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05-05-2016, 09:00 PM
Southern #Aleppo: #Syria|n rebels hunting and killing fleeing pro-#Assad forces in #Khan_Touman.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/RrMrCrcS4NI …

Here's why Iran just threatened US shipping again — via @Commentary

05-06-2016, 05:41 AM
Drones footage of JaN VBIED and Tanks/BMPs storming Khan Tuman south #Aleppo.

Jaish al-Fath coalition completely capture Khan Tuman village south Aleppo from IRGC and Assad.

IDs of Iraqi shia mercenaries recruited by IRGC to fight for #Assad south #Aleppo.

FSA blow #ISIS VBIED north Aleppo.

05-06-2016, 05:46 AM
No amount of "messaging" can cover up the massive killing of IDPs today in Syria....WHICH reflects a total Obama FP failure as the safe zones were recommended to him years ago ..AND he said no then and again this week.....then the massive killing of defenseless civilians in an IDP camp.........

Obama: Syria safe zone is a "practical problem".
Couple of days later..
White House: no excuse for air strike on Syria refugee camp.

NOW after a major war crime has been committed by an SU24.....Russian BTW seen by observers near the camp before the bombs were dropped....

Safe zones are hard but the worst refugee crisis since WWII, endless war crimes, a major uptick in CW attacks & endless slaughter are easy.

So check the Obama response......"not an excuse"......really again nothing but words as he really does not want to act even in the face of genocide and mass war crimes....

Sayf Al-Deen Halabi ‏@seyfuddinq · 3h3 hours ago
we saw SU24 making circles above us before it dropped on the IDP camp. My location was close to Sarmada.

05-06-2016, 06:02 AM
Russian Syrian Express on the return trip......

ВМФ #ЧФ BSF Tsezar Kunikov returned to Bosphorus from #Tartus in 10days &completed its 4th #Syria deployment in2016

05-06-2016, 03:58 PM
After classic envelopment operation.........

How Jaysh al-Fateh managed to kill between 70 and 100 pro-#Assad forces in #KhanTuman.

Most of IRGC militiamen killed not far from thr pickups in Khan Tuman as they were obviously ready to flee if needed

They had been pleading for air strikes to cover their retreat but none came....

I remembered the TOW hit early this year in Khan Tuman that destroyed this IRGC technical.

South-West #Aleppo situation on May 6, 2016 / Rebels (JAN & JAF) launch powerful offensive in Khan Tuman axis

Some sort of a weapon seen for the 1st time used by Assad/Russia south Aleppo Anyone can ID?

Graphic: TOW fired from short distance Vs ISIL group north Aleppo turned them to pieces

05-06-2016, 04:05 PM
Unconfirmed reports Jaish al-Fath has taken Khalsa and Humayra, ambushed and killed several Iraqi and Afghani soldiers in Humayra.

Opposition #FSA retake Dudiyan town, and repelled #ISIS attempt to storm Qarah Mazrah. #Aleppo

Two Assad army soldiers captured by Jaish al-Fath south Aleppo, both Syrians from Aleppo for a change.

Reports: 100+ dead pro regime Shia militia members & 40+ dead from Jaish al Fatah in battle at southern outskirts of #Aleppo

JaF advance now on Al-Humayra in southern #Aleppo
-seized several hill tops north of it
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.081292&lon=37.054224&z=14&m=b …

Syria army? Try Iranian 65th army brig & IRGC, Lebanese Hezbollah, Iraqi Nujaba, Afghani Fatemiyon & Assad NDF.

05-06-2016, 04:25 PM
Update: Telat Aldababat (Tanks Hill) west of Khan Touman was also liberated securing the Khan Touman surroundings.

U.S. Embassy Syria ‏@USEmbassySyria
Power: The regime & some of its supporters sometimes claim to be attacking al Nusra or #Daesh, but the sites hit in #Aleppo show otherwise.

Amb Power: The regime has deliberately targeted first responders, health care workers, & medical facilities.

I think that the US Embassy has virtually no creditability left as they have been watching this go on for over five years and this is about as much as they ever do...just words.......

05-06-2016, 06:50 PM
Ahrar al-Sham (JaF) Kornet ATGM hits pro-#Assad forces ammo transport.
An inferno.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFZC0KOrKKg …

The JaF push S of #Aleppo is backed by Ahrar al-Sham artillery
And they still get new rounds for their M-46

A war plane launched a raid on the center of Om Al Krameel, South of #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CQncsKZJRQ&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D9 CQncsKZJRQ&has_verified=1 …

Normals children have playgrounds.
Syrian children (here in #Rastan) have destroyed tanks.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI0h_rpxJiY …

Turkish-backed "Sultan Murad" #FSA brigade refurbished their T-62.
(left: January)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJHUOPrSwAg …

Pro-#Assad forces are shelling civilians in al-Ghantu with artillery.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37AY9pjF98Y …

05-06-2016, 07:08 PM
Syria #FSA battle against #IslamicState in south western #Daraa provinve
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2m_083WUTA …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdh-IqvazNs …

Charles Lister ‎@Charles_Lister
Very concerning reports from #Hama Prison, where #Assad regime forces have launched a major military operation against revolting prisoners.

Assad-forces launch now crackdown of "#Hama Central Prison -revolte"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0Qzhsv-o7Y …

Assad-forces storming now Prison with gas & gunfire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNWEXcqTT1Y …

Seems #Iran-backed forces took a big hit in southern Aleppo. Question is whether Iranians were among them too https://twitter.com/reuters/status/728473135675277312 …

Iranian journalist Hassan Shemshadi: Unfortunately number of Syrian & resistance [#Iran-backed] forces killed in Khan Touman, more captured

05-06-2016, 07:13 PM
Go back to the SWJ WaPo article where the Obama WH argued that in fact their Syrian/IS strategy was working...it was just you and me we "did not get it" and you and me "just needed MORE messaging" in order to "get it".....

When it is all said and done and the historians get their hands on the Obama period you will be wondering just "how much messaging we have been fed by this WH".....and we are the people who put him in office.....

REFERENCE this messaging campaign of the Obama WH.....directed against US citizens......


IT is critical that one read the entire long article.......

The Aspiring Novelist Who Became
Obama’s Foreign-Policy Guru

How Ben Rhodes rewrote the rules of diplomacy for the digital age.


Have a high opinion of this writer as I had met him in Iraq were he was war reporter in the thick of things.... and have published two articles via him in the past........and he still writes his column for FP.....

tom ricks ‎@tomricks1
If Obama is as smart as he thinks he is, Ben Rhodes will by Monday leave his job to spend more time with his family.

Rhodes suggests that Iran deal wasn't really about Iran. It was about helping the US disengage from Middle East

He doesn't just "suggest" it. It's straight-up the reason. And the journo/expert echo chamber dutifully hid it.

Obama wasn't trying to get a nuke deal, he was trying to change #Iran and the region. This was his Big Idea

05-06-2016, 07:17 PM

How Iraq Warped Obama’s Worldview

The president is certain he’s right. Is that what we want in a leader?

Shadi Hamid
Mar 11, 2016

On October 2, 2002, Barack Obama gave a speech opposing war in Iraq—perhaps, in retrospect, the most important speech he ever gave. He was right, of course, and the foreign-policy establishment was largely wrong. The problem is that politicians who were right about Iraq tend to overestimate what that says about their foreign-policy judgment. For Obama, the effects of being right are magnified. He became president, in part, because of Iraq and the considerable damage the conflict had done to the country. Obama offered the promise of a decisive correction and, for true believers, a kind of spiritual atonement.

It is unclear what being right on Iraq would mean for your likelihood of being right on Syria, since the contexts in question are, in a way, opposites: Civil war in Iraq began after the United States intervened. Civil war in Syria happened in the absence of intervention. History will have to judge, but it may actually be the case that being right on Iraq made you more likely to be wrong about subsequent interventions. The tragedy of Iraq, if you weren’t careful, was likely to distort your perception of everything that followed, for wholly understandable reasons.

Iraq’s dark shadow seems to be everywhere in Jeffrey Goldberg’s fascinating yet unsettling exchanges with Obama. “Multilateralism regulates hubris,” Obama says. And he is right: It does. What is left unsaid is why, exactly, regulating hubris should, seven years after the conclusion of the Bush era, remain a primary preoccupation. It is hard to imagine any world leader citing the hubris of overextension as the problem that the United States, today, must take extra care to correct for or guard against. Obama has already corrected for it, many times over.

It may actually be the case that being right on Iraq made you more likely to be wrong about subsequent interventions.

Elsewhere, there are straw men to be built. “Every time there is a problem, we send in our military to impose order,” Obama says, except that no one favoring intervention in Syria has called for Iraq-style military action. Obama says that “there are going to be times where the best that we can do is to shine a spotlight on something that’s terrible, but not believe that we can automatically solve it,” except that I’m not aware of a single critic of Obama’s Syria policy who believes intervening against Bashar al-Assad would “automatically solve” anything. The stated goal was always rather different: to diminish the Assad regime’s ability to kill and to provide clear incentives for Russia, Iran, and Assad to change their calculus and begin negotiating in something resembling good faith with Syrian rebel forces. Meanwhile, comments like “there is no way we should commit to governing the Middle East and North Africa” again present a wildly false choice.

Obama’s tendency to distort beyond recognition the positions of his critics goes hand in hand with an apparent disdain for those critics and, perhaps more worryingly, an unwillingness to even so much as question his own decisions after he’s made them. Over the course of his conversations with Goldberg, the only thing he really blames himself for is having “more faith” in the Europeans than they apparently deserved. Elsewhere, he faults himself for underappreciating “the value of theater in political communications.” Of course, what Obama is faulting himself for is not clearly appreciating the faults of others.


Really worth reading the long article....

05-06-2016, 07:27 PM
Michael Weiss
✔ ‎@michaeldweiss I think I got this right two years ago:


An unbelievably small presidency
Does the White House even want its token Syrian efforts to succeed?

Sometime in 2010, as the United States was preparing for its withdrawal from Iraq, a senior military commander was approached in a White House hallway by a senior Obama administration official. The commander was deeply disturbed by what he saw as a total lack of commitment to securing the hard-won gains in a country not yet ready for a categorical American absence. Would the Sunni Awakening be put back to sleep? Would al-Qaeda return in force? Was the administration aware of Nouri al-Maliki’s true character and political tendency, not to mention the foreign country to which he was actually loyal? The administration official’s response is something that the military commander never forgot, and neither should anyone trying to understand the United States’ role in the world today. “If our policy succeeds,” the official said, “we’ll take credit for it. If it fails and Iraq descends into civil war again, we’ll just blame George W. Bush.”

I’ve argued before in this space that the Obama administration does not have a foreign policy of which to speak; it has a public relations policy. “Strategic communications” has taken the place of actual strategy, and what Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin refers to as “political technology” has taken the place of actual politics. The formula here is quite simple because it was invented by people in their late 20s or early 30s with little real-world experience beyond applying for Rhodes scholarships or crowdsourcing campaign donations. Whenever some part of the world falls to pieces, or some fresh humanitarian catastrophe ensues, the immediate response is twofold: First, the president gives a speech making him appear decisive and in command; second, all the president’s men leak stories to an accommodating press suggesting that he is indeed decisive and in command and about to take necessary action. Never mind the details – those will come later. Just focus on the headlines.

And so the press invariably does. US policy is now changed, or adjusted – sometimes dramatically so – to incorporate new facts and fresh disasters, the newspapers tell us. The New York Times dutifully praises this theatre of leadership in its editorial page, mistaking moral cretinism for “caution” and cowardice for “pragmatism.” Then weeks, if not months, go by and people forget about the part of the world falling to pieces or the humanitarian catastrophe because something else has grabbed their attention. But then, quietly, the true original purpose behind the strategic communications-concocted policy is laid bare in a lead-burying item tucked away in the middle section of a national newspaper.

In his West Point speech last May, the president announced that he was “calling on Congress to support a new counterterrorism partnerships fund of up to $5 billion,” to help allied countries and pro-American proxies combat jihadism in Yemen, Libya and Syria, which was now a “critical focus” of this subsidy. “I will work with Congress to ramp up support for those in the Syrian opposition who offer the best alternative to terrorists and brutal dictators,” he said, which some took to mean that the Defense Department taking over the training of rebels from the CIA would mean a significant investment in creating a Free Syrian Army that was both anti-Assad and anti-jihadist. It was soon thereafter established that of the proposed $5 billion, only $500 million – 10% – would be spent on the Syria crisis, which is by far the worst of all those Obama tallied off. A National Security Council spokesperson tried his or her best to elaborate that this money would “help defend the Syrian people, stabilize areas under opposition control, facilitate the provision of essential services, counter terrorist threats, and promote conditions for a negotiated settlement.”

Help, stabilize, facilitate, counter and promote are words that mean nothing to most human beings, for good reason. But they meant a great deal to Fareed Zakaria, or perhaps his research assistant. In the course of arguing that the Assad regime had been a historical foe of radical Islamists and jihadists – such as the ones it dispatched into Iraq to kill American servicemen, or the ones it has armed and subvented in Lebanon and Gaza – this most correct of correct-thinking pundits pronounced that Obama was “likely to throw fuel onto a raging fire” by adopting such a bold new military program. Alas, this was because Obama had finally succumbed to the “general consensus” on Syria. (Zakaria seems to believe that a consensus can be anything other than general. He will one day make an excellent strategic communicator for some lucky White House.)

But his panic was unjustified, as was obvious back at West Point, where gobbledygook masqueraded as a volte-face. The Wall Street Journal reported on July 16 that Obama’s seemingly large investment is already subject to diminishing returns, with sentences that read as if they were out of Evelyn Waugh’s Black Mischief: “Preliminary military estimates, presented by officials to key congressional committees in closed-door briefings last week, call for training a 2,300-man force – less than the size of a single brigade – over an 18-month period that probably won’t begin until next year, according to officials.”

In other words, half a billion dollars is being spent to possibly kinda make soldiers out of a contingent of a little more than 12% of the Islamic State’s estimated total fighting force. And it’s going to take a year and a half just to do that. The Pentagon explained that this absurd holdup – in 18 months, there may be no Syrian opposition left to train or arm – was due to the “vetting issue.” Here again comes a perennial US excuse, which former Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford wasted little time debunking once he lapsed into official retirement. Three years into the war, and the United States has trouble finding 2,000 credible proxies. Meanwhile, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, which is running four different countries all at once in the midst of international sanctions, has no trouble finding 150,000 militiamen of its own to wage counterinsurgency operations in Syria and Iraq under the guise of “protecting Shia shrines.”

There are also new hiccups for rebel boot camp that had not existed before. Jordan allowed the CIA to train rebels on its soil for two years (how were they vetted? do they have friends they can refer to other agencies in the US government?), but now says it doesn’t want the Pentagon to train rebels on its soil. This is an objection that no one in the Obama administration appears to have anticipated, which is implausible given the heavy presence of the CIA on Jordanian soil. So now location has become yet another impediment to seeing Obama’s grand vision for Syria realized.

Most revealing, however, is what one defense official told the Journal about the lack of interest or support for this policy at the very top: “I get the sense no one really wants to do it.” How right he is.

Mohammed al-Ghanem, the government relations director at the Syrian American Council, told al-Arabiya’s Joyce Karam that the White House is not “lobbying aggressively” for Congress to accept the Syria provision in the 2015 Defense Appropriations Act, which cleared the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee this week. The administration is “almost setting itself up for failure,” Ghanem said, although he might have added that it is doing so consciously because it does not want to succeed. This is the built-in trapdoor to all Obama policymaking. Executive torpor and lack of preparation in selling an executive-made policy ensures that failure becomes somebody else’s problem – George W. Bush’s, or a ####ty website provider, or the House and Senate.

Recall how the administration tried, not very convincingly, to convince Congress to authorize the president to wage “unbelievably small” airstrikes on the Assad regime after its deployment of sarin gas in Damascus last summer, which exceeded all the other “small-scale” chemical weapons attacks that the regime had already perpetrated. The administration deflected or parried arguments from legislators which it had invented to justify not attacking the Assad regime. Both the chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff and the defense secretary looked on that occasion like two dogs that had been put through a car wash. John Kerry, who had compared Assad to Hitler one week, then had to praise him as cooperative in the early stages of chemical disarmament the next.

I asked Hadi al-Bahra, the newly-elected president of the Syrian Opposition Council, what he thought of the fine print of the administration’s already-faltering plan to rescue Syria. “The delay in taking any decisions or pushing laws or budgets into Congress without also pushing for its success – it will not serve any purpose that will advance any change on the ground,” he told me from Istanbul. “We have painted for the administration the full picture of the situation in Syria now, and we have explained the regional risks that we will face if we don't take a strong stand to deal with it responsibly.”

Is Bahra surprised that attempts to “contain” this nightmare have instead yielded a caliphate? “The regime is an incubator for terrorist organizations. From the start of the revolution the regime created this scenario, announced it, and now is executing it under the eyes of the international community. And we don’t see the right reaction. We have told the administration that [the Islamic State] is working right under the noses of the Iranian and Syrian regimes. But they’re not doing the right thing to combat that.”


05-06-2016, 08:02 PM
@RT_com Just like Kremlin claimed Nusra was behind another attack before they were forced to edit back to airstrike.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpPHuoD0bTc&feature=youtu.be …

Unconfirmed reports from #Aleppo on ~15 #IRGC fighters from Mazandaran killed in fighting in Khan Touman. https://twitter.com/alimat1979/status/728584149590757376 …

"No Iranians fighting in Khan Tuman." -@EjmAlrai (proAssad troll)

"Iranian IRGC Mohammad Balbasi killed in Khan Tuman." -@warreports

Iranian #IRGC Reza Hajizadeh killed in Khan Touman, southern Aleppo, Syria.

High casualties in IRGC's Mazandaran Unit and Fatemiun brigade due to the clashes in southern Aleppo, Syria. Will publish Names&Photos soon.

Another Afghani mercenary fighting for Assad captured by Jaish al-Fath south Aleppo.

Daraa ATGM from #IS hit #FSA tank & rebounded

IS stormed Tahtuh disctrict of #DeirEzzor city -close to airport
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.313479&lon=40.163484&z=16&m=b …

05-06-2016, 08:13 PM
Ahrar al-Sham fighter in southern #Aleppo seen with a Croatian RBG-6 multiple grenade launcher.

Al Qaeda Is About to Establish an Emirate in Northern Syria
http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/05/04/al-qaeda-is-about-to-establish-an-emirate-in-northern-syria/ …
important read from @Charles_Lister

05-06-2016, 08:20 PM
This is really worth reading although a long long read......


Whose Side is America on in Aleppo?

By Kyle Orton (@KyleWOrton) on May 6, 2016

Whatever pretence there was left in Syria’s “cessation of hostilities” (CoH)—which was never more than a reduction in hostilities—enacted at midnight on 26/27 February is now at an end. Russia and the regime of Bashar al-Assad have never ceased attempts to militarily weaken the armed opposition and escalated with a concerted campaign of aerial bombardment against Aleppo City on 22 April. The insurgency fully mobilized in response on 5 May with a major offensive south of the city. The dynamics set in place by Russia’s intervention—the bolstering of the Assad regime and the strengthening of extremist forces in the insurgency—have been in full view with this latest crisis, as has the longer-term trend of the United States moving toward the position of Assad, Russia, and especially Iran in Syria.

Jaysh al-Fatah and the Aleppo Offensive

The Jaysh al-Fatah (Army of Conquest) coalition that drove the regime from Idlib City in March 2015 and expelled it from Idlib Province in September was reconstituted on Monday. Faylaq al-Sham (The Syrian Legion/Corps) has rejoined Jaysh al-Fatah, having left over ideological disagreements with Jund al-Aqsa, a group that started as an al-Qaeda front and is now—after its al-Qaeda leadership left—trending into the Islamic State’s (IS’s) orbit. Probably for this reason, Jund al-Aqsa has been excluded from Jaysh al-Fatah this time around. Faylaq al-Sham is a moderate Islamist group that has been drawn closer to the West recently, including having been seen in the last few months operating TOW anti-tank missiles, while expanding its influence throughout Aleppo. The only other change is the addition of the largely-Uyghur al-Hizb al-Islami al-Turkistani fil Bilad al-Sham (The Turkistan Islamic Party in Syria, or TIP)*, a Jihadi-Salafist group that is heavily dependent on Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s Syrian branch.

Jaysh al-Fatah retains as its dominant forces al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham. Of the other components of the original Jaysh al-Fatah: the smaller Islamist groups Ajnad al-Sham (not to be confused with al-Ittihad al-Islami li-Ajnad al-Sham, the Sufi rebel group in East Ghouta that recently merged its forces in that area with Faylaq al-Rahman) and Liwa al-Haqq remain, as does Jaysh al-Sunna, a small, non-ideological faction that was absorbed by Ahrar in February.

When the offensive began in the early afternoon (British time) yesterday, it honed in on the regime-held Khan Tuman, south-west of Aleppo City, with reports of fighting in the adjacent district of al-Khalidiya and insurgent shelling against Barnah and Khalasa. It is likely that the intention is to clear the ground for a run at the important town of al-Hader further to the south and just east of al-Eis, which al-Nusra-led insurgents took over temporarily on 2 April and where a regime plane was shot down on 5 April. Iranian-led forces conquered al-Eis on 12 April, sapping the momentum of this insurgent push. The next attempt was not long in coming, however, when simultaneous offensives in southern Aleppo, Latakia, and Hama erupted on 18 April.

It was Ajnad that made the first formal announcement that Jaysh al-Fatah was moving in southern Aleppo and Ajnad and Jund al-Aqsa were the most visible for some time in terms of the social media and video output from Aleppo. Soon enough the centralized—effectively al-Nusra—output began. Al-Nusra deployed suicide bombers in Khan Tuman and the town appears to have fallen overnight. A video allegedly showing the capture of a member of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was filmed from a drone. Later in the day, Jaysh al-Fatah disclosed their capture of a foreign Shi’a jihadist, very likely an Afghan Hazara of Liwa Fatemiyoun, one of the many IRGC-run militias on which the Assad regime is now dependent for any offensive capacity and increasingly for defence, too.

Concurrent with this, in Zahraa district and New Aleppo on the western edge of Aleppo City and near the nearby military base, mainstream rebels vetted by the West recommenced an assault they had begun on 3 May, when Jaysh al-Tahrir (which contains the U.S.-vetted Division 46), Liwa Suqour al-Jabal, Division Sixteen, and (less formally in the U.S.-supported camp) al-Jabhat al-Shamiya (The Levant Front) were seen using TOWs.

Russia, meanwhile, was in the middle of staging a concert in Palmyra, a city whose partially-choreographed exchange between the pro-Assad coalition and IS had been the cause of such misplaced optimism in March when the propaganda of Assad guarding the boundary for civilization was so credulously accepted by so many. The concert was evidently meant to reinforce that narrative, but the pro-regime coalition’s responding to the Aleppo offensive by bombing the Kamouna refugee camp in the far-north of Idlib Province, thirty miles away from Aleppo City, killing thirty people and burning down more than fifty tents, was surely a far better indication of what Vladimir Putin and his client mean by “modern civilization“.

Al-Qaeda and the United States

The waves of insurgent offensives in Aleppo certainly have been pushed by al-Nusra, which found that during the reduction of violence the moderate opposition was reinvigorated. Without extreme violence imposed on Sunni communities by the Assad regime and its enablers, al-Nusra’s tactical usefulness to the opposition was diminished. For the first time in more than three years it was possible to hold peaceful protests of the kind that began the uprising. The nationalist, revolutionary discourse re-asserted itself, and it wasn’t long before al-Nusra cracked down, in Maarat al-Numan on 11 March, leading to a counter-reaction that threatened its long-term durability in Syria.

Needing to undermine the CoH, al-Nusra met with armed opposition leaders on about 20 March, Charles Lister reports. “They presented some convincing arguments,” an opposition commander who attended one of the meetings said. The argument doubtless will have been that the pro-regime forces continued their war against the rebellion, albeit at a lower level and in a more localized fashion, while the rebels were restrained from responding. This kind of one-sided restraint was never going to last, so al-Nusra had plenty to work with. “But,” added the commander, “mostly, it seemed we were being threatened: If we didn’t join the operation, we would be seen as an enemy.”

The U.S. has in recent weeks put a renewed emphasis on getting the mainstream rebellion to separate itself militarily from al-Nusra. While a defensible (and ultimately necessary) goal, the method has not been. As one FSA commander put it to Lister: “Don’t you think we would prefer not to have al-Nusra in our trenches? They represent everything we are opposed to. Sometimes, they are the same as the regime. But what can we do when our supposed friends abroad give us nothing to assert ourselves?” But rather than—finally—empower the moderate armed opposition so that it is not dependent on al-Nusra, instead, the U.S. effectively leveraged the prospect of Russian atrocities against its own allies and in practice tried to have them surrender Aleppo City to the pro-Assad forces.

On 20 April 2016, as Russia was clearly building up to an attack on Aleppo City, Colonel Steve Warren, the spokesman for Operation INHERENT RESOLVE, came very close to saying that the U.S. position was one of support for Russia’s airstrikes against Aleppo City. While “concerned” about the Russian moves, said Col. Warren, “it’s primarily al-Nusra who holds Aleppo, and of course, al-Nusra is not part of the cessation of hostilities.”

But the eastern part of Aleppo City that is out of regime control is not held “primarily” by al-Nusra. The pro-regime coalition recently took control of parts of north-western Aleppo Province, cutting the final Aleppine supply-line for the rebellion into Turkey on 2 February. The pro-regime coalition broke the incomplete sieges on Nubl and Zahra the next day and began to move against the provincial capital after that. Al-Nusra had withdrawn from northern Aleppo in August 2015—and remains largely absent from that area, having no more than 100 fighters in the Azaz pocket—redeploying those forces from Aleppo to Idlib. On 26 January 2016, as the pro-regime forces were advancing in Aleppo, al-Nusra sent a convoy of up to two-hundred vehicles that by one estimate constituted 1,000 fighters to Aleppo City. This immediately provoked resistance, however, especially from the local, Free Syrian Army-style groups but also from Ahrar al-Sham, and by mid-February more than two-thirds of al-Nusra’s arrivals had been sent out of Aleppo City, either taking up residence in the south (and some in the west) of Aleppo Province or returning to Idlib Province, where al-Nusra is strongest.

Key: Red (regime), Green (rebels and Jabhat al-Nusra), Yellow-Green (Kurdish PYD), Black (Islamic State). [Original map by Thomas van Linge]
Key: Red (regime), Green (rebels and Jabhat al-Nusra), Yellow-Green (Kurdish PYD), Black (Islamic State). [Original map by Thomas van Linge]
So, al-Nusra has a presence in Aleppo City, and Ahrar al-Sham, too, is present, as is the Abu Amara Special Forces, a unit of 300 rebels led by Muhanna Jaffala, which joined Ahrar in October while remaining somewhat autonomous. But the rebel-held areas of Aleppo City are overwhelmingly under the control of Fatah Halab (Aleppo Conquest), an operations room that specifically excludes al-Nusra.


05-07-2016, 04:42 AM
Putin's friend Sergei Roldugin, implicated in the "Panama Papers," performs in Palmyra, #Syria.

In the same exact location where IS beheaded 25 POWs.........

There had been proAssad commenters stating after Palmyra was taken they and the Russians would secure the close by gas fields important to the regime...BUT instead the Russians gave a performance and lost the gas fields....

AND this is the great Putin strategy.....fiddling while Rome burns.....

05-07-2016, 06:29 AM
CrowBat...something for you ...confirms your previous comments on the fact that the USAF is actually doing little to nothing in Turkey...definitively not attacking identified IS positions.....
Col. Warren, spokesman for the CTJF-OIR, just explained that they have not provided 'technology to provide targets to the CTJF-OIR' to the insurgents in Azaz Pocket. His explanation are 'recent probelms between the rebels and the SDF in Northern Aleppo'.

Sorry, but BS reason: insurgents were there - and fighting Daesh - long before the USA moved the SDF from Ayn al-Arab/Kobane to Afrin enclave.

Overall, the CENTCOM is back to 'daily discussions on deconflicting airspace' (over Syria) with Russians, and that's it: Putler's heroes are free to keep on killing civilians and bombing the FSyA, just like the JAN is free to keep on growing and flourishing.

Everybody is free, just the Syrians - not.

05-07-2016, 08:29 AM
Totally under the rubric of "too much vodka"....

Moscow suggest that "Nusra" is the one who attacked the IDP camp in rural #Idlib killed 30 ppl 2 days ago.

BUT WAIT..the last time I checked neither Nusra/AQ, nor IS nor for that matter the FSA.......NONE of them have an AF......sure a couple of drones but nothing capable of dropping 250/500 lb bombs......

NICE Russian flown SU24 bombs an IDP camp with a precision air strike THEN "false flags" it as Nusra/AQ.....

AND outside of the initial US response nothing more was said was it.....

05-07-2016, 08:50 AM
Finally the USAF drops a bomb on an IS target in support of FSA.....

US-warplane took out #IS vehicle bomb before reach target near #Dudiyan in northern #Aleppo

Footage shows airstrike hitting Kamouna refugee camp as rescuers try to help survivors of previous attack.

MUST based on Moscow....MUST have been that Nusra/AQ AF again in action.......

05-07-2016, 09:16 AM
I wonder if #Assad doesn't see or doesn't care how #Iran is transforming #Syria into a proxy entity.
https://twitter.com/tasnimnews_en/status/728855012068233216 …

WOW...those Obama "Iranian moderates" hard at work again.......
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei delivered one of his most anti-American speeches in years @TheIranPulse

A 220-mm 9M27K cluster rocket at the former ICARDA farm in South #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIssXfMOj4g …

First confirmed Dehlavieh ATGM (Iranian Kornet) in Iraq. Distinctive DIO red band also used on Toofan ATGM.

05-07-2016, 09:26 AM
http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/05/06/america-is-silent-as-aleppo-is-massacred/ …

This is a long read but worth it..

America Is Silent as Aleppo Is Massacred

The Obama administration prefers not to notice that its diplomatic strategy in Syria has fallen apart.

The Obama administration has chosen not to spotlight what by most definitions are widespread and systematic war crimes. On occasion, it blames the Syrian Air Force for bombing hospitals and other civilian targets but rarely discusses Russian violations. It doesn’t even share with the public the rampant infractions of the cease-fire it is overseeing. That’s all classified.

Instead, U.S. officials have repeatedly focused attention on al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, the Nusra Front.

In a series of inaccurate or loosely worded statements, officials have implied Nusra Front has a major presence in Aleppo — assertions that the Russian and Syrian governments could interpret, or exploit, as an invitation to carry on with the bombardment.

The tally of missile, bomb, and artillery attacks on the city suggests that the primary target is civilians, not moderate rebel forces supported by the United States, and certainly not Nusra Front, whose presence in the city by most estimates is modest.

Syrian Civil Defense, the white-helmeted volunteers who say they have saved more than 40,000 people from the rubble after government attacks, published a daily listing of cease-fire violations until April 26, when its own training center in Atarib, west of Aleppo, was the target of a coordinated attack of two air-to-ground missiles and one surface-to surface missile, which killed five rescue workers.

But the group continues its rescue work and monitoring. Between April 24 and May 1, Syrian Civil Defense documented the following attacks in Aleppo: 260 airstrikes, 110 artillery bombardments, 18 surface-to-surface missiles, and 68 suspected barrel bombs.

Three medical centers were bombed out of service in that horrific week: al-Quds hospital, al-Marja Medical Center, and Bustan al-Qasr Medical Center, the group said. Altogether, 189 civilians were killed, including 40 children, and 394 civilians wounded, including 96 children.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a U.K.-based monitoring group, said that 279 civilians had been killed in Aleppo between April 22 and May 3 — 155 of them in opposition-held areas and 124 in government-held districts.

The Aleppo City Council said Sunday that 65 died at al-Quds hospital; a bakery, a medicines depot, a water facility, three mosques, ambulances, and multiple residential neighborhoods were also hit.

Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, laid the blame for the escalation at the feet of the Syrian government. “While all sides have contributed to the violence the military escalation was attributable largely to the actions of a singular party: the Assad regime,” she said this week.

But Osama Taljo, a member of the Aleppo council, told Foreign Policy that one of the rebel fighting groups, Tajamu Fastaqim, claimed that the warplane that bombed the hospital was Russian, based on the reports of plane-spotters stationed by rebels near regime and Russian air bases.

The only party that knows for sure the extent of Russian involvement is the U.S. government. But it won’t share its intelligence. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that the Russians “are clear that they were not engaged or flying at that time” and said the Syrian government had a track record of bombing rescuers and health care workers. But he didn’t say what the U.S. government has determined from its own intelligence — nor does his spokesman when asked at daily briefings.

“We just continue to not find it helpful to read out every single violation,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said on April 28, when asked why the United States didn’t list recorded breaches of the cessation of hostilities. Asked specifically about the prospect that Russian airstrikes were breaching the partial cease-fire the following day, Kirby said that the current period amounted to “a test for the Russians” of their seriousness of adhering to the agreement.

With U.S. aircraft crossing Syrian airspace every day on bombing runs against the Islamic State, “I am 100 percent certain we know who is flying where,” said Christopher Kozak of the Institute for the Study of War, a Washington, D.C., think tank. “The fact we don’t want to talk about it is very distressing.”

A senior administration official told FP the information about which air force is bombing which target is classified to protect “sources and methods” of collection. Making it public “would also set a precedent of the U.S. reporting on foreign military activity. Where do you draw the line?”

The U.S. attempts to work with Russia amid the ongoing offensive, however, has damaged its credibility among opposition members.

“How can the international community accept that Russia is one of the countries who monitor the cease-fire while Russia is bombing? How can the criminal become a cease-fire keeper?” Taljo asked.

But there is logic to the silence. The administration “want[s] to work as brokers in the peace process,” setting up local cease-fire arrangements and mediating between the warring parties, said Kozak.

Kozak criticized the U.S government for becoming dependent on the good intentions of Moscow, long one of the Syrian regime’s most important international backers. “It feels very much as if we’ve pinned a lot of hopes on a great power political settlement of the conflict in which we are willing to believe the lies the Russians tell us to our faces in order to make it easier to believe in a settlement,” he said.

The senior U.S. official did not share that negative view of Russian behavior but acknowledged that much of U.S. policy was focused on working with Moscow.
The senior U.S. official did not share that negative view of Russian behavior but acknowledged that much of U.S. policy was focused on working with Moscow. “A lot of what we’re trying to do is de-escalation and refocus on positive counter-ISIL actions the Russians could be taking,” the official said, using an acronym for the Islamic State.

The Obama administration even appears to have backed off its tentative warnings that it would consider using military force if the cessation of hostilities failed and it determined Russia was insincere in its diplomatic efforts. In February, Kerry referred multiple times to a “Plan B” if peace talks failed, saying the war “could get a lot uglier” for Russia in that event.

But with diplomatic efforts now in tatters and violence in Syria surging back to its previous highs, U.S. officials are denying that they ever had any intention to escalate the use of force. Kirby, the State Department spokesman, last week shot down any thoughts of an alternative to the current track, deriding what he described as a “mythical plan B.”

“Look, what I’m saying is our focus is on the political process,” Kirby told reporters.

Continued....BTW..this is the same exact role Russia plays while both having troops inside eastern Ukraine....AND their military support to her own mercenaries and Spetsnaz there as well......

“How can the international community accept that Russia is one of the countries who monitor the cease-fire while Russia is bombing? How can the criminal become a cease-fire keeper?” Taljo asked.

05-07-2016, 04:05 PM
Jabhat al-Nusra executed a man in Salqeen in rural Aleppo after Friday prayers for "apostasy" (regime informant planting chips for bombing)

05-07-2016, 04:08 PM
Obama administration set a narrative on AQ/jihadism/ISIS. A lot of people followed without questioning.
That narrative was & is wrong.

Thomas Joscelyn ‏@thomasjoscelyn
I've written a bunch of articles (& testified before Congress) explaining that their definition of AQ is not logical/factual

Thomas Joscelyn ‏@thomasjoscelyn
It is understandable that everyone is focusing on how Rhodes/WH spun the Iran deal.
Folks, they did the same thing on AQ/ISIS/jihadism.

05-07-2016, 04:28 PM
AFP news agency ‏@AFP ·
#BREAKING 13 Iranian Revolutionary Guards killed in Syria: Iran media

2 Iranians IRGC Saeed Kamali, Hassan Rajaei Far killed in Khan Touman,Southern Aleppo,Syria.Toll up to now:13

Iranians #IRGC Alireza Bariri,Ali Jamshidi,Mahmud Radmehr, Bahman Ghanbari killed in Khan Touman,Aleppo, Syria

4 Iranians #IRGC Col.Jawad Durbin,Hossein Moshtaqi,Ali Abedini,Reza Taher killed in Khan Touman,Aleppo, Syria

Iranian #IRGC Rahim Kaboli killed in Khan Touman, southern Aleppo, Syria.

Russian estate agent in #Turkey, arrested before G-20 in NOV 2015, convicted for being an #IS agent.

An IS fired missile ricocheting Off a Syrian Rebel Tank Was Close … Too Close
https://warisboring.com/a-missile-ricocheting-off-a-syrian-rebel-tank-was-close-too-close-83a544b32d49#.gz5yv4rnx …

05-07-2016, 04:29 PM
For those that can remember the good ole days and I certainly know Obama and Kerry missed this.....REMEBER the "Non Aligned Movement" from the Cold War days...they are very much still alive and well....and being played by Iran...those so called Obama "moderates'......

It's like back-to-the-future. A hostile ideological government using the "Non-Aligned Movement" to attack the US.

120 nations accuse US top court of violating law over Iran


May. 5, 2016 7:16 PM EDT

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The 120-nation Nonaligned Movement headed by Iran accused the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday of violating international law by ruling that nearly $2 billion in frozen Iranian assets can be paid to victims of attacks linked to the country.

A communique issued by the NAM's Coordinating Bureau follows an Iranian appeal to the United Nations last week to intervene with the U.S. government to prevent the loss of their funds. Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called the ruling an "outrageous robbery, disguised under a court order."

The NAM, comprising mainly developing countries, called the U.S. waiver of "the sovereign immunity of states and their institutions" a violation of U.S. international and treaty obligations.

It called on the U.S. government "to respect the principle of state immunity" and warned that failing to do so will have "adverse implications, including uncertainty and chaos in international relations." It also warned that a failure would also undermine the international rule of law "and would constitute an international wrongful act, which entails international responsibility."

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on April 23 that the families of victims of a 1983 bombing in Lebanon and other attacks linked to Iran can collect nearly $2 billion in frozen funds from Iran as compensation.

The court's ruling directly affects more than 1,300 relatives of victims, some who have been seeking compensation for more than 30 years. They include families of the 241 U.S. service members who died in the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut.

Iran denies any links to the attacks.

Iran's U.N. Ambassador Gholamali Khoshroo asked that Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon circulate the NAM statement to the U.N. General Assembly and Security Council.

The NAM called for "dialogue and accommodation over coercion and confrontation" to peacefully settle disputes.

In last week's letter, Iran's Zarif appealed to secretary-general Ban to use his good offices "to induce the U.S. government to adhere to its international obligations, put an end to the violation of the fundamental principle of state immunity."

State Department spokesman Mark Toner said in response that "U.S. laws and the application of those laws by the courts of the United States comport with international law."

U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said Thursday that the letter is being studied.

Iran has also complained to the United States that it is locked out of the international financial system.

It accused the U.S. of failing to fulfill its obligations under last year's nuclear deal which was supposed to give the Iranians relief from crippling economic sanctions in exchange for curbing their nuclear program.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who met Zarif on April 22, said the United States would not stand in the way of foreign banks or firms doing business with Iranian companies that are no longer subject to U.S. sanctions. He said the administration was willing to further clarify what transactions are now permitted with Iran, and he urged foreign financial institutions to seek answers from U.S. officials if they have questions.

WONDER what the 38 year old "messaging guru" novelist has for an answer to this.....????

05-07-2016, 04:31 PM
CrowBat.....anything on this on your end......

Pictures (unverified) of #Iran Qassem Suleimani in southern #Aleppo. Fatimiyoun & Iraqi fighters next to him

05-07-2016, 04:40 PM
TURKEY: Turkish media reports more rockets fired by #ISIS have hit the city of Kilis in the south of the country.

Every time Russia did something in eastern Ukraine it was always ..."it ain't us it's them"...was their response.....this is new as Nusra/AQ simply does not have an air force....

RT ‏@RT_com · May 6
Evidence shows Al-Nusra Front behind Aleppo refugee camp attack - Russian MOD

05-07-2016, 04:44 PM
Syria #Assad-forces gathering outside #Hama Central Prison
yesterday crackdown of revolt failed
prisoner swap?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D31tt8oZPc&feature=youtu.be …

Assad military cannot even take back over a prison.......

05-07-2016, 04:52 PM
Russian Syrian Express and Naval Express.....both on the go.....

Russian Navy Krivak Class Frigate Ladnyy (Harmonious) 861 on the Bosphorus.

This is the first Mediterannean deployment in 2016 for #ВМФ #ЧФ Krivak class missile frigate Ladnyy 861

I totally missed this 'holiday-maker' yesterday: Sniper on Krivak class frigate Ladnyy during its Bosphorus transit

Dvinitsa 50 heading south on the Bosphorus, again. Nothing on top deck. Looks quite heavy loaded

05-07-2016, 05:00 PM
Another Assad General killed in Damascus...
Syria'n regime lost an airforce major general in #Damascus

Hassan Hassan ‎@hxhassan
Jaish al-Islam's Issam Buweidani on the latest clashes with Faylaq al-Rahman and Jaish al-Fustat outside Damascus

The "glorious SAA" is de facto nonexistent around Aleppo...

- IRGC spokesperson

Russian military aircraft reportedly targeted Khan Touman with phosphorus bombs hours after rebels capture town

05-07-2016, 05:04 PM
No USAF to be seen anyway around this IS counterattack on the FSA......
After recapturing Dudiyan (for the 10th time?!), #ISIS launches assaults on the last #FSA-held villages.

The latest #FSA offensive vs. #ISIS in S-W #Daraa province.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpGgUFY2ttA …

The humvee. An unexpected Journey
US Army> Iraqi Army> Kata'ib Hezbollah> Fatimiyoun Brig.> Turkistan Islamic Movmnt

This was after the US/Russian announcement of a ceasefire for Aleppo......
CENTCOM has corrected that AQ is only in north-west Aleppo City. Bit late, though; #Russia's bombs still falling.

05-07-2016, 05:06 PM
Reference the Russian bombing of a Syrian IDP camp this week.....

Believe it or not!
7 days later, the #Russian Ministry of Bad Jokes comes with a third version.
It never happened...

05-07-2016, 05:09 PM
Air Strike are out due to the ceasefire for Aleppo...BUT someone forgot to include artillery strikes.....

Syria Intense shelling on rebel held suburbs west of #Aleppo

Russia set up army base on #Palmyra's ancient tombs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38b9H81Z09w&feature=youtu.be …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=34.561628&lon=38.265349&z=17&m=b …

Syria'n regime violate ceasefire in #Latakia mountains -heavy shelling with artillery

Nonstop airstrikes by #Syria'n regime & #Russia'n jets on western & southern outskirts of #Aleppo city

Aleppo #FSA regain Dodian from #IS after lost it in morning
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.633920&lon=37.288027&z=14&m=b …

23 residents of Umm al-Karamil town in southern #Aleppo killed by airstrikes 2 days ago
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.863596&lon=37.065039&z=15&m=b …

Assad-forces regain Khirbat Ma‘rata near
Khan Tuman in southern #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.125639&lon=37.081647&z=15&m=b …

05-07-2016, 06:37 PM
150 #US special forces + gear & habitats arrived today in kurdish NE #Syria
& protest by #Assad- loyalists against

Reports of Assad helicopters dropping barrel bombs around Zakia near Khan al-Sheeh in rural #Damascus, #Syria

Regime trying to advance into Zibdin & Bala in E. Ghouta under artillery barrage, meanwhile Faylaq al-Rahman & JaI fight each other, ffs..

1 women & 1 child killed & several others injured by Assad artillery shelling in Anadan, north rural #Aleppo, #Syria

"No Iranians fighting in Khan Tuman." -@EjmAlrai
"Thirteen Iranian IRGC members killed in Khan Tuman." -@farsnews

Reports of Assad barrel bombs on Kafrzita, Hesraya & Zakat in #Hama, #Syria

Syrian volunteers open a health center in Maar Shamshah, rural #Idlib; when will #Russia bomb this now?

ISIS launched an attack on rebels in Harjaleh & Hawar Kilis in north rural #Aleppo, heavy clashes ongoing. #Syria

Syria Intense shelling on rebel held suburbs west of #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6DQ078ZysQ …

05-07-2016, 07:02 PM
Iran lost now ~300 regular soldiers in #Syria'n war since Sept. 2015

Wonder if the UNSC will say anything at all about this.....
Regime is re-labeling #UN humanitarian aid as #Russian.

Rebels killed a number of #Assad forces during clashes at Khan Tuman front in southern #Aleppo today

Regime controlled Jabiri Square in #Aleppo center
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qok7PPa94IM&feature=youtu.be …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.206758&lon=37.147517&z=18&m=b …

05-07-2016, 07:03 PM
APPEARS the Iranians are not happy with Putin right about now especially after their bad defeat in Khan Tuman.....

Iran State TV commentator says "#Syria Truce initiative of #Russia/ns & now they are responsible for what happened"

Breaking #TRT claims some more 20 to 50 #Iran/ian forces stranded and killed in #Aleppo today.

Iran State TV commentator says "#Syria Army is now under attack and self defense is legitimate."

Iran local Media report the #IRGC avenge in #Syria and say some 100 missile fired into #KhanTouman in 2 hours 2day.

Iran state TV says "#Syria Terrorists abused Cease Fire and martyred our military advisors." Fierce Attack on way?
If 13 IRGC military advisors were killed in South Aleppo, what happened to the entire SAA, NDF or Shia militia units they were advising?

Breaking #IRGC announces 13 officers killed and 21 others disabled in yesterday fight in #Syria."

Breaking #Iran IRGC headquarter of Mazandaran province confirms "Some officers taken captive in #Syria Khan Touman"

5 #Hezbollah and 2 #Afghans fighting for #Iran in #Syria taken captive by #Alnusra.

Iran's IRGC has confirmed that a number of #IRGC forces been held captive in #Aleppo, #Syria. This is ACC Deputy PR head of Mazandaran IRGC
Iranian media outlets are reporting around 83 IRGC troops killed or captured in battle for Khan Toman, Aleppo.

05-07-2016, 07:08 PM
More & More Rumors are flying that #Iran prez @HassanRouhani WONT be cleared to RUN for president next year.

Iran Supreme Leader says "#US current policy hinges on confronting Islam. Shia and #Iran."

05-07-2016, 07:14 PM
Some Russians are hitting the vodka too hard lately.....

Russia FM spox says "Arms flow from #Turkey to #Aleppo on rise and it's reason for escalation not #Syria army."

Russia FM spox blames #US for #Aleppo ceasefire collapse says "US failed to seprate opposition from #Alnusra."

05-07-2016, 07:27 PM
Jaish al-Fateh publishes compilation of Khan Touman fighting.

Charles Lister ‎@Charles_Lister
3 Spanish journalists kidnapped in #Aleppo in July 2015 have been released by Jabhat al-Nusra, after extensive mediation by #Qatar.

Aleppo: dozens of pro Assad forces killed trying to advance on Al Humayra

Yazan Abo Asaly (elite Syrian special forces) turned up in #Paris as a "refugee" before the attacks.

05-07-2016, 07:43 PM
Despite regime & alQaeda attacks, residents of Maarat a-Numan have been protesting against both for 56 days straight

Syria: anti-#JN protest in Maarat al-Numan, people sing protest songs against Jolani

Michael Weiss ‏@michaeldweiss · Apr 28
Recall Soleimani was reported to have traveled to Moscow again, what, two weeks ago? Likely prepping Aleppo battle during "ceasefire".

Russian military base in Palmyra filmed by Andrey Borodulin/AFP. First sighting of Pantsir AA system at Palmyra

05-07-2016, 07:53 PM
Reports saying that pro-Regime forces retake Ma'aratah village near KhanTuman, and trying to retake AbuRuwayl village & Tal Mistawi. #Aleppo

Syria #Aleppo Nusra & Jund al-Aqsa claim repelled counter assault of "#Iran'ian forces" on #Khan_Thoman (->Humeira) today

Iran DepFM Amirabdollahian condemned occupation of #KhanTouman of #Syria by terrorists & the opposition.

Iranian media says Nusra-led attack on Khan Touman breached #Syria ceasefire.

No mention #Iran negotiated Nusra's exclusion from ceasefire

05-07-2016, 07:59 PM
First_gathering #SouthernFornt attacked at 7am #LShY #ISIS positions in #ayn_dakar & #Saham_jolan Dam

SAA soldier's base salary: SYP 18,000/month, equal to 30 bucks. Increasingly a rational choice to seek job with militias, tycoons, warlords.

To shore up salaries, Assad decreed a major SYP 10,000 hike for soldiers on frontline duty in June 2015. Then, it meant $34—now down to $17.

NDF pays much more, Suqur al Sahara even more I guess. It's not a bug, it's a feature. It serves regime and #Iran.

Damascus has called back several figures in #Qamishli and handed their posts to their deputies in order to de-escalate situation with #PYD

05-07-2016, 08:09 PM
Jaish Tahrir, Nasr & Izza fired roughly 50 Grad rockets in #Hama prov. last 24hrs vs Military Airport & #Jourin area

Regime/Russia answer 2 Rebels gains has become a classic: dropping incendiary bombs over lost positions #Khan_Touman

Reportage from @HadiAlabdallah inside Khan Tuman showing dead militias/spoils, S. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPrlqksXSkQ …

Map showing recent Rebels gains in W. & S. #Aleppo after 2 offensives.
HD: http://i.imgur.com/JSuXw0i.png

Rare footage of aftermath of #TOW strike vs infantry: 2 #ISIS casualties in N. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXVvecSiGG4 …

05-07-2016, 08:11 PM
After Rebels zeized strategic Al Eis (1st April), capture of Khan Tuman reversing last major gain of pro-Regime foreign militias (20th Dec).

Rebels have proven best way 2 defeat pro-Regime forces is fighting by uniting own forces & opening several fronts. "Regime" is less flexible

Lastly, fact that pro-Regime forces taken by surprise & defeated in #Aleppo (despite bulk of Iranian-led militias) is big issue for Regime.

05-08-2016, 05:41 AM
Rebels have proven best way 2 defeat pro-Regime forces is fighting by uniting own forces & opening several fronts. "Regime" is less flexible
Not really. It is rather so that Oblabla has managed to convince mainstream/moderate insurgents, that the best way of fighting this war is to join Jihadists of the JAN: the latter are receiving supplies undisturbed, all the time.

Compare this with Oblabla's practice of all the time curbing the flow of supplies to insurgents....

Thanks to him - and his cooperation with Putler - within a month or so it's really going to become 'impossible' to distinguish mainstream/moderates from the JAN...

Anyway, the operation in southern Aleppo is run by the JAF (Jaysh al-Fateh), which is reconstituted, that's right: but now officially consisting only of the JAN's and Jund al-Aqsa's Jihadists, and the Ahrar ash-Sham - i.e. Wahhabists and Salafists, respectivelly.

The recently reinforced Faylaq ash-Sham - which is meanwhile also 'rather Islamist than mainstream' - might be participating too, at least in supportive function (primarily with its artillery).

BTW, below a very interesting reconstruction of how the JAF isolated the Liwa Fatimioun in Khan Touman and then destroyed a large part of this IRGC formation. After bushwacking Liwa Fatimioun in this style, on 5 May, the JAF went and bushwacked the newly-arrived Liwa Mazandaran (IRGC regulars from the 25th Kerbala Division IRGC) in al-Hmerah (NE from Khan Touman), yesterday, too.

If correct, it's an indication of the JAF's HQ learning a lot - from the IRGC. Namely, that's the way the IRGC used to operate against Iraqi Army, back in the mid- and late 1980s, or against the JAN and Daesh in Syria of late 2013. It only seems that IRGC's new arrivals are simply not of the same sort like it's original cadre of 'advisors' in Syria: meanwhile they're better at 'playing incompetent Assadists'.

05-08-2016, 10:22 AM
Russian Syrian Express is running out of cargo ships it appears.....

Video of FLOT's Kashtan Class large buoy tender on Bosphorus. Today, 08:15 local time.

Spetsnaz, sailors & civilians were aboard #ВМФ Kashtan class KIL158 (large buoy tender) during its Mediterranean-bound Bosphorus transit

Starboard side boat's almost definitely a Raptor tho I'm not convinced with compared dimensions vs Kaan15

Local Turkish media was claiming they were tanks.....

Interesting though to see Spetsnaz and these vehicles on a buoy tender not their normal cargo carriers....

05-08-2016, 10:26 AM
If you "wanted maximally to radicalise the fundamentalist Muslim community," Russia shows the way in Dagestan

Southern #Aleppo: Intense fighting between #Syria|n rebels and pro-#Assad forces near #Khan_Tuman. Rebels destroyed 2 regime tanks & 1 BMP.

Well we are back to the Assad and Russian terrorization of civilians which is commonly called either "war crimes" or better yet "genocide".....

Binnish in #Idlib:
Aftermath of heavy overnight #Assad/#Russian air strikes on civilians.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHt-xBzjJxc …

A mother&her 3 kids were slaughtered in the suspected #Russian night time attacks.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ywqlOIFVGw …

05-08-2016, 10:40 AM
Rebels launched a new offensive vs. #ISIS...so #Assad resumed air strikes on rebels.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQPAdRLY1WQ …

USAF nowhere to be seen it seems they are flying in the opposite direction these days...not even a single A10 to be seen...AND flying weather has been literally..... great...

Homs prov. today:
Just another day of #Assad's ignorance of the Feb 27 #Geneva ceasefire.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOM3haQ0Asg …

15 to 20 Turkish special force soldiers reportedly carried out a ground op against #ISIS rocket launchers in #Syria last night

#Assad forces try to storm Khan Alsheh, S-W of #Damascus.
Rebels defend it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFc3XzCEMZg …

05-08-2016, 10:43 AM
Wonder what happen to the Kerry/Larvor Geneva 3 "silence regime thing for Aleppo"?????? Words and a lot of PR to backup Kerry's expensive Geneva 5 Star hotel....

Just as it has always been with the Russians...only words.....just ask the Ukrainians about Russian fulfillment of Minsk 2......

Heavy regime shelling of the western suburbs of #Aleppo today.
Truce? ... Nope.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6DQ078ZysQ …

38 regular #Iran'ian soldiers killed the past days in southern #Aleppo

Taken from a IRGC social media posting.....
Pic circulating in pro-IRGCs on what happened in KhanTouman,Aleppo:Afghan of #IRGC's Fatemiun:We’re 83 trapped here

they were waiting for Assad artillery support which never came..... and we know the rest all KIA.

05-08-2016, 11:22 AM
Battle of #Khan_Thuman in southern #Aleppo must be added to the most deadliest in #Syria'n war
~200 dead from both the past 3 days

A new rebel offensive has added another 60 or so more killed Iranian militia in the area around Khan Thuman....

Breaking: Regime Militias ran to their death in Khan Touman! Reports of over 50 Killed several vehicles destroyed and heavy weapons!

The Iranian IRGC has taken a bad beating overall....."fighting image is definitely damaged"....

Reports that a regime helicopter dropped a barrel bomb on own forces/miltias by mistake around Khan Touman earlier today

Heavy clashes since early AM bet JaF & regime/Iranian backed foreign militias trying to recapture Khan Touman under intense aircover

Heavy clashes reported near #Khan_Tuman as pro-Regime foreign militias launched strong counter-attack. Its fate will b decisive 4 S. #Aleppo

05-08-2016, 11:27 AM
Assad honors the families of killed soldiers with a wall clock worth less than 1 dollar

Good initiative, JaI & Faylaq al-Rahman to appoint representatives from both sides to resolve the stupid mess between them

Reports that regime forces have taken several positions around Zibdin in eastern Ghouta, #Damacus, #Syria

Assad helicopters barrel bombing area around al-Gharz in rural #Daraa, #Syria today

Treating a child injured by Assad artillery shelling in al-Sa'an, #Homs earlier today.

05-08-2016, 11:32 AM
Turkey sends more tanks & armored vehicles into the city of #Nusaybin, located on the #Syria|n border.

Reports from yesterday.....

Assad helicopters now barrel bombing (some reports claim naval mines) Tamana’a in south rural #Idlib

2 women & 1 child killed & others wounded by Assad artillery shelling in Tuwayni in Sahl al-Ghab, rural #Hama, #Syria

More than 12 barrel bombs were dropped by Assad helicopters on Khan al-Sheeh, al-Abaseh & around Zakia in rural #Damascus

05-08-2016, 01:13 PM
Palestine Al-Quds brigade with 9K32 Strela-2 MANPAD and 9M133 Kornet

Also the free parts of #Damascus are under heavy #Assad artillery attack today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oX3JHZqpO4 …

In retaliation for military losses near #Aleppo,#Assad planes strike more civilians
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsmh9oOiXa0 …

The footage of #Turkish military strikes on #Isil near northern rif #Aleppo, happened on saturday.
https://amp.twimg.com/v/11adc3bd-89d4-46dd-adb5-ad23cd0ac826 …

Turkish shelling kills 55 Islamic State militants in northern Syria: military sources

05-08-2016, 01:24 PM
Russia blocks a UNSC statement on the air srikes against the IDP camps and hospitals....

BUT Assad just keeps on bombing hospitals.....AND Putin, Obama and Kerry say absolutely nothing.......

#Assad jets struck the hospital of #KafrNaha 10 km east of #Aleppo.
Only material damage reported so far.

Civilians & doctors amongst casualties in Russia/Assad airstrikes targeting an MSF supported hospital in Kafrnaha in rural #Aleppo, #Syria

Putin is targeting all #MSF hospitals using the coordinates given by MSF in order not to be "accidentally" hit

05-08-2016, 01:25 PM
Russian Syrian Express is running out of cargo ships it appears.....

Video of FLOT's Kashtan Class large buoy tender on Bosphorus. Today, 08:15 local time.

Spetsnaz, sailors & civilians were aboard #ВМФ Kashtan class KIL158 (large buoy tender) during its Mediterranean-bound Bosphorus transit

Starboard side boat's almost definitely a Raptor tho I'm not convinced with compared dimensions vs Kaan15

Local Turkish media was claiming they were tanks.....

Interesting though to see Spetsnaz and these vehicles on a buoy tender not their normal cargo carriers....

ВМФ KIL158 transported cargo to the Russian Naval Facility in #Tartus: likely high speed patrol boats were on deck and camouflaged netted....

05-08-2016, 01:42 PM
Russia and Assad NOW in full violation of the February CoH ceasefire and now their so called "regimes of silence"......

Obama and Kerry remain totally and absolutely silent......

#Assad air force jets bomb multiple towns in #Idlib prov. now, including #Saraqib & #KhanAssubul.
The west can forget its "silence".

Sorry guys, I'm losing count.
At least 15 towns in Aleppo and Idlib provinces attacked so far.
The jets that bombed #Aleppo city last week.

Pro-#Assad advance in #Zibdin east of #Damascus vs. Jaysh al-Islam.
They happily ignored the ceasefire.
http://www.qasioun.net/en/news/show/25398/Regime_forces_advance_in_Zibdin …

05-08-2016, 01:44 PM
Talbisah, #Homs prov.:
Syrian civil defence workers pull out woman after #Assad air strike.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBMOO2rwGeQ …

Heavy #Assad air force attacks on civilians in several towns west of #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkeNkw7QPqs …

In retaliation for military losses near #Aleppo,#Assad planes strike more civilians
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsmh9oOiXa0 …

05-08-2016, 01:50 PM
Statement is already out. Zawahiri calls on Muslims, barring himself, to head to Syria for battles

Would have posted the Zawahiri video but Twitter has removed it within minutes of it's posting.....

05-08-2016, 02:33 PM
Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton

Leon Panetta agrees that Syria has been handed to Iran as a sphere of influence; admin claims that any other course would lead to war.

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
Uncomfortable how close Rhodes comes to what Assad/Russia have done in taking advantage of the New Media's lack of skilled filtration.

05-08-2016, 02:37 PM
Really worth reading especially in light of another Kerry/Obama failure with the collapsed "Russian regime of silence"....


Obama's policy: Syrian people must leave, not Assad!


Many people believe that United States President Barack Obama does not have a policy towards war-torn Syria.

However, the lack of such a policy is actually part of a strategy in the sense that a policy absence is not an absurdity, but rather a plan towards strengthening the Russian and Iranian role in the region and filling the void left by the U.S. withdrawal.

For five years, the Obama administration has consistently said that Syrian regime leader Bashar Al-Assad has lost his legitimacy. However, no action has been taken against him in this regard.

When the Syrian revolution broke out at the beginning of March 2011, civilians were continuously and publicly killed without any resistance for six months. And when no international action was taken to stop this madness, members of the Syrian Armed Forces started to defect and form the Free Syrian Army in order to defend civilians.

At this stage of the crisis, there were as yet no armed radical groups, no Al-Qaeda and certainly no Daesh, a fact that many avoid mentioning even now.

In the period between 2011 and 2013, Washington was looking for excuses to justify its negative attitude toward the Syrian revolution, stressing its intention to avoid staging a military intervention in the country, although none of the Syrians had asked for such a thing at all.

All they asked is either to allow the supplying of weapons to them to defend themselves against Assad and his allies, or to prevent the flowing of Iranian, Iraqi, Hezbollah, and Russian support to Assad so that they have fair fight in what would then become “Assad vs. the Revolution”.

However, Obama rejected both; he also refused the constant demand to establish a safe zone. Moreover, his administration put pressure on the regional allies not to supply advanced weapons to the rebels, and on some occasions stopped weapon shipments to the Free Syrian Army.

In 2012, Obama had a historic opportunity to make a significant change in Syria and the region, when all the prominent members of his National Security Council (the secretary of defense, the secretary of state, the CIA chief, the joint chief of staff chairman) supported a proposal to arm the Syrian opposition, but once again he rejected his own NSC’s suggestion.

Furthermore, at that time, the White House received detailed plans from the CIA with 50 options to remove Assad from power. CIA Director David Petraeus, and other officials who supported the plan, believed that it could have prevented the rise of Daesh, Assad's use of chemical weapons, the European refugee crisis, and the tens of thousands of civilian deaths that have happened since.

It turned out that Obama was mainly interested in appeasing Iran's mullah regime, more than his interest in the freedom of the Syrian people, their revolution, or establishing a democratic system in the country.

And because he was afraid to endanger his secret contacts with the Iranian regime, he avoided taking any steps that might anger or instigate any opposition on the Iranian side, including of course support to the Syrian opposition and overthrowing Iran’s strategic ally in the region, Bashar Al-Assad.

This was no temporary measure. It was an extension of a policy that was previously put in place. In 2009, the administration ignored the “Green Revolution” in Iran for the sake of keeping in touch with the mullahs’ regime, an attitude that encouraged Iran’s “Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps” (IRGC) to brutally suppress thousands of democracy protesters and end the revolution without facing any consequences.

In 2010, the White House reached an understanding with Iran concerning Iraq, which ultimately led to the end of nascent democracy in the country.

So instead of respecting the people’s choice to name Iyad Allawi -- a national Shiite Iraqi with major Sunni support -- as a prime minister, the U.S.-Iranian understanding brought Nouri Al-Maliki to power, one of the worst dictators in the history of Iraq -- particularly in terms of his sectarian, exclusivist, and divisive policies that gave rise to Daesh.

In 2011, the year the Syrian revolution broke out, secret meetings took place between Iranian representatives and U.S. officials. In line with this, although 2012 witnessed the largest flow of Shia militias led by the IRGC into Syria to support Assad, Obama did nothing. Moreover, he decided to establish secret negotiations with Iran in Oman in 2013.

During this period, Assad used all kinds of weapons against the Syrian people. Moreover, in Aug. 2013, he challenged the whole world by using chemical weapons against civilians, crossing Obama’s “red lines”, thus giving him another opportunity to correct his strategic mistakes.

But once again, instead of punishing Assad and overthrowing him, he decided to make a chemical deal with Russia.

Senator John McCain, chairman of the Armed Services Committee (SASC), had this to say about the White House’s decision:

“Not only did it violate every moral obligation we have to prevent mass atrocities and punish the use of chemical weapons, but it also gave a green light to Assad to accelerate his sectarian war against the moderate opposition. Moreover, the president’s inaction destroyed U.S. credibility with our Arab partners in the region who had been prepared to support the U.S. mission, and it shook the confidence of America’s allies worldwide.”

Within one month of the chemical attack, Obama made a phone call to Hassan Rouhani, president of the Islamic Republic of Iran -- the first such call since 1979. Following this progress, they reached a deal which was hailed as “historic” at the end of 2013.

As a result, throughout 2014, Iran realized its long-term goals by controlling other countries in the Middle East politically and militarily. For instance, it got to decide the fate of the president in Iraq, brought down Lebanon’s president, suspended a president in Yemen, and kept Assad as Syria’s president.

In other words, Iran controlled all these countries without a single reaction from the U.S. administration in what it appears to be an official recognition of a legitimate Iranian sphere of influence.

After satisfying Iran, the U.S. focused on giving Russia a bigger role in Syria. Russia’s direct role in the country started to take shape in the wake of their joint chemical deal, and it became formal at the beginning of 2014 mainly through the Geneva-II Agreement on Syria.

In order to justify all its previous steps, Washington started to talk about its willingness to support the moderate Syrian opposition. But its decision came too late because its negative policies had already allowed Assad to create the perfect environment for the birth and proliferation of extremist groups, mainly after the chemical massacre. Obama made use of this issue in order to defend his inaction against Assad.

At the end of 2014, the U.S. began to support the PYD, the Syrian affiliate of the PKK, which is officially classified as a terrorist group. Furthermore, the U.S. withdrew its battery missiles from the Turkish border, paving the way for the Russian military intervention in Syria with a green light and encouragement supposedly in the name of “fighting terrorism”.

The U.S.’ policy has aroused the anger of its putative allies in the region, such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia, inasmuch as it harmed their national security interests and further strengthened their enemies on the one hand, while on the other allowing a full destruction of Syria, the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians, and the displacement of millions.

Since the White House considered the “fight against terrorism” a priority, it continued its insistence on the rejection of various solutions offered by the above-mentioned countries, such as setting up a safe area or arming the moderate opposition with advanced weapons in order to create pressure on Assad to remove him from power, or to create the necessary conditions for his ouster.

The administration believed earlier that a focus on the terrorism issue would help it contain the conflict of interests between Russia and Iran on one side, and Turkey and Saudi Arabia on the other, counting on the idea that when all sides were on the same track, the Assad problem would be circumvented and forgotten.

But what happened next was totally the opposite. Turkey and Saudi Arabia were always insisting that without removing Assad, extremism, sectarianism, terrorism, and the number of refugees would increase, the situation would continue to worsen, and there would be no serious results in the fight against Daesh.

In the middle of 2015, Russian preparations for staging a military intervention in Syria in Assad’s favor coincided with the first and second Vienna meetings.

These meetings were used in order to provide political legitimacy for Russia's intervention in Syria, stressing the fact that all of the circumstances were aimed at weakening the moderate Syrian opposition, ending the Syrian Revolution, and reinforcing the Assad regime.

At that time, the U.S. administration stressed that Russia would pressure Assad, and Iran would take steps toward withdrawal in order to get everyone around the negotiating table whereas the opposite came true.

During this year’s negotiations, Assad was not even forced to comply with international laws and UN Security Council Resolution No. 2254 especially against the deliberate and systematic targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructures by barrel bombs or missiles, the use of starvation weapon against civilians, and the release of thousands of arbitrarily arrested detainees.


05-08-2016, 02:58 PM
Bahman Qambari and Mahmoud Radmaher both IRGC fighters from Mazandaran #Iran were killed in Khan Tuman #

05-08-2016, 03:01 PM

May 07, 2016, 02:00 pm

Iran fans the flame of conflict in Syria

By Struan Stevenson

The Iranian regime’s involvement in the Syrian conflict is increasing day by day. There are now more than 60,000 troops from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), including 8,000 soldiers from the notorious terrorist Qods force and thousands of foreign mercenaries from Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Iran has become so deeply embroiled in propping up the bloody regime of Bashar al-Assad that they have now deployed a brigade of the Iranian army, the 65th Brigade known as Nohed or Green Berets, underlining their desperate attempts to prevent the overthrow of the dictator Assad. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has even appointed a senior mullah as his personal representative in Syria. Khamenei has personal representatives in each of Iran’s 31 Provinces and this latest appointment reinforces the view that the Iranian regime regards Syria as its 32nd Province, the defeat of which would be a major body blow to Tehran. The chief of staff of the Iranian military, Maj. Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi, arrived in Damascus on April 30 to assume direct command of the Iranian, Syrian and Hezbollah forces fighting in Syria.

The escalation of Iranian interference in Syria has resulted in a sharp rise in casualties, causing growing public disquiet in Iran. Thousands of Iranian soldiers have been killed and at least 40 IRGC generals have lost their lives in the ferocious conflict, which shows no signs of abating. Fearing a backlash from their increasingly demoralized IRGC troops, the Iranian regime has turned to desperate measures to bolster recruits for the Syrian front lines. A recent video produced by the IRGC has called for the recruitment of teenagers and child soldiers for the battle. The video sickeningly depicts helmeted and uniformed children singing a chilling song that includes the words: “On my leader Ali Khamenei’s orders I am ready to give my life. The goal is not just to free Iraq and Syria. My path is through the sacred shrine in Syria, but my goal is to reach Jerusalem.” The propaganda and lyrics are disturbingly familiar to tactics used by Tehran during the Iran-Iraq war, when tens of thousands of youngsters were sent needlessly to their deaths on the battlefronts.

In desperation, Khamenei is also now attempting to send thousands of Afghans to Syria. According to official statistics published by the regime, there are around one and a half million Afghan refugees in Iran. Of these, between 800,000 and one million are without documents and ID’s and are consequently unemployed and living in extreme poverty. Khamenei is offering Afghans who agree to fight in Syria up to $600 per month and full Iranian citizenship on their return, or full citizenship for their families if they are killed. A special ‘Fatemyoun Division’ under the direct control of the IRGC Qods Force has been created for this purpose. There are now around 2,500 troops from the Fatemyoun Division in Syria and more are being flown in daily.
Despite this intensive mobilization, the Iranian regime has reached a deadly impasse in Syria with mounting casualties and little sign of progress. The original objective of defeating the Free Syrian Army and occupying its strongholds like Aleppo, with the help of Russian air strikes, has failed. Russia has begun to pull out and Khamenei is panicking. Recently, the commander of the Qods Force – General Qasem Soleimani, was sent to Moscow to plead with Putin for more Russian intervention.

Western appeasement of the clerical fascist regime in Iran has contributed directly to the Syrian nightmare and to the creation of ISIS. The Iranian regime’s outright support for Bashar al-Assad and his bloody reprisals against innocent civilians paved the way for the rise of ISIS. Iran’s puppet regime in neighboring Iraq, under the genocidal control of former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, opened the door for ISIS to seize great swathes of Iraqi territory. As a result, Europe now faces its biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War, as the civil conflict in Syria spirals out of control.

The US, UN and EU must wake up to the fact that the only way to resolve the political and humanitarian crisis in Syria is to back the immediate removal of Assad. Obama has a key role to play in this scenario in the closing months of his presidency. His foot-dragging on Syrian intervention while simultaneously signing nuclear deals with the Iranian regime has poured petrol on the flames of conflict and de-stabilised the Middle East.

It is time to recognise that Iranian meddling in Syria and Iraq lies at the root of the conflict, and this message will be echoed on July 9 at the “Free Iran” international gathering in Paris, which is expected to draw some 100,000 participants including hundreds of politicians from various political factions throughout Europe, the Middle East, and the US.

The Iranians must be evicted from both Syria and Iraq if we are to open a pathway to peace.

05-08-2016, 03:49 PM
1 of the prisoners who was captured by Jund alAqsa in #KhanTuman has been executed in Qisas by a older man who's family was killed by Assad

I bet the @MSF today regrets, it gave away coordinates of its supported hospitals in #Syria to #Russia!
They will try to destroy them all.

The #Assad/#Putin jets-destroyed @MSF-supported hospital in #KafrNaha
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yvpY1cDFIc&feature=youtu.be …

Thermobaric RPG in use by Al-Quds - Islamic Jihad in Palestine?

Aleppo: 46 pro-#Assad militias were killed by the huge #Syria|n rebel tunnel bomb in #Zahraa District on 3rd May.

05-08-2016, 04:18 PM
BTW, another comparison to SOHR's report about IRGC's casualties in Khan Touman: there are sources citing up to 83 of these still being alive after they were cut off from their lines. Supposedly, they demanded artillery support - but received none. Either way: with exception of about a dozen, the fate of these 83 is still unknown.

Furthermore, the 65th Airborne IRIA should've suffered up to 38 KIA too.

Of course, this is all unconfirmed, but also a reason why some are already talking about not only 160, but up to 200 KIA on the IRGC's side within the last 3-4 days.

What seems to be confirmed - and then standing in strong opposition to usual claims by all possible regime fans - is that the PFLP-GC's Liwa al-Qods suffered really a massive blow through the mining of the Air Force Intelligence Building by the FH coalition (Fateh Homs), on 4 May, during the onset of the insurgent offensive on western Aleppo. According to the list that surfaced on Twitter (see attachment for its 'part 1'), the Liwa al-Qods suffered no less but 46 KIA in that action alone.

Overall, the last four days were trully a 'bloody mess' - less so for Assadists, but especially for the PFLP-GC, the IRGC, and even the IRIA in Syria.

I explain this with all the IRGC's commanders shot away during the last six months: seems the Qods Force lost its '1st league' in Syria, and what came as replacements is simply of poor quality.

05-08-2016, 04:30 PM
Iran reformist newspaper Ghanoun mourns killed Iranians #IRGC:
Aleppo is Karbala (where Shia 3rd Imam was killed)

Pro #Assad militia al-Quds brigade listed 46 fighters killed in the tunnel bomb #FSA detonated west #Aleppo 3rd May.
BUT WAIT proAssad media stated there were none killed......

Fascinating footage of HAS downing(8/13) SyAF plane by SAM above Salma #Lattakia

05-08-2016, 04:38 PM
Iranian Shia militia going to take Syrian gas field back from IS......the same one Putin claimed to want to protect after Palmyra.....

Suqur al Sahra convoy heading to Shaer oil fields
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svPaf38TRRI&feature=youtu.be …

Eastern #Homs: #ISIS has captured the whole #Al_Mahr Oil Field and #Jabat_Zumlat.

Second major oil and gas field taken by IS in less than three weeks...

05-08-2016, 04:48 PM
Russian/Iranian tensions are now in the open after the bad defeat of IRGC at Khan Thuman............

There seems to be some real frustration from #Iran regarding the Russian strategy in #Syria and latest comments by Russian MFA

During his visit to Damascus, Velayati (Khamenei's advisor) repeated that Assad has the full support of #Iran

Recently another official also stated that Assad's departure was a red line for #Iran
http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2016/05/08/464525/Iran-Syria-Velayati-Assad/ …

This is not simply the reaffirmation of what has always been #Iran's policy, it is a sign of growing disappointment with #Russia

The truce(s) and collaboration with the US is almost seen as a sign that #Russia is "giving up" and even betrays #Iran

This was very clear during the coverage of the death of the 13 IRGC fighters. #Iran's media almost blamed #Russia for their deaths

Some media/commentators claimed the casualties were the result of #Russia's efforts to broker a ceasefire

Iran's Tabnak: It seems that Russia decided to relinquish Assad, and it seeks to trade with U.S. on him http://www.tabnak.ir/fa/news/587012/%D8%AA%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%86%D8%B4%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%87-%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D8%AE%D8%A7%D9%84%DB%8C-%DA%A9%D8%B1%D8%AF%D9%86-%D9%BE%D8%B4%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%AF-%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%B3%D8%B7-%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B3-%D9%87%D8%A7 …

But, #Iran's failure to reclaim territories in southern Aleppo without significant Russian support, reasserts #Russia bargaining power

Whether it likes it or not, unless #Iran is willing to pour significantly more troops in #Syria, it is taking the back seat ...

05-08-2016, 05:01 PM
Mounting public pressure on Erdogan to stop #ISIS rocket attacks from #Syria

15 to 20 Turkish special force soldiers reportedly carried out a ground op against #ISIS rocket launchers in #Syria last night

The US and Russia were informed by #Turkey about the upcoming operation. The operation required 10 days of intel gathering

This is significant: It means #Turkey is increasingly pessimistic about the opposition ability to push #ISIS out of rocket range

Turkey thus far backed an opposition offensive against #ISIS in northern Aleppo, but the opposition isn't meeting Erdogan's expectations

Hence #Turkey has to resort to a riskier option (sending its own forces for spec op raids), made necessary by the opposition setbacks #Syria

05-08-2016, 05:04 PM
Iran reformist newspaper Ghanoun mourns killed Iranians #IRGC:
Aleppo is Karbala (where Shia 3rd Imam was killed)
Most of Iranians I happen to know have actually no clue what's up in Syria. They're seriously convinced there's just a small contingent of IRGC's Qods Corps troops there, serving as advisors, and of course: 'fighting Daesh and al-Qaida', and 'preventing these from reaching Iranian borders'.

Despite various statements for the media made by top Iranian military officials (whether IRGC or regulars), the official line was that Iran just has a small body of 'advisers' deployed in Syria, who are helping 'fight Saudi/US/pick your choice-backed al-Qaida' there. And given this is done not to 'save Assad', but in order to 'save the Sayyida Zaynab shrine' from being destroyed by al-Qaida, of course, there is plenty of support in the public.

No doubt, the situation is a sort of 'godsend' for the IRGC: nothing brings Iranians together - or distracts their attention from problems at home - as well as any kind of threats (real or perceived) of some sort of 'foreign invasion'. Thus, 'better to pre-empt al-Qaida' - in Syria, than fight it 'on Iran's borders'.

In this case, and from the standpoint of conglomerate of cliques rulling Tehran, there is a 'bonus point' too: thanks to the way the causes for uprising in Syria are presented there, Iranians do not know that these were of very same nature like their own demonstrations in 2009... :rolleyes:

Now, no doubt, Iranians tend to 'hate Saudis' more than they 'despise Ayatollahs', but somebody might want to tell them, that - contrary to the IRGC - most of the Syrian military decided not to shoot at its own people, and defected...

Fascinating footage of HAS downing(8/13) SyAF plane by SAM above Salma #LattakiaIs there any link for this?

05-08-2016, 05:17 PM
Turkistan Islamic Party destroyed a regime tank near Khan Touman which tried to advance

05-08-2016, 05:20 PM
Syria Ahrar al-Sham shot down fighter jet in #Latakia mountains with manpads ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwT7RjM4hfc …

Pilot parachuted

05-08-2016, 05:21 PM
Most of Iranians I happen to know have actually no clue what's up in Syria. They're seriously convinced there's just a small contingent of IRGC's Qods Corps troops there, serving as advisors, and of course: 'fighting Daesh and al-Qaida', and 'preventing these from reaching Iranian borders'.

Despite various statements for the media made by top Iranian military officials (whether IRGC or regulars), the official line was that Iran just has a small body of 'advisers' deployed in Syria, who are helping 'fight Saudi/US/pick your choice-backed al-Qaida' there. And given this is done not to 'save Assad', but in order to 'save the Sayyida Zaynab shrine' from being destroyed by al-Qaida, of course, there is plenty of support in the public.

No doubt, the situation is a sort of 'godsend' for the IRGC: nothing brings Iranians together - or distracts their attention from problems at home - as well as any kind of threats (real or perceived) of some sort of 'foreign invasion'. Thus, 'better to pre-empt al-Qaida' - in Syria, than fight it 'on Iran's borders'.

In this case, and from the standpoint of conglomerate of cliques rulling Tehran, there is a 'bonus point' too: thanks to the way the causes for uprising in Syria are presented there, Iranians do not know that these were of very same nature like their own demonstrations in 2009... :rolleyes:

Now, no doubt, Iranians tend to 'hate Saudis' more than they 'despise Ayatollahs', but somebody might want to tell them, that - contrary to the IRGC - most of the Syrian military decided not to shoot at its own people, and defected...

Is there any link for this?

Syria Ahrar al-Sham shot down fighter jet in #Latakia mountains with manpads ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwT7RjM4hfc …

Pilot parachuted

05-08-2016, 05:33 PM
Syria Ahrar al-Sham shot down fighter jet in #Latakia mountains with manpads ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwT7RjM4hfc …

Pilot parachuted
Hm... haven't seen that video before (and I have seen all the 100+ videos of about 50 each of aircraft and helicopters confirmed as shot down over Syria in the last five years)... but word is that this video is from 2013.

05-08-2016, 05:37 PM
Russian/Assad air strikes on Atarib & Nayrab in #Aleppo & Saraqib, Khan al-Subl, Abu Dhuhur AB, Binish & Taftanaz in #Idlib

Detainees of #Hama prison:
We ask all opposition military factions not 2 attack civilians while defending our cause.

Hama Central Prison prisoners making their own bread after regime cuts off food, besieges and threatens them.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gW5h9Kc6K0&feature=share …

05-08-2016, 05:38 PM
Ayman al Zawahiri discusses al Qaeda’s goal of building an Islamic emirate in Syria
http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2016/05/ayman-al-zawahiri-discusses-al-qaedas-goal-of-building-an-islamic-emirate-in-syria.php …

I have posted a number of comments around this idea of an AQ Islamic emirate to compete with IS in Syria.....

05-08-2016, 05:53 PM
More than 280 Iranian fighters have been killed since September 2015 (Russian intervention) mostly by Syrian Rebels http://www.levantinegroup.com/#!Infographic-Analysis-How-Irans-troops-wage-Assads-most-decisive-battles/c21xo/572757f80cf224950abbbb59 …

05-08-2016, 05:56 PM

The German approach on the war in Syria – a futile endeavor

Julian Röpcke
Publication Date: 2016-05-08 18:27

Germany is not in an easy position when it comes to coping with the consequences of the devastating war in Syria, respectively the war of the Assad regime against large parts of the Syrian population and the rise of the terror organization "Islamic State" as one of several consequences.

More than 200.000 Syrian refugees are seeking shelter in Germany, the highest number compared to all other European states. To tackle this major problem, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is busy almost around the clock. She is negotiating the issue with other EU countries and dealing with domestic pressure, especially from the far right. This situation mostly prevented her from taking on the core of the "refugee crisis" in Europe, which is the unfolding crisis in Syria. This conflict made 11 Million inhabitants flee their homes and made 4.5 million people refugees abroad.

Therefore, it is mainly the German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who is determining Germany’s approach on the crisis itself. He is regarded as the driving person behind the German -- and because of Germany’s leading role in the EU -- also the European approach towards finding a solution for the raging war in Syria that killed more than 450.000 so far.

And here comes the problem. Frank-Walter-Steinmeier is a diplomat who at some point in his long career forgot that leading diplomacy must include the element of power to be successful, especially in conflicts involving unreasonable and merciless regimes like the one of Bashar al-Assad. Power in the context of international relations is defined as "a credible threat of force", which does not necessarily mean force has to be used.

His now five years mantra-like repeated slogan "There is no military solution to the conflict in Syria" excludes this element of power and thus excludes the chance to implement peace by pressuring the Syrian regime as well as other actors in and around Syria.

But his "purely by negotiations" approach is not only dysfunctional in a conceptual and theoretical manner. It is also a non-starter in a very practical way, simply ignoring the evolution of the deadly conflict on the ground. Since shortly after the start of the peaceful revolution, respectively its bloody suppression by dictator Assad in mid 2011, every single step by the involved parties included the element of force and thus a "military solution".

- From mid 2011, the Free Syrian Army - civilian volunteers and defectors from Assad’s forces - liberated towns and cities across the country - by force.

- Ever since, dictator Assad - first on his own, later with Shiite militias from Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan etc.- tried and partially managed to regain ground - solely by force.

- The rise of an Islamist-extremist rebellion, encouraged by the regime’s brutality and western ignorance of it, which resulted in the reign of the so-called "Islamic State", happened - by force.

- When Assad was almost done after losing Idlib and other important areas in mid 2015, Russia intervened on his side. Not by negotiating on his behalf, but by throwing its political heavyweight behind him with devastating air power and ground support, so - you guess it - by force.

When Frank-Walter Steinmeier says after more than five years of war "there is no military solution to the conflict in Syria", he either didn’t open his eyes for the last five years of exclusively military solutions being implemented in Syria, or simply ignores everything he has witnessed for political, economic and last but not least ideological reasons.

The whole futility of Steinmeier’s approach on Syria could be witnessed in a statement by the German Foreign Office in late April. Following a devastating Assad (or Russian) air force attack on an Aleppo hospital, Steinmeier’s said in a statement: "The Syrian Government has to decide whether it wants to participate seriously in the negotiations, or to keep on laying waste to its own country."

This sentence seems inadvertently honest, showing the whole extent of the west’s paralysis when it comes to stopping Assad from slaughtering the Syrian people. Neither the internationally established minimum standards for armed conflict nor humanity, advocated by those who claim to take up their cause, decide whether or not to "lay waste on" Syria, but Assad himself and only Assad. He is the one to decide whether to continue finding a "military solution to the conflict in Syria" or not - by each and every mean he chooses to do so.

If this standard would be implemented to national law, a convicted rapist would get the choice, whether he wants to stop raping people or continue his crimes. In any case, he would know perfectly well, there will be no consequences and no punishment for his deeds, no matter which choice he makes.

Assad is no rapist. He is a genocidal mass murderer who never showed any kind of restraint when fighting the ones he sees as a danger to his claim to power. Saying "there is no military solution to the conflict in Syria" is the biggest favor one could do to him as it gives him a carte blanche to continue the slaughter. This futile policy approach is not only a guarantee for further atrocities by the current regime; it is also a guarantor that whoever prevails in the end of the war will know what to think of the west’s "values" and its willingness to defend them.

05-08-2016, 06:03 PM
Iranian revolutionary guard Rida Haji Zada killed by Syrian Rebels in Khan Touman

Syrian Rebels interrupt meeting of pro Assad forces with a TOW knock on their door in Khan Thuman......

Iranian revolutionary guard Jawad Asadi from Shawiristan killed by Syrian Rebels in Khan Touman

Iranian revolutionary guard Syed Rida Taher killed by Syrian rebels in Khan Touman

Iranian revolutionary guard Saeed Kamala recently killed in Aleppo

These 4 Assad regime fighters are all brothers all killed for sake of Assads shoe in Khan Touman

The #ISIS mission and role are to make the #Assad_regime seems the better alternative. The top commanders of #ISIS know it.

05-08-2016, 06:09 PM
Tens of thousands of sectarian Iraqis sponsored by #Iran are fighting for Assad in #Syria

70,000 Iranian #IRGC members are fighting for Assad in #Syria in addition to Iraqis, Hezbollah, Afghans & Russians!

FSA Ahmad al-Abdo Martyrs Brigades | 2 TOW #ATGM strikes vs. #ISIS in #Eastern_Qalamoun:

Syria Opposition HNC ‏@SyrianHNC_en · May 7
Call on #Assad to release arbitrary detained persons according to #UNSC Resolutions

05-08-2016, 06:12 PM
Syrian rebel group "Sham Legion" w/Toyata clone of Iranian Safir jeep.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kCD51Herm8&feature=youtu.be …
More infos?!

05-08-2016, 06:42 PM
Syria Ahrar al-Sham shot down fighter jet in #Latakia mountains with manpads ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwT7RjM4hfc …

Pilot parachuted
So, here we are (found it on ACIG.info forum's thread about Syrian Uprising, from August 2013):

This video is showing a (Chinese made) FN-6 MANPAD fired by the Liwa Suqour ash-Sham over Salma area, on 18 August 2013:


Aircraft hit was a MiG-21 from Hama AB: pilot was KIA.

This happened during that summer's combined offensive by the FSyA, JAN, and even a small element of the Daesh (they were just tailing everybody else, and causing plenty of trouble by slaughtering civilians in areas overrun by insurgents) into Northern Lattakia. Few days later, the regime deployed chemical weapons and massacred 1700+ civilians in Eastern Ghouta. This distracted my attention at that time, which is why that MiG-loss remained unknown to me.

05-08-2016, 07:25 PM
CrowBat.....anything on your end to confirm or deny this comment.....

Major general Qassem Soleimani Spotted in Southern #Aleppo. Giving Advice for #IRCG Troops

05-08-2016, 07:44 PM
CrowBat...confirms your thoughts on Obama driving the FSA into JaN.......


Syria’s peace plan is flawed and Jabhat Al Nusra knows it

Hassan Hassan

May 8, 2016 Updated: May 8, 2016 04:45 PM

If the United States and Russia do not see that Al Qaeda’s main Syrian franchise is benefiting from the peace process, they should look again. In recent months, Jabhat Al Nusra has led a number of battles against the forces of Bashar Al Assad in the north, while poorly-executed ceasefires are causing people to question the efficiency of nationalist forces.

The reactions of some Syrians in the opposition towards the regime losses, especially in the context of the government’s violations of the recent truces, were captured by one activist’s Facebook post: “Some of us take to the streets to protest against Jabhat Al Nusra and demand that it breaks away from Al Qaeda," he wrote. “Had jihadist groups like Jabhat Al Nusra done everything we wanted them to do, the only place in which we could raise our revolution’s flag today would be in Taksim Square in Turkey."

For Jabhat Al Nusra, the gains against the regime do not have to hold. Mr Al Assad can retake the areas, but the fact that it is battling the regime while other forces stand by watching weakens the latter’s stance in the eyes of some Syrians. Jabhat Al Nusra has even produced footage of its recent operations using drones, including an ambush against a foreign fighter, the blowing up of a Baath party building and the storming of a government base in Aleppo.

Jabhat Al Nusra announced over the weekend that they had captured or killed dozens of pro-government fighters in Khan Touman and Al Khalidiyah in southern Aleppo. Iran admitted that 13 of its Revolutionary Guards had been killed during those battles in what Reuters described as Tehran’s biggest single-day loss in Syria. The Turkistan Islamic Party, a member of the Nusra-led Jaish Al Fateh, also published pictures of detained Iranian soldiers.

The news about the killing of so many elite Iranian operatives was celebrated not only inside Syria but also in the wider region. When the main rebel fighting forces, especially Ahrar Al Sham and Jaish Al Islam, agreed to participate in the Riyadh conference that would precede a UN Security Council enforcement of a political transition in Syria in December, Jabhat Al Nusra made it clear that it opposed such engagement.

Its leader, Abu Muhammed Al Jolani, speaking to four Syrian journalists in December, said the political process was a ploy to rebrand the regime and that his group would continue to fight. He warned that rebel groups accepting concessions would lose the support of their rank-and-file.

Jabhat Al Nusra’s clear stance paid off. Every time the political process is shown to be insincere or when violations of the cessation of hostilities go unpunished, Jabhat Al Nusra’s view is vindicated. As discussions about the peace talks began last year, I told western officials involved in the process that the group’s strategy was to show to Syrians that the international community was not their friend and that the lack of a peace process would be better than a botched one that weakens the other opposition forces.

In an audio statement in October, Al Jolani adopted a new tone when he attempted to convince Syrians to reject the Vienna peace process, reverting to slogans raised by activists in the early months of the 2011 uprising.

In his conversation with Syrian journalists two months later, he also struggled to explain why his group would seek to spoil the ceasefire in Eastern Ghouta near Damascus after it was revealed that Jaish Al Islam agreed with the Russians on a truce. Jaish Al Islam’s former leader, Zahran Aloush, was then killed by a Russian air strike, and the internationally brokered ceasefires failed to end the regime’s indiscriminate tactics. So Al Jolani seemed prescient.

Today, Jabhat Al Nusra feels confident that it was right to reject or oppose peace talks. The plan to exclude it, rather than make ceasefires contingent on the group’s acceptance, which would pit it against rebels or civilians who support such deals, might have seemed better than legitimising it through political engagement. The plan might also be to slowly disentangle the group from the opposition forces by striking it, punishing those who work with it and engaging those who don’t.

But such a plan might begin to work if the process ends the regime’s terror tactics and leads to genuine change. From the regime’s perspective, keeping Jabhat Al Nusra on the loose means the most effective force on the frontlines, which operates throughout the country, is under no pressure to cease fighting while the regime is expected to end its targeting of the rest of the opposition.

The peace process is flawed however one views it. In the meantime, Jabhat Al Nusra is gaining ground and popularity.

It is presenting itself as the force that would fight until the end without compromising on the core objective of bringing down the regime of Mr Al Assad. It is betting on the world’s inability to secure a fair deal in Syria.

05-08-2016, 07:59 PM
Just a humble thanks for all the input guys!


05-08-2016, 08:09 PM
A Royal #Saudi Air Force F-15S Strike Eagle has successfully dropped the 1st KGGB bomb developed by #SouthKorea

Russian targets again SCD........
Airstrikes targeted @SyriaCivilDef building in al-Atarib #Aleppo again today.

05-08-2016, 08:18 PM
Does anyone truly believe the US national level IC with the billions invested into new ISR systems, NATO and US AWCS flying the area and the Turkish AD radar systems did not know within seconds after bombs were dropped WHO flew the mission.....come on get real.....

Remember it was social media open source analysts that posted the first Russian artillery positions inside Ukraine and then and only then did the US release four single sat photo's...SINCE then totally nothing.....either from eastern Ukraine and or Syria.....

WHY is the US national level IC so reluctant to truly point the bitter finger of truth against Russia and Putin?????

US still investigating the attack on refuge camp in rural #Idleb 2 days ago says they are not able to "identify" who did it.

WHY does Obama WH always tend to support Putin both in Syria and eastern ukraine...it is now becoming an embarrassment......

05-08-2016, 08:32 PM
2nd Assad/IRGC attempt on Khan Tuman in 24 hrs apparently didn't go as planned. Attackers lost more armor and men.

Southern #Aleppo: #Syria|n rebels collecting the bodies of pro-#Assad forces, killed near #Khan_Tuman today.

Suspected #Russian air strikes continued on #Binnish tonight.
2 women,1 baby killed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP5xeMgYkpk …

The consequences were as always devastating ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lvs_nTuY4U …

More shelling hit #Talbisah today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BAepr6te8I …

T-90A in Southern Aleppo

05-08-2016, 09:18 PM
CrowBat.....anything on your end to confirm or deny this comment.....

Major general Qassem Soleimani Spotted in Southern #Aleppo. Giving Advice for #IRCG Troops
Yup. He's 'back' since about a week. Though merely a 'morale boosting' figure meanwhile.

It's outright silly that all that the IRGC can do with him any more is show him around as '1 in 100,000 that survived long enough'...

CrowBat...confirms your thoughts on Obama driving the FSA into JaN.......You know, eventually, I don't even care if I'm right or wrong: I'm simply collecting data. Result of studying data is statistics, and statistics is speaking clear language.

Look: roughly 500 Saudis and about 300 Bosnians, Macedonians, Kosovars, perhaps even few Moslem Serbs (from Sandzak, southern Serbia) were routed into Syria to join the JAN the last few weeks.

I have no clue how they eventually reached their destination - nor time to try finding out. But they all turned up in Idlib and were trained there too. That's 800 people. It doesn't matter whether it's actually 500 or 1000, or really 800. What matters is that somebody issued a call for them to come, and nothing was undertaken against that person. Somebody then transported, fed, and trained them too. And nobody stopped them underway, nobody attacked their training camp, nobody interrupted the supply chain keeping them fed, and dressed, and getting potable water. Nobody at least attempted to hit their HQ.

Instead, Russians are bombing hospitals; Assadists are bombing IDP camps or IRGC troops (the latter by mistake), only to get visited by various parliamentaries from the EU and congratulated for 'fighting Daesh'; Americans are either flying their UAVs in circles over Incirlik, or playing 'we can't find Daesh' in northern Syria, or explaining everybody that it's more important to respect Iranian and Kurdish interests in Syria than help Turks avert Daesh killing 30+ of their citizens (in Kilis and in the last week alone); French are massacring entire families in Abu Kamal (but who cares: that's Daesh-held territory, 'nothing is confirmed', besides, Russians did the same even more often)... and, what a surprise then, anybody else trying to mix there is just finding him/her-self neck-deep in BS...

...and nobody of all of them actually gives a damn about the very people this all is about: Syrians.

Think about all of this and draw your own conclusions, everybody.

My conclusion happens to be that that somebody there was so endlessly dumb, so idiotically stupid as to think about himself as some kind of giant statesman that's in a position to sell Syria and its population of 24+ million to a combination of a high-class thief and his hodgepodge of genocidal sectarian murderers, a gang of quasi-religious-fanatics declaring themselves representatives of God on Earth, and a megalomaniac that's trying to heal his inferiority complex by ruining whatever was left of his own country and half the Europe.

And when that didn't quite work... oh hell: then force them (Syrians) into making their choice - a choice fitting solely the Western primitive prejudice: either Assad or extremists. After all, 'they do not understand any other language but that of violence'... isn't that what we've all been taught about Syria and Syrians for the last 70+ years...?

Well... Oblabla can be sure about one thing: he's going to be remembered for a very, very, very long time. That's guaranteed. At least a century is going to pass before the mess he - partially - left to happen and - partially - created intentionally, is going to be sorted out again.

05-09-2016, 12:12 PM
Over 10 Russia/Assad airstrikes in the last several hours on Rashidin, Kafrnaha & Khan al-Asal in west rural #Aleppo, #Syria

Airstrikes on Maaret al-Numan city

Hama 2 children killed & 2 others wounded in Ghab plain bc playing with cluster ammo

Syria'n & #Russia'n airforces continues to destroy the western suburbs of #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.129695&lon=36.948395&z=13&m=b …

AND Obama and Kerry say absolutely nothing...not even a spin attempt anymore....

AND more Assad/Russian air strikes on medical facilities. STILL no comments from Obama and Kerry....

SNHR: gov warplanes targeted 2 #ambulances of Bayooti #Hospital in Kafr Naha in #Aleppo, rendering them inoperable, May 8.

Just spoke to @MSF
Their supported healthcare center in the area was NOT targeted.
But they confirmed the attack on an independent hospital.

"Black week" for Assad: a rebel tally of government losses in Aleppo
Including 3 tanks, 3 BMPs, 2 23mm cannons, 8 Hezbollah, 30 IRGC, 46 Liwa al-Quds, 20 SAA, 12 Hashd, and 20 Afghans

Remains of unexploded barrel bombs- dropped by helicopter
on Um Mayatheen east of #Daraa city

05-09-2016, 12:15 PM
This Syrian presenter resigned from #BBC Arabic because of the BBC biased reporting in favour of Assad regime #Syria

Syrian activists say #Russian planes hit the front around #KhanTuman 30 times between midnight and the morning.

05-09-2016, 12:27 PM
CrowBat...are we now see literally a manpower shortage on all Assad front lines even with Iranian troops, Iraqi militia and Hezbollah.....???

The South Aleppo countryside is of paramount strategic importance for the gov't but the elite fighting units such as the Tiger Forces.....are too busy plugging holes in SAA lines. The mismanagement is absolutely astounding. I can only wonder what shoe will drop next.

It appears that the anti Assad forces by starting multiple front ops seems to be bringing the Russians and Iranians into a major decision cycle of where to attack next and not give up anything else someplace else......we saw this in Palmyra which the Russians hyped for the propaganda BUT then only to lose two major gas/oil fields to IS along with literally tons of equipment and munitions....

There are rumors that even an IRGC General was killed in southern Aleppo......

05-09-2016, 12:33 PM
Hama Prison 2016 on the pace of #Sidnaya Prison 2008

28 Hama prisoners to be released...water, electricity turned on and food is now being delivered......

Assad regime demands that IDPs get approval to live in Damascus; those from Sunni regions mostly rejected

Good overview by @LizSly of current obstacles facing coalition against IS: e.g. pushing IS off border areas w/Turkey https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/the-war-against-the-islamic-state-hits-hurdles-just-as-the-us-military-gears-up/2016/05/08/013897f8-10ac-11e6-a9b5-bf703a5a7191_story.html …

Russia Parades New Weapons in Syria on Victory Day:
http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/russia-parades-new-weapons-in-syria-on-victory-day/568702.html …

05-09-2016, 01:08 PM
G. Kennan's 1946 Long Telegram “impervious to logic of reason,” Moscow was “highly sensitive to logic of force" http://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/116178

05-09-2016, 01:19 PM
Interesting to look back and see what top US officials said on Syria, basically indicting themselves (and Obama).

Kerry said in a speech......."History is full of leaders who have warned against inaction, indifference, and especially against silence when it mattered the most"....

He was referring to unspeakable crimes that could have been stopped and were not.....

AND now?....he threatens those at are fighting against the very unspeakable crimes....he himself talks about and he is "remaining silent' as they occur daily in Syria......

http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/E/EU_FRANCE_UNITED_STATES_SYRIA?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-05-09-06-40-54 …

Not sure what he wants to talk about as there is not a shred of Assad and or Putin compliance with either their own "regime of silence" or the Feb 27 2016 CoH.........

05-09-2016, 01:32 PM
Iran touts newly tested long-range missile
http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=76747 …

More air strikes hit #MaaratAlNuman in #Idlib province today.
Damage and injuries.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7PnW8f7v-M …

#ASSAD jets - just like #ISIS - destryoyed Archaeological Museum in #MaaratAlNuman
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm0PtJM3P6k …

US officials says war on ISIS "can’t be won without a greater level of American involvement" as more troops deployed https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/the-war-against-the-islamic-state-hits-hurdles-just-as-the-us-military-gears-up/2016/05/08/013897f8-10ac-11e6-a9b5-bf703a5a7191_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_isisspeedbump640p%3Ahomepage%2Fstory …

Great state of play on the U.S. fight vs. ISIS, which is hitting new hurdles just as it was starting to gear up

05-09-2016, 01:37 PM
Syria: A short while ago, multiple heavy regime airstrikes targeted the rebel-held town of Rīḥā, Idlib city and Maʿarrat al-Nuʿmān.

Heavy air strikes on #AlAtarib west of #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtputZytZu4 …

05-09-2016, 05:14 PM
Exclusive:Iranian Col.Mojtaba Zolfaqarnasab of Army 45th Special Forces in Southern Aleppo,9 Apr, hours before death

After short training of remaining members, NSA (New #Syria-n army) has another subgroup, the "2nd Shaitat brigade", infograph today.

After training, new group joins "New Syrian army" formation in #Damascus province, near #Jordan-#Syria border

"my dad died fighting for Bashar Assad's chair, and all I got was a $8 wall clock"

Assad regime "army" arrest a fridge. Good work protecting ppls lives & property #Syria

Photo of Russian special forces officer killed near Palmyra, Alexander Prokhorenko, at #безсмертныйполк in Moscow:

05-09-2016, 05:17 PM
CrowBat..what gives.....??

Is JaN and company defending so well and or is Assad and company attacking so poorly???

Gathering of 100s of Shiite militiamen trying to recapture Khan Touman. This is what the 'Syrian Army' has become

SOHR: Assad, IRGC, Iraqi, Afghani, Hezb militias failed to retake Khan Tuman covered by over 90 Assad/Russian airstrikes in the past 2 days

Second straight day of defeats heading into day three shortly.....

Rebels captured Afghani soldier south #Aleppo today. Its obvious IRGC pushing shia Afghani Fatemiyoun to be killed.

Under the rubric of "strange"......
A blimp over Palmyra. Related to Russian military or just a normal blimp?

Heavy #Assad regime/#Russia airstrikes across much of #Idlib today - including on Ariha, Jisr al-Shughour, Khan Sheikhoun & Marat al-Numan.

Hama Central Prison-revolt over. Deal: 46 inmates released & 26 more the next days. Amnesty for the rest (~800) possible next month

05-09-2016, 05:38 PM
[FSA TOW vs. "Iranian Kornet base".
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv_P2-RVF08 …

05-09-2016, 05:39 PM
CrowBat..can you confirm anything on this....and has the dispute with JaI and Rahman been put aside yet??????
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
Reports of a very big #Assad regime convoy spotted traveling south from 155th Brigade base (north of Al-Dumayr) & headed towards East Ghouta

Sources claim 15 tanks, minesweepers, BMPs & 1,000+ soldiers were spotted several hrs ago traveling south.
Irbin was attacked this AM.

1000 troops marching into territory by well dug in fighters who have held ground for years?? This will get ugly for him

05-09-2016, 05:46 PM
CrowBat...was the US going after a legitimate AQ target or attempting to stop JaN from splitting from AQ??


EXCLUSIVE: US drone strike in Syria killed mediator trying to rein in al-Qaeda -

A US drone strike which officials said killed a core al-Qaeda leader actually killed a leading Egyptian Islamist who was trying to convince the group's affiliate in Syria to set aside its global ambitions and focus on fighting the Assad government.

Middle East Eye can reveal that at the time of Rifai Taha's death on 5 April, the Egyptian was attempting to persuade Nusra Front fighters face-to-face that their infighting with other rebel groups and focus on emirate-building was damaging the war-torn country.

Taha, a co-founder of the Egyptian militant group al-Gamaa al-Islamiyya, was in Syria to stop infighting that had erupted between Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham, the most powerful rebel group in Syria, over theological differences and territory gained in Idlib in late March, according to two well-informed sources. One was in close contact with Taha days before he crossed into Syria. The other fights for an armed group in Syria.

The source who was in close contact with Taha before his trip said the Egyptian planned to persuade fighters from Nusra, which shares al-Qaeda's vision of a global struggle, to join Ahrar, which believes in fighting only the Syrian government and the Islamic State (IS) group, or at least scale back their al-Qaeda representation in Syria.

Taha was a credible person to carry out this mission, both sources said, because of his influence within al-Qaeda after many years earning the respect of Osama bin Laden and other key al-Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan.

The final moments of the alleged mediator’s life raise key questions over who ordered his death. Taha passed through Atmeh, a crossing into Syria which is only accessible with permission from the Turkish military or intelligence, one of the sources said.

On 5 April, two days after a US drone strike killed 21 people including Abu Firas al-Suri, a Nusra spokesman, in the village of Kafr Jales, Taha met members of Nusra in nearby Idlib city. According to one of the sources, Nusra leader Mohammed al-Golani was present.

Early that evening, residents in Idlib heard the hum of drones overhead. After the meeting ended, Taha drove away in a Toyota pickup which contained an Egyptian commander of Ahrar-al-Sham, Abu Omar al-Masri, and three bodyguards, the source said.

The pickup was hit by missiles as it stopped at a petrol station, and before the men had a chance to get out of the cars. The occupants were “vapourised” by the strike, said one of the sources.

Abu Adnan, a resident and witness interviewed by Bilal Abdul Kareem, an MEE contributor, said he was on his way home from work and was about to pray when he saw three drones in the sky and then heard a series of explosions.

One rocket, as Abu Adnan described it, landed on the Toyota pickup and another on the petrol station. He said five people, including a female bystander, were killed and 10 injured.

Abdul Kareem's video shows body parts and the charred remains of a vehicle, as well as blood spatters on a nearby bus and shrapnel blast marks.

A missile had struck the Toyota where Taha had been sitting, one of the sources said. This suggested that Taha had been closely tracked by the US, which he reportedly confirmed to friends and family shortly before his death.

A day after the attack, the Washington Post, citing Pentagon officials, reported that the drone had killed “core al-Qaeda” members. A senior US defense official cited in the same report said it was “unclear if the strike eliminated any leadership figures”.

Two days after the Post report, US Central Command said on Twitter that “core al-Qaeda operatives” who threatened US national security had been killed in strikes conducted against the group, referring to both the 3 April and 5 April hits.

Given Taha’s access to the Atmeh border and the precise nature of the drone strike, one of the sources familiar with his trip said he believed the Gamaa al-Islamiyya leader was set up.

“I think he was sent to Syria to die – either by the Turks or his own people,” he said.

Fighters turned mediators

Aside from the mystery over the exact chain of events that led to the drone strike, Taha’s death also raises critical questions about whether the US has blinded itself to a group of Islamists who some believe could rally rebels to work together towards bringing the Syrian civil war to an end and keep them away from a global agenda.

Thought to be in his early 60s, Taha co-founded the Egyptian militant group Gamaa al-Islamiyya in the 1970s. He spent several years in Afghanistan, supporting fighters, and also lived in Sudan. Taha was close to Osama Bin Laden and friends with other al-Qaeda’s leaders, but was not a member of the group, one of the sources familiar with this trip said.

In July 1995, Taha was the mastermind behind a Gamaa al-Islamiyya attempt to assassinate then Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak who was visiting the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, and he was the head of the group’s military wing in 1997 when it killed 62 people, mostly tourists, at an archaeological site in Luxor.

In late 1997, the US State Department added Gamaa al-Islamiyaa for the first time on list of foreign terrorists organisations, where it remains.

Just weeks after the September 2001 attacks, he was picked up at Damascus airport in the CIA’s abduction programme, and sent to Egypt. A member of Gamaa al-Islamiyya, who asked to remain anonymous, told MEE that Taha was tortured over many years, leaving physical and psychological scars.

“They put him under the ground for many years,” the Gamaa al-Islamiyya member said.

A 2005 State Department report on terrorist organisations singles out Taha, saying that he published a book in 2001 advocating mass casualty attacks and then "disappeared" several month later. While members of the group in Egypt renounced the use of violence in March 2002, according to the report, "disaffected" members like Taha might still "be interested in carrying out attacks against US interests".

For unknown reasons, references to Taha are dropped from similar State Deparment reports and discussion of Gamaa al-Islamiyya more recently.

When Mubarak was toppled in 2011, Taha was freed and Gamaa al-Islamiyya formed the Building and Development Party, which won 13 of 508 parliament seats in the 2011 elections.

But soon after Mohamed Morsi, Egypt’s only democratically elected president, was removed in a military coup in 2013, Taha was smuggled into Turkey where he stayed and applied for asylum despite the Turks asking him to leave.

Most recently, he served as the head of Gamaa al-Islamiyya's shura council overseas.

In recent years, as he watched the Syrian civil war unfold from Istanbul, he grew frustrated as Nusra militants alienated Syrians and fought against other rebels rather than together against Assad, according to the two sources familiar with Taha’s Syria visit.

He was also, said one of the sources, concerned about some Nusra hardline element who were more ideologically closer to IS.

“He saw the situation in Syria heading in that direction – that people have not learned from what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq and they are just repeating step-by-step the same mistake,” said the fighter in Syria who spoke regularly with Taha over the past year as he planned his visit.

“He could not turn away and just watch.”

‘Soften the urge’

Syria's five-year civil war began as a standoff between peaceful protesters and the government, but quickly morphed into a regional proxy war involving warring rebel factions, Syrian rebels and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. The groups have competed for foreign funding and military support, while on the other hand seeking local support and legitmacy.

To mediate these disputes, high-profile global militants as well as religious scholars have entered the country from time to time to calm fights and finesse alliances – and some, said the fighter in Syria familiar with Taha’s mission, in search of redemption.

“That’s an aspect that the West doesn’t understand – there is this negative notion of the word Islamist or jihadist which needs to be explained and demystified,” he said.

Many of those entering Syria followed ideologies in their youth that they have realised, he said, are not “applicable in all times and space”.

“Some of those trying to fix things are ex al-Qaeda – those are the fiercest ones in attacking al-Qaeda,” he said.

Taha’s visit to Syria came after years of tensions between Nusra and other rebels groups, particularly Ahrar al-Sham, largely over Nusra’s ties to al-Qaeda and the group’s ambitions to build an emirate in Syria, forming a base from which to plot foreign attacks.

Over the past three years, the thinking of Nusra’s leadership has ebbed and flowed over whether – or for some, when - to launch such an initiative. In parallel, there have been on-and-off collaborations between Nusra and other rebels groups on the battlefield.

Last March, Nusra, Ahrar and several others in northern Syria formed an alliance called Jaish al-Fatah – or Army of Conquest. Two months after its formation, the alliance took control of Idlib province.

Several months later, Nusra broke away from Jaish al-Fatah when a new leader, Abo Yehia - less willing to look the other way at Nusra’s connection to al-Qaeda - took over Ahrar, said one of the sources familiar with Taha’s visit.


05-09-2016, 05:53 PM
The above article is really long and here are two critical parts that need to be fully understood in reference to comments often made by CrowBat......

Empowering hardliners

Similar efforts to rein in al-Qaeda’s Syria branch through co-opting "moderate" members was suggested last year by retired US Army general and former CIA director David Petraeus.

In 2006, Petraeus was in charge of US military operations in Iraq when Americans started paying Sunni groups, some of whom had previously fought the US, to cut ties with and fight al-Qaeda in Iraq as part of the "Anbar awakening".

Two years later, Petraeus told politicians in Washington that the strategy had reduced US casualties, increased security and saved money.

The question in Syria, he told CNN in September, was “whether it might be possible at some point to peel off so-called 'reconcilables' who would be willing to renounce Nusra and align with the moderate opposition (supported by the US and the coalition) to fight against Nusra, ISIL, and Assad”.

Both Nusra and Gamaa al-Islamiyya's designations by the US as terrorist groups would make it difficult – if not impossible - for the US to engage or use someone like Taha directly as a go-between.

But Robert Ford, the former US ambassador to Syria and a senior fellow with the Middle East Institute in Washington, says the US should be talking with Islamist groups who are not on the list, including Ahrar, which advocate that Syrians should decide how their country is ruled in the future.

Ford, who wrote about this strategy last year, said he had given this advice to high-level policy makers, including US President Barack Obama, repeatedly.

“The smart American policy is to engage with groups like Ahrar and Jaish al-Islam that, in turn, are able to peel people away from Nusra and bring them into groups that accept that there must ultimately a political process to decide the future of Syria’s political governance,” Ford told MEE.

MEE contacted the US State Department, Department of Defence and the Centcom military command to comment on Taha’s death and ask whether the US should be considering a strategy similar to that advocated by Petraeus and Ford.

The State Department referred questions to the Department of Defence which did not respond, nor did Centcom.

Distrust of Islamists

Ford said he believes the Obama administration, including policy makers and some analysts advising them, has not attempted this approach because it has “an instinctual distrust of Islamists".

“They have an inability to understand what is a jihadi versus what is a Salafi versus what is a Muslim brother,” he said.

“They don’t see any way for Assad to be removed and so their inclination - if forced to choose between Assad and Islamists – they’ll just go with something secular like Assad, mainly out of instinct.”

And while the US may have listed Nusra and Gamaa al-Islamiyya as terrorist organisations, Hassan, the Chatham House fellow, said regional backers of the groups are interested in supporting the kind of work Taha attempted to accomplish.

“The Americans are not on the same page,” he said.
“[The US military] doesn’t think about what Petraeus thinks. That’s not their strategy. Their strategy is to kill as many of these people as possible, disrupt the leadership, and prevent any sort of coalitions.

"They want to just basically disperse jihadists whenever and wherever they find them.”

Meanwhile, the lack of nuanced understanding, at least publicly, of the differences between Islamists in Syria drives militants to further extremes, said the sources familiar with Taha’s trip. His killing, they said, is an example of the exact ramifications of this broadbrush policy.

"Now after this air strike," said one of the sources, "basically we empowered the hardliners. I am not even sure the US knew who exactly was in the car."

"I’m sure [Taha] was not a friend of the US and the US was not a friend of him,” said the fighter. But with Taha’s mission in Syria "there were common interests".

“What would you like to face – an Islamist group that believes in a national project and a Syria after the war, or do you want to face a group with a global ideology?”

05-09-2016, 06:08 PM
No joke!
"The Syrian Arab Army celebrates the victory over Nazism" with #Russia.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3n3pfEOZZo …

"#Russian" war planes hit rebel positions west of #KhanTuman.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4m7tzHVn8g …

The #Assad regime attacked a popular market in #Arbin with mortars
Carnage.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByFb1H2wEuQ …

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
In the last 24hrs, more than 90 airstrikes & dozens of artillery barrages have targeted the town of Khan Touman (held by Jaish al-Fateh).

More air strikes hit #MaaratAlNuman in #Idlib province today.
Damage and injuries.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7PnW8f7v-M …

05-09-2016, 06:10 PM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
My latest comments on @MiddleEastInst:

"U.S. Bets on #Russia to Maintain #Syria Ceasefire”
http://www.mei.edu/content/article/monday-briefing-lebanons-elections-gaza-unrest-syria-talks-and-saudis-new-oil-minister …

In #pt I raise:

- Today’s #Paris meeting
- US-#Russia talks
- Nusra’s spoiler role
- Who has more leverage over the other: #Assad or #Putin

Despite heavy fighting in several key areas of the country, intensive international diplomatic efforts continue to seek a revitalization of Syria’s cessation of hostilities. While the meeting of the opposition’s main backers today in Paris is an important attempt at demonstrating a united front of support for the Higher Negotiations Committee and its leader Riyad Hijab, the United States appears more interested in pursuing its bilateral track with Russia. With an ISSG meeting still at least a week away, this prioritization of secret bilateral talks with Moscow risks further inflaming regional paranoia about U.S. objectives in Syria.

The principal barrier to an effective truce in Syria is intensifying conflict in and around the city of Aleppo and in Damascus’ east Ghouta suburbs. Aleppo is of acute emotive importance to all concerned and the sheer multiplicity of armed forces present on all sides makes a sustained calm nigh-on impossible. With the recent re-escalation of hostilities, al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra has re-acquired its military prominence in northern Syria. Acting as spoiler-in-chief in the governorates of Aleppo, Idlib, Hama and Latakia, Nusra will continue to interfere with attempts to secure ceasefires.

Moscow and Damascus appear to be simultaneously testing the leverage that each feels like they have over the other. The United States—alone within the ‘Friends of Syria’ coalition—is betting on Moscow, but with conditions as they currently are on the ground, it’s hard to picture a scenario in which Assad suddenly becomes a malleable actor willing to consider his own transition from power.

05-09-2016, 06:15 PM
Hassan Hassan ‏@hxhassan

AQ's 'Geneva Communique', if you like: this is the basis for negotiations with Nusra. Work it out. Don't just ask it to break its AQ ties.

He said AQ would waver Nusra's bayat obligation if the latter agreed with the rest of groups/individuals to establish a form of Islamic govt

In addition to the above, Zawahiri did something important. He threw the ball in the court of those calling on Nusra to break away from AQ:

Arabic media have conflicting (inaccurate) headlines about Zawahiri statement: he OKs Nusra breaking ties with AQ; he Oks Nusra's emirate.

NOW notice how the linked article ties into the Zawahiri "Geneva Communique"....

EXCLUSIVE: US drone strike in Syria killed mediator trying to rein in al-Qaeda -


05-09-2016, 06:32 PM
Has AQ leader Zawahiri started a "conversation" with the West???

The question is did the Obama WH hear it as his Communique defintely parallels the thoughts of Petreaus and Ford towards Nusra (JaN)

More from the Zawahiri Geneva Communique.........

Quick note on Zawahiri statement. Unlike previous ones, this comes across as more nuanced & succinct. Most likely Nusra wrote it or co-wrote

IMO the course Nusra has decided is somewhere between a clear AQ-synced agenda without rushing into a state & working closely with Islamists

That's why I think the statement is a defining & timely one.

1) It shifts all focus to Syria as a source of legitimacy & recuitment.

2) The statement also comes at a time when AQ doesn't need to defend its gradualism. Zawahiri sounded assured. It's no longer 2014.

3) He spoke about an eventual Islamic entity that all groups agree on. He trolled IS by saying allegiance to AQ was voluntary & thoughtout.

4) Now, the Nusra gains recently give these words substance, i.e. it's not a fantasy world. Islamist can rally around the project in Syria.

5) Top level jihadists were killed in Syria but if one looks closely, it's clear that AQ & its orbit are on the rise in many respects

6) This also comes at a time when the space in which different ideas to flourish has become apparent. IS isn't necessarily directly affected

7) The bottom line, AQ & affiliates are no longer on the defensive ideologically but they're also sober about their ambitions. No rush.

8) Observers should also fight the impulse that this must be bad news for IS. Don't make a mistake that was made not long ago.

Also as Jolani in the Oct statement, Zawahiri warns of the slippery slope of political engagement & sitting at a table.

Zawahiri, like Baghdadi in his last speech, also focused on Saudi Arabia as the western world's executor in the Muslim world.

05-09-2016, 06:45 PM
Syrian-Russian national tied to Putin's circle brokers energy deals between ISIS and Assad:
http://www.wsj.com/articles/an-energy-mogul-becomes-entangled-with-islamic-state-1462734922 …

.@acrossthebay was the first to expose George Hawsani as the link between ISIS and the Assad regime:
http://mme.cm/AS6U00 via @NOW_eng

05-09-2016, 06:47 PM
Aleppo fighting rages as U.S. and Russia try to revive #Syria truce:

Will never happen until Putin corrals Assad.....so Putin can make all the statements he wants but until he removes Assad not much is going to happen outside of more Iranians getting killed......

Hmeymim airbase :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJUuiYsY1AA …

05-09-2016, 06:52 PM
CrowBat.....something for you..any idea what type.....

Unidentified plane spotted over north #Aleppo ?

05-09-2016, 06:57 PM
Ceasefire in South (only place really implemented) is on verge of collapse as pro-Regime forces shelling #Deraa & "Triangle of Death".#Syria

Syria #Assad-forces launch ground assault on At Tayhah town in "triangle of death" #Quneitra/#Daraa province
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.145744&lon=35.996017&z=13&m=b …

Civil police in Mesraba, E. #Ghouta following withdrawl of JaI & an end to infighting between JaI & Faylaq al-Rahman

This until an agreement is reached for a judicial & local council to manage the town affairs

3 killed inc. a child & over a dozen civilians wounded in Assad airstrikes on Jama'a & mihrab areas & the Omari mosque in #Idlib,

Clashes still ongoing between rebels & #ISIS around Braghidah in north rural #Aleppo

Reports of an #ISIS rocket attack on Mare'a in north rural #Aleppo,

Anadan & Hayan in north rural #Aleppo is also being shelled with heavy artillery by Assad forces/militias

05-09-2016, 07:04 PM
Jaish Al-Izza shelled with Grad Salhab, an important Regime human reservoir in #Ghab, #Hama.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoxX4zaF8rk …

Tajamu Fastaqam 2nd #TOW vs another #Kornet launcher w/ #TOW in #Aleppo but misfired.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv_P2-RVF08 …

Tajamu Fastaqam (#JaF Aleppo) blows up a Kornet #ATGM launcher with a #TOW in #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNBV4M7ZCrU …

05-09-2016, 07:06 PM
This confrims that in fact the USAF coalition has in fact stopped flying CAS missions against IS for the FSA...WHY is that?????

BUT WAIT I thought Obama was in a massive fight against IS?????

Sharp reduction of Intl Coalition support for Rebels vs #ISIS in N. #Aleppo last week: 21 ISIS targets destroyed, -60% from 2 weeks ago (52)

Does he not want success in fighting IS??.....BUT WAIT not from local Syrians...BUT from Kurds where the USAF is constantly flying CAS for them....

No wonder FSA is having a tough time right now with IS counterattacks....

05-09-2016, 07:07 PM
Unable 2 seize #Kabana for months, several pro-Regime forces attempts 2 take Sirmaniyah reported last days, another gate to Jisr Ash Shoghur

First Regiment targets with #TOW a building in #Khan_Tuman w/ pro-Regime forces. S. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YkLIY6hHq0 …

Syria #Idlib 10 dead residents incl 3 children after airstrikes on Hafsarjah
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.017310&lon=36.530056&z=14&m=b …

05-09-2016, 07:11 PM
Goes from BAD to really BAD for Iranian troops in southern Aleppo.....
Iran confirm the capture of 6 soldiers in southern #Aleppo by rebel forces

Southern #Aleppo: #Iran|ian regime is crying now about 6 captured #Irani|an soldiers, threatening that "#Syria|n rebels will pay high price"

Iran: Syrian opposition forces who captured "Iranian soldiers" will receive a harsh response.
https://twitter.com/AJABreaking/status/729732634885144577 …

BUT WAIT...where are the Iranian POWs.......

No reports of Jaish al-Fath of capturing any Iranian soldiers south Aleppo. Only 3 Afghan shia Fatemiyon soldiers announced so far.

05-09-2016, 07:16 PM
Osama bin Laden’s son 'urges jihadists to fight in Syria' in chilling audio clip
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/osama-bin-ladens-son-urges-7933839#ICID=sharebar_twitter …

Many innocent people killed & massive destruction just some kilometers away from #Idlib City. Time to hit back!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=85&v=JmWrYZnZ6LM …

05-09-2016, 07:18 PM
Charles Lister ‎@Charles_Lister
Interesting video from US-vetted group Faylaq al-Sham, showing off new training camp & calling for recruits:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kCD51Herm8&feature=youtu.be …

PASGT helmets supplied by US/Turkey. Music was also used in a Jaish Souria Al-Jideed New Syrian Army video from last year.

05-09-2016, 07:29 PM
Congress: Time to hold Ben Rhodes to account - The Washington Post https://apple.news/AGMBt58pLQDy1msZXaEewng …

Had President George W. Bush’s national security advisers Condoleezza Rice or Stephen Hadley bragged to a journalist that the administration constructed a phony narrative to justify an unpopular foreign policy initiative, using intellectually corrupt members of the press to spread disinformation, surely the Democrats would be calling for impeachment and would drag the braggarts to Capitol Hill to testify under oath. The reporters involved in the deception would be fired, shunned and disgraced. But that’s the standard for a Republican president. The left falsely accused the administration of doing just that in the Iraq War yet when the real thing — a blatant deception in pursuit of a rotten foreign policy decision — comes along there is a collective yawn.

That’s what has occurred with national security aide Ben Rhodes, who, dripping with contempt for those he deceived, told the New York Times magazine that the administration constructed a phony timeline so as to con Americans into believing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was the result of “moderate” Hassan Rouhani’s election. Rhodes did so by creating an “echo chamber” of willing journalists who essentially took dictation from the administration.

As Lee Smith put it, “For the last seven years the American public has been living through a postmodern narrative crafted by an extremely gifted and unspeakably cynical political operative whose job is to wage digital information campaigns designed to dismantle a several-decade old security architecture while lying about the nature of the Iranian regime. No wonder Americans feel less safe—they are.”

Rhodes’s deception is deeply disturbing in at least several ways. “First, he ignored a CIA assessment that determined that Rouhani was not a moderate. Former Undersecretary of State and chief Iran deal negotiator Wendy Sherman reflected this assessment when she said recently that Rouhani was not a moderate and that the choice in the Iranian parliamentary election was between hardliners and hard-hardliners,” explains sanctions expert Mark Dubowitz of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “Second, the JCPOA itself makes no sense unless there is an evolution in the nature of the regime over the next decade. As a result of sunset clauses in the deal that see most of the key restrictions disappearing over an eight to 15 year period, Iran will be left with an industrial-size nuclear program with near-zero nuclear breakout, easier advance centrifuge-powered clandestine sneak out, an ICBM program and a more powerful economy increasingly immunized against sanctions”

The latter is key, for the essence of the JCPOA rests on the assumption that by the time key sanctions are lifted the West need not fear Iran. Moreover, substantial compromises before that (e.g. lifting sanctions up front, delivering less than anytime/everywhere inspections) were premised on the notion that Iran was, unlike decades of past conduct, willing to abide by an agreement and cooperate with the IAEA. As soon as the deal was inked however it became clear that Iran was not changed at all — grabbing U.S. sailors (much to Rhodes’ annoyance according to the Times story since it revealed the regime’s true nature) and conducting illegal tests. Rhodes may have used the press, but the Iranians used Rhodes, President Obama and the rest of the hapless administration to get what it wanted: sanctions relief with no irreversible changes to its nuclear program or moderation in its non-nuclear conduct.

Sign up

If Iran’s moderation is a fairytale at the point Iran reaches nuclear breakout, “the United States will be facing a much more formidable and dangerous enemy and may have little choice but to use military force (as sanctions power will be severely degraded) to stop Tehran from developing a nuclear weapon,” says Duboswitz. ” At that point, Iran will be stronger and the consequences of military action more devastating. In selling the Iran deal on a lie, Rhodes may have made war with Iran more not less likely.”

The entire democratic process in this country was usurped. Senate Democrats were bullied and cajoled into going along with the deal and critics discredited based on a lie. “At the very least, Rhodes’s mendacity prevented a proper debate on what will we do in ten years if the Iranian regime is the same regime,” Dubowitz remarks. “Of course that was his intention in spinning the false Rouhani is a moderate story: To head off this debate to prevent a focus on the fatal flaw of the deal.”

Many Senate Democrats, having realized how weak the deal is and how unwilling is the administration to check Iran’s non-nuclear behavior (another misrepresentation, this one by Secretary of State John Kerry who vowed to go after missile tests, human rights violations and regional aggression) may have been embarrassed by their spinelessness. They claim to be “profoundly” concerned about post-JCPOA events. They should now be outraged; they were lied to in order to obtain votes on the deal in contravention of their own deep concerns. (We know how concerned they were; they said so in speeches that were often more critical of the deal than opponents.)

What to do about this now?” First, Congress should conduct hearings and call Rhodes to testify under oath. Any executive privilege he might have had was waived when he went blabbing to the press. Since he claimed to enjoy a “mind meld” with the president it’s critical to understand the degree to which the president and other officials participated in the deceit. (While Rhodes is there they can ask about his role as author of the infamous “talking points” in the Benghazi fiasco.) Second, if Congress concludes members were scammed, then resolutions of condemnation are in order. (Unfortunately it cannot impeach members of the president’s staff.) Moreover, Congress should by legislative enactment return to the status quo prior to the JCPOA, which was obtained in essence by fraud. Sanctions due to expire should be reauthorized (with no executive waiver authority for now) and re-implemented. New sanctions should be passed to address Iran’s human rights violations, support for terrorism, regional aggression and illegal missile tests.

In this year’s Senate elections this issue should be front and center. Any Republican challenger should castigate his incumbent opponent as a gullible victim of a scam. And frankly, if Senate Democrats do not respond to the latest revelation now they know they were scammed, they can rightly be dubbed as willing victims. This debacle (both the process and substance of the JCPOA), by the way, is yet one more reason for a third candidate: a qualified, fit president who understands the fatal flaws in the deal and is willing to reverse the damage to our national security and democratic process is sorely needed. It’s also a reminder why we cannot elect a “pathological liar” (as Sen. Ted Cruz described Donald Trump) to the presidency.

05-09-2016, 07:34 PM
REPORT: Islamic State 'still a threat' to the regime amidst battles for natural gas fields in east Homs.
http://syriadirect.org/news/islamic-state-%E2%80%98still-a-threat%E2%80%99-to-the-regime-amidst-battles-for-natural-gas-fields/ …

[I][Also known as a "contract dispute" being settled with armed force...../I]

05-09-2016, 07:41 PM
Under the very large RUBRIC of.....REALLY???...where and when have we heard this before...in eastern Ukraine ..and what happened there..nothing.....

Russia says will press #Syria govt to limit air operations over areas mostly occupied by civilians or by rebel parties to truce

US & #Russia demand an end to indiscriminate attacks on civilians in #Syria, including on medical facilities

DOES Putin really have any leverage left with Assad and the Iranians...OR is Russia now a proxy for both?????

05-09-2016, 08:07 PM
CrowBat...are we now see literally a manpower shortage on all Assad front lines even with Iranian troops, Iraqi militia and Hezbollah.....???I wouldn't be surprised if Assadists couldn't hold Damascus with whatever troops are left on their side.

They were down to less than 70,000 troops already back in December or January. Haven't prepared any new estimate/assessment ever since, but I doubt they've got more than 50,000 left. With Assad's idiotic idea of conquering all of Syria, and all of these meandring frontlines... the IRGC must've got its hands full even if it really has all the 70,000 troops in the country, like some say it meanwhile has - not to talk if they are a lot less (which is what some other say).

Except about supplies, warfare is about firepower and manoeuvre. IRGC might have supplies, but surely none of the latter - at least not to hold the line with that few troops.

The South Aleppo countryside is of paramount strategic importance for the gov't but the elite fighting units such as the Tiger Forces.....are too busy plugging holes in SAA lines.Worse yet: Tiger Force got bush-wacked by the Daesh at the Sha'er and Maher Gas Fields. Suffered losses, put the tail between legs and run away. Was replaced by Leopard Force and Liwa Suqour as-Sahra, plus two 'battalion-groups' of Russians - just to make sure Daesh wouldn't cut off that Russian orchestra in Palmyra... but first news about their actions there are not particularly encouraging.

So a better example here: that famed 65th Airborne of the Iranian Army... 'The Ghosts' or something like that because, ah imagine: during some exercise in Tehran, they disarmed all of the IRGC and took over the city in a matter of two hours.

Well, we can now see how much are such experiences 'worth' - on a true battlefield.

Anyway: imagine plumbing gaps in the frontline with 'elite super-turbo commando assets'... Well, that's what the IRGC/IRIA are doing right now. Man, 'even' Zimbabweans never came to such a dumb idea while fighting Rwandans all over central DR Congo, back in 1998-2001 - and everybody was bashing them, back at that time...

The mismanagement is absolutely astounding.Indeed. One of particularly ridiculous stories about this war are relations between IRGC's generals and Assadists. Every time, but really every single time since the former have a say on the battlefield - which was back in mid-2013 or so - and every time they run a successful offensive, some idiotic Assadist general (often not even a military officer) exploded so much into jalousy, that 'he had' to launch his own offensive and go squandering meagre supplies of fuel, ammo. Every time, the 'Syrian Napoleon' in question got himself into trouble, forcing Soleimani, Hamedani etc. to stop his offensive early and re-route...

Mind: I'm talking about times when even the IRGC was so short on cash, there was barely a month-worth of fuel reserve in all of regime-controlled Syria. Indeed, about the times most of the 4th and the RGD were immobilized for months...

Sometimes, I would love to be a fly on one of walls of some of their major HQ...

CrowBat.....something for you..any idea what type.....

Unidentified plane spotted over north #Aleppo ?
https://youtu.be/TLBvFI4s0wwLooks like one of MahanAir's Airbuses.

Either hauling bodybags back to Qom, or their future content to Syria...

05-10-2016, 05:17 AM
Iranians taking photo with ruines of Syria,in Tehran International Book Fair's "Shrine Defenders" section,9 may 2016

#Assad forces in #Quneitra resumed offensive operations, tried to advance on #Masharah today.

05-10-2016, 05:23 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if Assadists couldn't hold Damascus with whatever troops are left on their side.

They were down to less than 70,000 troops already back in December or January. Haven't prepared any new estimate/assessment ever since, but I doubt they've got more than 50,000 left. With Assad's idiotic idea of conquering all of Syria, and all of these meandring frontlines... the IRGC must've got its hands full even if it really has all the 70,000 troops in the country, like some say it meanwhile has - not to talk if they are a lot less (which is what some other say).

Except about supplies, warfare is about firepower and manoeuvre. IRGC might have supplies, but surely none of the latter - at least not to hold the line with that few troops.

Worse yet: Tiger Force got bush-wacked by the Daesh at the Sha'er and Maher Gas Fields. Suffered losses, put the tail between legs and run away. Was replaced by Leopard Force and Liwa Suqour as-Sahra, plus two 'battalion-groups' of Russians - just to make sure Daesh wouldn't cut off that Russian orchestra in Palmyra... but first news about their actions there are not particularly encouraging.

So a better example here: that famed 65th Airborne of the Iranian Army... 'The Ghosts' or something like that because, ah imagine: during some exercise in Tehran, they disarmed all of the IRGC and took over the city in a matter of two hours.

Well, we can now see how much are such experiences 'worth' - on a true battlefield.

Anyway: imagine plumbing gaps in the frontline with 'elite super-turbo commando assets'... Well, that's what the IRGC/IRIA are doing right now. Man, 'even' Zimbabweans never came to such a dumb idea while fighting Rwandans all over central DR Congo, back in 1998-2001 - and everybody was bashing them, back at that time...

Indeed. One of particularly ridiculous stories about this war are relations between IRGC's generals and Assadists. Every time, but really every single time since the former have a say on the battlefield - which was back in mid-2013 or so - and every time they run a successful offensive, some idiotic Assadist general (often not even a military officer) exploded so much into jalousy, that 'he had' to launch his own offensive and go squandering meagre supplies of fuel, ammo. Every time, the 'Syrian Napoleon' in question got himself into trouble, forcing Soleimani, Hamedani etc. to stop his offensive early and re-route...

Mind: I'm talking about times when even the IRGC was so short on cash, there was barely a month-worth of fuel reserve in all of regime-controlled Syria. Indeed, about the times most of the 4th and the RGD were immobilized for months...

Sometimes, I would love to be a fly on one of walls of some of their major HQ...

Looks like one of MahanAir's Airbuses.

Either hauling bodybags back to Qom, or their future content to Syria...

CrowBat.....came in late last night

Iranian #MahanAir - @Airbus' new darling - flying terrorists & IRGC to #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLBvFI4s0ww …

Seems they forgot the other item you mentioned...body bags....which I suspect is the actual reason after the heavy loses over the last five days...

Especially if this comment is correct.....
Former commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards: We have lost 1200 fighters in #Syria since 2012 - http://www.masralarabia.com/%D8%A7%D9%84%D

05-10-2016, 05:34 AM
Appears there are indeed six Iranian regular troops that were captured in the recent fighting in southern Aleppo.....

The only problem is it also appears JaN and JaF also seem to not have them....so where did they disappear to.....???

Iranian lawmaker says up to six Iranian personnel captured In #Syria
http://www.rferl.org/content/syria-iranian-military-personnel-dead-captured/27724628.html …

Chairman of the defense committee in the Iranian Parliament, Ismail Kosari - Syrian armed opposition captured as many as 6 Iranian soldiers.

05-10-2016, 08:32 AM
Seems they forgot the other item you mentioned...body bags....which I suspect is the actual reason after the heavy loses over the last five days...Yup. Body-bags were subsequently delivered straight to Aleppo - by SyAAF Il-76s - and together with another load of Iraqi PMUs...

Seems the IRGC just can't get enough troops to do anything meaningful in Syria... this is seriously starting to remind me of certain battles from Iran-Iraq War...

05-10-2016, 09:30 AM
CrowBat...appears the Russians are going to be needing their 2 Bns they sent to Palmyra in the coming days.....

IS taunting #Russia: after seizing Sha'er gasfield, now storming Tiyas Airbase along main supply route to #Palmyra.

ISIS is attacking the #Assad-held #Tiyas T4 air base in eastern #Homs prov.
Success could cut-off Palmyra.

SyAAF carry out airstrikes north of Tiyas Airbase where #IS is trying to advance towards & has taken control of the old tank battalion base

ISIS It begins this morning Battle for control of AlTifor (Tiyas T4) airbase and controls the battalion beside it.
#Syria #Palmyra ,Apr 10

Some pro-#Assad media says the assault comes from the south but this is less likely, IMHO

CrowBat....it appears that now IS and JaN and the other FSA fronts are constantly rotating the pressure points with their attacks which then allows them to pick and chose the correct fight and leaves the Iranians and Russia exhausted in trying to keep up with the attack pace.....this was a typical QJBR/AQI then IS tactic against the Iraqi and US up through 2010.

What we learned in Iraq is that this tactic actually conserves your fighting strength for the long haul as it stretches the defenders as it take fewer fighters to start an operation just to draw attention and troops away from other areas....then you pull back to the starting point to start all over again in another direction...all the while inflicting damage during the attacks...a not so subtle form of attrition.

05-10-2016, 09:31 AM
Idlib 2 dozen dead after airstrikes on #Binnish town market

NSA blew up another ISIS VBIED seized near Al Tanf causing massive explosion.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Afkf2eE-9iQ …

Drone view of 2nd tank taken out with a #TOW by Sham Front in S. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PKTXByLGUg …

3rd #ATGM hit in a row by Sham Front in S. #Aleppo taking out a moving tank with a #TOW.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxHQgrIPQAM …

Rare double tap w/ #ATGM vs pro-Regime forces in S. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsQkqmjn9g0 …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl74H_YVcho …

Deadly #ATGM strike by Sham Front vs pro-Regime fighters carrying dead comrade in S. #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl74H_YVcho …

Pro-#Assad militia ATGM team takes out several rebel armoured vehicles near #KhanTuman.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfScePPOM34 …

05-10-2016, 09:45 AM
CrowBat.....what do you judge the Iranian fighting morale to be now going into the five days of heavy loses of men and material in southern Aleppo????

If they are now bringing in Iraqi Shia militia then that tells me they are getting low on actual combat ready and willing to fight Iranians....

05-10-2016, 09:53 AM
CrowBat.....looks like Sham Front got a clean TOW kill on a Russian T90A .........and it was a moving target....coverage by a drone....

1st ever combined #TOW shot / #drone aftermath video by #FSA in #Humayra.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PKTXByLGUg …

#Russian T-90A taken out by #US BGM-71, 10 kilometers south of #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PKTXByLGUg …

05-10-2016, 10:03 AM
Assad bombers hit near #Arihah today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VM_Fx8P9Os …

ISIS infiltrated the "research area" of #Azaz last night, resulting in clashes with the #FSA and 3 killed terrorists + more wounded.

05-10-2016, 10:10 AM
A New MANPADS Appears in Syria: The QW-1/Misagh-1 via @bellingcat

Idlib Bombed
-Water, ice, & bread projects by Syrians refusing to leave

05-10-2016, 10:15 AM
Not a spy ‏@finriswolf

Sat-imgs show 2 large convoys of trucks loading @ #Russia ships @ Port Latakia - entering mountain(?) outside #Qardahah 35.438545, 36.059613

New Sat imagery shows new (semi-hidden) activity/construction at North-side #Latakia Navy base - Port Al Beida 35.609660, 35.766673

ISIS : Sat imagery shows #ISIS preparing #Mosul & #Raqqah for heavy urban & siege warfare at accelerated pace over last month

05-10-2016, 10:42 AM
Alleged Syrian hacker sympathetic to Damascus headed to U.S.: source

Kyle W. Orton ‎@KyleWOrton
Whatever #Russia is doing in #Syria, "withdrawal" it ain't. #Palmyra's under a virtual Russian ground occupation.

10 killed, 20 injured in air raid on popular market in #Binnish.

BUT WAIT...this could not have happened as both Russia and US announced agreements that such things would not be happening....WELL so much for Russian "influence" on the Assad AF.....just as the Russians "claim they have little influence on Russian mercenaries in eastern Ukraine....

05-10-2016, 10:46 AM
CrowBat...appears the Russians are going to be needing their 2 Bns they sent to Palmyra in the coming days.....Indeed. After the recent defeat of the Tiger Force, it seems there's a 'new boss in town' on the Daesh side: some new commander around, who's quite good at manoeuvring on the local terrain.

Guess, the likelyhood of Russians getting involved is increasing - and then it's going to be interesting to see if they can match the Daesh.

CrowBat....it appears that now IS and JaN and the other FSA fronts are constantly rotating the pressure points with their attacks which then allows them to pick and chose the correct fight and leaves the Iranians and Russia exhausted in trying to keep up with the attack pace.....this was a typical QJBR/AQI then IS tactic against the Iraqi and US up through 2010.

What we learned in Iraq is that this tactic actually conserves your fighting strength for the long haul as it stretches the defenders as it take fewer fighters to start an operation just to draw attention and troops away from other areas....then you pull back to the starting point to start all over again in another direction...all the while inflicting damage during the attacks...a not so subtle form of attrition.
Yup. Daesh is ex-AQI, so they were fighting you that way back then in Iraq too.

CrowBat.....looks like Sham Front got a clean TOW kill on a Russian T90A .........and it was a moving target....coverage by a drone....Was about to post that video and 'congratulate' for the first T-90 knocked out (note Shtora boxes at the front of the turret) but you were faster. ;)

Anyway, I think that Faylaq ash-Sham actually knocked out two T-90s there.

Could be there was a sort of armour battle - JAN's T-72s vs IRGC's T-90s, then ATGMs became involved: Faylaq knocked out two, IRGC knocked out two.

05-10-2016, 10:57 AM
CrowBat.....what do you judge the Iranian fighting morale to be now going into the five days of heavy loses of men and material in southern Aleppo????

If they are now bringing in Iraqi Shia militia then that tells me they are getting low on actual combat ready and willing to fight Iranians....Nope. Unless somebody starts raining CWs upon them, one should never expect morale of IRGC troops to drop.

They might get exhausted, literaly 'run out of steam', be on brink of starvation or dehydration. That can happen.

But, I never heard about them having 'morale problems' (except due to Iraqi CWs).


- a) Most of Iranians the IRGC is sending to Syria are dead sure they're saving Sayyida Zaynab Shrine, and 'fighting Daesh'. It might sound 'stupid' to us, but it's extremely important to them - and there's no way one can convince them about anything else. 'My Imam said so, period'.

- b) This assessment is not including various of IRGC's surrogates - like Iraqi, Afghan or Pakistani Shi'a. No clue about them.

05-10-2016, 02:31 PM
Rumour has it, Daesh has shot down a helicopter near Tiyas AB (T.4)...

So far 'not confirmed' though.

UPDATE: and now it's a Russian jet (http://www.almasryalyoum.com/news/details/944702) (in Arabic)

05-10-2016, 05:53 PM
Footage shows the moment an airstrike hits a mosque in the town of Binnish in northern Idlib, #Syria.

After heavy shelling #Hezbollah try to enter #Zabadani now
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.726624&lon=36.104507&z=13&m=b …

Seems #Zabadani - #Kefraya+#Fuah -truce ending now
Clashes with #Hezbollah in both areas

Multiple #Assad artillery shells hit #Zabadani near #Damascus.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiMs7oluMY4 …

Iran violated the local truce between rebels and the regime for the besieged towns weeks ago when its C-130 dropped tons of arms over them.

News about shooting down a helicopter belonging to #SAA in the vicinity of T4 airport by #ISIS and the clashes are still continuing #Palmyra

Iran-ian revolutionary guards commanders killed in #Syria last week are buried in Mashad

Next #Iran'ian Revolutionary Guard killed in southern #Aleppo

05-10-2016, 05:58 PM
Seems #Homs -> #Palmyra road cut off by #IslamicState
#Damascus -> #Palmyra too (long time)
#Russia'n army here units under siege?

Will #Assad & #Putin pay now for their deal w/#ISIS,letting them leave #Palmyra w/most of their heavy arms in March?

Assad air force bombs on #Duma east of #Damascus.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHE8JYYYY0U …

05-10-2016, 06:01 PM
Massacre in #Binish town aftermath #RUSSIA airstrikes
10 Martyrs, several injured
#Idlib cs #Syria MAY 10

After days of air strikes on #Binnish with more than 20 civilian victims, rebels resume shelling nearby #Kefraya and #Fuah.

#Binnish today.
Giant bomb falls on market.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Na5DtOIK-iA …

05-10-2016, 06:08 PM
TOWs and Russian ATGMs are literally flying everywhere today in Syria.....
Russian T90A even hit and badly damaged....

Tank number 4 being blown up by Jabhat al-Shamiyah (#FSA), at Khan Tuman this time

Jabhat al-Shamiyah (#FSA) rebels took out a regime tank in southern #Aleppo

#Syria: Jabhat al-Shamiyah (#FSA) knocked out a third tank, north of #Aleppo this time

Another #Malyutka hit by Sham Front near #Khan_Tuman takes out a 23 mm gun. S. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Srf--AvgMnY …

05-10-2016, 06:18 PM
Ballistic missile strike by the #Assad regime on #Daraa city.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NrH-sv0tdc …

Hasaka : #YPG hand over Alaya prison and #Qamishli's municipality building to the Regime after 5 helicopters with 150 elite troops arrived.

According to this, three of the eight Iranians captured by Jaish al-Fath have been executed by the group #Syria
http://www.mulhak.com/%D8%AE%D8%A7%D8%B5-%D8%AC%D9%8A%D8%B4-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%81%D8%AA%D8%AD-%D9%8A%D8%B9%D8%AF%D9%85-3-%D8%A3%D8%B3%D8%B1%D9%89-%D8%A5%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%8A%D9%86-%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%82%D8%AA/ …

Idlib Airstrike hit the historical museum in
Maarrat al-Numan city
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9g45X_WZjY …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.649394&lon=36.679831&z=18&m=b …

05-10-2016, 06:20 PM
CrowBat.....can you ID by any chance the tank in the last second or to in this battle video

Pro-#Assad militia ATGM team takes out several rebel armoured vehicles near #KhanTuman.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfScePPOM34 …

05-10-2016, 06:27 PM
Jibhat al-Nusra is holding bodies of 13 Iranian officers killed in Khan-Touman, Tehran confirms.#Qatar may intervene to release the corpses.

News of deaths and capture of #Iranian officers in #Syria is specially painful as it comes on #IRGC #Day which is #Imam #Hussein's birthday.

05-10-2016, 06:32 PM
CrowBat...what do you think???

All 310 " volunteers" from #Karbala 25 Brigade sent to #Syria have been repatriated to #Iran, Tehran confirms.( Start of overdue retreat?)

05-10-2016, 06:56 PM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister

So there (in #pts) is over 2yrs of my coverage of Nusra’s cynical exploitation of #Syria’s opposition for AQ’s long-term objectives & gain.

Feb 2014: 'Nusra’s solid AQ link = incredibly ironic its been accepted by opposition'

May 2014: ‘As AQ affiliate, Nusra aims for state in #Syria, #Jerusalem & Caliphate'
http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/papers/2014/05/19-syria-military-landscape-lister/syria-military-landscape-english.pdf …

Aug 2014: AQC bolstering presence in #Syria through Nusra - for attacking ‘far enemy'

March 2015: Assimilation of Nusra (AQ) into #Syria’s insurgency = extraordinary cost.

April 2014: AQ & ISIS = similar ideology; AQ seeks to use long-game for durability.
http://www.salon.com/2015/04/01/the_end_of_the_world_why_america_misunderstands_is is_and_what_you_really_need_to_know/ …

May 2015: Nusra (AQ) has manipulated #Syria’s opposition for its own advantage.

May 2015: Nusra leaders shift in mid-'14 empowered AQC-linked figures & extremism.

July '15: Ahrar relations w. JN = highly counterproductive. Actions louder than words

Sept 2015: Nusra is a “wolf in sheep’s clothing,” making AQ in #Syria more durable.
https://www.ctc.usma.edu/posts/al-qaida-plays-a-long-game-in-syria …

Jan 2016: Emirate = JN foremost priority; can only be achieved via long-term project
http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/papers/2016/01/27-the-islamic-state-challenges-alqaida-lister/en-jihadi-rivalry.pdf …

Feb 2016: Jolani & JN = AQ. JN wants Emirate for a sustainable AQ Caliphate project.

March 2016: 'Opportunity to expose Nusra’s malign intentions should not be missed.'
http://www.mei.edu/content/article/jabhat-al-nusra-oversteps-mark-idlib-crackdown …

March 2016: Protest vs. JN in #Idlib reveal long-hidden concerns re. AQ in #Syria.
http://www.mei.edu/content/article/monday-briefing-yemen-cease-fire-terrorism-turkey-and-syria-talks-moscow …

April 2016: Nusra resumption of hostilities = victory for AQ long-term #Syria plans.

http://www.mei.edu/content/article/monday-briefing-erdogans-failed-washington-trip-updates-syria-iraq-saudis-egypt-visit …

May 2016: AQ covertly revitalizing central leadership in #Syria, on Europe's borders
http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/05/04/al-qaeda-is-about-to-establish-an-emirate-in-northern-syria/ …

May 2016: Nusra (AQ) acts as “spoiler-in-chief” of ceasefires & stability in #Syria.
http://www.mei.edu/content/article/monday-briefing-lebanons-elections-gaza-unrest-syria-talks-and-saudis-new-oil-minister …

05-10-2016, 07:07 PM
Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
One of the most needless blunders of #Syria's rebellion, the infighting in East Ghouta, ended (for now) on Monday.

IS fighters reportedly clashing with Palestinian Galilee Forces in Deir Ezzor city

US-vetted Jaysh al-Yarmouk, one of the more important groups in #FSA's Southern Front, shelling #IS in south #Syria.

“The choice is Bashar al-Assad’s. He will be removed, either through a political process or through military force” http://yalibnan.com/2016/05/10/assad-will-be-removed-says-saudi-arabias-fm-interview/ …
“We should provide the opposition with more weapons and more lethal weapons, including surface to air missiles."

Assad army soldier captured and many killed after failed attack on al-Sermaniya village in #ghab plain.

05-10-2016, 07:11 PM
TOWs and Russian ATGMs are literally flying everywhere today in Syria.....
Russian T90A even hit and badly damaged....

Tank number 4 being blown up by Jabhat al-Shamiyah (#FSA), at Khan Tuman this time

Jabhat al-Shamiyah (#FSA) rebels took out a regime tank in southern #Aleppo

#Syria: Jabhat al-Shamiyah (#FSA) knocked out a third tank, north of #Aleppo this time

Another #Malyutka hit by Sham Front near #Khan_Tuman takes out a 23 mm gun. S. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Srf--AvgMnY …

To summarize, Sham Front fired 11 #ATGM (5 #TOW) vs 5 tanks, 2 x infantry, 2 x 23 mm guns, 1 x 14.5 mm gun & 1 x 57 mm cannon in Aleppo

Location of the 11 #ATGM strikes by Sham Front posted today: 6 on S. #Aleppo front, 3 in W. Aleppo & 2 in N. Aleppo

05-10-2016, 07:15 PM
Direct hit by Tajamu Fastaqan with B9 on #YPG sniper position near #Sheikh_Maksud, #Aleppo. Link removed by user

T-90 story: Regime filmed own tank taken out by #TOW in S. #Aleppo & claiming it's a rebel tank it destroyed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5NJCQy2TdQ …

It's #Syria: quietly seated, firing US #TOW anti-tank missile & taking out the most advanced Russian tank Regime has
AND on the moveTOW vs T-90 geolocation: 2.5 km South of #Khan_Tuman (S. #Aleppo) thx @sternschmerzen http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.091974&lon=37.057657&z=17&m=b …

05-11-2016, 05:50 AM
The “Islamic State” block the supply road between Homs and Palmyra and with antiaircraft hit a warplane which...

The "Black Brigades" join "Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki" in #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4rVnnXa5Bk …

Sham Front takes the lead against Assad, Hezb & Iran militias w/ Malyutka, Fagot & TOW strikes in #Aleppo this week

05-11-2016, 05:50 AM
CrowBat.....can you ID by any chance the tank in the last second or to in this battle video

Pro-#Assad militia ATGM team takes out several rebel armoured vehicles near #KhanTuman.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfScePPOM34 …
The first tank might be a T-55, the second a T-72.

That said: I'm rather sceptic about this video. It's not only that operator/gunner and troops surrounding him are never shown: for example, the final sequence is actually showing one of T-90s knocked out by Faylaq ash-Sham's TOWs.

05-11-2016, 05:56 AM
33 people were killed across #Syria by the regime and its allies yesterday.

Under the rubric of .....Really?
"#KhanTuman is being recaptured!"
- #IRGC Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami

Four major attacks later...they still have not recaptured it....

From yesterday......
Unguided "dumb" (#Assad) air strikes on #Huraytan in Aleppo, #Atshan & #KafrZita in Hama and #Atman in Idlib over the last hour.

#Assad shells #Rastan with rockets tonight.
3 civilians including a woman injured so far.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctdmynsuRzY …

The #MaaratAlNuman Archeological Museum after #Assad "barbarians",(right?!) hit it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9g45X_WZjY …

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
It looks like #Assad's Mighty Air Defences have struck again: #Israel reportedly hit #Hizballah in Qalamoun.

05-11-2016, 06:02 AM
Ever wonder if the Obama WH listens or even cares.....about the words "war crimes" or genocide".....

Heartbreaking video of Syrian mother calling for children after airstrike obliterates Aleppo

THIS is after both the US and Russia stated Aleppo was off limit for air strikes even though it was included in the Geneva CoH....the first time around but largely ignored by both Assad and Russia....

05-11-2016, 06:46 AM
Russian Syrian Express is on the move again....resupply pace might in fact be picking up due to the heavy fighting ongoing in Syria........

Russian Navy ships resumed tandem transits. Minsk 127 & A.Otrakovsky 031 on the Bosphorus southbound towards Syria...heavily loaded...riding low in the water this time...more so than previous transits....

This is the 7th Syria deployment for #ВМФ #Бф BF Minsk in2016, compare to 10trips maximum for any ropucha LST in2015

We observed light multirole IVECO 4WDs 6 days ago above Tapir class LST Saratov's deck: NOW being used in Syria........
https://twitter.com/yorukisik/status/727874581604802561 …

05-11-2016, 06:51 AM
Hope the Russian orchestra and that world famous Panama Papers 2B USD black money Director got out of Palmyra.....

Al Arabiya English
✔ ‎@AlArabiya_Eng #ISIS cuts regime supply route to #Syria’s #Palmyra

05-11-2016, 06:58 AM
Interesting in German article on Russian private military contractors fighting in Syria and eastern Ukraine....

Dirk Emmerich
✔ ‎@DEmmerich Russische Sldner im #Syrien-Krieg... Частная Военная Компания Вагнера via @smirnova_welt
http://www.welt.de/155218701?wtrid=socialmedia.overlay_sharing.iphone .text..unbekannt

05-11-2016, 07:07 AM
#Iran’s Grim News from #Syria by @wrightr
http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/irans-grim-news-from-syria …

Iran claims they only have so called "advisors" in Syria but with the high loss of troops Iranians are starting to question that claim......

05-11-2016, 07:30 AM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
Fisk: #ISIS has been “quiet” lately

So quiet it captured Al-Shaer gas fields + tanks, APCs, howitzers & ammo depot and a second major gas/oil field this week.

And cut the only supply road into Palmyra

BUT for Fisk this qualifies as "quiet"......hate to see IS get "loud"......

05-11-2016, 07:32 AM
Russia Today takes an Assad video of burying alive an anti Assad supporter and "claims" it is IS.........

Assad's loyalists bury a man alive, Kremlin's @RT_com gladly uses the video for propaganda.

05-11-2016, 07:35 AM
Putin fails in bid to place Syria rebel groups Ahrar al-Sham and Jeish al Islam on UN terror list

05-11-2016, 07:36 AM
Well worth reading as it indicates just why Obama is not in the least bit interested in assisting the FSA in either throwing out Assad and or destroying IS which he claims is his main strategy...Obama has granted Iran regional hegemony over Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon fulfilling the Khomeini dream of the "Green Crescent".....

Frederic Hof: Obama refuses to complicate Assad's ability to commit mass-homicide for the sake of the IranDeal

May 9, 2016

Beating the Blob and Disentangling from Partners

By Frederic C. Hof

Ben Rhodes, President Barack Obama's deputy national security advisor for strategic communications, is the subject of David Samuels' piece in the New York Times Magazine: “The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama's Foreign Policy Guru”. If Jeffrey Goldberg's March 2016 on the "Obama doctrine" was not a sufficient foreign policy Rosetta Stone to decode an administration absolutely without precedent, the Samuels piece supplies the missing hieroglyphs. The Oval Office, it seems, circumvented the "American foreign policy establishment" ("the Blob") to pursue a nuclear deal with Iran that "would create the space for America to disentangle itself from its established system of alliances with countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, and Turkey."
The Samuels piece is not a hatchet job. It is a very sympathetic portrayal of a highly intelligent, disciplined, dedicated, and loyal official: someone who has faithfully and accurately channeled, transmitted, and explained the foreign policy desires of Barack Obama. The attitude of the author toward the subject makes the substance all the more extraordinary.

For those who believe that the bungled occupation of Iraq in 2003 sums up the past, present, and future of American behavior and capabilities in the Middle East, this article is cause for celebratory confirmation. For those who think that disaster in Iraq had specific causes and effects of its own (centering on the absence of stabilization planning) not universally applicable to all things at all times, this article will annoy. Regardless of the reactions it inspires, David Samuels and his subject deserve credit for explaining to the reading public what in the world has been going on for the past several years.

In terms of the administration's public information rationale for that which it has done and failed to do in the Middle East, it really does all boil down to Iraq: a foreign policy catastrophe that, for Barack Obama and Ben Rhodes, sums up America abroad and typifies the handiwork of the American foreign policy establishment: "the Blob." Per Samuels, "According to Rhodes, the Blob includes Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, and other Iraq war promoters from both parties who now whine incessantly about the collapse of the American security order in Europe and the Middle East." One could substitute the name "Trump" for "Rhodes" in the foregoing sentence without changing the meaning. Given the nature of campaign 2016 to date, Rhodes' characterization of the presumptive Democratic Party candidate hardly quickens the pulse.

Indeed, the personal attacks do not matter. Leave aside the fact that neither Gates nor Clinton was on the ground floor of what passed for war planning in 2002 and 2003: the expectation of a splendid little campaign that would culminate with the capture of Baghdad; what one wit described at the time as "Grenada with Goats." Leave aside that the Obama-Rhodes notion of the "Blob" probably includes the serving vice president and secretary of state in addition to at least one other former defense secretary (Leon Panetta) who served the Obama administration with great distinction. What is key here is the seeming belief that "Iraq 2003" epitomizes the sum total of what America stands for and what it brings to the table in the Middle East.

There is nothing at all remarkable about 'John Q. Citizen' looking back on invasion, occupation, and insurgency in Iraq and saying, in effect, "Don't touch it with a ten-foot pole; let the natives have at it and sort it out on their own." It is something else, however, for an official channeling the president of the United States to say, "I profoundly do not believe that the United States could make things better in Syria by being there. And we have an evidentiary record of what happens when we're there—nearly a decade in Iraq." This is the official alibi for not having protected, over the course of five years, one single Syrian civilian from the murderous assaults of Bashar al-Assad.

Yet the official alibi lacks one critical ingredient: the truth. A "decade in Iraq" did not dissuade the Obama administration from protecting Syrian Kurds from a massacre by the Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL, Daesh) in Kobani. Disaster in Iraq did not deter American military forces from protecting Yazidis in Iraq itself. The Iraqi fiasco has not stopped the Obama administration from establishing an anti-ISIS American military presence in both Iraq and Syria: yes, boots on the ground. No: the Rhodes-Obama fear and dismissal of making things better in Syria "by being there" applies only to those parts of Syria experiencing mass murder and massive displacement at the hands of Bashar al-Assad. Why? Iran.

For an American president and his principal subordinates to avert their gazes from mass homicide and from doing anything at all to mitigate or complicate it is far from unprecedented. In this day and age, however, knowing what we know about twentieth century failures to protect civilians thanks to the research and writings of Samantha Power and others, it is stunningly remarkable and regrettable. For a man of Barack Obama's evident humanity and values, surely there has been something of transcendent importance that has stayed his hand from protecting Syrian civilians; something of paramount national security significance that has stopped him from acting in support of American friends and allies trying desperately to deal with the hemorrhage of humanity from Syria. Thanks to Ben Rhodes and his chronicler we know now what it has been: pursuit of a nuclear agreement with Assad's premier long-term enabler and partner in mass murder: Iran.

The following passage from the Samuels piece clarifies why it was important for President Obama to protect no one in Syria, to risk his own reputation in the red-line climb down, and even to assure Iran's Supreme Leader in writing that the Ayatollah's murderous Syrian subordinate would not be touched by (anti-ISIS) American military intervention in Syria:

"By eliminating the fuss about Iran's nuclear program, the administration hoped to eliminate a source of structural tension between the two countries, which would create the space for America to disentangle itself from its established system of alliances with countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, and Turkey. With one bold move, the administration would effectively begin the process of large-scale disentanglement from the Middle East."

To complicate the ability of Iran's man in Syria to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity would have placed at risk nuclear negotiations aimed ultimately at dissolving American relationships of trust and confidence with key regional powers. Yes, the Blob—the foreign policy establishment—would have had a problem with this. Hence an information operation headed by Rhodes aimed at avoiding head-on debates with the Blob or, for that matter, the representatives of the American people in Congress.

Were it not for their enormous suffering, millions of Syrian civilians might find humor in the reason for their abandonment: a desire by the American president to disentangle the United States from long-term cooperative regional relationships. Were it not for the tens of thousands of rockets and missiles pointed at them by Iran's Lebanese militia, Israelis might enjoy the irony of it all. The only players in this drama who need neither humor nor irony to appreciate the importance and value of what is being undertaken are Iran and Russia.

President Obama and his assistant get high marks for, in the end, spelling it all out. They probably sincerely believe that Iraq 2003 sums up the wisdom and contribution of what they politely call "the foreign policy establishment." The view here is that their successors will need thoughtful (if fallible) and experienced (if imperfect) foreign policy practitioners—yes, the thoroughly disrespected "Blob"—to undo the damage they have done.

05-11-2016, 09:16 AM
CrowBat...what do you think???

All 310 " volunteers" from #Karbala 25 Brigade sent to #Syria have been repatriated to #Iran, Tehran confirms.( Start of overdue retreat?)
If Tehran 'confirmed' anything of that kind ('withdrawal') it must be already the 5th or 6th such 'confirmation'.

So, yes, 'withdrawal' - of casualties.

Namely, the Liwa Mazandaran (a brigade from the 25th Kerbala Infantry Division IRGC, which is what is actually meant here) is in Syria only since late April.

Experiences from earlier deployments of similar nature (i.e. 'regular' IRGC units in Syria) have shown that these are serving tours of duty of at least 3-4, more often 6-12 months. Sure, part of the unit might get replaced in the meantime (especially when there are heavier losses, like back in September/October 2013, or after latest defeats), but the entire unit: doubt this.

Furthermore, and as shown with my post with photos of that Syrian Il-76, from yesterday, they're only hauling ever more troops to Syria. Those 'withdrawn' are usually WIA or KIA, perhaps a few granted leave or such.

05-11-2016, 03:07 PM
Baghdadi has traveled to Shaddadi frequently:
https://twitter.com/MENAanalyst/status/730406182117113856 …

ISIS launched attacks on Al-Azzawi & Al-Mashouh villages in S. #Shaddadi #Hasakah, plus 4 suicide bombings, overall killing and wounding 30

Michael Weiss
✔ ‎@michaeldweiss
"There is no such thing as Iraq any more":
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/may/11/mosul-the-city-that-will-define-not-just-iraqs-war-but-its-future?CMP=share_btn_fb …

That Fisk piece was so disingenuous, it's hard to fathom how @Charles_Lister didn't curse in this post.
https://twitter.com/Charles_Lister/status/730306443644047360 …

Besides the ridiculousness of that Fisk piece on @Charles_Lister, lest we forget, Fisk did an actual puff piece on Bin Laden in early 90s

05-11-2016, 03:12 PM
Another devastating TOW missile hit Vs a group of IRGC militiamen in al-Rashideen #Aleppo.

Why does Kerry even think Putin is following a strategy...he is doing what he must to ensure Russian influence and power in the ME AND that alone is definitely working for him....OR has Kerry seen Assad leave Syria????

Kerry: #Russia's political solution in #Syria may not be workable -
http://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/10/world/kerry-amanpour-syria-iran/index.html …

05-11-2016, 03:17 PM
NOTICE... a number of video postings by FSA have been pulled usually after an hour of their posting by proAssad and proIranian trolls complaining of Service Term violations to Twitter and YouTube.

Iran is desperately attempting to get the killing of their soldiers from reaching back into Iran.....

Watch out! Iranian+regime trolls r out to destroy videos of their killing. #FSA Jaish alMujahidin towing militias

Same fate for the TOW video of Jaish Mujahideen, cancelled ~1 hour after being posted.

PROVES just how effective these TOW videos are in the info war of Syrian anti Assad forces...and how they fear them in Iran and Syria as signs of their failures.....

BUT social media is a step ahead of the proIranian and proAssad trolls by archiving the videos...this was a killing of an Iranian patrol via a TOW..
Aleppo: Look at these Iranian fighters, they think they could just go for a stroll. WRONG

05-11-2016, 03:22 PM
Assad-forces violate truce -launch of heavy rockets in #Aleppo

Manpower resupply flights from Iraq with possible Iraqi Shia militia to reinforce Assad BUT not fighting IS in say Mosul....

And back at the same day (Monday)! ...
Flight again operated by #Egyptian charter airline @AlexandriaAir.

From #Damascus to #Najaf.
The Shia militias #SyriaExpress now without change in Baghdad

Airstrikes on Khan Sheikh south of #Damascus

Pro-#Assad daily warns of impending #Damascus bread crisis #Syria

05-11-2016, 03:25 PM
If Tehran 'confirmed' anything of that kind ('withdrawal') it must be already the 5th or 6th such 'confirmation'.

So, yes, 'withdrawal' - of casualties.

Namely, the Liwa Mazandaran (a brigade from the 25th Kerbala Infantry Division IRGC, which is what is actually meant here) is in Syria only since late April.

Experiences from earlier deployments of similar nature (i.e. 'regular' IRGC units in Syria) have shown that these are serving tours of duty of at least 3-4, more often 6-12 months. Sure, part of the unit might get replaced in the meantime (especially when there are heavier losses, like back in September/October 2013, or after latest defeats), but the entire unit: doubt this.

Furthermore, and as shown with my post with photos of that Syrian Il-76, from yesterday, they're only hauling ever more troops to Syria. Those 'withdrawn' are usually WIA or KIA, perhaps a few granted leave or such.

Group of Iranians #IRGC back from Syria, after being in Aleppo for 40 days.
City of Saari, north of Iran,10 may 2016

05-11-2016, 03:26 PM
Aleppo 9 #Assad-forces killed a a dozen wounded in outskirts of Anadan suburb
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.298940&lon=37.041950&z=14&m=b …

Aleppo Rebels killed a number of #Iran'ian Revolutionary Guards during clashes on the front of Khan Tuman today

05-11-2016, 03:28 PM
Sham Front (الجبهة الشامية) posted so many #ATGM hits yesterday smashing pro-Regime forces in #Aleppo that @youtube suspended its account...

BUT after proAssad and proIranian trolls filed comments to YouTube.....

05-11-2016, 03:33 PM
Several Hezbollah casualties after failed attempt to storm Anadan, 8 km NW. of #Aleppo. Still trying to besiege it.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.294928&lon=37.044182&z=12&m …
Joureen camp (~10,000m²): major Regime stronghold in #Ghab w/ heavy gear & main responsible 4 shelling in Hama/Idlib

Heavy clashes since early AM between #ISIS LSY & rebels around Ayn Dhikr in #Daraa, #Syria

Iran cries that "Takfiris" have retained bodies of their 12 soldiers killed in Syria.

05-11-2016, 03:34 PM
For anybody who has nothing better to read this afternoon: What’s Left of the Syrian Arab Air Force? (https://warisboring.com/whats-left-of-the-syrian-arab-air-force-6f4a426da511#.vcbos8p36)

Declared “inoperational” by most of foreign observers already at the start of Syrian uprising in 2011, the Syrian Arab Air Force not only remains operational, but — regardless of how badly impacted by attrition over the years — is showing surprising signs of vitality.

The logical question is therefore — what’s left of the SyAAF?

...by your very own.

05-11-2016, 03:38 PM
Actually a very interesting development for the entire ME...a Shia leader reaching out to Sunni's....

Carbomb in Sadr city kills 64. Now that Sadr is telling Iran to get out & reaching out to Sunnis...

05-11-2016, 03:45 PM
Aleppo : important gathering of loyalist troops is reported in the vicinity of Khan Tuman

Iran has been stating they will revenge the killing of a large number of their troops...sorry "advisors defending Shrines".....at Khan Tuman...but four attacks later they still have not retaken it....

05-11-2016, 05:28 PM
CrowBat....are the Saudi's now making their move????

Saudi FM: Syrian opposition forces received more "deadly & powerful weapons than anything used before".

Have you heard about anything that is being delivered?...have seen more GRADs with munitions, new mortars and artillery.......

05-11-2016, 06:00 PM
Assad & allied militias take advantage of infighting in #EastGhouta & take new positions in the corridor of Zibdeen

EastGhouta is suffering from stupidity of Jaish al-Islam & Fylaq al-Rahman leaders who obviously lack the wisdom to handle thr differences.

Assad's Cousin's "Cham Wings" A320 switches off transponder shortly before approaching #Qamishli from #Damascus.

Only propaganda leaflets, no bombs today, by #Assad's choppers over #Homs province.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNzw9eFoBA8 …

#Assad's acceptance of the ceasefire continues south of #Damascus ... not.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ua4KcJbpojs …

05-11-2016, 06:00 PM
Robert Fisk, uninformed as usual on #Syria deliberately misreads and smears @Charles_Lister ... and the @independent publishes it.

05-11-2016, 06:10 PM
Sources : Iran and Russia preparing to very big battle to seige #Aleppo soon ..

TASS ‏@tassagency_en
Problems exposed during Syria operation concern mostly military equipment — Kremlin
http://tass.ru/en/defense/874922 …

Well so much for trusting the UN when they stated humanitarian aid was coming.....

Since the visit 16 APRIL of the #UN 2 #Darya , until now has not entered any aid 2 the city.

05-11-2016, 06:13 PM
Reference the FSA TOW hit video on the Russian T90A yesterday.....

Video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated w/ this video has been terminated." @SCW_Nuggie

Someone didn't like seeing a T-90 destroyed by an old ATGM?

FSA resourceful as usual.......video is now on.......
New video link:
http://lentaru.media.eagleplatform.com/index/player?record_id=454062&player=new …

Ukrainian media also picked up the video.....
Russian T-90 destroyed in Syria with American TOW-2 missile. VIDEO

05-11-2016, 06:33 PM
AjnadSham (JaF) replying to regime breaking Zabadani-Fuah deal by landing direct hits with artillery in Fuah #Idlib

Hrriyet Daily News ‏@HDNER
Prosecutors office rules for nonsuit for alleged killer of Russian jet pilot

Rebels blow up Kornet ATMG launcher with TOW

FSA blow up #IS tank in Asanbel east of Mare town

Next attempt now by #Assad-forces to regain Khan Thoman in southern outskirts of #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.116245&lon=37.053967&z=14&m=b …

FSA take Yhmul village from ISIL north Aleppo.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.581074&lon=37.132330&z=14&m=b …

Southern #Aleppo: Pro-#Assad forces trying to recapture #Khan_Tuman now. Heavy fighting with #Syria|n rebels and new TOW strikes.

"Fierce fighting" near Khan Touman with claims of dozens of government militia killed

05-11-2016, 06:35 PM
Michael Weiss
✔ ‎@michaeldweiss This is from a pro-Hezbollah, pro-Assad writer. Note the Iranian-Russian position on ISIS: https://elijahjm.wordpress.com/2016/05/11/russia-equivocates-in-syria-iran-is-confused-and-al-qaeda-takes-the-initiative/#comments …

05-11-2016, 06:42 PM
BREAKING: Russian serviceman killed in combat mission in #Syria's Homs

Identified as Anton Yerygin, the serviceman died of heavy injuries sustained during an insurgent attack in the Syrian province of Homs.

Yerygin was reportedly on duty, escorting Russia's Hmeymim reconciliation center vehicles, when the convoy was shelled by terrorists.

Past Russian propaganda around these movements indicated that they were being escorted by Spetsnaz personnel....

Eastern #Homs: #ISIS has killed a #Russia|n soldier near #Palmyra.

Interesting as the Reconciliation teams have been nowhere close to Palmyra where heavy fighting is underway......so were they caught in an ambush along the supply route that was cut by IS.....

Eastern #Homs: #ISIS has killed 25 pro-#Assad forces south of Huwaysis village today. #Assad "offensive" there complete failed.

05-11-2016, 07:03 PM

Assad's Cousin's "Cham Wings" A320 switches off transponder shortly before approaching #Qamishli from #Damascus.

Way back from Qamishli goes directly to Beirut.
Of course entirely unrelated to #Hezbollah militants.

05-11-2016, 07:23 PM
N. #Aleppo. Rebels seized Yahmul village from #ISIS, removing threat on #Azaz (7 km away). Clashes in nearby Jarez. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.581349&lon=37.132587&z=13&m …

Several Hezbollah casualties after failed attempt to storm Anadan, 8 km NW. of #Aleppo. Still trying to besiege it.
&m …

Aleppo: more bad news for pro Assads today, AT LEAST 9 Hezbollah fighters killed today around Jabal Andan

Video of the 4 Iranian soldiers captured today in Aleppo by Syrian Rebels

Aleppo: Syrian Rebels destroy 12.7 cannon

05-11-2016, 07:23 PM
Claims Russia are preparing their own ground forces after major Assad regime defeats in Aleppo

05-11-2016, 09:35 PM
Here an interesting summary of IRGC's performance at Khan Touman (sounds almost like one of reports from Iran-Iraq War: only casualty figures are lower)...

...According to an unconfirmed report by Iranian outlet Jam News, 80 pro-government combatants were killed, including members of the Afghan Fatemiyoun Division, Lebanese Hezbollah, and the IRGC. Footage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH-tSzaZYOo&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dp H-tSzaZYOo&has_verified=1) on social media shows (http://jamejamonline.ir/online/2383922927754970574/%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AA-%D9%88-%D8%B4%D9%87%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%AA-%D8%AC%D9%85%D8%B9%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D8%B2-%D8%B1%D8%B2%D9%85%D9%86%D8%AF%DA%AF%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%B1%DA%A9%D9%87-%D8%AE%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%B7%D9%88%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%B9%DA%A9%D8%B3) a large number of Afghans and Iranians, and possibly some Hezbollah fighters, among the dead. An alleged text message exchange among trapped Afghans in Khan Touman has since gone viral, particularly for its ominous ending: “God willing we will be martyred, not captured.”

The Revolutionary Guard has thus far acknowledged the wounding of 21 (http://www.bbc.com/persian/iran/2016/05/160510_l12_iran_khan_tuman_syria_iranian_sepah) and the loss of 17 military “advisers,” including the deaths of two senior officers: Brigadier General Second Class Javad Dourbin, a retired commander who went to Syria last month, and Brigadier General Shafi Shafii, a commander in the Guard’s external arm the Qods Force. Thirteen (http://basijnews.ir/fa/news/8673154/%D8%AA%D8%A7%DB%8C%DB%8C%D8%AF-%D9%86%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%85%DB%8C-%D8%B4%D9%87%D8%AF%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B2%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86%D B%8C-%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B9-%D8%AD%D8%B1%D9%85-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B7%D9%82%D9%87-%D8%AE%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%B7%D9%88%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%DB%8C%D9%87) were regular ground forces from the 25th Karbala Division, stationed in the northern Iranian province of Mazandaran. Bearing the brunt of the ambush, this unit has rotated back to Iran. One soldier was from the IRGC Hazrat-e Seyyed ol-Shohada Unit (Tehran province) and another from Karaj, Alborz province.

According to parliamentarian Mohammad Esmail Kowsari, a former senior Guard commander, five or six (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-iran-idUSKCN0Y01MV) Iranians were captured in Khan Touman. According to a journalist with the IRGC-affiliated Fars News, Jaysh al Fath executed three (https://twitter.com/moraselsohofi/status/730074690966986752) Iranian prisoners and took five to an undisclosed location on May 10, raising the purported number of prisoners to eight.

Videos and photos taken of two of the captives claimed that they were Iranians or Hezbollah fighters, though Hezbollah has denied that any of its members were captured in the ambush. The two appeared to be native Syrian Arabic speakers (Jund al-Aqsa, an al Qaeda front group, claimed the execution of one of them yesterday). Other footage of prisoners shows two Afghan Fatemiyoun Division members.

Although Qods Force Commander Qassem Soleimani missed a scheduled briefing of Iranian parliamentary-elects on May 8, with sources citing “travel,” he was in Iran on May 11 to attend the funeral of his former commander. Rear Admiral Second Class Mohammad Nazeri, commander of the IRGC Navy Eba Abdollah Commando Unit, was Soleimani’s trainer in 1979 (and was also present during the arrests of the British and US navy sailors in 2007 and 2016). The IRGC’s official statement is that Nazeri was “martyred” (http://www.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=13950222000797) on Guard Day due to a “chemical accident” during a “mission” in the Persian Gulf.

Nonetheless, Iranian officials and commanders have attempted to downplay the loss of Khan Touman. Ali Akbar Velayati, the supreme leader’s top foreign policy advisor, boasted that the pro-regime coalition in Syria is “stronger” than ever.

Senior Iranian officials and commanders have indicated that forces would retaliate for Jaysh al Fath’s ambush. Ali Shamkhani, secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, told a reporter on May 9 that “Iran and its allies – meaning Russia, Syria, and Hezbollah” consider the assault “a major pre-planned violation” of the ceasefire that would not be left unanswered. Mohsen Rezaei, former IRGC commander and current member of the Expediency Discernment Council, warned of “harsh revenge” in an Instagram post the same day. Salami similarly vowed on May 10 that recently lost areas would be retaken. The spokesman of the 25th Karbala Division announced on the same day that the remains of 12 Iranians killed in Khan Touman would be retrieved after “the liberation of areas.”

State and IRGC-affiliated media outlets have also been claiming that preparations are underway for a “large-scale” counterattack with the participation of the Syrian military, Hezbollah, Iraqi militias, and Iranian forces to retake Khan Touman. These reports aim to highlight the central role of the Syrian army assisted by Iranian “advisers.” They also provide unverifiable figures of large numbers, perhaps in the hundreds, of opposition deaths. Kayhan, the supreme leader’s unofficial mouthpiece, ran the headline “the resistance took revenge, 500 terrorists killed in Khan Touman” on May 11. An op-ed in the newspaper boasted, “no military has the Islamic Republic’s capability” to “confront takfiri terrorism.”

And, of course, everything is 'spiced' by lies, and more lies:

Iranian officials and IRGC-affiliated outlets have been projecting a narrative that forces backed by the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey violated an extended ceasefire to launch the ambush, though they did not mention that Nusrah was excluded from the truce.

Rezaei has similarly censured the “terrorists” who “took advantage of the ceasefire,” accusing Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia of supporting these groups.

They send dozens of thousands of troops to Syria, screw-up - and then it's USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey that are to blame...

Just not the IRGC: the IRGC operates in the name of God and is thus unfaultable. :roll:

05-12-2016, 06:20 AM
Rebels seized Zara village in southern #Hama

Reports RuAF now providing CAS to Assad/Iran forces trying to advance to Khan Tuman south #Aleppo after non-stop artillery attacks all night

Local activists also reported RuAF targeted rebel-held areas in al-Malah, Castillo road, Handarat and Rashideen north and west Aleppo.

Hezbollah shelling #Zabadani town west of #Damascus for the second day & breach truce again

Rebels now have larger armor formations than #SAA. Iran's militants get new RU T-90 armor before SAA. Makes sense..

05-12-2016, 06:33 AM
The Iranian media has been full of accusations that JaN and JaF totally violated the ceasefire agreement when they suddenly attacked Iranian troops and her mercenaries...sorry "Iranian advisors defending Shrines".......

BUT what they do not say is that it was Iran that wanted JaN on the UN terror list tus JaN did not violate anything as they are not part of the current CoH or "regimes of silence" the new term for local truces.....

IRGC, allies sustained significant losses in battle for Khan Touman

By Amir Toumaj | May 11, 2016 | amir_@defenddemocracy.org | @AmirToumaj

On May 6, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) lost the Syrian village of Khan Touman, strategically located near the Aleppo-Damascus highway southwest of Aleppo, to Jaysh al Fath, a jihadist-led alliance of rebel groups. Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s Syria branch, and other jihadi groups publicized footage of the assault and its aftermath on social media, which included images of captives and dead bodies. This ambush has garnered significant public attention in Iran, with some observers describing the rout as the Guard’s worst loss in the Syrian war.

According to an unconfirmed report by Iranian outlet Jam News, 80 pro-government combatants were killed, including members of the Afghan Fatemiyoun Division, Lebanese Hezbollah, and the IRGC. Footage on social media shows a large number of Afghans and Iranians, and possibly some Hezbollah fighters, among the dead. An alleged text message exchange among trapped Afghans in Khan Touman has since gone viral, particularly for its ominous ending: “God willing we will be martyred, not captured.”

The Revolutionary Guard has thus far acknowledged the wounding of 21 and the loss of 17 military “advisers,” including the deaths of two senior officers: Brigadier General Second Class Javad Dourbin, a retired commander who went to Syria last month, and Brigadier General Shafi Shafii, a commander in the Guard’s external arm the Qods Force. Thirteen were regular ground forces from the 25th Karbala Division, stationed in the northern Iranian province of Mazandaran. Bearing the brunt of the ambush, this unit has rotated back to Iran. One soldier was from the IRGC Hazrat-e Seyyed ol-Shohada Unit (Tehran province) and another from Karaj, Alborz province.

According to parliamentarian Mohammad Esmail Kowsari, a former senior Guard commander, five or six Iranians were captured in Khan Touman. According to a journalist with the IRGC-affiliated Fars News, Jaysh al Fath executed three Iranian prisoners and took five to an undisclosed location on May 10, raising the purported number of prisoners to eight.

Videos and photos taken of two of the captives claimed that they were Iranians or Hezbollah fighters, though Hezbollah has denied that any of its members were captured in the ambush. The two appeared to be native Syrian Arabic speakers (Jund al-Aqsa, an al Qaeda front group, claimed the execution of one of them yesterday). Other footage of prisoners shows two Afghan Fatemiyoun Division members.

Although Qods Force Commander Qassem Soleimani missed a scheduled briefing of Iranian parliamentary-elects on May 8, with sources citing “travel,” he was in Iran on May 11 to attend the funeral of his former commander. Rear Admiral Second Class Mohammad Nazeri, commander of the IRGC Navy Eba Abdollah Commando Unit, was Soleimani’s trainer in 1979 (and was also present during the arrests of the British and US navy sailors in 2007 and 2016). The IRGC’s official statement is that Nazeri was “martyred” on Guard Day due to a “chemical accident” during a “mission” in the Persian Gulf.

Nonetheless, Iranian officials and commanders have attempted to downplay the loss of Khan Touman. Ali Akbar Velayati, the supreme leader’s top foreign policy advisor, boasted that the pro-regime coalition in Syria is “stronger” than ever.

Velayati met with Syrian President Bashar al Assad in Damascus on May 7 to reassure him of the Islamic Republic’s commitment to his government. Velayati then reiterated to the media that Assad remaining in power is Tehran’s “red line.” The IRGC Karbala unit issued an official statement on May 7 praising “martyrs” and urging people to remain calm and to ignore “the psychological warfare of the takfiris [apostates] on social media.” The commander and spokesman of the unit echoed this view in subsequent press statements. IRGC Deputy Commander Brigadier General Hossein Salami, said on May 10 that the fall of Khan Touman was not a strategic setback and that the “Axis of Resistance” is in control of the war.

Senior Iranian officials and commanders have indicated that forces would retaliate for Jaysh al Fath’s ambush. Ali Shamkhani, secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, told a reporter on May 9 that “Iran and its allies – meaning Russia, Syria, and Hezbollah” consider the assault “a major pre-planned violation” of the ceasefire that would not be left unanswered. Mohsen Rezaei, former IRGC commander and current member of the Expediency Discernment Council, warned of “harsh revenge” in an Instagram post the same day. Salami similarly vowed on May 10 that recently lost areas would be retaken. The spokesman of the 25th Karbala Division announced on the same day that the remains of 12 Iranians killed in Khan Touman would be retrieved after “the liberation of areas.”

State and IRGC-affiliated media outlets have also been claiming that preparations are underway for a “large-scale” counterattack with the participation of the Syrian military, Hezbollah, Iraqi militias, and Iranian forces to retake Khan Touman. These reports aim to highlight the central role of the Syrian army assisted by Iranian “advisers.” They also provide unverifiable figures of large numbers, perhaps in the hundreds, of opposition deaths. Kayhan, the supreme leader’s unofficial mouthpiece, ran the headline “the resistance took revenge, 500 terrorists killed in Khan Touman” on May 11. An op-ed in the newspaper boasted, “no military has the Islamic Republic’s capability” to “confront takfiri terrorism.”

Iranian officials and IRGC-affiliated outlets have been projecting a narrative that forces backed by the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey violated an extended ceasefire to launch the ambush, though they did not mention that Nusrah was excluded from the truce. Shamkhani told parliamentary-elects on May 8 that “Americans and their regional and terrorist allies,” including Nusrah, took advantage of the “goodwill” of the ceasefire.

Rezaei has similarly censured the “terrorists” who “took advantage of the ceasefire,” accusing Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia of supporting these groups. In a condolences letter, Judiciary chief Ayatollah Sadegh Amoli Larijani blasted “the devilish deception of takfiris and their dishonorable attack” and proclaimed the ambush will strengthen the “iron will” of the defenders “pure Muhammadean Islam” to drive back the “army of blasphemy, polytheism and Satan.”

On May 8, the IRGC-affiliated media agency Tasnim underscored the same two themes of truce-breaking and foreign support. An op-ed in Fars News published the next day proclaimed that the ambush showed “there can be no hope to a political solution in Syria.” Kayhan’s lengthy op-ed published today questions the merits of the ceasefire, proclaiming that assaults on Al Ais last month and Khan Touman this past week are proof that “terrorists groups and the governments that back them” including the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey were never committed to the ceasefire.

Iranian officials have not publicly criticized Russia, but the media has objected to perceived Russian inaction. Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian told Iranian media that during his travel to Moscow last week he discussed “causes of ceasefire violations” including “terrorist and armed groups that are incorrectly called moderates and take advantage of the ceasefire.” Russia’s indifference was similarly criticized by reformist-leaning newspaper Ghanoon – which ran the headline “Aleppo became Karbala” (the 680 CE battle that sealed the Sunni-Shi’a schism) the day after Nusrah’s ambush. Tabnak, owned by Rezaei, also attacked Russian “indifference” and its alleged failure to provide air cover against Jaysh al Fath’s assault while Russian forces “leisurely” enjoyed a symphony orchestra in the ruins of Palmyra. Kayhan insinuated today that Russia was naive to believe negotiators were coming around to accepting Assad’s continued rule, so a ceasefire could help Assad consolidate power. The newspaper stated that Tehran was always skeptical towards the truce arrangements. Iranian special forces were also reportedly angry about the lack of Russian air cover in an intense engagement with Nusrah last month.

Although Iran and its militias have been suffering increasing casualties, with official tallies between 400 and 700, the IRGC can sustain its involvement for a long period of time. According to an announcement made by a former Guard commander who was in Khan Touman as an “advisor” two weeks ago, 1,200 Iranian fighters have been killed in Syria since 2012, a higher figure than their official numbers. The figure may reflect unreported deaths or losses by the Qods Force, who are known to not publicize their fatalities. The commander claimed that many have registered as “volunteers” to deploy, but that they do not have permission yet. He also reiterated repeated warnings that if Iran loses in Syria, it would have to fight the same forces in its western province of Kurdistan.


05-12-2016, 06:38 AM
Assad-forces failed today to regain former army base near Tiyas Airbase from #IS

Ah......now the Russian "truth" comes out about the combat death of their last soldier...he was in fact killed during combat operations not accompanying a Russian Reconciliation convoy as TASS first reported.....

Russia's Minister of Defense saying one of their soldiers killed in the ongoing battles with #ISIS near #Palmyra

05-12-2016, 06:45 AM
Syria: #Assad's #Hazara-mercenaries from #Afghanistan on #Aleppo battlefield
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcEV3-lImY8 …
a women?

13th Div. targeted with a #TOW #ATGM a Regime Kornet launcher near Khan Tuman, S. #Aleppo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-YDtNzuIts …

05-12-2016, 06:57 AM
Aleppo: Assad regime airstrikes on Kafrnaha moments ago

05-12-2016, 07:21 AM
7 #US-airstrikes on #IS in Tilalyan in northern #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.524950&lon=37.200651&z=14&m=b …

Aleppo No significant progress of #Assad-forces during double assault on Rashidin & Khan Tuman last night
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.139608&lon=37.055340&z=14&m=b …

Aleppo Rebels destroyed 23mm gun on hill east of
Khan Tuman

Clashes reported in Handarat near #Aleppo as the al-Quds Brigade (Pro-Assad Palestinian militia) launched a new offensive #Syria

Clashes btw #FSA & #IslamicState-offshoots continues at Ayn Dhakar in western #Daraa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6hOsi3xsDo …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=32.859330&lon=35.908899&z=15&m=b …

Assad-forces bombing Seif al-Dawla district from the stadium area
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.188598&lon=37.124026&z=16&m=b …

05-12-2016, 07:26 AM
Groups in reef north Homs start an Offensive aimed at capturing Al Zarah

Groups are:
Ajnad Homs
Ahl Sunna Wal Jamaah
Ahrar Al Sham

05-12-2016, 07:33 AM
CrowBat.....this supports much of what you have been saying......


Russia equivocates in Syria, Iran is confused and al-Qaeda takes the initiative

The Damascus and Moscow alliance faced with the cooperation of the Middle Eastern regional countries and the United States in Syria is failing at the moment. Al-Qaeda in al-Sham (Jabhat al-Nusra) although excluded from the Cease-fire, grabbed the initiative on the ground and counter attacked south of Aleppo with many allies: Ahrar al-Sham, Jund al-Aqsa, Jaish al-Sunnah and the Turkestan forces (all not excluded from the Cease-fire) fighting within the ranks of Jaish al-Fateh, the “army of conquest,” which includes more jihadist organizations and others more moderate.

Although the southern Aleppo city of Khan Tuman seized by the “Army of Conquest” in recent days does not exceed a radius of 3 kms including the village of al-Khalidiya, the successful offensive of the Syrian rebels represent an important milestone in the history of the Syrian war for various reasons. It is revealing the vulnerability of Iran, the fine military planning of rebels and their capability to defy their enemies in spite of the presumed presence of Air Force power.

But most important is the fact that countries in the region know how to read the current political-military current dynamic and understand that Russia, at the moment is sinking politically in the mud of American diplomacy and is engaged in the tunnel of diplomacy. At this moment the Kremlin does not see any solid justification for re-engaging in another air force campaign similar to the one carried for six months, prior the cease-fire.

Now that over 97 cities and towns are engaged in the cessation of hostilities (COH), the Russian President Vladimir Putin needs a strong case to return to the Syrian arena in full force. Today, Moscow has placed itself alongside flexible American diplomacy, which in Syria changes according to developments and is unwilling to re-initiate a military campaign that could be considered aggressive to various countries in the Middle East. Such a flexible Russian attitude has angered Tehran and Damascus and their proxy allies, forcing them to alter plans of deployment.

During a meeting in Moscow between the Iranian revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) al-Quds commander Qassem Soleimani and President Putin in July 2015, Iran agreed to provide sufficient men to benefit from a full Russian engagement in the sky of Syria to recover the lost geography, reverse the situation (from being on the defensive to mounting an offensive campaign) and regain control of the Latakia rural area. The agreement – said sources in Syria – proposed that Iran, Hezbollah and the Iraqi militia provide sufficient troops to retake Aleppo, Sahel al-Ghab, Idlib, rural Latakia and create a wider perimeter around Damascus, including protection of the road between the capital and Daraa, south Syria. The aim was not to attack the “Islamic State” group, ISIS, on a large offensive scale, but to recover Palmyra and the energy (oil and gas fields). ISIS does not represent a danger to the regime because it has only enemies in the region and worldwide and is much easier to defeat since it does not enjoy the support of Syrian rebels, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan and the U.S.

In six months, Damascus troops and allies spread and managed to recover more than 10.000 square kms outside of the main cities that they were confined to prior to the Russian intervention. The sudden Cease-fire unilaterally (from Damascus and its allies’ side) agreed between Russia and the United States was opposed by Iran. The cease-fire has allowed some Russian forces to return home as heroes, but simultaneously has permitted the Syrian rebels to re-take the initiative and attack and recover Tal el-Eiss, the city of el-Eiss, Syriatel strategic hill, al-khalidiya and Khan Tuman, with large number of militants. Damascus allies’ forces, spread over the rural area, find today no reason to stay in a tactical and non-strategic open field without any air or artillery coverage, specially if the large military operation is due to cease. The Syrian Air Force and artillery are already spread too thin over tens of thousands of kilometres, facing the rebel- controlled area on several hot fronts , and is unable to offer the requested fire cover when its allies forces are under attack.

Sources in Syria reveal “Moscow has angered its allies in Syria, imposing – what the allies consider to be an inappropriate cease-fire timing considering that rebels were defeated on several fronts and troops were just about to reach the Turkish borders north of Aleppo; were already at the doors of Sahl al-Ghab; and prepared to advance toward Idlib, the heart of Jabhat al-Nusra, not far from breaking the siege of Fua and Kefraya”.

Decision makers in Syria say “Moscow gave the time for rebels to regroup and reorganise their offensives. There is no point in fighting and dying in areas we don’t need to hold on to. Before the Russian intervention, we were defending the main cities and no force could have managed to break in. Now we are on several fronts without serious coordination between all forces. It is time to change tactics and reduce military deployment”.

“Rebels are expected to attack other points and advance in rural areas in the coming weeks. The serious differences between Moscow and its Damascus allies over various objectives permit rebels to recover more territory. Although Russia is not asking the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down, nevertheless, its unilateral deal with the Americans is exposing and endangering all forces spread thin as they are on the front lines. That was not the initial deal agreed between Tehran and Moscow. Russia fell into the diplomatic trap, offering a golden possibility to the Syrian negotiators in Geneva to impose their will when in fact most of these have no real power over the rebels on the ground around Aleppo and Idlib. Russia is unaware that even the unforeseen departure of Assad won’t stop the salafist jihadists continuing the war (like al-Qaeda, Jund al-Aqsa, Ahrar al-Sham, Jaish al-Muhajereen wal Ansar, Jaish al-Sunnah and others), said the source.

“Countries in the region are prepared to wait seven more months for a new U.S. President who would interact with Assad more aggressively than President Barack Obama. These countries will continue supporting the rebels in the next 7 months, sending money and weapons so they are prepared for another confrontation. The allies of Damascus consider Russia has repeated what the late President of Egypt Anwar al-Sadat did in 1973 when he stopped the war suddenly and gave Israel the opportunity to regroup its forces, returning to regain the initiative and overcome the Egyptian third army, all of which resulted in the Camp David agreement”.

It is therefore expected that Hezbollah, a strong and effective ally of Damascus, will modify its deployment plans on the battlefield to mitigate the human losses as long as there is an unclear horizon and that Russian politics in Syria are unclear, say the sources. Six months ago, Damascus and its allies decided to retreat to the main cities and abandon distant and rural areas, difficult to supply logistically and considered less strategic. Today, Hezbollah refuses to engage in all on-going battles when military plans are drawn up but not implemented, even with limited officers. If Russia is willing to hit only ISIS in the East of Syria and refrain from hitting al-Nusra and other jihadists spread in vast area around Aleppo, Hezbollah is not willing to lose more men to keep a status quo. There will be no withdrawal from Syria but redeployment and reduce participation in many forthcoming battles, according to sources on the ground.

A fuzzy future is overwhelming Syria. It seems that the appeasing Russian policy of appeasement with regard to Jahbat al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham and other jihadists will negatively affect the Syrian army provided that there are no other changes in the Syrian dynamic. The war in Syria is not expected to end soon.

05-12-2016, 07:40 AM
Pro-Regime forces trying desperately to make gains in #Aleppo w/ intense shelling: after fails in South, Rachidin & Anadan, now in #Handarat

Obviously it becomes a matter of credibility 4 Iran, as its militias kept in check since 6 weeks in #Aleppo prov., despite massive #RuAF backing

First #ISIS tank of the year taken out by a #TOW, in Asanbel, 4 km E. of Marea (N. #Aleppo).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7NIdI2e8e …

05-12-2016, 10:21 AM
Az-Zanki group say the killed several pro Assad al-Quds and IRGC fighters and recaptured all lost positions in Handarat camp #Aleppo.

11 fighters from the #Iran-backed Iraqi militia Harakat al-Nujaba were also killed in Khan Tuman #Syria

All ground-assaults by #Assad-forces in the past 24h around #Aleppo failed

Injured Iranian #IRGC Jawad Kouzegar during the battle of Khan Touman, southern Aleppo, Syria.

Hama Airstrikes on Zara village after rebels taken the village this morning
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEG5CaSlU8o …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=34.921338&lon=36.658545&z=14&m=b …

Homs Regime tanks shelling Aqrab in #Houla area
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=34.938437&lon=36.460705&z=14&m=b …

Rebels control Zara village in northern #Homs -seized some booty...1 T62 and 1 BMP

Seems only #Latakia mountains frontlines quiet for the moment
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MexTB-E-OTY …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.745049&lon=36.166906&z=14&m=b …

05-12-2016, 10:24 AM
48-hour truce in city Aleppo announced by Syrian military ended at 2200; no announcement of an extension of truce brokered by US, Russia

Syria'n regime & #Russia restart airstrike-campaign on #Aleppo city neighborhoods this morning

Ansari district near #Aleppo city center hit by airstrikes

05-12-2016, 10:52 AM
Two major attacks on Khan Tuman & Handcart repelled. This will not be the last Assad/IRGC attempt to boost low morale & take back initiative

East #Homs #IS offensive (May 1-12) map / HD :

Turkish artillery, U.S.-led coalition jets pound Islamic State in Syria: sources

Yet, another Chechen man assassinated in Turkey. Possible involvement of Russian FSB
http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/chechen-man-killed-in-turkeys-kocaeli.aspx?pageID=238&nID=99079&NewsCatID=341 …

Syrian rebels shell the #YPG-held village of #Maraanaz, hitting all of it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvxAwVstehI …
"In retaliation for YPG artillery attacks on #Azaz" of course ...

Air strikes on #Zara on southern #Hama after rebels captured it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KacEOXEiMO8 …

More footage of the same attacks.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_s2yr2FB82o …

#Assad air force strikes on #EastGhouta today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9gUSfeat4w …

05-12-2016, 10:55 AM
Since Obama and Kerry have said little or nothing on the IS firing of rockets into Turkey.....

"#Turkey preparing to take action against ISIL attacks in #Syria" after allies didn't vow support
- pres. Erdogan via @HDNER

Erdogan: "Turkey preparing to secure its southern borders from ISIL". Russia suggesting Turkey is preparing to send troops across borders.

BUT WAIT if Russia would honestly attack IS as they claim they are suppose to be doing then IS might not have time to be attacking Turkey?????

05-12-2016, 11:06 AM
ISIS posts video of Syr L-39, bombing its positions west of #Palmyra.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blQIysEGjNc …

From yesterday........
#Taftanaz in #Idlib today.
The #Assad air force raided the airport several times.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wogfw3EuU9Q …

An hour ago, the #FSA retook #Jarez where the video was shot finally, also recapturing nearby #Yahmul from #ISIS.

KhanTuman today
#Kornet position destroyed, foreign mercenaries running from the #FSA's TOW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-YDtNzuIts&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DS-YDtNzuIts&has_verified=1 …

Footage fr. phone of a killed Afghan fighter in #KhanTuman.
Not a single Syrian for #Assad.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcEV3-lImY8&feature=youtu.be …

Syrian regime interesting missile attack on #Daraa city.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcY_VfkAyYQ …

05-12-2016, 11:27 AM
Az-Zanki group claim Assad army and al-Quds militia lost more than 30 soldiers in Handarat today.

Kurds investigating fate of missing #Russia soldiers: monitor

05-12-2016, 11:36 AM
Kurds investigating fate of missing 2-3 missing Russia soldiers near the fighting in Palmyra:

NOTICE after the Russian MoD stated they had one KIA BUT it appears they also have 2-3 MIA right now as well...

BEIRUT – Syrian Kurds are undertaking efforts to discover what happened to “two to three” Russian soldiers that went missing outside Palmyra, according to a monitoring NGO tracking developments in the war-torn country.

“The Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) are continuing negotiations with ISIS in order to uncover the fate of two to three Russian soldiers [that went missing] in Syria during the fighting around Palmyra,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported Thursday.

The Observatory did not go into further details on the matter, while the YPG as well as media outlets supportive of the Kurdish fighting force have remained mum on the story.

Russia’s Interfax news agency, for its part, announced Wednesday that a soldier identified as Anton Yerygin died from “serious injuries [sustained] after coming under fire by rebels while escorting vehicles of the Russian coordination center mediating between the warring sides.”

However, Moscow has made no official mention of any soldiers going missing since the start of fighting in early March around Palmyra, which pre-regime forces seized from ISIS at the end of that month.

The YPG has already played a role in retrieving the corpse of another Russian soldier, Special Forces Lieutenant Alexander Prokhorenko, who was killed in March during the fighting around Palmyra.

A YPG representative told Russia’s RIA Novosti on April 28 that the force “managed to get the body of the Russian serviceman” before handing it over to Moscow. However, the YPG has explained how it retrieved Prokhorenko’s body.

According to the Observatory, the YPG exchanged a number of captured ISIS fighters as well as the corpses of killed commanders in exchange for the Russian lieutenant’s body.

The YPG has bolstered its ties with Russia since Moscow began its aerial intervention on behalf of the Syrian regime in late September 2015.

In March 2016, the commander of Russia’s ground forces in Syria revealed that his country’s military advisors have trained Kurdish fighters.

“In the shortest possible time [after our intervention] Russia’s armed forces established a system of military advisors… who successfully solves the tasks of training government, Kurdish and other patriotic troops,” Colonel-General Alexander Dvornikov said in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

Dvornikov’s comments were the first public admission that Moscow has taken an active military role supporting the YPG, which is also backed by the US in its fight against ISIS.

Top Kurdish officials have in past months stated they welcome coordination and assistance with Russia or any other power fighting the jihadist organization.

Shortly after the start of Russia’s military intervention in Syria in late September 2015, the commander of the YPG, Sipan Hemo, told Sputnik Türkiye—which is owned by Moscow—that his fighting force requested arms from Russia as well as general military coordination.

The YPG chief’s comments come after Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar—which has an editorial line supportive of the Syrian regime—reported that Russia had set up a coordination process with Kurdish forces and parties in northern Syria.

On February 10, Syrian Kurds opened a representative office in Moscow in the latest sign of their warming ties with Russia.

05-12-2016, 04:09 PM
Meanwhile N-E of #Aleppo #Assad's (#Rouhani's) running man are back after a failed attack.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp1IqfoXb4I …

Nusra is NOT part of the ceasefire, yes.
But #Hirbnafsah and around was quiet since 4 weeks.
Now Assad bombs civilians, 1500 are fleeing.

Many hints,Jabhat al-#Nusra attacked and captured #Zara in south #Hama.
Not good as the ceasefire held there.

To clarify:
When rebels took #Zara, civilians remained.
Since #Assad bombs it, they flee.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbhs67I2WMQ …

Not entirely voluntary...
The Russian-supplied #Assad regime becomes the main arms supplied for ISIS, Nusra and TIP.
Extremely heavy #Assad air strikes on towns in #EastGhouta today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGs4yzK2KeE …

05-12-2016, 04:13 PM
@mod_russia: Extremists near Aleppo received several truckloads of chemical ammo.

The @RussianEmbassy in UK uses screenshot of computer game (C&C General's GLA faction) to "prove" rebels receive CW.

A:"Naa,the GLA!"
B:"I mean,this is Russian."
A:"There was only China in C&C."

05-12-2016, 04:17 PM
Extremely heavy #Assad air strikes on towns in #EastGhouta today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGs4yzK2KeE …

Iran's student news agency ISNA puts a Star of David in the #ISIS flag of the #Aleppo situation map.

05-12-2016, 05:10 PM
IRGC Iraqis killed in Rashiden today. Iran so disperate for victory in Aleppo pushing its militias to be slaughtered

IRGC Afghani Fatemiyoun soldier captured by Jaish al-Fath south Aleppo today.

Aleppo Nusra involved in Handarat camp today
-repelled #Assad-forces assault

Russia'n Suchoi Su-35 attack on N- #Homs Zara village today
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-oRpX3TFCc …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=34.919578&lon=36.661034&z=13&m=b …

05-12-2016, 05:14 PM
Welcome to Hell
#Daria in #Damascus #Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMv4Ug8ftYk …
Regime refuse aid since 2012- but send bombs td.

Darayya residents will not get their first aid delivery in 3.5yrs today. Mission aborted after soldiers barred convoy from entry for hours.

ICRC Syria 
Sadly our aid convoy with @UN and @SYRedCrescent was refused entry to #Daraya, despite being given prior clearance from all sides. #Syria

05-12-2016, 05:16 PM
For those SWJ readers commenter who truly still believe the Syrian Arab Army is Syrian, is Arab and is an Army......

Syrian Arab Army today in #Aleppo: Palestinians in Handarat, Hazara in KhanTuman & Iraqis in Al-Rachideen.

100+ pro-gov Liwa al-Quds fighters flee Handarat. Wait for the claims this was a "probing attack".

Seems it has become routine last weeks: pro-Regime forces mass retreat after failed assault on #Handarat, N. #Aleppo

FSA assault against #IS in western #Daraa continues
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9x6oiPQNhs …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTS8lklMJeM …

05-12-2016, 05:34 PM
Abu Azrael, #Iraq's most infamous body desecrator - Iraqi version of "Heart Eater" Abu Saqqar, with Soleimani.

Hama : Opposition victory at #Zara allows them to bypass the loyalist villages of #Tisnin and #Kafarnan.

Aleppo Rebel-sniper destroyed regime-car at Ramouseh highway
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUw6fckuLSM …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.165839&lon=37.121472&z=15&m=b …

Footage: Rebels keep fighting #ISIS in E. Qalamoun desert, #Damascus.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uawgnmXs3Y …

Jund Al Aqsa video of #Khirbet_Naqus seizure in #Ghab showsg that Regime retreated with 3 BMP, 2 tanks & 1 Shilka.

2 pro-Regime fighters killed today by Rebels in #Handarat, N. #Aleppo: 1 from Pal. Al Quds & 1 temporary SAA ID card

05-12-2016, 05:54 PM
Totally worth reading the entire article........

"The comments of many senior military officers on Mr. Obama’s NSC and its dysfunctions are not suitable for print."

http://observer.com/2016/05/as-boyish-ben-rhodes-drops-truth-bombs-obamas-media-mask-drops/ …

“Ben’s not even subject to the usual ‘dead girl or live boy’ standard we’re used to"

Dear Skeptics: Everything you feared about #IranDeal & the whole Obama admin is true. Obama's Mini-Me just said so.

05-12-2016, 06:08 PM
Under the rubric of ....."just what the heck is this"......

@RussianEmbassy @mod_russia #BREAKINGNEWS : IS/extremist have built spatial war vessel and want to invade earth

Syria: the west/Gulf supply most weapons to moderate rebels, #Assad supplies most to extremists (#Daesh, #JN etc)

05-12-2016, 06:14 PM
Well it seems all those Iranians being killed in Syria fighting against FSA and NOT against IS are "advisors defending Shrines".....

Khamenei.ir ‎@khamenei_ir
Meeting of families of Afghan defenders of shrines martyred in Syria with Leader.

05-12-2016, 06:17 PM
Welcome to Hell
#Daria in #Damascus #Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMv4Ug8ftYk …
Regime refuse aid since 2012- but send bombs td.

Darayya residents will not get their first aid delivery in 3.5yrs today. Mission aborted after soldiers barred convoy from entry for hours.

ICRC Syria 
Sadly our aid convoy with @UN and @SYRedCrescent was refused entry to #Daraya, despite being given prior clearance from all sides. #Syria

UN confirms that it was Syrian government forces that removed supplies for children at the last checkpoint before Darayya.

05-12-2016, 06:30 PM
JaF destroyed tank inside a house in Humera /southern #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObJdm3cKyfM …

Don't worry everyone. #ISIS just picked up bounding mines a few miles from @mod_russia's Palmyra base. @bm21_grad https://twitter.com/oryxspioenkop/status/730773250364588033 …

Detainees flee ISIS prison in Tabqah

05-12-2016, 06:36 PM
Islamic State rocket attacks drive Syrian refugees from Turkish border haven

Syria reports saying US jets targeted #Nusra commander car in Abu Dhuhor airbase not Russian
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=tr&lat=35.770193&lon=36.986847&z=12&m=b&show=/23217328/Abu-ad-Duhur-Military-Airbase&search=%D9%85%D8%B7%D8%A7%D8%B1%20%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9% 88%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B6%D9%87%D9%88%D8%B1 …

Syria : 18,000 foreign Shia militias are fighting for the #Assad regime. (Andoula Agency)

05-12-2016, 07:15 PM
#MaaratAlNuman today.
Men and women continue to protest for the #FSA / vs. #Nusra.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTiW1zcZoVU&feature=youtu.be …

Worrying development in #Syria that #Nusra/#AlQaeda increasingly mobilises other rebel groups/leads more offensives throughout the country.

The #Russian air force is back in action!
Su-35 bombs rebel-gained #Hama village.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-oRpX3TFCc …

Assad regime flee from Handarat Camp after its liberation

Aleppo: Syrian Rebels destroy Assad regime 23 cannon in Khan Touman

Hama: the brave "Syrian Arab Army" run away after 2 of their commanders were killed. Morale at an all time low

FSA's Division 13 @13alferqa13 out on the frontlines targeting #Daesh in northern rural #Aleppo

05-12-2016, 07:38 PM
Ali Alfoneh: "The IRGC Morphs Into an Expeditionary Force." Policy Watch 2615
@WashInstitute, May 12, 2016.
http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/the-irgc-morphs-into-an-expeditionary-force …

Funeral notices indicate that Iran has increased its use of IRGC Ground Forces in Syria to offset mounting losses by the elite Qods Force, and this pattern could signal a wider transformation in how the IRGC operates abroad.

On May 6, at least sixteen Iranian nationals and an undisclosed number of Shiite foreign fighters under Iranian command were killed during the rebel seizure of Khan Touman village southwest of Aleppo. All sixteen Iranians served in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, specifically the IRGC Ground Forces. The losses indicate a continuing trend in Iran's deployment patterns in Syria: namely, the expanded use of IRGC Ground Forces in addition to or in place of the IRGC-Qods Force (IRGC-QF), the elite branch normally used for expeditionary operations. They also call into question past reports that large numbers of Iranian forces were withdrawing from Syria.

Fourteen of those killed in Khan Touman were natives of Mazandaran province in northern Iran and served in the IRGC's 25th Karbala Division. The other two were natives of neighboring Gilan province and served in the Qods Provincial Force (not to be confused with the IRGC-QF). In response to the incident, Karbala Division spokesman Hossein Ali Rezaei disclosed on May 10 that all of the unit's surviving members serving in Syria, including twenty-one wounded, were being transferred back to Iran, but there is no sign of a wider Ground Forces withdrawal.

More broadly, a survey of funeral services held in Iran for soldiers killed in Syria from January 19, 2012, to May 10, 2016, documents a total of 400 Iranian fatalities. With the exception of six individuals from the regular army (Artesh), all of these troops served in the IRGC. Although the specific IRGC branch is unknown for roughly half of the combat fatalities, the IRGC Ground Forces accounted for at least a quarter of them, compared to only twenty-eight identified as IRGC-QF.

To be sure, the fatalities whose branch has not yet been established could reveal more IRGC-QF losses -- indeed, the large number of such fatalities may reflect an attempt to obscure their service in that elite unit. Yet the fluctuation in Iran's casualty patterns over the course of the war shows a clear rise in the number of identified Ground Forces servicemen killed in combat since October 2015. This is not surprising: the Qods Force is a relatively small branch, and when it began to suffer higher casualties in Syria, the IRGC leadership had no choice but to deploy the Ground Forces.

In contrast, Iran's deployment of Artesh personnel does not seem to reflect such a necessity. On April 4, Brig. Gen. Ali Arasteh, the regular army's deputy for coordination, told Tasnim News Agency that forces from the 65th Airborne Brigade had been sent to Syria as "advisors." Yet on April 20, army chief Maj. Gen. Ataollah Salehi emphasized that "the army has no responsibilities with regard to extending advisory assistance to Syria." He continued: "There is a certain organization in this country [referring to the IRGC] that is engaged in such work...We have never claimed that the 65th Airborne Brigade is present there. However, some volunteers have been deployed in Syria and are subjected to that certain organization, and it is possible that members of the 65th Brigade are among them." In other words, individual army personnel are apparently being seconded to IRGC units in Syria, not operating on their own as army units. In any case, reports of combat deaths on April 11 and April 20 provided proof that personnel from the following army units were present in Syria: the 258th Martyr Pazhouhandeh Brigade, the 45th Special Forces Brigade, the 65th Airborne Brigade, and the 388th Armored Brigade.

Similar patterns emerge from a survey of funeral services held in Lebanon for Hezbollah fighters, and in Iran for Shiite Afghan and Pakistani nationals. Figure 3 shows how both the IRGC and Shiite Afghans from the Fatemiyoun Division militia have shouldered a heavier burden in recent months. The chart shows only modest Shiite Afghan losses for May, but that figure should rise sharply as more information is revealed about fatalities at Khan Touman (initial Persian-language reports indicated that most of the casualties were Afghans). Meanwhile, Hezbollah's losses in Syria have declined sharply, particularly since mid-April. Only one Hezbollah fighter has been reported killed there in May, and all eighteen of the group's losses last month took place prior to April 14.


The increasing deployment of IRGC Ground Forces personnel to Syria poses both problems and opportunities for Iran's military leaders. On the one hand, the IRGC's 2007 "Mosaic Doctrine" divided the Ground Forces into thirty-one separate units (one for each province in Iran and two for Tehran) and trained them to fight domestic unrest, so they may not be the best choice for facing well-armed rebel forces in Syria. On the other hand, the war in Syria provides a powerful training ground for IRGC forces in terms of preparing them for potential future operations abroad. Indeed, Iran's current pattern of deployments signifies the IRGC's broader transformation into an expeditionary force, augmenting the Qods Force in this role.

05-12-2016, 07:47 PM
Regime attempts to storm north Handarat, Khan Touman & al-Rashidin were repelled. Losses of 50-70 soldiers on each.

In the Middle East, we need regimes which deliver freedom, not strip us of it. We need fundamental rights, not the fundamentalist right.

05-12-2016, 07:58 PM
Iran Mounts Anti-TOW Jamming System on M60 Tanks
http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13950222000271 …

Security and Defense Committee in the Iranian Parliament Ismail Kothari says negotiations possible over six Iranian soldiers held by rebels.

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps have fractured #Syria into 5 fronts for battle - Zahedi

05-12-2016, 08:22 PM
How Obama sold the Iran Deal......and now he discovers there are no moderates in Iran.... a tad late

Best synopsis of Ben Rhodes explaining how the WH played the MSM:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOXtWxhlsUg …

05-12-2016, 08:31 PM
Russia`s #Putin Is Selling A Narrative On Syria And Some Media Organizations Are Buying It
http://www.rferl.stfi.re/content/islamic-state-russia-syria-narrative-western-news-agencies/27731160.html?sf=vyokxzx …

By James Miller

May 12, 2016

It's been a banner week for the Kremlin's propaganda machine. At home, and across the border in the parts of Ukraine held by Russia-backed separatists, Russian military hardware was out on display for the May 9 Victory Day parade marking the defeat of the Nazis in World War II.

But the biggest propaganda victory for Russian President Vladimir Putin may not have been broadcast by his state-run propaganda outlets like RT, but by Western news outlets which accepted Russia's offer to report exactly what the Kremlin wanted them to in Syria.

Earlier this year, the Russian military and Russian private mercenaries played a key role in helping the Syrian government recapture the central Syrian city of Palmyra, a fabled and ancient city known for its historic ruins, from the hands of Islamic State (IS) extremists.

In the first few days of May, the Russian military escorted teams of international journalists across the war zone to observe a concert in Palmyra's ancient amphitheater. The reporters were treated to a magnificent performance of famed musicians conducted by Valery Gergiev, the conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra and a fierce supporter of Putin.

The Washington Post's Andrew Roth detailed the entire trip, focusing on the steps that the Russian government took to ensure that the journalists who participated in this guided tour only wrote positively and on the subject that their Russian minders desired. Other news agencies seemed more than happy to toe the Russian line.

Glowing Reports

CNN's article on the event nearly glows, highlighting the significant military operation needed to get the journalists to a concert near the front lines of the battle against IS fighters. It notes that just this past July, IS militants filmed themselves executing 25 prisoners in the same theater. There is only one line in the article that even resembles criticism -- that famed cellist Sergei Roldugin, "who was recently named in the Panama Papers as having moved hundreds of millions to offshore companies, a claim he denies," played in the concert.

Euronews posted a similar story, though the French news outlet did note a caveat: its media facility in Syria is "provided by the Russian Ministry of Defence and our reporting is not subject to any military control." That article carried a quote from the head of St Petersburg's State Hermitage museum who told the audience that the UNESCO heritage site could have been saved.

Without naming names he appeared to criticize the US-led coalition.

"Look at its geographical situation. The battle for Palmyra went on for so long and many of the exhibits were able to be smuggled out. [The militants] approaching Palmyra could have been bombed into the ground in an instant, but they weren't. Well our guys weren't there back then!" said Mikhail Piotrovsky, the museum's director.

Curiously that quote was published without noting that Palmyra's "geographical situation" is at the center of the country on a key road between the Syrian government's capital city, Damascus, and Iraq -- far from the U.S.-led coalition's campaigns against IS strongholds in northeastern Syria and western Iraq.

Neither CNN nor Euronews note that, according to new documents obtained by Sky News, the Russian-led offensive to retake Palmyra culminated in a deal between the Syrian government and IS forces that allowed the terrorists to remove their heavy weaponry in exchange for the retaking of the city.

Neither report notes that the main target of both Russian and Syrian air strikes are groups that have fought IS, not IS itself. And neither article mentions the fact that, according to the detailed database maintained by the Violations Documentation Center in Syria, at least 100 civilians were killed by the Assad regime in Palmyra prior to IS's arrival, most of whom were killed while in detention.

No Wider Context

Instead, both articles read exactly how the Russian government would like them to read -- Russia helped Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad liberate this ancient city from the most brutal terrorists.

Worse yet, the wider context of events in Syria is completely missing from both the CNN and Euronews reports. While Russian cellos were playing mournful tunes for those killed by Islamic State terrorists, at least 30 refugees were killed as bombs tore through a camp for internally displaced persons near the border with Turkey. Activists said air strikes -- possibly Russian -- were to blame. Euronews, however, ran a special report on how Russian soldiers are demining the ruins. That report does not ask the question that Reuters asks -- if IS planted the mines so that they would explode when the Syrian and Russian soldiers captured the city, why didn't any of them go off?

CNN also reported that the Russian mission in Syria is much larger than media reports had previously suggested. The CNN correspondent noted that he was impressed by the "professionalism of the troops and the pristine state of the equipment they were using," and concluded that "while the exact size of Russia's military presence in Syria is still unclear, the things we saw while embedded with them indicate that it is bigger and more sophisticated than most believe."

That the Russian government is brazenly showing off its forces in Syria should come as no surprise. Independent analysis conducted by our team at The Interpreter, an RFE/RL partner, advanced the argument months ago that, when Putin was claiming that he was withdrawing from Syria, large numbers of Russian forces were staying to fight.

When Putin announced his withdrawal from Syria, he wanted the world to think he was serious. He wasn't. Now Putin wants to send a different message: he's not going anywhere. And uncritical reports from the front lines only help him to underscore this message.

05-12-2016, 08:39 PM
Ali Alfoneh: "The IRGC Morphs Into an Expeditionary Force." Policy Watch 2615
@WashInstitute, May 12, 2016.
http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/the-irgc-morphs-into-an-expeditionary-force …A very superficial 'study', discussing little else but press announcements. WINEP's stuff on Yemen is far better (actually: entirely different calibre).

One thing that never stops amazing me about all the possible intel agencies, think-tanks etc. in the USA: they've got so many Iranians there, so many people studying Iran and its military since decades and yet: they still neither have an insight nor really clue how Iranian military - and especially the IRGC - work.

It's almost as if all the 'hot stuff' (really good studies by well-informed people) is ending in somebody's private pockets...

05-13-2016, 07:49 AM
A very superficial 'study', discussing little else but press announcements. WINEP's stuff on Yemen is far better (actually: entirely different calibre).

One thing that never stops amazing me about all the possible intel agencies, think-tanks etc. in the USA: they've got so many Iranians there, so many people studying Iran and its military since decades and yet: they still neither have an insight nor really clue how Iranian military - and especially the IRGC - work.

It's almost as if all the 'hot stuff' (really good studies by well-informed people) is ending in somebody's private pockets...

Or is it a deliberate attempt to keep the depth of the Iranian "revolutionary Islam" in support to Khomeini's "Green Crescent" project as the IRGC has always felt themselves defenders of "revolutionary Islam"......totally away from general knowledge that would have "killed for example" Obama's Iran Deal.....

05-13-2016, 07:55 AM
NEW MAP: N-#Homs - S-#Hama | #SYRIA
Jarjisah & al-Zara back to Opposition after 3 months.
HD http://goo.gl/cM6FFn

Aleppo Byzantium St. Simeons monastery badly damaged by airstrikes
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.332569&lon=36.843488&z=16&m=b …

Regime tanks & artillery shelling #Houla towns in NW #Homs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayc03FMN_8g …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=34.901982&lon=36.522160&z=13&m=b …

Aleppo More foreign Shia-forces killed in Rashedin in SW #Aleppo -tried to pull out their dead from days b4

Multiple regime airstrikes targeted Saraqeb in rural #Idlib this morning

05-13-2016, 08:04 AM
SYRIA: Hezbollah announces death of Mustafa Badreddine, country’s top military commander - @AFP

Jaish al-Sunnah rebels claim Mustafa Badreddine was killed in rebel attack on #Hezbollah ops room in Khan Touman,

Pro Hezbollah/Iran regime ppls highly suspect Russia gave Israel intelligence to kill several of its leaders in Syria

If you remember not long ago Russia also stopped missile shipments to Iran after they ended up with Hezbollah

For more on Mustafa Badreddine, read @disgraceofgod’s excellent article on @thedailybeast:

Many people have speculated that #Hezbollah was losing interest in the #Syria fight; Badreddine’s death would *definitively* end that.

Badreddine has set up meetings between Bashar al-Assad & #Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah. He operates under numerous aliases.

Badreddine has never been issued a passport, ID card, no bank records, no property etc - a “virtually untraceable ghost."

05-13-2016, 08:40 AM
Assad regime transport aircraft Il-76 enroute from #IRGC base in #Abadan to #Damascus in #Syria.

Russia believes it can compel the West to “love us as we are” - The withdrawal that wasn’t

No Friday prayers in the #Damascus suburb of #Daraya today because of regime shelling

05-13-2016, 08:48 AM
Daughter of former Hezbollah deputy Amin Shiri arrested by Lebanese authorities after it was found she had $7 million dollars in her account furthermore she also has several companies in Nigeria to engage in money laundering for Hezbollah

Lebanese bank freeze account of Hezbollah MP Noire Sahili over $22 million, Nasrallah always claimed they don't hide money in bank accounts

05-13-2016, 08:51 AM
Armed confrontations now between Assad regime & Druze community in Damascus

Iranian Al Alam TV just announced that Russian airstrikes accidentally bombed Iranian forces in Aleppo 😂 thanks Russia

Aleppo: Syrian Rebels destroy regime tank in Humayra

05-13-2016, 08:54 AM
Utterly unacceptable.
Seems islamist rebels from #Nusra and Ahrar Al-Sham indeed killed Alawite civilians in #Zara. https://twitter.com/ArtWendeley/status/730870841639108610 …

Jabhat al-Nusra led the capture of a majority Alawite town - Al-Zara - today, during which several civilians (including women) were killed.

Several other groups (inc. Ahrar al-Sham) were involved in the Al-Zara attack. Those responsible must be identified & brought to justice.

Syria: rebels Kataib Furat Jarabulus (#FSA/#SDF) on the eastern bank of the Euphrates, overlooking Jarabulus

05-13-2016, 09:01 AM
After a brief offensive pause, its clear #ISIS is attempting to re-escalate operations, around #Palmyra, Al-Shaer, Deir ez Zour & N #Aleppo.

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
US must significantly increase support to moderate #Syria rebels to shift battlefield.
@NicholasAHeras gets it.
http://www.cnas.org/sites/default/files/publications-pdf/CNASReport-SyrianOpposition-160505.pdf …

However, arguably too late to develop a single rebel command structure. I’d advocate working with decentralized model.

05-13-2016, 09:09 AM
Samantha Power ‏@AmbassadorPower
#Syria regime today blocked aid convoy to #Darayya carrying baby formula, vaccines. Would have been 1st UN delivery in 3 years. Inexcusable

Kyle W. Orton
What does "inexcusable" mean in this context? What's the penalty? What's the mechanism to force compliance

UN and it's UNSC is and has failed badly from the beginning in Syria and sometimes one must wonder does the UN work together with Assad?????

Words mean nothing unless there is an enforcement mechanism....even Obama seems to understand that has he avoids any word that requires the use of force...even his "red lines" mean actually nothing as we have seen.

05-13-2016, 09:49 AM
Utterly unacceptable.
Seems islamist rebels from #Nusra and Ahrar Al-Sham indeed killed Alawite civilians in #Zara. https://twitter.com/ArtWendeley/status/730870841639108610 …Slowly - and cautiously, PLEASE.

There is a major problem with all of reporting - and therefore with understanding - of what's actually going on there in the Ra'astan-Talbiseh Pocket (RTP). I do not blame anybody: the area is de-facto besieged since four years and reliable reports as scarce as snake's sweat.

1.) There are two 'Homs Operations Rooms':
- Harakat Tahrir Homs of the Free Syrian Army, including units like Liwa 313, Liwa Shuhada al-Bayada etc.

This is controling central and southern parts of the RTP, and was exposed to immense volumes of regime's air strikes, artillery barrages, and ground attacks in the last 6-7 months - without any success at all.

- Homs Operations Room, including Ahrar, JAN, Ajnad and few other groups of Salafists and Jihadists (or at least Syrians that pledged alegiance to the JAN).

This is controling western and eastern parts of the RTP, and was largely left untouched (except for a minor offensive of the Ba'ath Party Militia on its northern/north-eastern side, back in November of December last year).

2.) Meanwhile, and despite all the bombardment to which it is exposed, the HTH reached a sort of a cease-fire agreement (https://twitter.com/archicivilians/status/730069856331124736) with the Ba'ath in Jarjisah and Zarah, north of the RTP. At least there was a sort of 'nobody attacks' pact.

3.) However, on the night from 11 to 12 May, the Ba'ath Party Militia (BMP) plastered Ra'astan with a volley of BM-21s - killing three civilians (apparently: all women):

4.) Now, while all of the RTP originally used to be under the control of the Farouq Brigade FSyA (the first ever brigade of the Free Syrian Army, those times are long since over. As described above, various elements have meanwhile sided with different other factions, usually because Salafists and Wahhabists could afford to pay their troops much better. Therefore, most of the Farouq sided with Ahrar, just for example. But, some have sided with the JAN too.

Who exactly is holding what part of Ra'astan, is unclear.

Whatever... after that rocket attack, the Homs OR - which, as should be well-known to everybody since at least 28 February - is no part of any kind of a cease-fire, launched a 'counter-attack': they caught the BPM in Zahra by surprise, and overrun its positions, and then the entire village.

Now, the YouTube quickly removed most of videos that were subsequently posted - majority of which were showing one T-62M, one BMP-1, piles of small arms and even larger piles of ammo captured by the Homs OR in the course of this action, together with bodies of plenty of BPM's combatants.

Whatever is left are stills like posted here (https://twitter.com/homsoperations/status/730687644317962240), some showing the captured tank and IFV, and others showing combatants of the Homs OR walking between bodies wearing civilian clothes - but which were BPM's militiamen. The latter were caught asleep and shot at the spot (I'm not absolving anybody, but simply 'not the least surprised' - after all the people in the RTP went through, the last five years).

Now, the 'problem' if you like, is that Zahra is an Alawite village, and Alawites - as we all should know by now - are 'holier than holly' in this war.

Therefore, it took only a few hours until somebody (https://twitter.com/sayed_ridha/status/730898507989540868) (a regime fan) 'informed SOHR' that 'it is not known what happened to dozens of families who were kidnapped earlier by rebels & JN in al-Zara'.

Complementary statements add '19 civilians including 6 women ...killed'. How do they want to know: nobody knows. Then the RTP - and now Zahra too - is not regime-controlled, civilian population was supposedly 'hijacked' and thus there is no way to know.

At the same time, characters in question ignored the issue with FSyA's cease-fire, and regime's insistence on 'no cease-fire' with the JAN, and they are using expressions like 'rebels' instead of 'Islamist militants' or 'Jihadists' - as usually: I.e. somebody wants to make us think this would've been an action of the FSyA.

So, let's wait for the dust to settle before screaming 'war crimes' and whatever else. To me it appears some BPM was drunk enough to fire a salvo of BM-21, kill civilians in Ra'astan, and then the Homs OR - which is NOT bound by any kind of cease-fires - hit back (and not only 'in fashion').

05-13-2016, 03:10 PM
Local rebel source confirm "road connection established btw #Rastan & #Houla pockets" in northern #Homs

Ongoing fighting between #ISIS against #SAA in the vicinity of Tyias T4 airport, And in Gazal &Sha'ar fields near #Palmyra #Syria , May 13

E of #Damascus now
The "cessation of hostilities" in #Syria remains a #myth/local occurrence
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rNF0mkTHm0 …

Great piece by @m_tsvetkova detailing how the Kremlin,since 2012,has helped insurgents leave Russia and go to Syria https://twitter.com/specialreports/status/731112173028675584 …

05-13-2016, 03:20 PM
CrowBat........appears Iran is in for the long haul......question is are they ramping up in order to provoke KSA and Turkey into entering Syria??

Due to high demand, Qassem Suleimani reportedly decreed that only one man per family would be allowed to join deployments to #Syria

However many Iranians, young and old, circumvent restrictions by recruiting from other cities. Many join Afghan & Pakistani brigades

#IRGC ordered to select only most well-trained, experienced volunteers. But if limits lifted, Iranians would “go by the millions” to #Syria

05-13-2016, 03:45 PM
More info from RTP, i.e. Zahra/northern Homs:

- Ridha's citation (https://twitter.com/sayed_ridha/status/730898507989540868) (same link as posted above) of the SOHR report - and thus the Reuters report here, actually leaning on Ridha's statements (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-village-idUSKCN0Y41ME) is BS: Ridha used SOHR as a source but is twisting the actual statement.

SOHR said that about dozen of civilians 'either fled or were captured by rebels in Zahra, but we can't confirm this' (HOR denied this meanwhile).

Furthermore, SOHR said inside their new article: 'Civilians were killed but our sources say they were killed during combat, not executed.

...and civilians that made statements about executions were interviewed on state TV, which means sorry: but that has to be taken with a truck-load of salt.

Overall, nobody was 'executed' and no civilians kidnapped.

Here a JAN-released video showing them 'in urban combat'...

05-13-2016, 03:51 PM
CrowBat........appears Iran is in for the long haul......question is are they ramping up in order to provoke KSA and Turkey into entering Syria??Sure. They'll be fighting their 'final battle' and 'win the war of the right ones', in the name of God, of course, and as usually... That's IRGC.

Due to high demand, Qassem Suleimani reportedly decreed that only one man per family would be allowed to join deployments to #SyriaSoleimani has no say there any more. He was removed from his position in disgrace after failing to recover Tikrit (at least not without US help) - and reduced to symbolic figure.

And the rest of that citation: hm, not really sure if there are that many recruits. So far, the IRGC was rather struggling with finding any at all - at least in Iran (is another reason why are they using Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis, Azerbaijanis etc.).

05-13-2016, 03:54 PM
More info from RTP, i.e. Zahra/northern Homs:

- Ridha's citation (https://twitter.com/sayed_ridha/status/730898507989540868) (same link as posted above) of the SOHR report - and thus the Reuters report here, actually leaning on Ridha's statements (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-village-idUSKCN0Y41ME) is BS: Ridha used SOHR as a source but is twisting the actual statement.

SOHR said that about dozen of civilians 'either fled or were captured by rebels in Zahra, but we can't confirm this' (HOR denied this meanwhile).

Furthermore, SOHR said inside their new article: 'Civilians were killed but our sources say they were killed during combat, not executed.

...and civilians that made statements about executions were interviewed on state TV, which means sorry: but that has to be taken with a truck-load of salt.

Overall, nobody was 'executed' and no civilians kidnapped.

Here a JAN-released video showing them 'in urban combat'...

CrowBat.....saw one comment where several of the women killed were actually involved in fighting actually shooting at JaF others had been previously killed by BM21 shelling.

05-13-2016, 04:10 PM
Dataset of Russian Attacks Against Syria’s Civilians via @bellingcat

https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/articles/2016/05/13/dataset-of-russian-attacks-against-syrias-civilians/ …

05-13-2016, 06:06 PM
Op-Ed @OrientNewsEn

All-in or all-out: Iran’s ’Vietnam Moment’ in Syria
http://www.orient-news.net/en/news_show/112093/0/All-in-or-all-out-Irans-Vietnam-Moment-in-Syria …

Pro-regime religious song: "We'll make Syria prosperous...We'll liberate Khan Touman w Haj Qassem...this is like the 8-year Sacred Defense."

[Audio] http://qasemsoleimani.ir/article/8226.html …

05-13-2016, 06:11 PM
More info from RTP, i.e. Zahra/northern Homs:

- Ridha's citation (https://twitter.com/sayed_ridha/status/730898507989540868) (same link as posted above) of the SOHR report - and thus the Reuters report here, actually leaning on Ridha's statements (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-village-idUSKCN0Y41ME) is BS: Ridha used SOHR as a source but is twisting the actual statement.

SOHR said that about dozen of civilians 'either fled or were captured by rebels in Zahra, but we can't confirm this' (HOR denied this meanwhile).

Furthermore, SOHR said inside their new article: 'Civilians were killed but our sources say they were killed during combat, not executed.

...and civilians that made statements about executions were interviewed on state TV, which means sorry: but that has to be taken with a truck-load of salt.

Overall, nobody was 'executed' and no civilians kidnapped.

Here a JAN-released video showing them 'in urban combat'...

Long #JN video of the #Zara attack. Intense battle obviously.
https://twitter.com/jn_homs7/status/731143251785289728 …

Statement regarding alleged #Zara massacre:
- People killed were armed, no civilians
- bodies sefies=misbehavior

Syria, Hama sth rif|Zara|Homs Operation Room – Statement concerning 2 women killed
Homs Operation Room has issued the following statement about women killed during the battle in Zara (South of Hama rif).

The statement mentions pictures published in social media pages showing 2 women killed in Zara They were killed because they were armed and shot at the fighters killing one them.

According to Islamic moral standard, it is legitimate to retaliate to any ennemy shooting regardless the source.

Most of the civilians in the village of Zara were armed. The attack on Zara happened after Shabbiha shelled intensively Al Hola (Hula, Hola) area from the village and attempted to cut off alHola area from the northern rif of Homs to besiege the civilians living in that area.

Their strategy is to isolate women and children and elderlies during the battle and is against any desecration of bodies (aganst religion and revolution principles). Homs Operation room will carry out an inquiry about that isolated case.

05-13-2016, 06:13 PM
CrowBat.....saw one comment where several of the women killed were actually involved in fighting actually shooting at JaF others had been previously killed by BM21 shelling.
...best part is where 'several of the women' killed in Zahra were wearing those distinct wests with ammo pouches.

Guess, nobody told them that joining the Ba'ath Party Militia means becoming a combatant and makes it possible to get killed too.

BTW, regime-fans are meanwhile in hypermodus with the entire affair. Some are using photos of (Sunni) victims of Baniyas massacre as 'evidence for massacre in Zahra'...

05-13-2016, 06:19 PM
Hassan Hassan ‏@hxhassan
The Syria bureau chief of Iranian state-owned Alalam TV suggests Russian airstrikes hit bases of Iranian militias

05-13-2016, 06:40 PM
Russian Embassy in the U.K. makes an embarrassing Twitter mistake over Syria - read on -
http://uatoday.tv http://uatoday.tv/society/russian-embassy-in-the-u-k-makes-an-embarrassing-twitter-mistake-over-syria-647821.html …

Putin has Russia use it's military to bolster #Assad's sieges & setup parallel aid structures to subvert the @UN's: https://twitter.com/mod_russia/status/730851500788994048 …

@UN: (@mod_russia backed) Syrian regime setting unacceptable conditions for entry of aid.
https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20160513-ban-ki-moon-syrian-regime-setting-unacceptable-conditions-for-entry-of-aid/ …

05-13-2016, 06:43 PM
Hezbollah's #2 Naim Qassem says Hizb will announce who's behind the assassination of Badreddine "within hours"

Seriously though: Almost every single person involved in Hariri's assassination is dead: Kanaan, Ghazale, Mughneye, Badreddine...etc

05-13-2016, 06:49 PM
Israeli minister Ayyoub Kara denies Israeli involvement in killing of Mustafa #Badreddin, says result of internal dispute.

05-13-2016, 06:51 PM
...best part is where 'several of the women' killed in Zahra were wearing those distinct wests with ammo pouches.

Guess, nobody told them that joining the Ba'ath Party Militia means becoming a combatant and makes it possible to get killed too.

BTW, regime-fans are meanwhile in hypermodus with the entire affair. Some are using photos of (Sunni) victims of Baniyas massacre as 'evidence for massacre in Zahra'...

Armed Pro-regime women from Homs countryside. Of course not all Alawite women are fighters but certainly many of them ARE

05-14-2016, 06:31 AM
Israeli minister Ayyoub Kara denies Israeli involvement in killing of Mustafa #Badreddin, says result of internal dispute.
While the Israeli denial of involvement is is only increasing, meanwhile there are rumours that Badreddine was actually executed by Hezbollah - and together with _his_ 5 top commanders - because of his excessive corruption.

Wouldn't surprise me the least: although meanwhile literally swimming in money (whether from drugs-smuggling or from Iranian donations), Hezbollah needs that cash badly for its commitments in Syria and Iraq (somebody has to finance the build-up of Hezbollah/Syria and Hezbollah/Iraq, after all). No good time to have an actually useless hero from the 1980s around, who's pocketing a better part of the income.

So, 'make a martyr of Jihad against Zionism' from him, and the situation is solved.

'Move away, people: there's nothing to see here'.

05-14-2016, 08:08 AM
Appears the posting yesterday where JaF claimed to have killed the Hezbollah senior military field commander in the Hezbollah Khan Touman ops center was in fact correct while Syria and Hezbollah all blamed Israel.

Hizbullah:"takfiris" responsible for shelling base that led to Badreddine death; "we will continue our fight against criminal gangs"

Jaish al-Sunnah rebels claim Mustafa Badreddine was killed in rebel attack on #Hezbollah ops room in Khan Touman, #Aleppo

05-14-2016, 08:11 AM
So who in the Obama WH is driving this development....Obama, CIA, CENTCOM, DoD or the Saudi's and Turks.....

Deputy Sec of State: Agreement reached with Turkey to clear territory between Manbij & Mare north Syria from #IS

Syria: once again the #US & #Turkey claim to have agreed on a #FSA-run safe zone, a matter of wait & see

US and Turkey will increase the support to moderate Syrian opposition groups to expel #IS. Operations to be launched soon.

05-14-2016, 08:17 AM
Syria: At least 18 civilians killed, tens wounded in today's heavy regime strikes on the rebel-held city of #Idlib.

The Syrian government decided.
It decided to not allow milk to starving babies, kill 200.000+ civilians & make 11 million lose their homes.

How low can men with arms sink? Today Syrian Army (4. Division) blocked humanitarian mission to starving Daraya because it carried baby milk!

05-14-2016, 08:23 AM
Remember when I posted the US comment that they could not determine who bombed an IDP camp nor particularly anything else in Syria especially hospitals.

WHICH flew in the face of the US ISR and satellite abilities as well as a very active AWACs presence in the ME.....

Actually this is interesting in that the US and NATO must have the same imagery and ISR that could have easily confirmed and or denied who exactly shot down MH17 months ago but strangely have not released anything...especially anything that would blame Russia....WHY is that?

It takes social media having to purchase commercial sat imagery to find it out......

For those who, just like me, would like to see larger version of the #MH17 loader & BUK captured on satellite image

05-14-2016, 08:34 AM
Assad army pounding Talbisa village #Homs with artillery & rockets.

Homs : SAA media sickeningly try to use a picture of the Banyas massacre as proof of an Opposition atrocity in #Zara

WHAT is interesting is that Assad does not admit that he has armed women fighting in the SAA and they were in this fight just as involved in the fighting as the SAA militias were.....

"How Russia allowed homegrown radicals to go and fight in Syria"
http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/russia-militants/ …

NOTICE Michael Weiss had already before Reuters done a long article fo The Daily Beast on the exact same topic in 2015...will post the link when I find it.

05-14-2016, 08:35 AM
Syria +20 killed & +40 injured in Assad airstrikes in #Idlib & Red Cross centre & maternity hospital in Ariha today

There’s more talk on my timeline about the 2 armed women killed by rebels in Zara than the civilians/children killed by Assad in Idlib today