually & provisionally" to be incorporated into an army regiment as part of revamping of the Syrian army.

Article recognises the potential impediments to the plan but it'll be implemented provisionally. Says divergent Russia-Iran longterm vision.

Article also says Iran-Jaish al-Fateh Fateh agreement is being violated by Russian jets & UN branch in Damascus rejects certain provisions.

10-11-2015, 03:51 PM
Important article by @ibrahimhamidi about a Russian plan to dismantle Syria's National Defence Forces http://www.alhayat.com/Articles/11536041 …

The forces will be dismantled "gradually & provisionally" to be incorporated into an army regiment as part of revamping of the Syrian army.

Article recognises the potential impediments to the plan but it'll be implemented provisionally. Says divergent Russia-Iran longterm vision.

Article also says Iran-Jaish al-Fateh Fateh agreement is being violated by Russian jets & UN branch in Damascus rejects certain provisions.

The interesting thing is that the Russian recommended reorg is the exact same Russian reorg of their mercenaries fighting in eastern Ukraine.

The reorg usually ends with the integration of the new defense forces into the Russian military command structure.

10-11-2015, 03:58 PM
Epic Russian MLRS cluster salvo hits town in Hama province.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t69eqVfMYDk …

Russia maximizing damage.. Against anyone but ISIS

I've seen a lot of insane (and pure evil) cluster bombs thrown at civilian areas.. This def. tops the list.

AND not a single comment from any western leader--silence, silence, silence in the face of Syrian genocide.

10-11-2015, 04:14 PM
Epic Russian MLRS cluster salvo hits town in Hama province.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t69eqVfMYDk …

Russia maximizing damage.. Against anyone but ISIS

I've seen a lot of insane (and pure evil) cluster bombs thrown at civilian areas.. This def. tops the list.

AND not a single comment from any western leader--silence, silence, silence in the face of Syrian genocide.

Damascus Regime airstrike hit hospital in eastern Ghouta
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRZeCAm5nj8 …

10-11-2015, 04:18 PM
FSA TOW team in action again------

Quneitra Rebels destroyed field cannon at barrier of Khan Arnabah city with TOW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNnQsgtq5dw …

Syria Report from northern #Hama frontline
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzXNwHbvHwo …

10-11-2015, 05:23 PM

Head of #Russia's #Syria precision bombing campaign ready to brief #Putin in #Kremlin on progress in #RussiaVsISIL.

Since #RussiaVsISIL op begun Russia has killed 7 mil terrorists, prevented climate change & found the Zodiac killer

10-11-2015, 05:24 PM
Russian TV news anchor: "Russia has modern weapons and the determination to use them"

Another great Sputnik's expert! The same Kremlin propagandist who said that pre-1939 Hitler was 'the good Hitler'.

10-11-2015, 05:27 PM

Head of #Russia's #Syria precision bombing campaign ready to brief #Putin in #Kremlin on progress in #RussiaVsISIL.

Since #RussiaVsISIL op begun Russia has killed 7 mil terrorists, prevented climate change & found the Zodiac killer

BUT then Russian reality sets in----

Top story on Russian TV's news review: those cruise missiles fired from the Caspian Sea: "A success for our country" pic.twitter.com/PBBh0BnLoa