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View Full Version : 'American Way of War' by Professor Brian Linn

02-16-2016, 12:25 PM
Thanks to a "lurker" Professor Linn gave a lecture in London, a month ago, described as:
The recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have provoked intense discussion both inside and outside the United States on the nature of a distinct 'American Way of War'. This lecture addresses the intellectual antecedents of this term and its role in shaping both scholarly and military ideas about how the USA conducts war.

Speaker's slim bio:
Brian McAllister Linn was born in Honolulu and graduated from the University of Hawaii after taking off for several years to travel and work. He received his masters and doctoral degrees from Ohio State University and eventually joined the faculty at Texas A&M University. He is currently the Ralph R. Thomas Professor in Liberal Arts, and was a past John Simon Guggenheim Fellow and visiting professor at the Army War College. His research focuses on post-1898 US military history, particularly counterinsurgency and occupation, Pacific strategy, the US Army in the atomic era, and military intellectuals. As a Fulbright Scholar he will be studying the impact of postwar recovery on the British and US armies between 1900 and the end of the Cold War.

The link has a transcript, podcast and the PPT used. One day I might just listen in.