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03-31-2016, 02:25 PM
The current Syria thread has 3.1k posts and has had 77.2k views:http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/showthread.php?t=23254

It will be closed and this new thread will take over.

04-01-2016, 06:25 AM
#FSA training graduation ceremony in the free part of #Hama province.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntXb1fq4mOw …

45 people killed in the war in #Syria yday.
Most in several #Assad regime air strikes east of Damascus

04-01-2016, 06:31 AM
Russian Syrian Express.....

Video of yesterday's Alexander Otrakovsky 031 southbound transit on the Bosphorus

She is carrying over her estimated 500 ton capacity as she sits far lower than she has in past shipments.

04-01-2016, 06:36 AM
AND the plot thickens.....what the heck is going on?????

HMCS Fredericton is heading to Varna, Bulgaria. On the Bosphorus #Istanbul

It is getting confusing. Apparently Lady Story is not @HMCSFredericton since Fred just turned on her Ais. Odd

Now it is clear that @HMCSFredericton is messing with us. They changed the Ais registry from Lady Story (a cargo ship) to a warship+

And what is COTONOU ? ? ? @HMCSFredericton and the vessel in pic is French Navy Flamant class patrol vessel. Oy vey. and the plot thickens

Good question, surely Warship 337 must be @HMCSFredericton

They love playing with their ais signals. lady Story is no more.

Appears NATO warship was "masking" it's movements with a commercial tracking identification prior to entering the Bosphorus........

04-01-2016, 06:41 AM
Several explosions in 2 neighborhoods in #Homs city east of the Baath University

Death toll from Assad airstrikes on school, hospital & CD centre in Deir al-Asafir y'day has risen to 33 inc. 12 children. #Syria #Damascus

33 dead
60 plus wounded
In regime airstrikes massacre on school & hospital in Deir Assafir in E.#Ghouta:

AS the anti Assad forces are in a defense only mode Assad continues to literally break the entire CoH WITHOUT a single Russian statement....AND he continues as did the RuAF to kill civilians with targeted terror attacks....
NOTICE the West says nothing nor does the UNSC......as he is even violating their three resolutions....

A mortar reportedly hit Masaken Barzeh neighborhood in Damascus city. SANA says shell was fired by" terrorists in East Ghouta,"

04-01-2016, 10:00 AM
Critical development.....Iran now firing ballistic missiles in the ME supposedly first at IS BUT what about at some point Israel, Jordan, KSA and Turkey.

BREAKING: #Iran has reportedly launched balistic missiles on IS's positions near Makhmur in #Iraq for supporting Iraqi Army's offensive.

NOTE: Iran is not an active participant in the Iraqi fighting but now is....so is Iran expanding it's hegemon reach at the expense of KSA just as it was doing in Yemen and Syria after Lebanon???

04-01-2016, 11:26 AM
These guys & the intl community can airdrop to Assad parts of Deir Ezzor but not rebel held Madaya & Daraya
Russia has stopped "pretending" they are distributing humanitarian aid as required by their own CoH...to the approximately 500K besieged and hard to get to locations.......

Syrian Rebels release 2 Assad regime sergeants in exchange for Assad regime kidnap of 5 women (some government) https://rfsmediaoffice.com/en/2016/03/31/29902/#.Vv0i0-IrJ1u …

Great article exploring how Putin failed in Ukraine & failed for the most part in Syria
http://intersectionproject.eu/article/politics/why-do-we-still-believe-putins-strategy …

Interview with Baghdadi's ex wife
http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/isis-terror/isis-leader-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi-s-ex-wife-saja-n548356 …

Ahrar political officer Labib al-Nahhas with a pretty apt reading of regime strategy.

Families continue to bury their loved ones, victims of y'day MAR 31 massacre by #SAA
37 martyrs
#Deir_Asafir #Syria

SAA helicopters dropped barrel bombs over #alBinjera #alBaweiydah & #alBarada villages
#Aleppo cs #Syria APRIL 1st

04-01-2016, 11:35 AM
Several airstrikes targeting #Banes village reported
#Aleppo cs #Syria APRIL 1st

Airstrikes targeting #Maarat_alNouman reported
#Idlib #Syria APRIL 1st

Airstrikes on #alHabit and #alTmana towns reported
#Idlib cs #Syria April 1st

Destructive UXO clearance required in #Palmyra after @mod_russia literally spread munitions

LCCSY Documented March 1st - March 31= 876 Martyrs(Including unidentified)
101 Children
63 Women
26 Tortured

It is clear #Assad & @mod_russia renewed terrorist attacks on schools, mosques. Civil centers.

04-01-2016, 11:40 AM
AFP news agency
✔ ‎@AFP #BREAKING France accuses Syrian regime of violating ceasefire
AND Obama remains TOTALLY silent as does Kerry after all his conversations with Putin and his FM....how strange is that?????

04-01-2016, 11:43 AM
BTW...the Gaz-66s were recently shipped in and some commenters laughed about it.due to their age....well it seems they are carrying Spetsnaz personnel......

Russian convoy out of Palmyra includes Ural 4320(fuel), Gaz-66, R-166 0,5, BTR-80, Kamaz trucks v @RasmusTantholdt

04-01-2016, 08:49 PM
Clashes along ~25 km front in S. #Aleppo. Pro-Regime forces (esp. Iranian) defensive line breached in several points

Lengthy six minute video of Nusra + co-belligerents attacking Til Eis today. Multiple tanks, BMPs, and a HMMWV.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09RTUKvddlo&feature=youtu.be …

Activist reporting Al Eis village is completely under the control of Nusra. Hill is still under control of the militias and now encircled.

Aleppo Clashes south of Al-Hader
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.963905&lon=37.037916&z=14&m=b …

S. Aleppo : Opposition seize a Regime tank after it's crew abandoned it on #Tal_Eis.

Faylaq al-Sham is also heavily involved in the battle against ISIL north Aleppo along Turkish borders.

Aleppo Clashes in center of Khan Tuman after #FSA moved into
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.119157&lon=37.053580&z=15&m=b …
Nusra and others are now pushing towards Zaytan (North of Tal Eis) after bombing the village with mortars.

04-01-2016, 08:53 PM
Faylaq al-Sham field commander Nadeem Abu Safi reportedly killed in south Aleppo battle.

Big battle now along 40km frontline (from southern entrance of #Aleppo to Abu Ruwayl
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.914357&lon=37.136278&z=14&m=b …

VIDEO: Jabhat al-Nusra fire heavy artillery in assault on al-Eis, southern Aleppo, #Syria.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ1dt1l_e3Q&feature=youtu.be …

Abu Ruwal, al-Khaldiya, al-Mahrooqat, & outskirts of #TelEis are liberated:

Other FSA participants include: Jaysh Al Fatiheen, Shamia Front, Jaysh Al Tahreer, Liwa Suqour Al Jabal. Rebels going all in.

04-01-2016, 08:58 PM
FSA Central Div say opposition groups repelled a regime army attack in south Aleppo & launched a counter offensive

SouthAleppo offensive
Second martyrdom operation on #Hill Eis. Allahu Akbar

AjnadSham bashing regime away in S. #Aleppo with assortment of heavy artillery.

US, Russia + others have formed something called the Humanitarian Task Force to get aid into areas like Daraya. Despite more than a month of meetings, they still can’t seem to drive these aid trucks in

04-01-2016, 09:04 PM
Rebels captured #SAA Brigade General in southern outskirts of #AleppoScreening reports to find the name of this SAA General......

SAA Brigadier General /Republican Guard "Ahmed al-Mohammad" from #Homs killed eastern Ghouta #Damascus

SAA/IRGC/Shia militias seemed to be taken completely by surprise on this FSA/JaN southern Aleppo offensive.....

FSA take over Kamaliya from IS in northern #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.612221&lon=37.306781&z=15&m=b …

Video from battle in al-Eis
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09RTUKvddlo …

What looks like an Iranian Shahed-129 drone over Khan Touman in S Aleppo performing reconnaissance

Syria Nusra fighters with helmets?

Aleppo Failed #Assad-forces attack on al-Rashidin suburb
-now counter assault http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.159187&lon=37.068729&z=15&m=b …
JN -night blast inside al Eis town in southern #Aleppo

Iran backed militias dug huge trench/wall in al-Eis area
(image from JN -BMP-bomb
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.979117&lon=36.998863&z=15&m=b …

04-01-2016, 09:05 PM
Difficult to say how powerful & sustained the anti-regime offensive in southern #Aleppo is

04-01-2016, 09:09 PM
Report from battle at al Eis in southern #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1ZdOiIC-gU&feature=youtu.be …

Aleppo Clashes south of Al-Hader
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.963905&lon=37.037916&z=14&m=b …

Iran'i lead militias lost Abu Ruwayl & Hawbar in southern #Aleppo

Big battle now along 40km frontline (from southern entrance of #Aleppo to Abu Ruwayl
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.914357&lon=37.136278&z=14&m=b …

2 JN-suicide blasts in al Eis in southern #Aleppo -ongoing battle to take regime positions
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITEGTxzewy0 …

Aleppo JN & allied took Army Fuelling Base in al Eis
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.001323&lon=36.983521&z=16&m=b …

04-01-2016, 09:13 PM
Clashes at flash points in southern rural #Aleppo east of highway

Syria rebels drop leaflets over #Damascus from drones

Syrian activists #footage shows heavy fighting, not just in Al-Eis but all along the S-W #Aleppo front.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEnKvbNewD4 …

FSA heroes after liberating the village of Tal Btal in rural #Aleppo from #ISIS gangs this morning #Syria

04-01-2016, 09:18 PM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
With fighting in E. #Ghouta & now massive escalation in S. #Aleppo, we may be watching the official end to the cessation of hostilities.

Jabhat al-#Nusra supporting #AlEis ofensive with 2S1, D-30 and M-46 arties.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ1dt1l_e3Q …

Fighter from Kurdish FSA group Liwa Afhad Saladin (equipped/trained by US/Turkey) with a M249 LMG.

Footage & #Pictures
Just another #SyriaCeasefire day east of #Damascus.
Ignored by #Assad.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xta99zlbPo …

04-02-2016, 05:04 AM
"Sharia law will help democracy," according to a report published in a Russian newspaper
http://m.gazeta.ru/politics/2016/03/31_a_8153243.shtml …

Exclusive: U.S. weighs ramping up deployment of special forces to Syria

Latakia, clashes between the Desert Eagles backed by Russia and the Regime police office in the centre of Latakia city, and kill one policeman. Suqur Al Sahra (Desert Eagles) are sectarian militias headed by Mohammad Jaber. It is backed by Russia with arms and equipment specially after they contributed to save he Russian pilot.

Daraa rif, Al An TV reportage – FSA and JAF affiliated against Daesh

A scene that makes you cry. A #Syria-n girl, crying, holding her dead siblings. Is there any humanity in the world?

04-02-2016, 05:40 AM
Syrian activist report from seemingly massive islamist rebel push towards #AlEis.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYTwtofNP_M …

Intense fighting #footage from around Al Eis including #Nusra humvee.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=09RTUKvddlo&app=desktop …

Islamic Front-run M-46 gun, taking part in S-W #Aleppo offensive.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEKbJ3FwT5E …

Skyline south of #Aleppo earlier tonight during large-scale (mainly) islamist offensive.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NkqdoF6kc4 …

Possible Iranian drone......
Large drone over #KhanTuman south of #Aleppo during rebel offensive.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2R_cU8bh6c …

Opposition retake Tall al-Maqla' hill and Khaldiya, Abu Ruwayl, Hawbar villages. Clashes ongoing with Iranian #IRGC in Tall al-Eis.

Regime dropped barrel bombs on Abu Ruwayl & Hawbar in southern #Aleppo after lost both today
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.908379&lon=37.146063&z=15&m=b …

Nusra declare took "تل المقلع" in al-Eis area of southern #Aleppo
May be this http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.998285&lon=36.991932&z=17&m=b …

04-02-2016, 05:51 AM
Critical point about this open violation of the CoH as Russia will argue the opposition broke the CoH.......

The truce just ended after the regime forces launched an offensive in south #aleppo countered by all factions

Right so those reports were right that it was regime that attacked first and not Nusra??

Happening now: #Jaish_el_fateh advancing on Al Eiss along Khan Touman front in Southern #Aleppo.

Was not this a group that observed ceasefire??

Correct. Regime first. But not just #Nusra but ALL opposition factions are fighting back along a 40 km front.

Appears the Syrian opposition ALL opposition groups including JaN fully anticipated an Assad complete violation of CoH and quietly marshalled their forces and with tactical patience just waited as Assad and the Russians together with all Iranian forces were largely "over extended".....and also just as tired of fighting after a five month long exhausting and high loss fighting period.

AND someone is flowing in a full scale fashion weapons and munitions into Syria especially a large number of US weapons and supplies.....

04-02-2016, 05:55 AM
South Aleppo offensive is not fixed only on Tal Eis. This is a wide offensive attack. Zaytan, Barnah, Khan Tuman all under attack.

A not so subtle warning to both Obama and especially Putin that his war is far from being over....Assad needs to think about that "3rd party country" rumor that is floating around....

Take away the Russian AF and the opposition is fully capable with support to eliminating both Assad and IS......

04-02-2016, 06:00 AM
Russian Syrian Express is moving again......

FLOT's BSF Ropucha Class Large Landing Craft Tsezar Kunikov 158 is on the Bosphorus northbound, returning from Syria

Needless to say, it looks quite empty for shuttling a "withdrawal". I'd say they don't even bring souvenirs back.

Kunikov is being accompanied by the now routine securitybox escort of 2 CG's and a Police boat.

Video of Russian Navy's Buyan-M Class Corvette Serpukhov on the Bosphorus, yesterday.

04-02-2016, 06:04 AM
Al-Moutasem Brigade: A New American Backed FSA Group in Northern Aleppo via @bellingcat
https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2016/04/02/8532/ …

Nusra use captured Iraqi militia Humvee in storming al-Eis south Aleppo.

Major Assad beating yesterday......kind of takes the spotlight off the Assad/Russian Palmyra "victory"....

Jabhat al-Nusra say they killed 50 regime/shia militants & destroyed 8 vehicles in a trap while trying to retreat from al-Eis south Aleppo

04-02-2016, 02:11 PM
Latakia: #Syria|n rebels start new offensive against #Assad forces in #Latakia, some villages captured, including the strategic #Kensabba.

Russian soldiers in Palmyra, nervous about the camera h/t @towersight

Major Rebel mil. escalation in N. #Syria: after fall of Al-Eis (S. #Aleppo), reports of gains in #Latakia & up. big op. vs #IS in N. Aleppo

TOW are used on S. #Aleppo front: strike by Jaish al-Tahrir on bulldozer in Tel Bastawi.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rokcyh1R3PQ …

Syria: 99th Division (#FSA) rebels in Kamaliya (N #Aleppo) after having expelled #Daesh from the village overnight

QalaatAlMudiq Several #TOW (vs tank & ammo carrier) used in Jebal Al Akrad (#Latakia) near #Kinsabba as Rebels are inching closer 2 village

FSA and the other opposition groups are on a major offensive roll....
Breaking. With fall of Ain Al Qantara, Rebels have reached #Kinsabba, a stronghold lost to pro-Regime forces Feb. 18http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.744004&lon=36.173344&z=14&m …

Literally rolling back the five months of Russian/Assad advances in some areas.....
Breaking. With fall of Ain Al Qantara, Rebels have reached #Kinsabba, a stronghold lost to pro-Regime forces Feb. 18
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.744004&lon=36.173344&z=14&m …

04-02-2016, 02:15 PM
CrowBat......anything to this comment?????

Heavy FSA reinforcements have arrived to North Aleppo countryside,including tanks for the first time ever to fight ISIS.

04-02-2016, 02:20 PM
Jabhat al-#Nusra captured an Iranian "Safir" 4x4 multipurpose military vehicle, kills 20+ militia troops.

Lots of video footage of the killed Iraqi etc. militants and their chevrons, but I won't post it. Too bloody.

Jabhat al-#Nusra drone films foreign militias / SAA run away from massive def.pos. in Al-Eis
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiIcuMTWZhc …

04-02-2016, 05:01 PM
al-Nusra shows spoils captured from Assad army and Shia militias in al-Eis..massive munitions and weapons haul....SAA and Shia militias simply fled when attacked......

Graphic: Heavy fortifications on top of Syriatel hill captured by rebels coalition s Aleppo

NOTICE the standardized loading bearing gear in the above video...new and differently not made and or issued in Syria.
For the first time ever,a Very Heavy Turkish Artillery bombardment on multiple ISIS positions

Unconfirmed reports rebels advancing in Turkman Mount so far seized Ard al-Wata & Rasha villages outside Kensabba
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.747418&lon=36.184201&z=15&m=b&search= …

FSA Jaysh al-Tahrir troops storming al-Khaldiyah village near Khan Tuman y'day.

04-02-2016, 05:10 PM
Faylaq al-Sham vid before & after liberation of Tal Batal in north rural #Aleppo from #ISIS

Hawar Kilis Operation Room has taken Kurdish village of Mazra'ah Shahin,with Heavy Clashes ongoing in Tathumus,the last town before Al-Rai

What JaN captured.......
Nusra: technical with ZU-23-2 and another view of captured ammo.

JaN have captured Malyutka ATGMs, several RPG-7s, AKs, PKMs, an RCL, and dozens of crates of ammo in/around tel Eis

Safr-1 keep with Fajr copy of Type-63 107mm. Technical with AA HMG and one with Type-63 107mm.

Ghanima (loot) Nusra gained during the capture of al-Eiis. includes Malyutka ATGM,ammo, small arms, recoilless gun.

Latakia: 1st Coast. Div. claims control of al-Hdada school, Til al-Hdada, and al-Mazghali village.

Latakia Rebel counter off. in response to regime CoH breaches & attacks liberates al-Malik hill, Rasha hill & village & Nah'shaba village

04-02-2016, 05:14 PM
Latakia offensive
Rebels captured today :

Nahshaba village and its hill
Maz'ali village
Al-Hadadah village
Rasha (Rashu) village

Latakia Rebels targeting #Assad militia positions Kinsabba with Grad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z4zxKOVNr8&feature=youtu.be …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.743586&lon=36.165233&z=15&m=b …

Syria: Jaysh al-Fatiheen convoy on the move to southern #Aleppo to fight the regime

FSA-SF rebels are currently in heavy clashes with #Daesh affiliates in Sheikh Saed, south of the town of Nawa (#Daraa)

Opposition factions continue their advances against #ISIS militants in North #Aleppo, and took control of Kamaliyah & Kasajik villages.

04-02-2016, 05:21 PM
Latakia: Assad regime Colonel "Luay Aslan" killed along with his unit in Jabal Al Akrad by Syrian Rebels

ISIS will be wiped out. US and Turkey cut a deal and Turkey is shelling ISIS and US is providing CAS

Syrian Rebels shelling Assad regime positions

FSA helped several 10s civilians cross from #Daesh areas into rebel-held N #Aleppo

FSA rebels have captured the Shaheen farms south of Tal Battal (N #Aleppo) from #Daesh under Turkish artillery cover

Syria: according to reports #FSA rebels r about to launch a large scale offensive on #Daesh militants in N #Aleppo

Syria: this #FSA offensive will be supported by both coalition warplanes and Turkish artillery from across the border

Turkish artillery is targeting the #Daesh held town of Sawran (N #Aleppo) at this very moment

04-02-2016, 05:25 PM
Assad forces are panicking without Russian air support in south Aleppo, helicopters dropping sea mines.

And launched Ghouta offensive. The whole Til Eiis operation began as a counter-attack to gov. offensive in Southern Aleppo.

SDF militants fired on civilian protesters demanding to return to their homes in al-Houl. One was killed.
http://baladi-news.com/ar/news/details/4649/%D9%82%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%AA_%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A% D8%A7_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%85%D9%82%D8%B1%D 8%A7%D8%B7%D9%8A%D8%A9_%D8%AA%D9%82%D8%AA%D9%84_%D 9%85%D8%AF%D9%86%D9%8A%D8%A7_%D8%A8%D9%85%D8%B8%D8 %A7%D9%87%D8%B1%D8%A9_%D8%B3%D9%84%D9%85%D9%8A%D8% A9_%D8%A8%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%81_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8% B3%D9%83%D8%A9 …
AlHowl residents protest against #YPG who blocked them from returning to their homes&killed 1civilian

There is nothing democratic about the "Syrian Democratic Forces"

Muqawama Suriya says lost touch w/Mihrac Ural since 27 March,threatens to attack Turkey if involved in disappearance

Syria Feature: #Russia Upset Over Report of 1,450 Civilian Casualties in 3 Months of Airstrikes
http://eaworldview.com/2016/04/syria-feature-russia-upset-over-report-of-1450-civilian-casualties-in-3-months-of-airstrikes/ …
| .@EANewsFeed

Eliot Higgins ‏@EliotHiggins
It seems increasingly clear @mod_russia sees @Bellingcat as some sort of omnipotent bogeyman https://twitter.com/ScottLucas_EA/status/716228225756737536 …

04-02-2016, 05:37 PM
Syria Regime media blaming Opposition groups for participating with Nusra Front and breaking the truce after the South #Aleppo offensive.

Regime media forgot to blame their Regime for participating with #Hezbollah and breaking truce agreement after E-Ghouta offensive.

Regime media forgot to blame their Regime for breaking truce agreement by daily barrel bombs on Opposition-held cities and villages.

Regime media forgot to blame their Regime for giving Iran-#IRGC & Afghan militias & Iraqi groups the right to control South Aleppo.

Appears regime media forgot about those over 900 CoH violations against the 20 from the opposition.....

04-02-2016, 05:45 PM
Jebal Al Akrad (#Latakia) Battle Map: Rebel launched Pincer Movement to seize #Kinsabba. Mazghali & Nashabba seized.

Multiple simultaneous attacks from major Rebel goups in N. #Syria suggest the "Spring Offensives" have just started.

Ahrar Sham also involved in battle in #Kinsabba outskirts (#Latakia)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z4zxKOVNr8 …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY-vu04t7fQ …

Breaking. With fall of Ain Al Qantara, Rebels have reached #Kinsabba, a stronghold lost to pro-Regime forces Feb. 18

1st Coastal Div posting a bunch of claims of captured territory this morning.

04-02-2016, 05:55 PM
Major Rebel mil. escalation in N. #Syria: after fall of Al-Eis (S. #Aleppo), reports of gains in #Latakia & up. big op. vs #IS in N. Aleppo

Main groups: JN, Ajnad Sham, Ahrar, Jaish Islam, Division 13, Jaish Tahrir, Sham Legion, Shamiya Front & Liwa Al Haq

Confirmed: footage showing Rebels on top of West hill (Tell Maqla) of #Al_Eis this morning, S. #Aleppo

Must watch combat footage
A #Fagot #ATGM was used today on #AlEis front

Drone footage from over newly-captured Ees village

04-02-2016, 06:06 PM
Al-Nusra from inside the Ees hilltop the group seized yesterday. The hilltop was being defended by foreign militias

According to Syrian reporter Muaz al-Shami, 4,000 rebels are taking part in the large offensive south of Aleppo

In response to Assad's ceasefire violations, revolutionaries have liberated 4 villages and 2 hillsides in Jabal al-Akrad, rural Latakia.

04-02-2016, 06:10 PM
U.S. is considering sending more Special Forces to #Syria, train Arab tribesman for Raqqa op

Official U.S. line is that she only arms the Arab detachments among the #SDF/#PKK. From the first air drop onward this has been untrue.

The Arab detachments in the #SDF/#PKK didn't even have the logistics capacity to move the ammunition dropped to them by the U.S.

04-02-2016, 06:14 PM

The Obama White House Just Censored A Foreign Leader Who Mentioned ‘Islamist Terrorism’

April 1, 2016 By Sean Davis

President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande met in Washington on Thursday to discuss ways for the two countries to work together to defeat terrorism. But the White House apparently had zero appetite for Hollande’s mention of Islamist terrorism, since it censored the phrase from the official White House video of the meeting posted on the White House website.

Media Research Center, a non-profit media watchdog, was the first to report the White House censorship.

While the official transcript available on the White House web page includes Hollande’s use of the phrase “Islamist terrorism,” the White House video of the remarks muted the audio during that portion of Hollande’s remarks. The audio of the French-to-English interpreter stops right before Hollande characterizes “Islamist terrorism” as the root of terrorism in Syria and Iraq.

“But we’re also well aware that the roots of terrorism, Islamist terrorism, is in Syria and in Iraq,” Hollande told Obama, according to the transcript of the exchange provided by the White House. “We therefore have to act both in Syria and in Iraq, and this is what we’re doing within the framework of the coalition.”

Watch and listen to the video below, which is available on YouTube through the White House’s official account, and you can hear the audio cut out right before Hollande says “Islamist terrorism”:

Here is the transcript of what Hollande said, with strikethrough notation to show what the White House censored in its video of the exchange between the two presidents:

Europe has been hit more, given that it is also the target of the terrorists and ISIS. We’ve seen it in Paris last year, as well as in Brussels. And together with President Obama, we worked on coordinating further our commitments, our organizations, our services when it comes to fighting against these terrorists. We are also making sure that between Europe and the United States there can be a very high level coordination.

But we’re also well aware that the roots of terrorism, Islamist terrorism, is in Syria and in Iraq. We therefore have to act both in Syria and in Iraq, and this is what we’re doing within the framework of the coalition. And we note that Daesh is losing ground thanks to the strikes we’ve been able to launch with the coalition. We are continuing to support Iraq. This is also a decision we have taken, supporting the Iraqi government and making sure that they can claim back their entire territory, including Mosul.

In the video, the entire audio of the feed is muted right before Hollande says “Islamist terrorism.” After he says the phrase, the audio returns, but without an English translation. The interpreter’s voice is not restored in the video until 12 seconds later.

Hollande’s use of the phrase “Islamist terrorism” is also censored in the White House’s official MP3 recording of the event.

You can read the full transcript of the event here or watch the full video here.

04-02-2016, 06:18 PM
Heavy clashes ongoing between rebels & #ISIS in Mazraet Shahien & Kasajek in north rural #Aleppo, #Syria

Aleppo: Syrian Rebels regain Tel Sha'eer after heavy clashes with ISIS

Rebels reportedly make gains against Harakat al-Muthanna in Jalin,Deraa province: seizing number of positions http://all4syria.info/Archive/303970 #Syria

In case (when) the JaN account gets suspended, here's what they captured in Til Eiis yesterday.

Interesting video of the Russian convoy going to Palmyra.....evidently at least 2-3 BNs total......especially after they stated they had already eliminated 1200 mines...indicating that their deminers were evidently already there.....so is this combat protection troops....

Huge Russian convoy going to Palmyra to demine it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbGqQ_FMtOo …

04-02-2016, 06:54 PM
No reports of Russian air support for Assad and allied militias today in south Aleppo and rural Latakia. Any idea why?

There's a report on a popular Telegram channel that there were Russian strikes on al-Eis 30 minutes ago

After Tal Battal, opposition forces capture Karajik north Aleppo near the Turkish borders.

Ancient city of Palmyra littered with mines, graffiti after ISIS' retreat

Just another must watch:
#Nusra #drone view on liberated #AlEis

Assad regime targeted Deir al-Asafir again with a surface to surface missile. Several injured mostly children #Syria
Another Assad SS26 appears to have been fired......

Tonight: Assad regime launched a surface-to-surface missile on besieged al-Waer in Homs city. 1 girl was killed.
Another SS26 fired as well....

04-02-2016, 07:40 PM
#Latakia Rebels retake Ain al-Qantara 1km from
Kensabba http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.743761&lon=36.173773&z=15&m=b …

Turkey: #PKK killed 6 soldiers in #Nusaybin, near the border with #Syria. via bomb.

Video from one of the battles today.......
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfGcL0tuuXE …

04-03-2016, 06:03 AM
CrowBat......anything to this comment?????

Heavy FSA reinforcements have arrived to North Aleppo countryside,including tanks for the first time ever to fight ISIS.
No comment: be patient and see what happens next.

04-03-2016, 06:07 AM
RU @mod_russia led forces in #Palmyra treating themselves to goods stolen from inhabitants. Thanks ANNA

Two Shia militia fighters captured today from Al-Eis, South Aleppo.

Syria 14 #Hezbollah fighters killed in al-Eis battle in southern #Aleppo
-among them VIP-sons & a commander

Idlib Airstrike on Sukayk east of Khan Shaykhun

Assad-forces try to regain now Khalidiyah in southern outskirts of #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.123074&lon=37.041821&z=15&m=b …

Besieged #alWaer now,2 martyrs so far, 6 wounded, including 3 children victims of #SAA SS26 missiles
#Homs #Syria APRIL 2

Night airstrikes on Hawbar, Abu Ruwayl & Numaniyah in southern #Aleppo

Aleppo clashes in Tamurah area last night
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.314226&lon=36.993713&z=14&m=b …
Syria Jaish al Islam involved southern #Aleppo-battle
https://www.jaishalislam.com/video/show/22/269/ …

Assad’s artillery on Mt. Qasioun in #Damascus continues to pound eastern Ghouta. Business as usual sadly

04-03-2016, 06:31 AM
Syrian Alawites distance themselves from Assad - BBC News http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-35941679 …

When RFS Admiral Kuznetsov deploys to Med this fall, air wing will comprise Su-33, Su-25UTG and MiG-29K aircraft.

Syria: people continue to starve in #Madaya due to regime's siege despite the fact the media doesn't care anymore

Rebels declare counteroffensive to retake villages in northern #Latakia province.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TpuvOtLoEA …

Heavy #Assad shelling of the remaining #Latakia villages, held by the opposition.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQLDqX4GJxI …

An #FSA mortar position hit Mazr'at Shahin before the takeover of it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8rhX3R4nkQ …

US-Turkish strategy seems to be to remove ISIS once and for ever from the Turkish border. After the cut of resupplies, push further S can be made.

Taken were Khirbat Tel Sha‘īr, Mazr'at Shahin and Karajik.
Advance happens as a stream of foreign-trained fighters, heavy arms enters Syria.

FSA troops are quickly advancing along the Syrian-Turkish border, took 3 more villages last night.

04-03-2016, 06:44 AM
Syria Kurdish #YPG shelling #Azaz in northern #Aleppo with Anti aircraft guns
Tens of thousend #refugees in town

04-03-2016, 08:43 AM
A very interesting video taken by a Russian TV-team:

It starts at Shayrat AB (former major base of SyAAF Su-7/Su-20 units, now 'Russians only' place), and is showing a row of abandoned Su-20, Su-7UM, at least three Su-7BMKs...

...then the helo passes over as-Safira (one of major Syrian defence-industry areas)...seems the helo landed at Nayrab AB (Aleppo IAP) to refuel, before turning back south...

...a literal 'pearl'-sequence of this video starts at about 00.45, where one can see a L-39ZO serial number 2062 in the process of having its tyres replaced... certainly 'shocking' for any decent Western observer is a pair of mechanicians doing that job in between a 'pile' of DYI FAB-100s... seems that five years of war only made them more reckless instead of teaching them anything about security standards... (no surprise any more, there are repeated reports about 'mysterious detonations' at various Assadist air bases, almost every month).

...at about 01.45 the Russian helo is landing at T.4 AB, with camera taking a look towards west.

...at about 01.05, another L-39ZO with serial number 2092 appears on the tarmac next to one of MiG-25s (all of which were withdrawn from service back in 2009).

04-03-2016, 01:57 PM
Breaking regime forces have entered the #ISIS-held city of al-Quaryatayn, Russian helicopters are providing close air support

04-03-2016, 02:04 PM
Recent #FSA Gains in Northern Aleppo against ISIS. 7km to al-Rai
HD -
http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/95b7/72p15wripolqbrlzg.jpg …

Critical is confirmed......then Assad did not get rid of his chemical weapons.....
Breaking - Regime warplanes attack on #Eis village with poison gas bomb. #Aleppo
More CHLORINE is being dropped.....

US and Russia still not delivering humanitarian aid that both stated would be flowing to an estimated 500K besieged and hard locations to get to...massive failure of the CoH......

Assad regime viewed as building barricades to prevent #UN's aid to #Duwayr region of #Homs

Ahrar al-Sham and FSA forces contine advancing against #ISIL linked al-Muthana Movement west Dar'a.

Disgusting leaflets dropped by Assad airforce on besieged Daraya "drop your weapons or face this fate". @Sy_Reporter

Important development: Syrian Alawites distance themselves from #Assad crimes & say we're not members of Shia Islam.
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-35941679 …

BUT WAIT AFTER five years of supporting Assad it is now to late to distance themselves from the Assad and Putin war crimes......

04-03-2016, 02:09 PM
Teir Mala in #Homs also being shelled by Assad tanks today, no casualties reported (yet).

Assad barrel bombs continue to fall on Khan al-Sheeh fields in western Ghouta, #Damascus, #Syria. 4 so far today.

Assad forces trying to advance, FSA Central Div reports destroying a T-72 tank by a Fagot ATGM at Abu Samra castle in E. rural #Hama, #Syria
wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.369525&lon=36.998863&z=14&m=b … also 2 technicals, tank burned out

Assad rocket attack on Marj area in eastern Ghouta, #Damascus today. #Syria

At least 2 children & 1 elderly women killed & over 10 wounded in the Assad rocket attack in al-Waer district in #Homs, #Syria yesterday

Aleppo: 2 Iranian Revolutionary Guard Killed In Clashes - #Syria
http://beyondthelevant.com/2016/04/03/aleppo-2-iranian-revolutionary-guard-killed-in-clashes/ …

04-03-2016, 02:17 PM
Heavy #Assad air force strikes in Idlib,Hama,Aleppo & Latakia province as the internationally negotiated ceasefire for Syria collapses

Make no mistake. Syrian rebels needed and used the #SyriaCeasefire just like the regime.
Bad for Assad and ISIS.

At the moment #Russia only focused to bring back #Syria'n regime to
oil/gas-business in central & eastern

Russia'n airstrikes on #IslamicState in Sokhna btw #Palmyra & #DeirEzzor
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=34.879172&lon=38.861046&z=12&m=b …

FSA rebels have captured the village of Tal Shair from #Daesh militants overnight

FSA rebels are in heavy clashes with #Daesh militants in N #Aleppo today

Daraa #FSA expelled #IS-offshoots from Jallin fully
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=32.754618&lon=35.990438&z=14&m=b …

04-03-2016, 02:20 PM
Homs Docum. counted 13 pro-Regime forces killed yesterday near #Al_Eis (S. #Aleppo): 8 Hezbollah, 3 Iranians, 1 Afghan & 1 Syr. (from Nubul)

Several airstrikes on Al Habit town in northern #Hama

Cease-fire btw rebels & regime failed in #Syria
-only southern #Daraa province calm

Seems #SDF official launch battle for #Manbej city in northern #Syria
against #IslamicState
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjHvyacszlc …

Syria 10+ airstrikes on rebel positions in #Latakia mountains

04-03-2016, 02:33 PM
Here's the #Alawite 'Declaration of an Identity Reform' published by German paper @welt:
http://www.welt.de/pdf/1085/Declaration.pdf …

Hafez al #Assad reportedly cracked down fiercely on any previous attempt of #Alawite self recognition. https://twitter.com/artwendeley/status/716630217406726146 …

In Syria, Russia launched strikes on hospitals, water treatment plants & mosques→
http://goo.gl/pRq2mi #PutinAtWar

REGISTER: Distract Deceive Destroy—#PutinAtWar in #Syria. April 05 / 0230pm EST

04-03-2016, 02:38 PM
#FSA #Southern_Front has just liberated the towns of Jeleen & Sheikh Saad by defeating #Daesh& AlMuthana in these areas in #Daraa

40 plus Assad and Russian air strikes and helicopter attacks......
Aleppo: both Assad & Russian pound El Eis after Rebels recent victories

Reports of more #SAA airstrikes on #alEis using "toxic gas"
#Aleppo cs #Syria APRIL 4

Russian EW/Radio Intel LEER 3 .......
Russian Leer 3 deployed alongside Tiger Forces in Homs countryside

Isis terrorists car bomb explosion targeted #FSA HQ in E #Qalamoun moments ago

SAA terrorists dropped 12 barrel bombs so far over #Khan_alShieh
#Damascus cs #Syria APRIL 3

Heavy bombardment by #SAA terrorists on #alMarj area now
#Damascus cs #Syria APRIL 3

Isis car bomb explosion reported now in #alShadadi
#Hassaka #Syria APRIL 3

04-03-2016, 02:53 PM
1L261 radar vehicle from "Zoopark-1M" missile/artillery ground reconnaissance complex spotted in #Syria #Palmyra

04-03-2016, 04:49 PM
The "#Azaz pocket" is now 50% bigger than it was when the #SyriaCeasefire started on February 27.
Turkish/US orders to not attack YPG/Assad.

The #ISIS front between #Doudyan and #AlRai collapsed.
#FSA troops took 6 villages in 48 hours.

#FSA "Regiment 99" with lots of new toys vs. #ISIS.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3117qSTbmE …

Liberation of another previously pro-#ISIS-held barrier in S-W #Daraa province by the #FSA.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfCDp4RbBn4 …

Also in S-W #Syria, rebels keep fighting (and now also pushing back) #ISIS and its proxies.

Syrian (mostly islamist) rebels in #AlEis, still 100% depopulated after the pro-regime push.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HACOP-I2U4 …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86lJTqw6G8o …
Lots of Iraqi militia (US) equipment still in the town. Most useless now.

04-03-2016, 05:13 PM
Russia needs to deliver 100s of tons of aid not 6.5

Минобороны России
✔ ‎@mod_russia #SYRIA Specialists of Russian Centre with administration of #Daraa province delivered 2.5 tons of humanitarian aid to citizens of #Karfa

EVEN more Russian lies.........

Минобороны России
✔ ‎@mod_russia Rus ASF and AF of #SYRIA didn't make strikes on opposition units, which joined ceasefire and informed Rus or US Centres about their location

04-03-2016, 05:31 PM
No comment: be patient and see what happens next.

CrowBat......this appears to be your "tactical patience".................

Northern #Aleppo: Well armed #Syria|n rebels advancing fast against #ISIS, will capture #Sawran, #Dabiq, #AlRai soon

Villages recently freed by #FSA from #Daesh in rural N.#Aleppo
Tal Bital
Tal Shair
Mazraa Shahin
Tat Homs

04-03-2016, 05:44 PM
Jaysh al-Islam repel regime Republican Guard & other militia destroying a t-72 tank w/ 7 KIA #Bala front #Damascus https://twitter.com/islamarmy05/status/716674316117606401 …

Two guys in the middle of pic 1 are Ba'ath Brigades militants.
https://twitter.com/bm27_uragan/status/716638984345092097 …

Assad to Russian TV: "The West is dishonest, western countries are insincere, can't rely on them to solve problems"
Yes, let's take a talking-to from the man whose regime has tortured and killed thousands.
https://twitter.com/BBCSteveR/status/716678835136278529 …

Russian TV: Assad "feels the pain of the ordinary person, turns own pain into boundless energy for his country."

Vesti: #Assad is ready for the elections. He draws his strength from families of the dead. #Putin trusts him.

04-03-2016, 07:04 PM
Several US Humvees used by Shia militias from Iraq wiped out by Rebels in Al_Eis, S. #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HACOP-I2U4 …

Desert Hawks boss Ayman Jaber says now rebels have broken ceasefire in #Latakia they will go on offensive 2 retake their positions & beyond

04-04-2016, 08:16 AM
Russia says demands that Assad should leave hinder Syria's political process: RIA

BUT WAIT...there would not have been a rebellion if Assad had not been so brutal....he has and is the core problem to a "political solution".....

Al Arabiya English
✔ ‎@AlArabiya_Eng #BREAKING: #Russia|n deputy foreign minister says Moscow proposes to put off discussions about #Assad’s fate.

04-04-2016, 08:25 AM
ISIS biggest mistake: They made Nusra/AQ look almost like a humanitarian organization in Syria.
- Maj.Gen. A. Gilad

Chechnya's Kadyrov says he's going to Syria at Assad's invitation http://ria.ru/syria_chronicle/20160404/1402048916.html …

@QalaatAlMudiq Note: Humvee N°8 seized on 16th November 2015 was used during 1st April Rebel assault on #Al_Eis.
US Humvees Fleet used by Iraqi militias in S. #Aleppo (#Syria): 4 seized & 4 destroyed. HD:

Syria Ahrar al Sham participate to clean western #Daraa from #IslamicState
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHaaRVD4LW0&feature=youtu.be …

04-04-2016, 08:44 AM
FSA takes out an Assad dozer on al-Bistwai hill in south rural #Aleppo, #Syria with a TOW missile
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rokcyh1R3PQ&feature=share …

Syrian Nusra Front's Abu Firas killed in suspected drone strike
http://www.unian.info/world/1308318-syrian-nusra-fronts-abu-firas-killed-in-suspected-drone-strike.html …

The #FSA liberated Sheikh Saad in S-W #Syria (#Daraa province) from #ISIS proxies.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHGldXMJ268 …

Impressive #FSA light mobile infantry attack on Tat humus that pushed out #ISIS.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I9zyKJQPMw …

Interesting video as it reflects a certain level of combat training with the use of constant covering fire by .50s and the use of the light truck technicals to cover the advancing infantry as they made their way into the village...WHAT is more interesting is the impact the .50s are making vs the 12.5mm Russian HMG......it is able to push continuous fire and then taken a new belt from the ammo can...vs the FSA went out having to hand load each shell into a belt...for years the US Army had not used the .50 until late into Iraq and AFG.....was a major HMG used all over VN. There must be thousands of them still in storage warehouses left over from WW2 and Korea.

Reminds one of advancing US infantry but with light trucks providing covering fire not Bradley's.....

New map of East Qalamoun & Palmyra situation after loss of #Qaryatayn by #IS /
HD : http://www.agathocledesyracuse.com/archives/717 #SyMap

04-04-2016, 08:46 AM
CrowBat......can you confirm this on your end??

Reports: #Iran send special forces from 65th Airborne Brigade to #Syria

04-04-2016, 09:11 AM
I started using the term "altered state of reality" here at SWJ when referring to statements made often by Putin and his FM during Crimea and now eastern Ukraine and Syria....I also indicated a number of times that it is extremely dangerous when the leader of a nuclear country starts to truly believe and "drink his own cool aid".............WHICH is where we are right now with Putin.....he now truly believes he can do whatever he pleases and the West will not stop him because basically he is right...the West has not truly pulled out the "Stop sign"....and an Abrams tank parked behind it.....

If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.
- Goebbels

This has been the price paid by the US for the Obama WH retrenchment in eastern Ukraine and Syria.....

04-04-2016, 09:17 AM
TOW strike by Jaish al-Nasr on ammo truck in Ain al-Qantara, Jebal Al Akrad, N. #Latakia.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7LEs6osna0 …

This is also a symbol: first #TOW launch video recorded in N. #Latakia since 25th February.

So rebels didn't abandon this front?

No, never. No pro-Regime forces advance since 1.5 month despite almost daily attacks on Rebels in N. Latakia

04-04-2016, 09:23 AM
More Assad and or Russian air strikes on hospitals.....

LCC: Assad's jets targeted the national hospital in Azaz, northern Aleppo. #Syria

Assad-forces try to advance into #Daraa suburb Yadudeh in southern #Syria

04-04-2016, 09:27 AM
JUST maybe the Obama WH should be rethinking their own "Iran Deal" and his statement in the Goldberg interview of a "cold peace"...Iran is attempting to fully annex Syria and pull it into their military conflict with KSA and the Sunni's and Obama seems to not have "gotten that".....??

Iran's parliament member "Mohammad Ali Bozorgvari"visiting #IRGC forces in Syria,Hama prov,near Sahn village12 March

During the #Afghanistan war, #Iran paid Taliban fighters $1,000 for each #American they killed"

UAE ambassador to US: the Iran we have long known—hostile, expansionist, violent—is alive & well
http://www.wsj.com/articles/one-year-after-the-iran-nuclear-deal-1459721502?mg=id-wsj …

“Death to America” has always been more than an ugly catchphrase; it has been Iranian policy." - Amb. Otaiba

04-04-2016, 09:31 AM
AND another IRGC senior leader "bites the dust"....
Key IRGC colonel Mashallah Shamseh, killed in southern rural Aleppo battles with Syrian revolutionaries.

AND another Hezbollah senior leader "bites the dust"...
Ali Fawzi Taha, Hezbollah’s chief commander in Syria directly responsible for Madaya siege, killed in Syria.

Footage shows Afghan fighters of #IRGC's Fatemioun brigade near Tadmur, Syria

8 Pakistanis of #IRGC's Zeynabiun brigade killed in Aleppo, Syria, buried today in Qom,Iran.

Habib Abdollahi,lost his eye in #IRGC's operation in North Aleppo, during Khamenei's speech,Tehran,30 March

Iranian #IRGC Heydar Ebrahimkhani killed in southern Aleppo, Syria.

Iranian #IRGC Abuzar Qavvaasi killed in southern Aleppo, Syria.

04-04-2016, 09:36 AM
Map. Recent rebel advances in N Aleppo. 8 Villages taken in the last 8 hours.
HD -
http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/688d/5sbvozka0wj9qxbzg.jpg …

Daraa Rebels have taken control of Sheikh Sa'ad, Jalin, al-Tira, Mzera'ah & the Scientific Research area from ISIS-affiliate al-Muthana

Syrian rebel progress in Deraa against ISIS. Capture Tayra, Sheikh Saad, Ainfa & Bara'i

Unidentified aircraft bombed Jaysh Thuwwar (YPG ally) positions around Tel Rifaat last night, wounding 2.

Its about time opp's forces end ISIL linked militias in south Syria.

Important: Shaykh Abū Firās as-Sūrī (AQ veteran & Jabhat an-Nusra official) killed in US airstrike in Kafr Jālis

04-04-2016, 09:37 AM
hassan hassan ‏@hxhassan
#Syria rebels fought in Aleppp for seven hours, and yet 1) no Russian airstrikes 2) U.S. had no objection http://www.thenational.ae/opinion/comment/rebel-gains-show-regimes-reliance-on-foreign-forces …
my take

Rebel gains show regime’s reliance on foreign forces, by @hxhassan

04-04-2016, 09:46 AM
CrowBat...is it just me but in the last two weeks there has been a "sudden" alliance of necessity between Turkey, the US and FSA towards first of all IS but more importantly towards Assad...with suddenly weapons flowing that had been stopped and the US AF now openly flying CAS for FSA.

AND more importantly the RuAF has "equally suddenly stopped flying air strikes"......so are we seeing an unspoken three way triangle.....US/Turkey, the FSA and Putin with two goals eliminate IS and Assad?

OR has Putin been outmaneuvered by the FSA and Turkey with the US realizing it must support both if they are to make any progress against IS??

04-04-2016, 10:46 AM
Or simply put the CIA and CENTCOM finally got their act together.....

04-04-2016, 10:55 AM
Syria Rebels blow up Shiite militia vehicle in southern #Aleppo at Kafr El Obeid with TOW
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.977589&lon=37.167091&z=14&m=b …

Daraa Seems Rebels enter Tasil after IS retreated
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=32.831135&lon=35.975075&z=13&m=b …

Syria IS-vehicle bomb in #DeirEzzor & clashes at northern city frontlines with regime forces

Key Nusra leader who had pushed for hardline religious rule killed in suspected Syrian or Russian airstrike
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/apr/03/syria-al-nusra-front-al-qaida-leader-kille-airstrike …

04-04-2016, 11:09 AM
Syrian tyrant's cousins Rami and Hafez Makhlouf in #panamapapers
https://panamapapers.icij.org/the_power_players/ …

FSA Southern Front press conference on the SF ops against #ISIS
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwAeAErFmRM&feature=share …

Rebels (Central Division) took out a T-72 yesterday on E. #Hama front with #Konkurs #ATGM.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfazhDm6wYU …

The insurgency is fighting on numerous fronts but the regime is unable to hold its ground.

Syria Iraqi Akram Ka'abi on the left, Saudi al Muhaysini on the right. Al Eis mosque, souther Aleppo.

Syria Report from Tat Humus in northern #Aleppo after #FSA expelled #IslamicState
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFWp5Y72tsY …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.618214&lon=37.377892&z=14&m=b …

Russian info warfare......
Kremlin is increasing its financing of state-run #Russian #propaganda.
https://twitter.com/specghost/status/700149810238775296 …

04-04-2016, 11:10 AM
Pick-ups with US 50cal M2HB hvy machine guns spearheading assault on #ISIS in Tat, N. #Aleppo

04-04-2016, 11:15 AM
How long before we see not just Iranian proxys & army units in #Syria but full Iranian divisions.

04-04-2016, 11:24 AM
After the fighting for Palmyra then the standard Assad looting begins....as always....

FRANCE 24 
Homes in Palmyra 'looted' by victorious Syrian govt soldiers http://f24.my/234ohIj via @Observers #Syria

RU @mod_russia led forces in #Palmyra treating themselves to goods stolen from inhabitants. Thanks ANNA

04-04-2016, 01:04 PM
CrowBat......can you confirm this on your end??

Reports: #Iran send special forces from 65th Airborne Brigade to #Syria
Yup, though they are there since nearly a year. Just no clue how many.

BTW, their 'colleagues' from the 55th Airborne and some other units are working with Peshmerga in northern Iraq since late 2014: it turned out Kurds have it easier to work with 'regulars' than the Pasdaran...

04-04-2016, 01:09 PM
CrowBat...is it just me but in the last two weeks there has been a "sudden" alliance of necessity between Turkey, the US and FSA towards first of all IS but more importantly towards Assad...with suddenly weapons flowing that had been stopped and the US AF now openly flying CAS for FSA.Not really. Oblabla remains Oblabla. But Saudis and Turks feel they've got 'free hand' to do what they like. There is a lot more Emirati involvement too, though we get next to nothing to hear about them: they're fiercely anti-Islamist (no matter what sort) and thus 'no story' for the media.

OR has Putin been outmaneuvered by the FSA and Turkey with the US realizing it must support both if they are to make any progress against IS??Putin has got a problem with a combination of MANPADs and necessity to get out of Syria (at least publicly) on time. At the current level of intensity, he could really withdraw this troops 'tomorrow in the morning', and hardly anybody would pay attention.

04-04-2016, 04:05 PM
CrowBat....one for you.......

First footage of Russian Air Force Ka-52s in combat in Syria emerges

04-04-2016, 04:18 PM
Not really. Oblabla remains Oblabla. But Saudis and Turks feel they've got 'free hand' to do what they like. There is a lot more Emirati involvement too, though we get next to nothing to hear about them: they're fiercely anti-Islamist (no matter what sort) and thus 'no story' for the media.

Putin has got a problem with a combination of MANPADs and necessity to get out of Syria (at least publicly) on time. At the current level of intensity, he could really withdraw this troops 'tomorrow in the morning', and hardly anybody would pay attention.

Middle East Eye ‎@MiddleEastEye
King Abdullah of Jordan tells Russia: "One bullet across border, all gloves are off"

CrowBat.....BTW...in one of the FSA videos released in the last day...there was a M72 LAW to be seen firing......tons of those sitting in US weapons depots and a very effective light infantry weapon.

04-04-2016, 04:34 PM
Current situation in north #Aleppo province
http://mediafire.com/convkey/f99d/didz7e6a518m19ezg.jpg …

Navy: Iranian weapons confiscated at sea — and it’s the third time in two months
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2016/04/04/navy-iranian-weapons-confiscated-at-sea-and-its-the-third-time-in-two-months/ …
US Navy seizes Iranian weapons likely bound for Yemen and Houthi rebels. Over 1,500 AK-47s
Iran very kindly returns 1,500 AK-47s + 200 RPGs that the #Houthis lost at sea.
http://fxn.ws/1MNyDF1 #Yemen

One of the #FSA Division 13 staging points during the attacks on Khalidiya village.Loc. forwarded to relevant acters

FSA expelled #IS from Qantarah in northern #Aleppo
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.607053&lon=37.393341&z=14&m=b …

04-04-2016, 04:35 PM
Highly recommend watching this as it will pertain to Putin in Syria......

Eliot Higgins ‎@EliotHiggins

Join us tomorrow for our next big release on #PutinAtWar—230pmET Register/WATCH LIVE

04-04-2016, 04:39 PM
AND another SAA senior officer "bites the dust"......
Syria #SAA Colonel Ibrahim Salloum deputy of Issam Zahreddine killed in #DeirEzzor

Rebels at the eastern gate of #Tasil to expell IS from town
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=32.831784&lon=35.984344&z=14&m=b …
Adwan seized

Lots of regime airstrikes along frontlines in southern #Aleppo

Kurdish #YPG shelling Deir Samaan & Simeon monastery in western #Aleppo with mortars
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.323078&lon=36.835613&z=14&m=b …
seems under rebel contr.

Rebels from Authenticity & Development Front in south #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHxyoc3jkfk …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3G06xxyFeE …
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authenticity_and_Development_Front …

04-04-2016, 04:49 PM
Heavy clashes btw rebels & regime continues in several villages in eastern #Hama
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.388910&lon=36.968994&z=13&m=b …

U.S. behind strike that killed Nusra Front's Abu Firas - officials

3 Lebanese citizens imprisoned in Emirates for trying to funnel money to Hezbollah

Mgdi al-Homsi took $1500 from a family for information on their jailed son, ran off to Europe. He gave them nothing.
Mr Homsi is now living in Bahnhofstr, 863820 Elsenfeld & basically bragging about keeping the cash.

04-04-2016, 04:53 PM
Syria Opposition HNC

Syria Opposition HNC
#Assad regime forces hinder aid convoy to besieged areas. Via @hrw_ar. #Syria

ONE of the core issues to the CoH was the delivery of humanitarian aid to roughly 500K beseiged and hard to get to locations...Putin and his MoD constanly boast of aid deliveries BUT to loyal assad towns and villages and in the 6-10 ton ranges BUT UN estimates 100s of tons are urgently needed.......

04-04-2016, 04:55 PM
BREAKING Mother arrested w/her baby by #SAA in #Damascus,she was tortured to death, then the baby died #Syria APR 4

04-04-2016, 05:23 PM
JaI combat #GoPro vid from KhanTuman front during assault
BTW, The #JaI tank shielding the assault party speeds to fast to allow close cover, exhausts spearhead troops.

Too many besieged Syrians still not receiving aid. Gov still blocking aid to #Eastern Ghouta #Daraya

Syria 5 #SAA officers & ~20 soldiers killed by #IS assault in #DeirEzzor today

04-04-2016, 05:29 PM
CrowBat.....BTW...in one of the FSA videos released in the last day...there was a M72 LAW to be seen firing......tons of those sitting in US weapons depots and a very effective light infantry weapon.Haven't seen FSyA troops with the M72, but the IRGC captured a few from the JAN in al-Eis area - and all were 'made in Turkey'.

BTW, the Daesh assault on Dayr az-Zawr might be the biggest this year. So, the situation there is something to watch the next few days.

04-04-2016, 05:39 PM
FSA is now storming Al-Rai,a strategic IS stronghold

Its seems #FSA and Faylaq al-Sham offensive on al-Ra'i has started with Intl coalition and turkish artillery support
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.612772&lon=37.445354&z=14&m=b&search=al-ra'i …

Syria #US fighter jet above #Azaz in northern #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwsfKphLD8o&feature=youtu.be …

Faylaq al-Rahman show dead #Assad republican guard solders killed attacking al-Marj area in #EastGhouta #Damascus.

Several Russian airtrikes reported on al-Eis & ICARDA south #Aleppo. Unconfirmed if this is part of Assad & IRGC militias counterattack.

04-04-2016, 05:45 PM
MORE Iranian senior officers "bite the dust"..........

Three senior Iranian officers killed in confrontations with Syrian rebels in Aleppo - ARA News
http://aranews.net/2016/04/three-senior-iranian-officers-killed-confrontations-syrian-rebels-aleppo/ …

An interesting Russian article.........
RIA runs op-ed claiming a “new world war” is underway, where you need “advanced cognitive tech,” not just nukes.
http://ria.ru/analytics/20160404/1402284827.html …

04-04-2016, 05:50 PM
It is intereasting that this US Congressman shows up again on the Russian radar....he was a really big Russian supporter of the Crimea takeover and the Russian invasion into eastern Ukraine and attempted to get any aid to ukraine cut.......

Stridently pro-Moscow, anti-NATO comments from visiting @DanaRohrabacher welcomed by Russian govt media. Sigh ...
http://sputniknews.com/politics/20160403/1037409964/rohrabacher-russia-us-tensions.html …

US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher has accused US politicians of incompetence that led to the deterioration of US-Russian ties, and thanked Russia for its operation in Syria.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Relations between Washington and Moscow have been strained since the start of the Ukrainian crisis and Crimea’s referendum to secede from Ukraine and reunite with Russia in 2014.

The US government took a hard line on Russia, accusing it of interfering with Ukrainian affairs, and imposed several rounds of economic sanctions on Moscow. The Russian authorities have repeatedly refuted all allegations and called the imposition of sanctions counterproductive.

"Literally a large percentage of decision makers" are incompetent about Russia today, Rohrabacher was quoted by RT as saying at an inter-parliamentary meeting in Moscow, adding "they do not give you credit for the good things you are doing. When there are disagreements, it’s been portrayed as: ‘Russia is evil because you disagree with us.’"

Rohrabacher also thanked Russia for its positive role in world affairs, particularly for the contribution to the settlement of the Syrian crisis.

"Thank you for what you are doing in Syria. From me! "I’ve been talking to ordinary Americans and I say: It’s great they have Russia down there killing the terrorists that want to kill us. And they thank you too," he said.

04-04-2016, 06:10 PM
US/Turkey backed rebels now fighting ISIS in Northern Aleppo during the night

Syria #YPG using bulldozers against peaceful protesters in al-Hawl #hasaka

04-04-2016, 06:13 PM
Not really. Oblabla remains Oblabla. But Saudis and Turks feel they've got 'free hand' to do what they like. There is a lot more Emirati involvement too, though we get next to nothing to hear about them: they're fiercely anti-Islamist (no matter what sort) and thus 'no story' for the media.

Putin has got a problem with a combination of MANPADs and necessity to get out of Syria (at least publicly) on time. At the current level of intensity, he could really withdraw this troops 'tomorrow in the morning', and hardly anybody would pay attention.

CrowBat...here is the MANPAD arrival confirmation announcement.......

Aleppo: Reports that #US/#Turkey backed Regiment 99 #FSA Group has received #MANPADS

Any idea where they are from...and type??

04-04-2016, 06:29 PM
Syria rebels near ISIS stronghold in N. Aleppo
http://mme.cm/S4AW00 via @NOW_eng

04-04-2016, 06:36 PM

Parade of the Blacklisted Marches Through Firm’s Client List — and Syria’s Civil War:
https://www.occrp.org/en/panamapapers/parade-of-the-blacklisted/ …

A MUST read article taken from the over 2.6terabytes of leaked offshore tax haven data...released yesterday......

04-04-2016, 06:38 PM
FSA is now storming Al-Rai,a strategic IS stronghold

Its seems #FSA and Faylaq al-Sham offensive on al-Ra'i has started with Intl coalition and turkish artillery support
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.612772&lon=37.445354&z=14&m=b&search=al-ra'i …

Syria #US fighter jet above #Azaz in northern #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwsfKphLD8o&feature=youtu.be …

Aleppo: #Syria|n rebels are storming the #ISIS held border town of #AlRai now. Massive airstrikes by #US Air Force.

Reports rebels took the railway station and grain silos inside al-Ra'i north Aleppo.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.616251&lon=37.443745&z=17&m=b&search=al-ra'i …

Syria: #FSA rebels are now in full control of Tal Ahmar and Qanitrah, they're now on the outskirts of al-Rai, N #Aleppo push continues...

Syria: #FSA rebels have captured the villages of Shabaniyah and al-Raghbiyah right on the Turkish border from #Daesh militants

04-04-2016, 06:56 PM
The #Assad-Makhlouf Mafia a.k.a. "government" ripping off #Syria.
https://twitter.com/theosint/status/716686203236421632 …

Syria: hypocrisy at its finest; Jaysh al-Thuwar (took Tal Rifaat w/ Russian help) condemns #Turkey for helping #FSA

Opening of a residential village in rural #Idlib province with 268 apartments to house displaced families
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_ZUR_9rjI0 …

FSA (green) advance in N- #Aleppo against #ISIS, but kurdish #YPG (yellow) not a single Km -only backstab

04-04-2016, 07:19 PM
This is either the stuff of epic legends or worthy of Winston at MiniTru

The Russian Special Forces officer who was killed during the operation to liberate Palmyra from the Daesh terrorist group has been named as 25-year-old Alexander Prokhorenko, who ordered air forces to strike his position after he was discovered by Daesh terrorists.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/russia/20160329/1037166120/russian-hero-palmyra-named-father.html#ixzz44t4jFGzm

Prokhorenko : command I am compromised, I repeat I am compromised.

Command: Please say again and confirm.

Prokhorenko : They have spotted me, there are shooting everywhere, I am pinned, requesting immediate extraction.

Command: Extraction request acknowledged.

Prokhorenko : Please hurry I am low on ammo, they seem to [be]everywhere, I can’t hold them for too long please hurry.

Command: Confirmed, hold them off, continue returning fire, retreat to a safe position, air support is monitoring, state your coordinates

Prokhorenko : [gives coordinates which are blurred in the transcript]
Command: [command repeats coordinates which are blurred.]Confirm

Prokhorenko : Confirmed, please hurry I am low on ammo, they are surroundig me, bastards!

Command: ETA on evacuation 12 minutes, return to the green line, I repeat return to the green line.

Prokhorenko : They are close, I am surrounded, this may be the end, tell my family I love them dearly.

Command: Return to the green line, continue returning fire, help is on the way, followed by air support.

Prokhorenko : Negative, I am surrounded, they are so many of these bastards!

Command: Extract ETA 10 minutes, return to the green line.
Prokhorenko : I can’t they have surrounded me and are closing in, please hurry.

Command: return to the green line, I repeat return to the green line.

Prokhorenko : They are outside, conduct the airstrike now please hurry, this is the end, tell my family I love them and i died fighting for my motherland.

Command: Negative, return to the green line.

Prokhorenko : Unable command, I am surrounded, they are outside, I don’t want them to take me and parade me, conduct the airstrike, they will make a mockery of me and this uniform. I want to die with dignity and take all these bastards with me. please my last wish, conduct the airstrike, they will kill me either way.

Command: Please confirm your request.

Prokhorenko : They [are] outside, this is the end commander, thank you, tell my family and my country I love them. Tell them I was brave and I fought until I could no longer. Please take care of my family, avenge my death, good bye commander, tell my family I love them!

Command: [No response, orders the airstrike]

Original post location by Pravda.Ru administrator(s)

See also https://youtu.be/7oVzfzuts3o

04-04-2016, 07:46 PM
This is either the stuff of epic legends or worthy of Winston at MiniTru

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/russia/20160329/1037166120/russian-hero-palmyra-named-father.html#ixzz44t4jFGzm

Original post location by Pravda.Ru administrator(s)

See also https://youtu.be/7oVzfzuts3o

It is correct as he did in fact call in the last strike on himself..........BTW......a number of US SF in VN did similar air strike call ends in after they were seriously wounded and stayed behind in order to get their MACV SOG teams extracted.....many are still MIA until today.....

Seems to be a SF kind of thing.......regardless of what army a SF soldier fights for......

04-05-2016, 06:21 AM
The previous commenter brings up indirectly an interesting point referencing
Spetsnaz which has been badly used and abused by Putin first in eastern Ukraine and now in Syria.

In eastern Ukraine they are being used in a Ranger style mode of recon and sabotage which has led to higher than normal loses as the UAF has gotten good at countering their teams......plus when two Spetsnaz officers were captured Putin basically denied they were even in Spetsnaz which caused a great amount of grumbling within the unit they were from forcing the Russian MoD to pull the unit out of eastern Ukraine and stand them down.

In the latest round of fighting the UAF has killed another 10-15.......from the very beginning the Russian MoD has been rotating the units every 3-4 months in an attempt to keep the loses per unit appearance wise low.

The same tactic is being used also now in Syria where they have lost an estimated 50 in the last six months.

04-05-2016, 06:29 AM
Islamic Front says they repelled YPG attack on Castilo road north outskirts of Aleppo aimed to cut-off the only supply route into the city.

FSA & Islamic groups prove #ISIL power is just a myth & nothing but a great show. Its just a matter of time to clean north & south Syria.

Assad & #Iran want to keep this myth alive & count on #ISIL being perceived as a mortal threat to carry out their sec agendas in the region

Syria Regime used Chlorine gas in #DeirEzzor city today
-but wrong wind direction

Barrage of Grad rockets & mortar shells hit al-Eis & Zorba in southern #Aleppo -Shiite militias try to advance during night

Night airstrikes on al-Eis town in southern #Aleppo

Assad-forces shelling #Aleppo suburb Hayan with artillery & Anti Aircraft guns

FSA rebels are helping civilians escape from #Daesh territory towards rebel areas ahead of al-Rai push

Kurdish #YPG attacks #Azaz town in northern #Aleppo yesterday

04-05-2016, 07:03 AM
Russian Syrian Express in the wrong place now........

This ship was last seen headed to Syrian via Turkey on a supply run and now she is in Malta????? She is riding high and empty so why the detour?

RFS YAUZA entering Valletta, Malta - 04.04.2016 -

04-05-2016, 07:19 AM
Foreign Affairs
✔ ‎@ForeignAffairs Putin’s moves in Syria echo his tactics during the Second Chechen War:

Saudi Arabia's bitter Lebanese divorce

04-05-2016, 11:27 AM
Unconfirmed reports rebels downed an #Assad army fighter jet over al-Eis south Aleppo.

Unbelievable! Assad jet downed by rebels in al-Eis, S. rural #Aleppo

First footage of the Su-22 crash site.

Local activists: downed warplane Su-22 code 949.

#Aleppo cs #SYria APRIL 5

SAA criminal Pilot image more clear.
Still not confirmation if he is dead or alive. #Tel_Eis #Aleppo #Syria APR5

Southern #Aleppo: Rebels reporting that they captured the second pilot(left) of the downed #Assad warplane. #AlEis

04-05-2016, 11:52 AM
Downing of Su-22 over #Al_Eis happening as pro-Regime forces preparing to launch counter-offensive after heavy shelling on area. S. #Aleppo

04-05-2016, 11:59 AM
And while #YPG attacks Rebels in #sheikmaksud & #Azaz with help of Regime airstrikes... #Aleppo.

3 top Hezbollah leaders killed recently in Syria directly involved in siege killing children

Qalamoun: ISIS recapture 3 mountains previously controlled by Hezbollah

Qalamoun: jets suspected to be Russian carried out airstrikes earlier today in Dumayr

Idlib: carbomb in Ma'arat Numan, reports of civilian casualties

Aleppo: Syrian Rebels capture ISIS "intelligence" division Abu Sayyaf Al Masri after he shaved beard & tried to flee

IS mortared Assad airfield......
Deir Ezzor: There it is Ibrahim Saloum Assad regime general killed by ISIS

Around 20 villages captured by #Syria Opposition factions during the ongoing offensive since several weeks. #Aleppo

04-05-2016, 12:04 PM
Assad state TV now saying: "#SAA fighter jet was shot down by a surface-to-air missile in Aleppo countryside"..
#Syria APRIl 5

Ahrar shot the plane down. #Nusra took the pilot. What's not clear about Ahrar involvement?

CrowBat........there is a comment out there that a censored Ahrar video is floating out there about the shot down...... claims it was a Stinger?????

Heard anything on your end??

Was an alleged Su-22UM-2K?

04-05-2016, 12:20 PM
Dozens of #SAA terrorists airstrikes targeting #Abu_alDhuhor liberated airbase
#Idlib cs #Syria APRIL 5

Iranian's have been emptying out entire weapons storages firing at Al Eis area S.#Aleppo in attempts to get it back until now.

PKK on #Sheikh_Maqsoud shelling with mortars on #alcastello area, resulting martyrs & wounded among civilians now
#Aleppo cs #Syria APRIL 5

FSA repel #PKK attempt to cut road and advance in #alCastello, heavy clashes on-going now
#Aleppo cs #Syria APRIL 5

Aleppo: #Syria|n rebels advancing in #SheikhMaqsood now, after #YPG failed to cut the highway to Aleppo City.

Moment of #SAA airstrikes on #Dhumair earlier, killing 8 people, 5 from the same family
#Damascus cs #Syria APRIL 5

04-05-2016, 12:29 PM
Now the question is: Will #Russia renew its airstrikes in southern Aleppo to prevent the regime from losing its air support?

Syria Rebels took checkpoints in kurdish controlled
Sheikh Maqsud neighborhood of #Aleppo after #YPG failed to cut supply route

04-05-2016, 03:11 PM
Insurgents are indiscriminately shelling Sheikh Maqsood, from which PYD is launching an offensive to cut off rebels in Aleppo City.

FSA Northern Division senior officer killed in YPG Kurdish militia attack in Aleppo today.

MAP....Progress by Southern Rebels to stop Liwa Shuhada al-Yarmouk in SW #Daraa
HD - http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/8f3f/2ovti85sl4y1sn8zg.jpg …

04-05-2016, 03:38 PM
It is correct as he did in fact call in the last strike on himself..........

It is?

I posted as close to Primary Source as could be found, straight from the proverbial 'horses's mouth' - Pravda.ru's forum administrator(s).

Personally, I *think* it probably happened that way but if Pravda didn't want us raising a skeptical eyebrow they should have gone the extra length of posting the audio as well.

Single Sourcing your Intel is *always* bad JuJu.

I'll leave this here as food for thought -


04-05-2016, 03:44 PM
Ex-#Russian #FSB spy exposes #Kremlin's operation of terror, help to Islamic State
http://uatoday.tv/politics/ex-fsb-officer-to-tsn-tyzhden-russia-involved-in-london-paris-attacks-isis-548838.html …

Twelve Hezbollah members were killed by attack launched by Nusra Front in Qaryatain
http://www.syrianobserver.com/EN/News/30808/Clashes_Intensify_Al_Qaryatain_Al_Eis_Two_IRGC_Sol diers_Dead …

T90s fighting for Assad with Hezbollah flags and possibly Russian crews. So much for the SAA.
https://twitter.com/missy_ryan/status/717342301257932800 …

Top U.S. official says U.S. would block #Russia|n sale of #Su-30 to #Iran
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-usa-russia-aircraft-idUSKCN0X21TQ?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=twitter …

U.S. official: administration open to renewal of Iran Sanctions Act

04-05-2016, 03:53 PM
Aleppo: #YPG attacking the Castello Road again with mortars and heavy machine guns. 1 civilian killed, many wounded

Worth reading.....
Here's the Atlantic Council/Bellingcat report on Russia's air war in Syria:
http://publications.atlanticcouncil.org/distract-deceive-destroy/ …

Charles Lister ‎@Charles_Lister
Opposition heavily shelling Kurdish Sheikh Maqsoud district of #Aleppo, amid repeated #YPG attacks on Castello Road supply route

After a senior officer of the FSA Northern Division was killed in the ongoing YPG attacks on Castello Road.....

Michael Weiss
✔ ‎@michaeldweiss Six months of Russian air strikes hardly hit Isis, new study finds. But history begins with Palmyra, natch: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/apr/05/russian-claims-syria-airstrikes-inaccurate-report …

04-05-2016, 04:03 PM
Shot down Syrian SU22 pilot.......
SAA Criminal Pilot identified;
Colonel Squadron Commander"Khaled Saed" from #Latakia
#Tel_Eis #Aleppo #Syria APRIL5

Damascus: Heavy fighting between #ISIS and #Assad forces east of rebel-held Ad-#Dumayr.

04-05-2016, 04:05 PM
CrowBat.....this rumor is back again and again from the US of all places......anything to it?

ISW ‎@TheStudyofWar
US says Iran forces pulling back in Syria; others say no

Kerry stated something along these lines several weeks ago.....but the Iran announced they are sending in SF advisors from the 65th Airborne Div.....

04-05-2016, 04:37 PM
It is?

I posted as close to Primary Source as could be found, straight from the proverbial 'horses's mouth' - Pravda.ru's forum administrator(s).

Personally, I *think* it probably happened that way but if Pravda didn't want us raising a skeptical eyebrow they should have gone the extra length of posting the audio as well.

Single Sourcing your Intel is *always* bad JuJu.

I'll leave this here as food for thought -


While I admit some of the more heroic comments "may" have been added for the Russian population as a whole....the TTPs both he and his command and control were quoted as saying are actual.

There is also the hair splitting between did he call the strike in on himself or did this command and control call it in knowing he was surrounded and they did not want him taken prisoner knowing that it would lead to a public beheading and info war video.

They would have known his exact location anyway due to the GPS trackers they carry.

In AFG there were a number of similar events where the Spetsnaz team leader did call in the strike on themselves as they were also surrounded.

Spetsnaz has a massive reputation inside the Russian military dating from AFG and the guerrilla days of WW2 and it has experienced a large jump in growth in the last five years after suffering through the drawdown days after 1991.

Example of the power of this reputation ...years ago I happened to catch a video on Russian military TV which was a long interview with a Spetsnaz team in AFG that talked about their day to day operations, raids and the loses that even they were taking.

At the end of the interview the team leader made the simple statement...I see no further need to be fighting in AFG and we need to leave AFG.....five days after this interview was broadcast to the Russian military over their own TV channels Russia formally announced they were withdrawing from AFG.

It was as if the Russian MoD was using Spetsnaz to signal to the rest of the military that in fact they could withdraw because if Spetsnaz says they were leaving then the rest of the army could as well.

04-05-2016, 05:57 PM
The Guardian
✔ ‎@guardian Russian claims on Syria airstrikes 'inaccurate on grand scale', says report

IS took army storage base 559 in eastern #Qalamoun reportedly. Location:

Overheard at the Pentagon: "Jabhat al Nusra is the girl you keep on the shelf. You hit it when you can't find ISIL."

Last time a SyAAF jet was shot down Russia announced the downsizing of mission in Syria

04-05-2016, 06:00 PM
Comment tonight out of eastern Ukraine.......

Dokuchaevsk @Shrik_E "Rotation of orcs, ruscists came. #Rumours that they brag, they came from #Syria"

04-05-2016, 06:13 PM
Rumors Jabhat al-Nusra's radical wing standing against the disengagement from al-Qaeda to be targeted and terminated in the coming period.

FSA captured Tal Safir and is now roughly 1.6km from the W Entrance of al-Rai, and IS stronghold

Rebels shelling kurdish controlled Sheikh Maqsud neighborhood of #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfpXW3g9h94 …

Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
Jabhat al-Nusra’s military leader Abu Humam al-Suri was killed alongside Abu Firas al-Suri in recent strike

04-05-2016, 06:15 PM
Shot down Syrian SU22 pilot.......
SAA Criminal Pilot identified;
Colonel Squadron Commander"Khaled Saed" from #Latakia
#Tel_Eis #Aleppo #Syria APRIL5

The captured pilot conducted 9 airstrikes today. His plane was shot down in Qalamoun last year but he survived

Ahrar Al Sham has had MANPADS "for a while", at least more than 6 months ago. Not one, not 2, but "enough". But they have't used them.

04-05-2016, 06:20 PM
Another IRGC senior officer "bites the dust"......

Iranian revolutionary guard General Mohsen killed by rebels in Aleppo

Looks like another Iranian revolutionary guard killed in Syria "Ali Taheri" that's 15 killed in 48hrs

Deir Ezzor: ISIS kill Assad regime Lieutenant Hussein Ibrahim. He's originally from Tartous

04-05-2016, 06:21 PM
Assads personal imam Hassoun "I did not threaten west I advised them" yep you said you'd send suicide bombers...

Video where Assads mufti threatened west that as soon as west strikes Syria they will send suicide bombers

04-05-2016, 06:29 PM
Russian Syrian Express.........

BМФ #ВФ Dvinitsa50 transits Bosphorus en route to #Tartus :This is 3rd Syrian deployment in2016 for the cargo ship...she is not carrying any "withdrawn Russian equipment" as she is riding extremely high thus totally empty.

04-05-2016, 06:38 PM
Syria: #Daesh militants launched a offensive against both the regime and rebels in eastern #Qalamoon, advancing to the city of Dumayr

Syria: note Dumayr is under the control of Jaysh al-Islam and Jaysh Tahrir al-Sham (#FSA) in truce with the regime

Syria: the 51st Brigade (#FSA) claims to have captured Tal Safir, last #Daesh position west of al-Rai

FSA continues to evacuate civilians out of #Daesh areas towards rebel-held N #Aleppo https://youtu.be/vyXd-QYI4qk

Syria: officials & rebels in Sarrin agree to implement a Democratic system in Manbij under the revolution flag

04-05-2016, 07:01 PM
bellingcat ‎@bellingcat
Presentation of Distract, Deceive, Destroy now underway -- tune in live. #PutinAtWar
https://twitter.com/AtlanticCouncil/status/717421008584642560 …
WATCH: Distract, Deceive, Destroy: #PutinAtWar in #Syria

Damascus province: Huge #ISIS offensive against #Sayqal Airbase, #Dumayr Airbase and the #Tishreen Power Plant.

Aleppo: #Syria|n rebels killed #YPG commander in #SheikhMaqsood. Rebels still advancing inside the neighbourhood.

04-05-2016, 07:19 PM
Rebels in north Aleppo finally adapted to small, tight, efficient fighting units. Pic of FSA Hamza Brig in Tal Ahmar

Iran's General Ali Arasteh: "We are sending commandos... to #Syria as advisers"
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-iran-idUSKCN0X11D4 …

Regime airforce targeting rebels held Castilo road into #Aleppo with heavy machine guns supporting YPG Kurdish militia most probably

Reports of several Intl coalition airstrikes targeted #ISIL positions in al-Ra'i north Aleppo comes before an expected rebels ground attack.

ISIL post pics of booty seized from #Assad army in East Qalamoun today.

Aleppo: 12+ civilians killed today in heavy fighting between #Syria|n rebels and #YPG in & around #SheikhMaqsood.

Local activists: unidentified warplane targeted a Jabhat al-Nusra vehicle in #Idleb,

04-06-2016, 05:01 AM
Unconfirmed reports of #RuAF airstrikes against #Nusra, rebel positions in #AlEis prepping for #Iran SF advance from #AlHader south #Aleppo

04-06-2016, 06:04 AM
Russia tries another end run around the US by using the UN to get the so called proAssad opposition and the Kurds involved in Geneva......

TASS: Russia's proposal on Syria inclusive talks blocked at UN Security Council
http://www.unian.info/world/1310679-tass-russias-proposal-on-syria-inclusive-talks-blocked-at-un-security-council.html …

Just how can the US DoS Kerry always be getting it so wrong???? Maybe he dreamt about it??

John Kerry says Iran is pulling troops out of Syria. Is it?
The Obama administration says that Iran is drawing down its elite fighting force from Syria. But Iran says it isn't.

Does this sound like an Iranian "drawdown"......??
Reports about a planned huge #Iranian assault on #Aleppo sounded like a cheap excuse for the #JN attack but was true https://twitter.com/artwendeley/status/717582063445143552 …

Seeing reports of huge #Iranian buildup in south #Aleppo it's clear they had planned an offensive to end ceasefire. https://twitter.com/dalatrm/status/717457175375962112 …

Non-stop bombardment on al-Eis village & hill in the last 24 hrs. Iranian special forces deployed to Syria to help recapture the lost areas.
BUT WAIT...Iran just announced they were "advisors" not actual combatants.....

BUT THEN:......
Activists: Rebels repelled huge Assad/Hezbollah/IRGC counter attack on al-Eis thru az-Zerbah plain & killed scores

It is like DoS Kerry does not see this development.....and it is literally hitting him in the face......

Assad's choice: a) negotiations that will end his regime b) continue with war on #Syria together with #Iran. So?

Makes it quite obvious #Iran and regime are the driving forces behind ending the ceasefire in southern #Aleppo. https://twitter.com/f1ea133337/status/717448068019458049 …

04-06-2016, 06:22 AM
DoS Kerry appears to need to ask himself if this "sounds" like an Iranian "withdrawal"...smacks of the Putin alleged "withdrawal"......

Iran's 65th NOHED was previously cited as being in #Aleppo as 'advisors,' now directly fighting for warlord #Assad. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-iran-idUSKCN0X11D4 …

“@AlArabiya_Eng: VIDEO: Iran sends special forces to Syria in place of Russian troops

What is interesting in all of this hype is per comments by CrowBat....they have been at least a year already in Syria....and apparently no one even Kerry and apparently the entire US IC did not notice them......

04-06-2016, 06:28 AM
Apparently the US Kurdish proxy supported by Obama, CIA and CENTCOM is up to their "old tricks" again........

Mohammed Aboud, who is Hatuniye tribe leader in Syria and Iraq, said that PYD militants are looting Arabs houses

They have been often accused of this when they take over Arab Sunni towns and villages....part and parcel of the Kurdish ethnic cleansing of Arabs both in Iraq and now Syria......

04-06-2016, 06:32 AM
When Assad and shia militias attack, they are fighting Jabhat al-Nusra.
When rebels repel and counter attack, FSA is violating the truce.

I am not sure Russ MoD consider continues Assad air & ground attacks on East Ghouta & rural Latakia as CoH violation

From proRussian commenter....
Yury Barmin
MoD official told me they are struggling to keep the ceasefire going, that JAN attacks & SU-22 incident may lead to resumption of fighting

Appears to many as if Russia completely and truly "overlooks any Assad CoH violations" end of story.....

AND the so called DoS Kerry run US Syrian Coordination Center has never released a single report on any violations whatsoever....how strange is that?

04-06-2016, 06:37 AM
Really worth watching this ....great example of social media open source analysis at work and even greater evidence that the Russia info warfare is having a difficult time countering this type of reverse info warfare...one that uses the truth instead of propaganda and disinformation.......

Full presentation & discussion of @AtlanticCouncil & @Bellingcat report on #PutinAtWar in Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_moUg08QdLQ …

Eliot Higgins ‏@EliotHiggins
Here's the full version of the Distract Destroy Deceive report that's just launched
http://publications.atlanticcouncil.org/distract-deceive-destroy/ …
#PutinAtWar in Syria

04-06-2016, 06:39 AM
Interesting development.....does in fact IS support now via some of their Assad attacks efforts of the Assad opposition in their attacks even at the same time fighting with FSA units?

Damascus: #ISIS killed 5 high ranking #Assad pilots at the #Dumayr Airbase, including 3 commanders.

There's the commandeering chief of Assads Dumayr airbase Sulayman Ali originally from Tartous, now dead.

04-06-2016, 06:51 AM
Reports of #Russia|n airstrikes & Assad MLRS attack targeting al-Zirba in south rural #Aleppo

Syria: meanwhile Turkish artillery is targeting the #Daesh held village of Ehtimlat, just south of rebel positions

There are reports that head of security of Assad’s wife Asma Colonel Husam Shalish has been assassinated by Damascus special ops brigade

PKK (aka YPG SDF & other 'entities' covered by the PKK's kurdish alphabet soup) use civilians of Sheikh Masqood as human shields

Nusra interview with pilot of the downed Assad jet in #Aleppo Brigadier General Khalid Ahmad Sai’id from Latakia

Sahel: Syrian Rebels capture Assad regime Lieutenant Abd Al Rahman Sabsabi

Hezbollah-Shia militias (since 2013), #RuAF-Ru Special forces (2015-6) & now Iran Special forces in Syria. RIP "SAA"

04-06-2016, 07:18 AM
Appears the US supported Kurdish proxy YPG is having some rather difficult times fighting with the US supported FSA........


Abu Rowan, the leader of #YPG has been killed by #FSA Rebels in sheikh-Maqsood

Remember it was the same YPG that stated two days ago they would fight anyone standing in front of them including the FSA.....

04-06-2016, 07:26 AM
Under the "how weird is this" rubric........

Total Escalation in E.Qalamoun #Damascus province. 500 #SAA soldiers trapped as they call Opposition for help

CrowBat.....appears some elements of the SAA might in fact be warming up to working directly with the opposition against IS or do they believe that this is the "new line from Assad" or is it simply a question of self preservation at this moment in time??

Syria: should the situation in eastern #Qalamoon become desperate this could be the first time we witness regime/rebel cooperation...the question becomes will then SAA side openly against Assad??

04-06-2016, 07:33 AM
Assad's Oppression in Numbers: Regime Agencies Issue Over Half a Million Arrest Warrants
http://sobsrvr.com/mTlp0jbB via @observesyria

Video to the former posting on this assassination by FSA.....
FSA claim killed the security official for the protection of Asma al-#Assad Colonel "Hussam Abboud Shailesh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXF2HKj2L3A …

Syria #Assad-forces & #Hezbollah failed tonight to storm al-Eis,
Zerbah & silos along southern #Aleppo highway

Aleppo Image from Syriatel tower on Tel al-Eis this morning -still under rebel control

04-06-2016, 10:51 AM
CrowBat.....appears some elements of the SAA might in fact be warming up to working directly with the opposition against IS or do they believe that this is the "new line from Assad" or is it simply a question of self preservation at this moment in time??Two things here:

a) Half the Assadist military is 'cooperating' with insurgents all the time (i.e. since 2011); and

b) without Iranian intervention, the war between insurgents and the regime would've been over in early 2014 (though insurgents would meanwhile be at odds with each other, and fighting the Daesh too, i.e. the same would be going on in Syria, like what's going on in Libya).

Syria: should the situation in eastern #Qalamoon become desperate this could be the first time we witness regime/rebel cooperation...the question becomes will then SAA side openly against Assad??Except for the 155th and the 156th Missile Brigades, I do not know a single 'SAA' unit based in that part of Syria. Everything is 'NDF'.

Problem is that there is actually no 'SAA' left any more. The last few useful units have all been reformed as various sorts of private militias. Even so, the regime is left with so few troops, it can't control areas it's supposed to control, i.e. hold. This Daesh offensive into Eastern Qalamoun made it more than clear.

Anyway: while some of local NDF units might side with FSyA and the IF in Dmeyr area, overall, I do not see there being much 'brotherhood' left. The IRGC is now going to rush a mass of its 'pilgrims' to stabilize the situation, and as soon as these are around, any kind of cooperation becomes impossible.

04-06-2016, 01:24 PM
Upcoming Tal Eis offensive: Iranians, Iraqis, Hizbollah & Afghanis on ground, Russia from air, Assad from iPad

Khamenei's special forces killed last night now rotting in fields of az-Zarbah south Aleppo

Ahrar foils advance attempt by pro-Assad Iranian backed militias in southern #Aleppo this morning, seems many were killed inc a commander

This under Russia/Assad airstrikes, heavy artillery & rocket fire inc. cluster munition use

Report from Tel al-Eis in southern #Aleppo this morning
Seems now quiet
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwzHbDFci4U&feature=youtu.be …

Latest claim by al-Amaq: #ISIS car bomb targeted a regime convoy near the Dumayr air base #Syria

Assad-forces bombed Darat Izza town in western #Aleppo with ballistic missiles

Collecting the cluster munitions dropped by Russian jets on Harbinifsah in #Hama,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQQMQ0WGezA&feature=share …

04-06-2016, 01:26 PM
Regime forces on outskirts of regime besieged Wa'ar in #Homs are yet again targeting civilian houses with heavy machine guns.

Reports again of a regime heavy artillery & MLRS attack targeting rebel held Anadan & Hayan from Tamoura & Ratyan in north rural #Aleppo

IS took over Badia cement, Al-Safa & #SAA Battalion 559 storage -located at #Damascus-Baghdad road

Assad soldiers trapped in Sayqal airbase begging Rebels to help save them from ISIS.

Ahrar shot down Assads jet as it bombed El Eis in Aleppo. Missile hit middle of jet causing it to catch fire

Ahrar al-Sham (#Syria Opposition) claim they shot down the Su-22, while Assad Regime still claims it was Nusra Front. JaN captured the pilots...

04-06-2016, 01:29 PM
CrowBat.....who is carrying out this urban guerrilla attack campaign...FSA or IS...as I keep seeing comments referencing an special ops unit.??

Regime orders soldiers not to wear uniform in #Damascus after 10 soldiers stabbed in the city
https://en.zamanalwsl.net/news/15059.html?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=socialnetwork …

04-06-2016, 01:36 PM
CrowBat.......just how many more loses can Iran and their IRGC take before they throw in full strength regular army units....??

Appears all of them Hezbollah, IRGC and the 65th SF took major loses last night and early this morning even with heavy CAS and artillery/rocket support...

IRGC Colonel Haidar Ibrahim Khani killed this morning in southern #Aleppo #Syria

Iranian #IRGC Colonel. Mashalloah Shamseh (first from right) killed in southern Aleppo, Syria.

Iranian Colonel. Ali Taheri killed in southern Aleppo, Syria.#IRGC's officer death toll raised to 7.

Iranian #IRGC Mohammad Jebeli killed in southern Aleppo, Syria.

Graves of 4 Afghan child soldiers (all 17 yrs old) sent to Syria by #IRGC,buried in Tehran, Mashhad,Isfahan.

Iranian #IRGC Abolfazl Raahchamani killed in southern Aleppo, Syria.

Syria Dozens of dead #Iran'i militiamen in southern #Aleppo' al-Eis, Zerbah & Khan Tuman td.

Iranian #IRGC Hamid Qasempour killed in southern Aleppo, Syria.

04-06-2016, 01:46 PM
As a response for losing #Palmyra, new #ISIS offensive against Regime in East #Qalamoun near #Damascus; took control of some areas.

ISIS gains:
- Badiya Cement Factory
- Abul Shamat military complex
- 559th Tank Battalion
- al-Safa Station
- Parts of Damascus/Baghdad Rd

The Assad regime just keeps on resupplying IS with munitions and weapons.....
ISIS captures 1 tank, 1 BMP, 3 technicals, 1 howitzer, 1 troop truck, ammo cache, and more from SAA in E. Qalamoun.

IS cut road supply Al-Seen Airbase -probably also to
Dumayr Airbase east of #Damascus located at Bagdad road

IS raided Khan Abu Shamat army base in eastern #Damascus located btw Dumayr & Al-Seen airbases

IslamicState-offensive at eastern entrance to greater #Damascus threatens regime bases & rebel held towns

E. Qalamon, regime forces shell the chinese factory in Dumayr (Dmeyr)

04-06-2016, 01:53 PM
Jaish al Islam target SyAA/allies in Khan Touman with IRAMs

Previously not seen Iranian rocket type..........
Shia militias shelling al-Eis in southern #Aleppo with this type of rocket

NEW MAP East Qalamoun / #Dumayr IS offensive on April 5, 2016 / HD :

From battle when #FSA expelled #IS from
Tal Ahmar in northern #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_lAXzLK0aw …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.632370&lon=37.415013&z=15&m=b …

Syria #Idlib Helicopter parachute supplies into besieged Shia enclave Fuah & Kafarya- while #Iran-lead militias try to advance from #Aleppo

04-06-2016, 02:05 PM
MUST READ on how Russian FSB manipulates migrant-crisis.
http://observer.com/2016/04/how-the-kremlin-manipulates-europes-refugee-crisis/ …

So there you go:
1. most Syria jihadists come from Russia
2. human traffickers are FSB.
3. FSB will send jihadists among refugees to EU

And as such, you may also start to understand what role FSB/Russia/Putin plays in #ParisAttacks and #BrusselsAttacks

Kyle W. Orton ‎@KyleWOrton
As the axis of European politics tilts toward the Kremlin, you didn't think they'd leave it to chance did you?

04-06-2016, 02:32 PM
Satellite imagery reveals Hezbollah's play for permanent bases in Syria— via @Stratfor

Remember #Qusair? According to @Stratfor #Hezbollah is digging in just souh of the town:
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=34.437283&lon=36.573057&z=14&m=b&search=qusair …
https://twitter.com/SamTamiz/status/717654870300499968 …

Syria Iranian Drone and Russian intel collection aircraft above #Idlib today

King Abdullah of Jordan claims he told Russia 'one bullet across border, all gloves are off' after confrontation with Russian jets over south Syria - See more at: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/jordanian-and-israeli-jets-confronted-russian-fighters-near-syria-border-abdullah-1550855799#sthash.iJPvz80I.dpuf

Same with the pathetic explanations for the +12 attacks by IAF against SAA and Hezbollah positions.

Remains of the Tochka U that landed in Darat Izza today
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq1URkcH8X4 …

04-06-2016, 02:34 PM
Syria, regime helicopters move the regime officers’s families from Deir Ezzor to Al Qamishli

Syria regime helicopters move the regime officers’s families…
https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2016/04/06/syria-regime-helicopters-move-the-regime-officerss-families/ …

Appears Assad thinks he cannot hold Deir Ezzor much longer.......

Deir Ezzor, the second regime defense line of the airbase, has fallen from the eastern side after Daesh forced the regime forces to withdraw from AL Jafra, and control 2 new spots.

Syria, regime news outlets ignore Dumayr battle

Loyalist pages are looking for information concerning what happened in Dumayr afer the unexpected Daesh attack, killing SAA officers and soldiers, and taking more than 100 soldiers and shabbiha and their families prisonners and loyalist pages are asking for them. Seems that Dumayr has shadowed Tadmur victory.

Aleppo, 71 bodies of the reigme forces and militia have arrive to Aleppo Univesity Hospital

04-06-2016, 02:47 PM
Aleppo Sth rif, Ahrar inflicted losses to regime militia ater targeting their spots in Khan Toman.

Homs, regime militia have resumed the siege of AL Waer with the intent to remove the detainees issue from the negotiation.

Interesting development to say the least.......
Barazani refuses to meet with PYD

After his meeting with Riyad Hejab, Barazani did not authorize Saleh Muslim’s team who wanted to travel to Russia, to enter Kurdistan Irak. Saleh Muslim’s team plan was to fly first to Iran and then head to Russia. PYD officials say that Kurdistan Irak are not allowing their teams to enter Kurdistan Irak, organize diplomatic meetings or travel.

Damascus rif, artillery shelling on Douma and air attacks on Hamuriya

Another Toska missile fell on Termaneen in northern #Idlib /border 2 #Turkey 3 dead

Remember #Qusair? Small town near Lebanon was the stage of #Hezbollah's full entry into he #Syrian war. Why? Read. https://twitter.com/artwendeley/status/353620883245498368 …

04-06-2016, 03:10 PM
Appears the Syrian AF and the RuAF need to heed this warning......

Ahrar commander: the ones that downed the jet in rif Hama and rif Aleppo will down others as well insha' Allah" https://twitter.com/M7Ka3Vt2QHa4kek/status/717712806099943424 …

RuAF IL-20M ELINT resumed flight over Idlib.Sharing the sky with US MQ-9 Reaper ER.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30NXhJMMEpc …

04-06-2016, 03:12 PM
CrowBat......anything to this comment or is the ruAF just finding an excuse to avoid further MANPADs???

Seems #Putin angry that #Syria'n regime hand over modern weapons to #Hezbollah- no CAS in southern #Aleppo battles

Know that the Israeli's had recently complained directly to Putin about the transfer of AD missiles to Hezbollah......

Brings up a further thought...has Putin been played as the proxy for Iran since it appears Iran is making a full move to control all of Syria and this is the "Russian anger"????

04-06-2016, 04:35 PM
Erdogan: Russia is a party in Karabakh conflict
http://en.trend.az/world/turkey/2515988.html …
Any surprise?

Michael Weiss
✔ ‎@michaeldweiss Panama Papers Show Syria Regime Circumvented Sanctions:

Another smart @AbuJamajem piece on how the Nusra Front has integrated into opposition-held #Syria, for @WPReview: http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/18405/separating-nusra-front-from-syria-s-rebels-is-easier-said-than-done …

Damascus: Heavy fighting between #ISIS and #Assad forces at the #Tishreen Power Plant today.

Raqqa clashes are taking place now between Syrian Democratic Forces and ISIS near #Hamdia village to the south of #Sallouk town

04-06-2016, 04:52 PM
FSA statement about ongoing Northern #Aleppo Offensive: "We won't stop at #AlRai, we will liberate #AlBab and #Jarabulus too."

Breaking: #ISlamicState took over Tishreen Power plant in eastern #Damascus ~12km east of International airport
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.422559&lon=36.687298&z=13&m=b …

Damascus Heavy clashes now btw #IslamicState & #Assad-forces east of Dumayr Airbase
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.622696&lon=36.785402&z=14&m=b …

POV locations in Amāq video showing #IslamicState attack on Tishreen thermal power plant, east of #Damascus, #Syria.

Deir Ezzor: Russian airforce drops 4 cargo shipments by air to besieged Assad forces

Qalamoun: Syrian Rebels evacuate civilians caught between Assad & ISIS.

Rebels repel pro assad Iraqi militias in Zarba & Khan Touman

04-06-2016, 04:57 PM
Assad and his allies seem to be losing an unusual number of Generals and senior officers over the last week.....

And another one "bites the dust".....

Assad regime General Manure shafiq Ali killed in Damascus

Good news, 71 dead pro Assad fighters in Aleppo, 50 brigade 65 revolutionary guards, 11 Iranian, 7 Hezbollah & 3 NDF

1st acknowledged operation in #Syria led by Iranian 65th Airborne Special Forces is a flop: Rebels still fully control #Al_Eis (S. #Aleppo).

Confirmed: also Az-Zarbah under full Rebel control. So, all pro-Regime forces imaginary gains in S. #Aleppo vanished

After assault in E. #Qalamoun, convergent indications that #ISIS could soon make a decisive breakthrough in #DeirEzzor, esp. near Airbase.

Report of a #Konkurs #ATGM strike w/ casualties by Ahrar al-Sham vs pro-Regime militias near #Khan_Tuman, S. #Aleppo

04-06-2016, 05:00 PM
Rebels (w/ T-72) pushing deeper in West. #Sheikh_Maqsud to prevent #YPG from firing on Castillo road. #Aleppo.

E. Qalamon, more than 50 of the regime forces were killed at the east of Dumayr airbase, after a suicidebomber targeted a convoy that was attempting to progress towards the airbase with his car. Daesh aslo destroyed a vehice and killed all those inside with a guided missile, and also a tank and a military vehicle with another guided missile.

04-06-2016, 05:25 PM
CrowBat...hear anything on this development??

Aleppo, the NDF militia has been dissolved and put under the Liwa AL Quds command.

Does this go back to this move in August 2015......

Deir Ezzor, pro-regime militia NDF has become the syrian Hezbollah in Deir Ezzor under Sheikh Fares Dgheim command via #DeirEzzor24

Is there a potential trend to place all NDR under Syrian Hezbollah control?

04-06-2016, 05:35 PM
CrowBat.....who is carrying out this urban guerrilla attack campaign...FSA or IS...as I keep seeing comments referencing an special ops unit.??Jaysh al-Islam (aka Islamic Front; the party holding Eastern Ghouta - that is: at least military aspects of the situation there).

They have a sort of 'special assassinations cell' or something, active inside Damascus.

04-06-2016, 05:37 PM
CrowBat......anything to this comment or is the ruAF just finding an excuse to avoid further MANPADs???

Seems #Putin angry that #Syria'n regime hand over modern weapons to #Hezbollah- no CAS in southern #Aleppo battles
Avoiding manpads. The same Russians had no problem with Hezbollah when these were picking up their downed Su-24-WSO, back in November 2015.

CrowBat.......just how many more loses can Iran and their IRGC take before they throw in full strength regular army units....??
The IRGC has about 40 divisions. Most of these at 'cadre only' strength. So the answer is: 'at this rate - long, very, very long'.

CrowBat...hear anything on this development??

Aleppo, the NDF militia has been dissolved and put under the Liwa AL Quds command.
That's a little bit of 'hyperbole', i.e. somebody finally accepting reality. The NDF was 'transformed' already the last year (if you check all of my various reports, I found next to no reason to mention any kind of 'NDF' already since October last year). Majority of battalions were assigned to various of 'SAA' divisions, others were re-organized as different sectarian PMCs - including not only those called 'SAA', but also those run by Hebzollah/Syria, Ba'ath Party Militia/Phalanga, SSNP, PFLP-GC, PLA, etc., etc., etc.. That's why there are so many of the latter nowadays.

This works like this: say, the regime recruited a battalion of Christians from NW Hama, sometimes in 2014. Officially, this was a NDF battalion. But, it was trained by either the IRGC or Hezbollah and, once it proved in combat, it was taken over by the SSNP. A gang of such battalions (hardly any counts more than 400), is then groupped into the '11th Armoured Division SAA'. I.e. the latter is nothing but a shadow of its former itself: a good execuse to maintain semblance of 'everything is OK, and there's still Syrian Arab Army'. Actually, it consists of about 20-30 'SAA' officers, supervised by the IRGC, and about 9-12 ex-NDF, now SSNP 'battalions' (some of these are equipped with T-55s).

04-06-2016, 05:37 PM
US Urges #Russia to Pressure #Assad for Aid Access to Starving People

The United States urged Russia on Tuesday to push the Assad regime to allow humanitarian access to besieged areas after a boy starved to death and three children died from landmine injuries in Madaya in the past week because they could not be evacuated.

The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, said less aid had reached besieged areas in Syria during March than in February, when world powers agreed in Munich to a cessation of hostilities to allow humanitarian access.

U.N. aid chief Stephen O'Brien briefed the U.N. Security Council on the situation behind closed doors on Tuesday at the request of the United States. Power described his briefing as "extremely chilling, heartbreaking."

"He described this boy who the U.N. tried to get evacuated (from Madaya)," Power told reporters, holding a photo of the skeletal boy. "Because the Syrian government refused his evacuation, he died yesterday."

Power said it was "an abomination for a member state of the U.N. to be blocking food in the way that the Syrian government has done."

The United Nations said 486,700 people are besieged in Syria - 274,200 people by government forces, and some 200,000 people by ISIS militants.

"We and other council members have appealed to those with influence over a government that has proven itself susceptible to influence when the pressure is intense enough," Power said. "It's going to take a very, very large push to change the trajectory for people who are this malnourished."

An International Syria Support Group, led by Russia and the United States, set up a humanitarian task force in February. Members of the task force are charged with using their influence over the warring parties to boost humanitarian aid access.

Power also spoke specifically about the town of Daraya, where the World Food Program has said some people have been reduced to eating grass. She said people are skeletal and mothers are too malnourished to nurse their babies.

"Not one crumb of U.N. food has reached Daraya since 2012," Power said. (Source: Agencies)

Kerry: No Way to End #Syria’s War While #Assad in Power


Upcoming peace talks on a political transition in Syria will test whether Bashar al-Assad can negotiate “in good faith,” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday before a new round of negotiations in Geneva.

"The key right now is whether Assad is capable of negotiating in good faith, and we have to put that to the test," Kerry told Bloomberg television in New York.

"I don't see any way possible for Assad to remain because there is no way to end the war while he is there, there is no way to end the violence, there is no way for him to unify the country," Kerry said, "so Iran and Russia, and others need to recognize if you want peace, Assad has to transition."

Kerry also said that there was no way to end the Syrian war with Assad still at the helm. Exactly how the transition happens is up to the talks, he added.

US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the expectation was that the next round would tackle "the core" issue of a political transition in Syria, including Assad's future.


04-06-2016, 05:42 PM
Not a spy ‎@finriswolf
Sat imagery shows -no- evidence of equipment being prepped or loaded on Russian ships leaving #Syria ports since 'withdrawal' notice.

Putin cannot be lying again right?????

04-06-2016, 05:53 PM
And add-on to my post above, plus answer to your following question:

Is there a potential trend to place all NDR under Syrian Hezbollah control?

But this is a 'trend' from the last year. I.e. this process is meanwile near-complete.

Dayr az-Zawr is one of few exceptions actually, probably because it's so isolated. Local 'NDF' battalions (primarily ex-FSyA people, nearly half of them from Shteytat tribe) are - officially - all subordinated to the 137th Brigade SAA. No clue how do they want to re-organize them now, though.

But, as described above, it's the same everywhere else.

Take Alawites in Lattakia as example: the local NDF was 're-organized' as that 'Coastal Shield Brigade of the Republican Guards'. Cadre is from the former Coastal Defence Brigade, a mix of artillery-, missile- and naval infantry officers and NCOs. To this, they've added six NDF battalions, primarily 'ex'-Shabiha, all Alawites. Three of these were then trained by Russians to drive T-72s, T-62s, and T-55s (one battalion each), three others to act as 'special forces' (actually: light infantry). And there you go, a 'new' brigade came into being, called 'SAA' - but which is actually part of Assad's private army (and paid three times better than anybody within the NDF or SAA).

...and various Assad-fans are then declaring them for 'Syrian Navy SEALs'... :rolleyes:

Similar happened with a host of NDF battalions staffed by Shi'a from Damascus area. They were recruited by the NDF, trained by the IRGC or Hezbollah, then taken over by Iraqi Shi'a and IRGC officers etc. Meanwhile, some 5-6 brigades exist: outwardly, nobody can say, 'NDF or PMC' - but actually, all are Hezbollah/Syria...

...ditto in regards of various NDF battalions staffed by loyal Sunnis: majority are meanwhile fighting either as PMCs (like this 'Tiger Force') or as parts of the Ba'ath Party Militia/Phalanga...

04-06-2016, 05:54 PM
I like the writings of this individual as he comes out of the CI world and I "bumped into him" a number of times over the years here in Europe..is extremely knowledgeable and calls a spade a spade......

MUST READ on how Russian FSB manipulates migrant-crisis.

Kyle W. Orton ‎@KyleWOrton
As the axis of European politics tilts toward the Kremlin, you didn't think they'd leave it to chance did you?

So there you go:
1. most Syria jihadists come from Russia
2. human traffickers are FSB.
3. FSB will send jihadists among refugees to EU

And as such, you may also start to understand what role FSB/Russia/Putin plays in #ParisAttacks and #BrusselsAttacks

So the Russian non linear warfare is not being successful in Europe??

This actually confirms to a large degree the thesis of the article above......

Michael Weiss
ICG report on Caucasus jihad confirms "green corridor" story in Novaya Gazeta:
http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/europe/caucasus/238-the-north-caucasus-insurgency-and-syria-an-exported-jihad.pdf …

04-06-2016, 05:57 PM
And add-on to my post above, plus answer to your following question:


But this is a 'trend' from the last year. I.e. this process is meanwile near-complete.

Dayr az-Zawr is one of few exceptions actually, probably because it's so isolated. Local 'NDF' battalions (primarily ex-FSyA people, nearly half of them from Shteytat tribe) are - officially - all subordinated to the 137th Brigade SAA. No clue how do they want to re-organize them now, though.

But, as described above, it's the same everywhere else.

Take Alawites in Lattakia as example: the local NDF was 're-organized' as that 'Coastal Shield Brigade of the Republican Guards'. Cadre is from the former Coastal Defence Brigade, a mix of artillery-, missile- and naval infantry officers and NCOs. To this, they've added six NDF battalions, primarily 'ex'-Shabiha, all Alawites. Three of these were then trained by Russians to drive T-72s, T-62s, and T-55s (one battalion each), three others to act as 'special forces' (actually: light infantry). And there you go, a 'new' brigade came into being, called 'SAA' - but which is actually part of Assad's private army (and paid three times better than anybody within the NDF or SAA).

...and various Assad-fans are then declaring them for 'Syrian Navy SEALs'... :rolleyes:

Similar happened with a host of NDF battalions staffed by Shi'a from Damascus area. They were recruited by the NDF, trained by the IRGC or Hezbollah, then taken over by Iraqi Shi'a and IRGC officers etc. Meanwhile, some 5-6 brigades exist: outwardly, nobody can say, 'NDF or PMC' - but actually, all are Hezbollah/Syria...

...ditto in regards of various NDF battalions staffed by loyal Sunnis: majority are meanwhile fighting either as PMCs (like this 'Tiger Force') or as parts of the Ba'ath Party Militia/Phalanga...

So are we seeing a complete conversion of the so called previous SAA say prior to 2013 into actually a true Syrian Hezbollah fully structured similarly to that of the Lebanese Hezbollah thus allowing full Iranian control over Syria or a de facto military annexation by Iran ...even as they fight FSA and IS?

As I do not see them "withdrawing" any time soon..as their investment in men, blood, money and weapons kind of limits them......would if they pulled out appear to be a major military defeat at the hands of "Sunni's'....

04-06-2016, 06:07 PM
So are we seeing a complete conversion of the so called previous SAA say prior to 2013 into actually a true Syrian Hezbollah fully structured similarly to that of the Lebanese Hezbollah thus allowing full Iranian control over Syria or a de facto military annexation by Iran ...even as they fight FSA and IS?

The IRGC was for this solution all the time, i.e. right since Hamedani began creating the NDF. Assadists were resisting the idea, primarily because they've had a problem with admitting 'there's no SAA left' any more. But, with the total regime's troop strenght down to about 70,000, perhaps 80,000 last year, and these short of collapse, there was no other solution - but to 'outsource' whatever was left.

Means: the regime left the IRGC do whatever it likes to do with the NDF. And the IRGC can't do anything else but create sectarian PMCs. Plus, it's training them and paying them better, and people have proven better-motivated if they fight for 'some reason' (like 'my Imam' or 'Sayyida Zaynab Shrine' or whatever other idiotic reason): nobody there was 'fighting for Assad' already since 2012.

At the same time, and in reaction - i.e. 'better to be safe than sorry' - the regime began converting Alawite-NDF-units into its own 'Waffen-SS'. It's also financing similar conversion of various Sunni-NDF-units into the BPM (this is meanwhile operating four own brigades).

But, pay attention: all of this is happening under condition all the involved to keep on declaring themselves 'SAA'. No matter if Hezbollah/Syria, SSNP, BPM or whatever else: all must be called 'SAA'. And all the possible regime-fans are idiotically insistent on maintaining this legend (the moment they will be forced to admit their own illusions will be a funny one). That's why Twitter, FB, Reddit etc. remain full of 'SAA', 'NDF' and whatever other nonsense, while there is actually nothing left the former military - except for designations of various corps-, divisional- and brigade-HQs.

04-06-2016, 07:47 PM
Iran'i militias show their heavy artillery at al-Eis front in southern #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzGJC5gI3k4&feature=youtu.be …

Nusra video from Tel al-Eis in southern #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guqsB9o_xA8&feature=youtu.be …
Sure that #Iran'i militias launch more attempts to storm it

Exodus from Al-Ra'i in northern #Aleppo
#FSA storming #IS held town soon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4swBbJM0_Y&feature=youtu.be …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.612359&lon=37.451534&z=13&m=b …

Russia and Iran say they don't have military forces in Syria. Russia has 5000 trainers and Iran has over 20 000 advisors
ONLY in the Russian and Iranian altered states of reality ARE advisors actually combat infantry...and Spetsnaz.......

Captain Wael Hassan Salman #SAA killed yesterday.

ISIS has captured large parts of the Tishrin thermal power plant from the regime east of #Damascus, #Syria

Not long ago regime was bussing ISIS fighters from S Damascus to Bir Qasab in Dumair to keep rebels busy. More power cuts on the way I guess

Deraa: ISIS affiliates recapture Udwan from Rebels after Assad regime started attacking rebels in Manshiya
WHO says IS and Assad do not work together......?????

04-06-2016, 07:56 PM
FSA #SultanMurad | "Scenes of Battles"
Note funny slat armor (used Shells)
via @LevantineWD

Absolutely love how people deflect Assad's theft & diversion of UN aid onto to ISIS.
https://www.reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar/comments/4dmire/more_footage_of_unchr_tents_in_usage_by_the_saa/ …

04-06-2016, 07:56 PM
Charles Lister
Source in #Syria:
Senior #ISIS leader Abu Ali al-Anbari was killed in Deir ez Zour several days ago.
[I cannot verify this personally]

hassan hassan
A few Isis supporters on Twitter have been eulogizing him. If true, he died at a critical transition moment for Isis

The best insights on his character come from jihadists who met him like Abdulllah al-Muhaisini & Abu Firas al-Suri who was killed this week.

Both met him to talk him out of the war against Jabhat al-Nusra & Islamist groups in Syria

hassan hassan ‏@hxhassan
Even tho Isis looked vanishing in Syria theb, his stubbornness typifies Isis obstinate nature despite intuitively facing existential threats

04-06-2016, 08:03 PM
Michael Weiss
✔ ‎@michaeldweiss
Rebels ignored the Islamic State in south Syria. Now they regret it.

04-07-2016, 05:53 AM
In SWJ recently there has been a large debate over the question of whether the Obama WH even has a strategy for anything provoked by a WaPo article where the Obama WH clearly stated that their Syrian/IS strategy was working and it was just you and me not understanding that it was working and all "we" needed was more "messaging".

This Obama WH has never had a single clearly and concisely defined strategy for even getting out of the WH.......in over seven and half years other than "protect my legacy".

Obama as well as his entire NSC have failed to understand the concept of "perception" and important it is in the ME.......


Obama destroyed Syrians’ ‘glimmer of hope’ that America would intervene

When President Obama brags about defying the foreign policy establishment to craft his Syria policy, he probably doesn’t have people like Vicki Aken and Ahmed Mestow in mind.

Obama recently said in an interview with Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic that he was “very proud” of his decision not to bomb Syria after its dictator, Bashar al-Assad, killed 1,400 or more people in a chemical gas attack. He said he has been criticized because he refused to follow the “playbook that comes out of the foreign-policy establishment,” which would have counseled greater U.S. intervention. The president believes he should be credited for having the fortitude to sidestep a potential quagmire.

Aken is Syria country director for GOAL, one of the world’s largest humanitarian aid organizations, based in Ireland, which amazingly manages in the midst of war to keep providing fresh water and bread to as many as 1 million desperate people inside Syria. Mestow, a Syrian, worked for GOAL inside Syria for three years before he had to flee to Germany, after being threatened by both the Assad regime and its Islamist enemies.

They visited The Post this week. Their views on U.S. policy differ from Obama’s.

Mestow is a civil engineer, a father and a former construction manager in Bahrain, who remembers when the protests against Assad’s brutal dictatorship began in 2011. He remembers peaceful crowds of thousands of people demonstrating at the university in Aleppo, none of them with weapons. And he remembers how Assad responded with violence, with accusations that anyone opposing the regime was a terrorist — and even, Mestow says, with the release from Syrian prisons of genuine terrorists who went on to seed the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

He also remembers the day that Obama cites with pride — when the United States, after saying the use of chemical weapons was a “red line” that Assad should not cross, decided not to respond militarily.

“My people were asking, okay, where is the red line for America?” Mestow said. “It’s not chemical weapons — but how about the ‘barrel bombs’? How about the snipers? How about a half-million people killed?”

The barrel bombs are a feature of Assad’s war against his people — kegs full of shrapnel, nails and other sharp pieces of metal that his helicopters drop on civilians to cause the most gruesome injuries possible. Assad and his Russian allies have made a habit of targeting clinics and hospitals, to the point that Syrians beg GOAL not to bring health facilities to their villages, said Mark Bartolini, chief executive of GOAL USA and a former U.S. Agency for International Development official.

The snipers are Syrian soldiers who make a sport out of their job, Mestow said.

And the half-million killed? Well, no one knows for sure how many of Syria’s prewar population of 22 million have died. The United Nations and other groups kept tabs for a while, reaching 250,000, and then stopped counting — so for more than two years, we’ve been writing “more than 250,000.” Certainly the number is far greater.

Meanwhile, at least half of all Syrians have been forced from their homes. More than 4 million have become refugees; thousands more are trapped at the Turkish border, unable to leave. Hundreds of thousands have fled to Europe. Together, those refugees and the terrorist attacks spawned by the Islamic State, which took root in the chaos of Syria’s civil war, have fueled a xenophobic politics in Europe unlike anything the continent has seen since World War II.

Given these consequences, you have to wonder whether Obama really takes pride in his policy, or is trying to convince himself.

The White House argues there is nothing useful the United States could have done, though along the way Obama’s senior advisers pushed a series of options: destroy the helicopters dropping those barrel bombs, provide training or equipment for moderate rebels, create a safe zone where rebels and displaced people could regroup.

Aken, who moved to the Turkish side of the Syrian border in 2014 to take charge of GOAL’s aid effort, remembers how Syrians then still believed the United States would create a safe zone.

They would say, ‘Of course America is going to do something. They have to,’ ” Aken recalled. “It was heartbreaking because I knew the policy wasn’t going to change. But that was their only hope.”

Aken said Syrians’ last “glimmer of hope” disappeared when Russia intervened, attacking civilians with a force that was “so much more powerful and targeted.”

In the Washington arguments over doctrine and America’s role, it’s easy to forget that a country is being destroyed. When I asked if it could be put back together, Aken, who previously worked in Sierra Leone and South Sudan, said she thought the talent and resourcefulness of the Syrian people could help them overcome a lot, if the war ended soon enough.

“If it goes another five or 10 years, then no,” she said. “There won’t be anyone left.”

Today it was announced with pride by the DoS that Kerry has travelled more miles than another DoS.....WOW.....really....?

ALL those miles travelled and yet not a single inch forward in Syria and in eastern Ukraine and the killing and destruction by Putin and his mercenaries in Ukraine continues just it continues with Assad and his mercenaries in Syria....

NOW this is something to be proud of...I guess?

Appears the DoS Kerry has failed to ask the Ukrainians and Syrians what they think about his accumulated air miles????

NOTE: did one notice that after a FOUR day visit to Moscow not much was really said by Kerry about what had been achieved.....two days later the Obama WH announces the movement of an armored combat brigade to the Baltics and another to Germany......so has the Obama WH finally "figured out" Putin's strategy????

04-07-2016, 06:05 AM
Interesting when perception and ground reality met.........

USAF hunting #Nusra & RuAF targeting the rest of opposition groups in north #Syria while IRGC & Hezbollah terrorist org remain untouched.

There is an ever growing perception among the anti Assad opposition that Obama and Putin have done a deal to keep Assad in power.

There might indeed be some "truth" to that actually.......

REMEMBER even the US has declared Hezbollah to be a "terrorist group"....

04-07-2016, 06:07 AM
WHY would the US air strike a major meeting where Ahar is involved in????

Reports US airstrike targeted a senior Nusra & Ahrar meeting in #Idlib, #Syria

Several high ranking Nusra military cmdrs said to have been at meeting possibly including Nusra leader Jolani.

04-07-2016, 06:09 AM
No doubt: #Russia back in business in southern #Aleppo
Airstrikes with White Phosphorus on al-Eis tonight

Meanwhile #Russia is setting south rural #Aleppo on fire with every banned weapon you can think of

AND Obama, his entire 700 person NSC and Kerry say not a single word, utterance, or state a written word......ever wonder why????

04-07-2016, 06:13 AM
After pro-regime tweeps falsely claimed that the Shia militias captured Tel Eis & al-Eis, Russia is now using cluster bombs on rebels there

Contact lost since yd. to 70 workers of Badia cement fact. after #IslamicState stormed area east of #Damascus
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.712060&lon=37.010021&z=13&m=b …

IS stormed #SAA base east of #Damascus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L5ZOCSre-k …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.666747&lon=36.962471&z=15&m=b …

Aleppo After use of Chlorine gas yd. #Russia bombing strategic al-Eis town with White Phosphorus & Napalm

ANOTHER Russian PMC "bites the dust".......
Russia|n army contractor Vadim Tomakov killed by #ISIS in Palmyra, media revealed his death only today..

QUESTION is...is Russia simply hiding the fact he was actually Spetsnaz not a PMC.....so it does not appear that Spetsnaz got severely beaten up on by IS????

04-07-2016, 06:14 AM
Also #Russia'n airstrikes on #Hama towns -now all conducted during night to hide their crimes?
OR are they attempting to avoid MANPADs.....

Syria 25 #US airstrikes hit #IS in north eastern #Aleppo today

Another IRGC "bites the dust"......
Reza Abu Al Qasimi from IRGC killed in al-Eis in southern #Aleppo
Seems this area is a mass grave for #Iran

AND the JaI assassinations just keep on happening in Damascus.....
Reports that Nat Sec deputy Maj Gen Feda Nazer Ali was killed & body was found decapitated in Tishrin Park near the Prez palace in #Damascus

04-07-2016, 06:23 AM
The US really does need to check their proxy support for YPG......appears they are indeed working hand and foot with Hezbollah......

Oh right before I forget, Hezbollah's media had #JayshThuwar footage before the group did

Syrian Arab Army or Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps? Fanboys can't even tell anymore..

33 Martyrs
[26 Fighters 4 Women 1 Child]
8 Daraa
7 Idlib
6 Aleppo
3 Damascus
2 Hama
2 Raqqa
2 DeirEzzor
2 Homs
1 Hasakah
#Syria APRIL 6

FSA used brand new (Feb 2015) Bulgarian 82mm mortar ammo

04-07-2016, 06:39 AM
Those so called Iranian 65th SF types are really taking a beating...bad press back home cannot be expected if they are the elite of the so called Iranian elite..............

Southern #Aleppo: #Syria|n rebels killed several #Assad Elite Forces in an ambush at a hill near #AlEis tonight.

04-07-2016, 06:42 AM
Still not confirmed by anyone.....other than US air strikes did occur.......
Idlib: Reports that #Nusra leader Abu Mohammad al-#Julani could be killed by #US airstrikes some hours ago. #Syria

Idlib: #US airstrikes killed many high ranking #Nusra military commanders in Idlib province today.
Not confirmed as well......

#US Air Force started to kill #Nusra leaders and fighters just 1 or 2 days after they captured #AlEis(together with rebels)
In Arabic.....more info:

Appears someone in the Obama WH does not want JaN to be working to closely with the FSA.....or vice versa.....OR worse does not want the anti Assad opposition to get back to their "winning ways" against both IS and Assad.....

04-07-2016, 07:10 AM
Video from recent IS attack on SAA base.....
IS stormed #SAA base east of #Damascus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L5ZOCSre-k …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.666747&lon=36.962471&z=15&m=b …

Hard to actually admit....BUT
The US has become, in effect, the unpaid and unrewarded provider of air cover & humvees to the so-called "Axis of Resistance"

AND when the Iraqi Shia militias lose them JaN then recycles the Humvees....

Notice FB knows about this but does nothing but will block immediately anyone who is a social media critic of say Putin or Assad if they complain ....
Facebook Groups Act as Weapons Bazaars for Militias By @cjchivers

Panama Papers Reveal The Companies Fueling Syrian Barrel Bombs, Airstrikes
http://www.ibtimes.com/panama-papers-reveal-companies-fueling-syrian-barrel-bombs-airstrikes-2349214 …

04-07-2016, 07:17 AM
ISIS releases footage showing them inside Tishrin Thermal Station (e. of Damascus). Significant numbers of dead gov troops, damage all over.

YET proAssad media keeps stating even this morning IS dos not control the plant.....critical plant that provides power to all of Damascus even to the Assad palace.....

WHO says social media has no effect....this individual was pointed out via social media....
German authorities arrest a Syrian over war crimes allegedly committed in Aleppo in fall 2012
http://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/14981/3294618 …

South #Aleppo is a purely #Iranian war zone. Only their own troops and proxies fighting. #SAA participation denied.
From our favorite proAssad commenter.....

Ivan Sidorenko
#Syria #Aleppo #SouthernAleppo #Badr Military Wing #Iraq #Iraqi #Shia #Shiite photos Posted yesterday.

BUT WAIT yesterday he was swearing his sources were correct in stating the SAA has advanced and was rolling over JaN and the other opposition forces at Al Eis ......which proved to be utter lies.....

04-07-2016, 07:23 AM
TEN kilometers apart separates the UN residing in the Four Seasons Hotel and a starving besieged Sunni Daraya ...think the UN really cares...it does not regardless of what they publicly state...aid deliveries are a key part of the Russian pushed CoH and YET nothing happens and that is not deliberate.....

A statement from the resilient women of Daraya: We are on the verge of witnessing deaths from starvation.
https://diary.thesyriacampaign.org/an-urgent-call-from-the-women-of-the-besieged-town-of-daraya …

Syrians protesting for the 26th consecutive day against Jabhat al-Nusra in Ma'arat al-Numan, Idlib https://syriafreedomforever.wordpress.com/2016/04/06/%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%B9%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%86-6-4-2016-%D9%A2%D9%A6%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%85-%D8%AA%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%87%D8%B1-%D9%88-%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%A7-%D9%85%D9%83%D9%85%D9%84%D9%8A/ …

04-07-2016, 07:28 AM
CrowBat......an interesting question.....what has happened to the "New Syrian Army" and their allies in the south.....amazingly quiet since they took over the Iraq/Syrian border crossing from IS.....

04-07-2016, 07:30 AM
Still unconfirmed. The leader of Jabhat Nusra group (Al Qaeda in #Syria) in critical condition after #USA airstrike

ISIS militants captured "Al Darisia" barrier in Dumayr town from Rebels. "Liwa Sadiq" group works with #IS, they did that.

RuAF incendiary bombs on #Al_Eis, symbol of frustration of pro-Regime forces unable 2 take city so far (S. #Aleppo)

FSA free 20 villages from #Daesh in N.#Aleppo & 4 in #Daraa - no media coverage
Regime frees 2 villages around #Palmyra - days of coverage

Promo from #FSA's @alhamza_brigade about their fight against #Daesh in northern rural #Aleppo after recent advances

Aleppo Nth rif, #FSA Sultan Murad – video summary of the battles against Daesh
https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2016/04/06/syria-aleppo-nth-rif-fsa-sultan-murad-video-summary-of-the-battles-against-daesh/ …

04-07-2016, 07:43 AM
The Obama WH, CIA and CENTCOM really does need to rethink their support and use of their Kurdish proxy YPG......who is fighting aggressively against FSA NOT IS.....

Syria Heavy #Russia'n airstrikes on #Aleppo city neigborhoods
Youth Housing, Bani Zeid, Sheikh Maksoud to support kurdish
#YPG forces

04-07-2016, 07:44 AM
Syrian Cessation of Hostilities is now formally dead...just as dead is the Minsk 2 agreement after days of massive Russian shelling's and ground attacks.....

AFTER a not so publicized Putin hastily called National Security Council meeting...
Russia relaunch his airstrike-campaign on opposition held areas in north #Syria with ~50 airstrikes the past 24h on #Aleppo, #Hama & #Homs

AND for those SWJ readers that feel Syria and eastern Ukraine are not intertwined.....they are....two war fronts in the Russian non linear war against the West especially the US......

Russian proxies attack Ukraine 67 times, intensify fire near Maryinka
http://www.unian.info/war/1312012-russian-proxies-attack-ukraine-67-times-intensify-fire-near-maryinka.html …

Putin launches bid to rehabilitate Soviet legacy

04-07-2016, 07:52 AM
What Mi-28N pilot can see during combat flight ->
https://translate.google.ru/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A//twower.livejournal.com/1942683.html …

IslamicState shelling #Turkey town Kilis with rockets from their area in northern #Aleppo #Syria
2 people injured

04-07-2016, 10:25 AM
CrowBat......an interesting question.....what has happened to the "New Syrian Army" and their allies in the south.....amazingly quiet since they took over the Iraq/Syrian border crossing from IS.....
No news on them. Guess, they're trying to assess what's going on: the Daesh advance was so quick, everybody there is shocked.

BTW, FSyA and IF in Dmeyr (plus about 50,000 local civilians) are now under a siege. The nearby regime-held Dmeyr AB and as-Seen AB (major base of SyAAF MiG-29s!) too.


Regarding that air strike on JAN + AAS meeting during which it seems even the JAN founder al-Jawlani was either badly injured or killed: seems that CENTCOM is now 'going Russian' in this regards.

See this: (https://www.facebook.com/CJTFOIR/photos/p.1684176395181828/1684176395181828/?type=3&permPage=1)
'* Near Idlib, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.'

This is Russian-style of reporting: THERE IS NO DAESH IN IDLIB.

Why doing this? Why lying so obviously? Can't they say what they did?

04-07-2016, 12:06 PM
Turkey backed rebels´ significant progress against #IS in northern #Syria largely unnoticed. Important implications https://twitter.com/Conflicts/status/718040892788105218 …

#FSA at huge trench dug by #IS in Al Rai

Aleppo Update: #Syria|n rebels captured the grain silos and the gas station in #AlRai

Activists report that Turkish artillery is targeting al-Rai in northern #Aleppo.

UPDATE: Opposition forces have reportedly started an assault on al-Rai after Turkish artillery targeted the town earlier

AFP news agency
✔ ‎@AFP #UPDATE 250 Syrians missing after IS attack east of Damascus: residents

RuAF/SyAAF high altitude airdrops in Deir Ezzor
http://wikimapia.org/#lat=35.342575&lon=40.081558&z=11 …

YPG using the old Regime strategy in 2012: "Everyone we fight is Al-Qaeda Jihadists".
Quite hard to work with #FSA.

Irony of YPG/SDF accusing JN/AQ of involvement in Sheikh Maqsud shelling, is JN/AQ are pointedly uninvolved: it's overwhelmingly FSA groups.

As #YPG started the battle by attacking Opposition and advancing to Castelo Rd; PYD & allies playing the victim now.

Aleppo: last night Rebels ambushed a group of pro Assad "Nakhba" militia around Syriatel, the whole group was killed

04-07-2016, 12:10 PM
Russia appears to attempt the undermining of their own ceasefire...by resuming their indiscriminate air strikes against FSA and not against IS.....

45 Russians airstrikes hit southern Aleppo: El Eis (held by JN/ AQ), Khan Tuman front (held by Ahrar&various rebels)

Here goes that US Kurdish proxy again that went off the reservation.......
Intensive #RuAF airstrikes on castillo road reported today. Could allow YPG to cut last supply road to rebels held Aleppo.

VIDEO: Alleged footage of a Russian Ka-52 helicopter striking ISIS targets in Homs province, #Syria - @RT_com
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oixIcGRG0U …

04-07-2016, 12:15 PM
Really important reading.......

Syria: Al-Assad Family’s Massive Stolen Wealth in Panama Papers helps explain Revolution by @jrcole

04-07-2016, 12:20 PM
Northern #Aleppo: Heavy clashes in the center of #AlRai between #FSA and #ISIS now.

IS says #Turkey has fired 45 artillery shells onto Al-Ra'i in north

Syria Reports: #FSA take over Al-Ra'i border crossing to #Turkey
(not proof so far)
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.635228&lon=37.475653&z=14&m=b …

Early confirmation...but still no visual proof as of yet.....
Rebels take control of entire town

One advantage for capture of Azaz-AlRai strip from Daesh is the huge fertile land for FSA/Rebels, reliable food for Free Syria inhabitants.

IslamicState retreat now from Al-Ra'i town in northern #Aleppo &
#FSA take control
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.609051&lon=37.452393&z=14&m=b …

04-07-2016, 12:24 PM
Putin says Russia's operation has reinforced Syria's statehood

Russian MoD releases video of sappers clearing mines in Palmyra

#Syria Rebels assault on #IS-offshoots in Saham al-Jawlan in W- #Daraa
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=32.779193&lon=35.939026&z=14&m=b …

04-07-2016, 12:53 PM
Only the 100% percent Russian government owned Sputnik International could claim the following........should actually be renamed to "Lairs International"...

Sputnik Verified account 
.@AtlanticCouncil report accusing Russia of bombing hospitals in #Syria 'lacks hard data'

"Lacks hard data".....actually the problem Putin and his FM have...is there is way to much "hard data" proving Russian air strikes...but in the world of the Russian "alteredd state of reality" lies become truths......

04-07-2016, 12:56 PM
Erdogan: European Union has not paid anything to the Syrian refugees in Turkey but we will still carry out our humanitarian duty.....of the initially agreed to 3B Euros from the EU...ZERO has arrived and Turkey has currently over 2M Syrian refugees......

Erdogans strong stand with the Syrian refugees alone proves he's nothing like Assad & he still gets no credit in the west...

04-07-2016, 01:00 PM
#FSA #Southern_Front also advancing in the south in SW.#Daraa against #Daesh affiliates & have taken part of Sahm alJolan

Cmndr Brig. Haithem Avisi commanding his troops of #FSA's Brigade 51 on the ground in rural N.#Aleppo against Daesh
FSA Division 51 | first footage of new FSA Division in N. Aleppo:

#FSA have advanced & broken into #Daesh stronghold of Raai in northern rural #Aleppo. Operation continuing

During interview with FSA Colonel Abu Omar, commander of 16 Division in #Aleppo IED goes off and he does not even finch.....

04-07-2016, 01:01 PM
Middle East Eye ‏@MiddleEastEye · Apr 5

Syria's besieged city of Daraya has not received 'one crumb' of UN food since 2012. Why not?

04-07-2016, 01:09 PM
MORE IRGC "bite the dust"......

Iranian revolutionary guards Hamid Reza Qasyour & Ihsan Meir Sayar killed by rebels in Aleppo

BREAKING: 250 Syrian civilians missing and feared kidnapped after large-scale IS attack east of Damascus: residents tell @AFP

If Assad, Q Suleimani, Nasrallah, Putin & abt 50 diff sectarian militias from Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan cnt defend the capital THEN who can?????

Re-emergence of #Russia strikes vs. opposition & Nusra around #Aleppo is a dangerous indicator of definitive breakdown of ceasefire.

Until now, #Aleppo escalation was limited to 1) opposition<->YPG & 2) opposition/JN<->regime/Iran.
#Russia wanted ceasefire maintained.

04-07-2016, 01:16 PM
Turkish-backed "Sultan Murad" #FSA brigade with fresh Grad-P, unlimited supply vs. ISIS.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow8SMekWP9I …

How #YPG/#PKK see #Kurdistan & How #ISIS see #IslamicState.
*Same Strategy: Claim and seize territory anywhere.

After they started to lose what they gained during #Russia intervention; #Russia is back to support Regime/Iran.

04-07-2016, 01:23 PM
Syria BREAKING: Free Syrian Army (#FSA) are in full control of al-Rai after #Daesh militants fully retreated from the N #Aleppo town

Syria: hundreds of #FSA rebels have gathered just outside of al-Rai (N #Aleppo), #Daesh reportedly vacated the town

Syrian rebels have captured the town of Sahem al-Golani from #Daesh affiliates who continue to lose ground in SW #Daraa

Toyota...the vehicle of choice for light infantry.......
Toyota Pickup Appreciation Event being held in Al-Rai right now in North Aleppo.

FSA must have a special rate from a local Toyota sales dealer based on the sheer number seen before the assault on Al-Rai......white seems to be the favorite color of the assault teams.....

Northern #Aleppo: #Syria|n rebels have captured the town of #AlRai and the #AlRai border crossing. Offensive ongoing

" We're inside the west entrance of Rai town, tons of explosives slowing Rebels down. #ISIS withdrew,

Rebels captured Al Rai broder cross, "We're inside the Rai border cross, #Syria #Turkey #Aleppo province

Rebels now captured Al Rai town from #ISIS in N.#Aleppo, #Syria #Turkey. Combing remaining houses.

04-07-2016, 01:31 PM
Ahrar_alSham uses thermal camera to monitor #ISIS movements in the fronts of #Daraa cs
#Syria APRIL 7

Russia warplanes terrorists carried out 4 airstrikes so far in last hour targeting #Aleppo - #Damascus international highway
#SYria APR 7

Syria, the place where international community, watch in silence #RUSSIA use prohibited incendiary weapons.

Not a spy ‏@finriswolf
#Syria I have hundreds of sat images of Russian ships loading in Sevastopol and Novorossiyskaya. 0 loading in Syria

3 Martyrs including a Child & 7 injured victims of #RUSSIA Tochka fired by #SAA on #Termanin
#idlib cs #Syria APR 6

Heavy clashes now between #JN and #ISIL in the front of #Yarmouk Camp.

"Assad has engaged in a cynical game of 'tactical withdrawals' and months of ignoring Islamic State"

04-07-2016, 02:15 PM
All facts contradicting daily that Assad took the upper hand after 6-months Russian intervention in Syria. Rebels made gains in N. #Syria

Pro-Regime forces failed so far to reverse these gains despite heavy bombing & #IS is able to besiege 2 main Airbases at Damascus Gates

Few weeks w/ limited Ru airstrikes & #RuAF is back on all fronts in #Aleppo 2 help YPG/Iran mil. facing difficulties

Contrary to some reports, salafis still fighting in N-#Aleppo under recently created Ahrar al-Sharqiya group. Based on 4 local salafis brigades, they integrated some Ahrar ash-#Sham fighters. The group is fighting ag. #Afrin #SDF and #IS sect.

Syria Opposition factions & Nusra Front retake of Sahm al-Golan town. Heavy clashes ongoing inside Adwan village. #Daraa

Syria #FSA in battle with #IS at #Damascus - #Baghdad road
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRAajQPI_a8 …

Syria #Daraa Furqan brigade tank shelling #IS in Adwan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Tp1E2oZRA …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=32.821615&lon=35.999279&z=14&m=b …

04-07-2016, 02:19 PM
The Bill Clinton team admitted Rwanda mistake; the current WH team blames Assad, rebels, Turks, Saudis, Qataris 4 Syria

As Admin cynically said. US doesn't fix "fundamentally broken societies" in Middle East.

04-07-2016, 03:51 PM
What seems to be some #Jordanian reconnaissance aircraft scanning the south #Syria #IS hotspot.

Geolocation of Ahmad al-Abdo Martyrs Brigade TOW strike on IS VBIED in Qalamoun, #Syria.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=33.744897&lon=36.987619&z=14&m=bs&search=%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%AF%D9%88 …

Also confirmation, #Hezbollah now operates the SA-22, SA-5, Yachont, Fateh-110, SS-21 and Scud-D.
But this is not entirely new, I guess.

iranian army troops in Khan Tuman. Ops in south Aleppo is now limited to IRGC & Iranian army

Michael Weiss
✔ ‎@michaeldweiss The Islamic State’s Scorched-Earth Strategy
http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/04/06/the-islamic-states-scorched-earth-strategy/ …

Opposition still advancing. #ISIS lost many positions including the grain silos. Battles reached Tal Aar & Wuquf villages.

Testament of Iranian #IRGC Heydar Ebrahimkhani killed in Aleppo,Syria:«People say fighters go to Syria for money»

Ahrar al-Sham commander Mohammed al-Shami claim they captured 16 #Hezbollah members in al-Eis battle in southern #Aleppo

04-07-2016, 03:56 PM
From #FSA battle against #IslamicState in Al-Ra'i town in northern #Aleppo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsFFKncPRg8 …

More #Iran'i militias arrived in southern #Aleppo #Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DycGoQkkRBg …

After seized al-Ra'i town -what's the next #FSA push against #IslamicState- along #Turkey border or to south?

Syrian rebels recaptured the town of #Adawan in #Daraa province from #ISIS today.

2 more senior AQ leaders were killed by US drone in #Idlib:
- Taha Rifai (in pic)
- Abu Omar al-Masri

Taha was wanted for involvement in 1998 E. Africa Embassy bombings, the assassination of #Egypt presidents & signing AQ fatwa vs. US.

04-07-2016, 04:09 PM
Dozens of workers secured by Rebels (Jaish al-Islam) as they fled #IS in E. #Qalamoun (#Damascus) when Regime failed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5RtSlnJYCo …

Aleppo Rebels inside former #IS-HQ in al-Ra'i town

Ahrar al-Sham confirm al-Ra'i north Aleppo fully captured by rebels coalition.
https://twitter.com/islamic_front/status/718099310110515200 …

7th Russian Soldier Reported Killed in Syria, Former Internal Troops Contractor
http://www.interpretermag.com/russia-update-april-7-2016/#13222 …

04-07-2016, 04:25 PM
Assad air force raids on #Marzia in rural #Idlib province.

Up to a thousand Turkish-backed troops in the largest battle vs. ISIS so far.
If Turkey ever backed IS,this is over.

04-07-2016, 04:27 PM
CrowBat..........for your info.......

Julian Rpcke ‏@JulianRoepcke
Top intelligence source confirms to me, SA-17 Grizzly, #Russia delivered to #Assad last year, now with #Hezbollah.

04-07-2016, 04:55 PM
Deeply troubling @SpecialReport w/ fmr SecDefs on micromanaging, inexperienced & indecisive Obama White House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPFT9S5cL00&feature=youtu.be …

04-07-2016, 05:19 PM
Turkey/rebel push in norther #Syria effective against #IS and #YPG's #Rojava project, at least diminishing.

04-07-2016, 05:20 PM
CrowBat.....confirms what you had posted.......

Al Badia cement factory captured by #IS is only 15km from Al Seen military airbase hosting several MiG-29 squadrons. https://twitter.com/terror_monitor/status/718117175521771521 …

04-07-2016, 05:42 PM
The rumor Ahrar al-Sham sent their Central Force through Turkey Bab al-Hawa border crossing is confirmed today.

Car drive on #Aleppo highway at ICARDA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Mg3fOXiVec …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.014394&lon=36.940928&z=14&m=b …

04-07-2016, 07:09 PM
Aleppo: #FSA statement: "#YPG hostile actions and crimes will not be tolerated anymore."

Aleppo: #FSA statement: "#YPG broke every truce & backstabbed us in North Aleppo & attacking Castillo Road now."

FSA TOW take out YPG technical on 5th April near Castilo road in #Aleppo.

Several #TOW again vs #YPG targets, but this time by Suqur Al-Jabal & for first time in #Sheikh_Maqsud (#Aleppo).

FSA blow up recoiless gun from #YPG in #Aleppo's Sheikh Maksoud
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxSXiw_1py0 …

Rebels coalition expelled ISIL from al-Waqf village south al-Ra'i north Aleppo.
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.588104&lon=37.427673&z=14&m=b&search=al%20%5Cwaqf …

Mass exodus of from western Daraa as residents flee fighting between Rebels & ISIS.

Rebels coalition liberated 50 square kilometre from #ISIL since campaign started north #Aleppo.

The #Iranian regime has 60000 troops in #Syria,seeking to destroy the opposition and preserve Assad in power,to no avail the supreme leader of the terror state seems pushing for regional war with Saudi/Turk over Assad

04-07-2016, 07:11 PM
The rumor Ahrar al-Sham sent their Central Force through Turkey Bab al-Hawa border crossing is confirmed today.

Interesting thing Ahrar al-Sham didn't announce their involvement in north #Aleppo campaign vs #ISIL until today.

04-07-2016, 07:30 PM
Al-Masdar News ‏@TheArabSource
Syrian Army, rebels work together against #ISIS in east #Damascus

Spent a year chasing him in Diyala in 2005/2006 now he bounces back and forth between Syria and Iraq......rumors of his cancer and dying seem to have been a cover story
Izzat al-#Douri -- long presumed dead -- is seen in a new video taped speech.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT5pn5zayW4 …

04-08-2016, 05:59 AM
Charles Lister ‎@Charles_Lister
As opp'n continues shelling Kurdish Sheikh Maqsoud, Jaish al-Islam announces punishment of commander for doing such:

The first time in the war in Syria that a party admits such a misbehavior by 1 of its officers

USAF A10s providing CAS to FSA over Al Rai yesterday.

Shuhada' al-Yarmouk member on the current turn of events in Deraa: "The situation is not good. Armies are fighting us."
Seems now FSA is a "army".....

04-08-2016, 06:01 AM
Russian Syrian Express is definitely "withdrawing equipment as Putin stated"......NOT.

Russian Navy's Ropucha Class Large Landing Craft Minsk 127 returning from Tartous. Looks empty and is riding high.

04-08-2016, 06:20 AM
The thesis in his book is interesting actually........

Michael McFaul
✔ ‎@McFaul In my book, Advancing Democracy Abroad, I show that U.S. almost never uses force to promote democracy.

Michael McFaul
✔ ‎@McFaul Almost all US wars, including last 2, started in name of hard power interests, not values. Humanitarian intervention extremely rare.

Michael McFaul
✔ ‎@McFaul Why do so many, including apparently @potus in @TheAtlantic piece buy into false dichotomy of " realists" vs "liberal interventionists" ?

04-08-2016, 06:23 AM
Confirmed RuAF airstrikes last night on rebels held areas north Syria:
3 on Saraqib, Idleb
3 on Atarib, Aleppo
2 on Taftanaz airbase, Idleb

7 #Russia'n airstrikes on #Atareb west of #Aleppo tonight

Russia bombing #Saraqib & #Atareb
in northern #Syria tonight
- towns full of residents

Russian warplanes have been in skies of Aleppo's & Idlib's suburbs for more than an hour now & heavily bombarding Aleppo's southern suburbs.

Renewed #Russia'n "fireworks" tonight on towns in southern #Aleppo with White Phosphorus bombs

Russia dropped more than a dozen white phosphorous bombs on al-Eis town in northern #Aleppo #Syriathe past 48h

[B]Russians are now using thermobaric munitions against FSA.....
Russia dropped fuel air bombs on #Saraqib town tonight #Idlib #Syria

Advances by Rebel forces from al-Rai, capturing Hadabat and Mulla Ya'qub #Aleppo

Aleppo Car tour in al-Rai after #IS expelled
towngate need colour insteat of black
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjdScQPo8FE …

Heavy fighting btw #Assad-forces & #IslamicState in #DeirEzzor city
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLbL_7vCe0A …

04-08-2016, 06:25 AM
Anonymous ‎@GroupAnon
Syria Government server hacked many .gov.sy website 10GB compressed data leaked!
http://pastebin.com/vWFfYN82 #OpSyria

04-08-2016, 06:40 AM
CrowBat.....anything to this comment?

Syria Pro regime activist claim #Russia delivered 20+ top modern T14 ARMAT tanks to southern #Aleppo frontline

Would make sense if the Russians wanted to actually combat field test it .....but still the risk of it being hit and damaging the Russian image should be a factor...but with Russians one never knows.....

Would also have to be driven by Russian tankers.....

04-08-2016, 06:55 AM
[B]Also confirmation, #Hezbollah now operates the SA-22, SA-5, Yachont, Fateh-110, SS-21 and Scud-D.
But this is not entirely new, I guess.
I would 'correct' that list to SA-17, SA-22, Fateh-110, SS-21 and SS-26.

But yes: no surprise this happens when one insists on letting Assad remain in power, and thus offers him a chance to let the IRGC transform two thirds of what is left of Syrian military into Hezbollah...

CrowBat.....confirms what you had posted.......

Al Badia cement factory captured by #IS is only 15km from Al Seen military airbase hosting several MiG-29 squadrons.Yup, but there is only one MiG-29 squadron left - No. 697 Squadron.

(There used to be an entire No. 69 Brigade, with two operational units - including Nos. 697 and 698 - and a third, No. 699, working up; but, that third unit was never really established, and all of this was back in late 1980s and early 1990s.)

04-08-2016, 08:46 AM
CrowBat.....is it not strange that while social media and key ME specialists who are on social media get the total demise of the SAA since late 2012 western MSM and Obama/Kerry seem to have missed it....

100% of pro-Regime forces killed yesterday near #Al_Eis & documented are foreign fighters: 7 Iraqi, 4 Iranians & 1 Hazara. S. #Aleppo.

BUT then Obama and Kerry push the Iran Deal and then Kerry now in the ME after meeting with Bahrain leaders says "we need to push back on Iran"....it is almost like they are trying to match the Putin "altered state of reality"....OR simply going through the motions to make it appear they are concerned before exiting the WH....

One must truly ask "what planet does Kerry reside on these days"?????
"Good faith"..come on Assad has never been about "good faith" since he took power and helped setup IS.
Even with a CoH Assad completely violated it and WHAT about all that humanitarian aid Kwerry stated at a press conference was going to be immediately delivered....absolutely nothing, nada, zip........

U.S. Embassy Syria Verified account 
.@JohnKerry: The key now will be whether or not Assad is capable of negotiating in good faith, & we have to put that to the test.

REMEMBER Kerry almost used the same exact words after the next to last visit with Putin and his FM......"with some good faith and intent" we might be able to rescind the sanctions against Russia.....

04-08-2016, 08:55 AM
FSA continues moving forward with their operations.....

@Nrg8000 now ~50km to reach Jarabulus at Euphrates river -then the #IslamicState lost all contact to #Turkey border- but #YPG not happy

50 km but very sparsely populated. No big village btwn Al-Rai and Jarablus, Ghandurah is the biggest but is small

Worth to note that #YPG/#SDF seized Kafr Nasih from Rebels (in February) bordering with #ISIS & didn't attack IS...not a single time did they attack IS...BUT FSA..a total different story.

04-08-2016, 09:03 AM
From a proRussian commenter:

Alexey Khlebnikov
#Russia's MoD reports over 1,000 JAN militants w/7 tanks & 24 armored pickups concentrated in areas north from #Aleppo.Escalation on the way

Alexey Khlebnikov ‏@AleksKhlebnikov
JAN is likely preparing a large-scale offensive in #Aleppo. Number of militants coming there is increasing in recent days,says #Russia's MoD

Alexey Khlebnikov ‏@AleksKhlebnikov
MoD says JAN militants r concentrating in Muheim Handrat, Jandul, Hraitan & Kafr Hamra (to the north from Aleppo)

Alexey Khlebnikov ‏@AleksKhlebnikov
Apr.11: #SyriaTalks to resume
Apr.14: #Syria Parl elections planned
Now: Escalation in #Aleppo-JAN attacks, escalation near Damascus-#ISIS

How in the heck are Parliament elections to occur??????

Charles Lister

Jabhat al-Nusra has *0* presence in N. #Aleppo, so it looks like #Russia is boldly lying & looking for escalation:

After reports #RuAF backed #YPG in #SheikhMaqsood past days vs Rebels, here's the pretext to back #YPG near #Azaz.

04-08-2016, 09:11 AM
FSA take control of #Tasil town in western #Daraa after #IS-offshoots fled

Rebels storming now #Tasil town in western #Daraa to expell #IS-offshhots
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u43r45T0sHI&feature=youtu.be …

Innovation/adaption..."the mother of invention" hard at work.......wonder just how many more "SAA" actual Syrians will "jump ship" from Assad......

Syria At the moment rebels help #Assad-forces to survive east of #Damascus after #IS stormed the area
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.584307&lon=37.043839&z=11&m=b …

04-08-2016, 09:57 AM
[B]CrowBat.....is it not strange that while social media and key ME specialists who are on social media get the total demise of the SAA since late 2012 western MSM and Obama/Kerry seem to have missed it....Hm... please, don't get me wrong now: I certainly do not intend to brag; and, there's no doubt, I do not follow any of 'key ME specialists' on the social media... so feel free to correct me and call me biased too (which I surely am). But, I do not know anybody who is following relevant developments with sufficient care.

Back in 2013 or so, there was one gent (or was it a lady... can't recall any more) on the ISW, who offered some clues in regards of direction in which Assad's military is developing (something like, 'from military to militias'). 'Haven't seen anything even roughly similar published ever since. At least not by anybody else (except in Syrian Conflagration (http://www.amazon.com/Syrian-Conflagration-Civil-2011-2013-Middle/dp/1910294101?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0)).

But then, nobody else attempted to find out exact extension of defections from the SAA either and thus the legend is still that 'there were not many defections' - although this is simply bollocks.

Unsurprisingly, the situation in regards of monitoring of IRGC's involvement can only be described as 'tragic': except for one article on Soleimani from back in early 2014, and my book, I do not know any other source detailling this to anything like similar levels (see: organization of the entire 'business', involved commanders, units, decision-making processes and reasoning, outcomes of various battles, lessons learned etc.)

Now, I assume - or at least I very much hope - US, British, French, Israeli intel services (for example) have a much better total view of the situation. But, something tells me this is not the case: unless there would be a clear... 'incentive' (?) to find out (like, say, Oblabla or Plapp...erm...Cameron ordering their services to find out - but why should they do that if they're not interested in getting involved?).... there's simply no reason for them to work on this topic.

(And, hand on heart: 'penetrating' the IRGC is not really that problematic - if for no other reason then because they are so eager to brag about their achievements. But, it takes years of experience - otherwise one ends having plenty of sources each of which is feeding bits only, and the total sum of these tends to reimnd one of certain surrealist paintings...)

Anyway... I'm definitely bamboozled by Israeli silence in regards of all of this: it's as if they are keen to get themselves entirely new quality of an 'existential threat'.

04-08-2016, 04:04 PM
Cited in part (rest is above):
Hm... please, don't get me wrong now: I certainly do not intend to brag; and, there's no doubt, I do not follow any of 'key ME specialists' on the social media... so feel free to correct me and call me biased too (which I surely am). But, I do not know anybody who is following relevant developments with sufficient care.

CrowBat...maybe it was the 6B a year that Obama promised for the Iran Deal and the Iron Dome/David Sling AD systems that the US also paid for....

04-08-2016, 04:38 PM
US shipped 3,000+ tons of weapons from #Bulgaria to #FSA rebels in #Syria since November 2015.

Michael Weiss
✔ ‎@michaeldweiss Interesting. Rebels were always a bit "meh" about the TOW but raved about the Fagot:
http://www.janes.com/article/59374/us-arms-shipment-to-syrian-rebels-detailed#.VwfSpE0TX6g.twitter …

Reports of a huge explosion in the Port of #Latakia 1 hour ago, smoke still rising.

Panama Papers could help Syrian opposition go after Assad's wealth

All across #Syria, protests against extremists (#Assad, #ISIS, #Nusra) also this Friday.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUiUcM5z-Hw …

04-08-2016, 05:26 PM
Russian air force strikes on the last access area to #Aleppo city.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hFiaqi2VO0 …

Saraqib in #Idlib: The #RussianArmy stopped their "ISIS-only" weeks and now hits rebel-held cities again.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XubIvh7oII …

Syrian rebels have now DOUBLED their territory north of #Aleppo since the start of the "ceasefire" Feb 27.

While Russia announced a major withdrawal in Syria, the opposite appears to have taken place

German MSM BILd Editor in Chief is now in the field with FSA inside Syrian..virtually the only MSM reporter to venture into FSA zones and the fighting.....

Claas Weinmann
Proud to have an E-i-C who still loves being in the field. @jreichelt reports from #Syria:
https://www.facebook.com/julian.reichelt.3/videos/10153384545242016/ …

04-08-2016, 05:36 PM
Damascus After regimeTV #SANA claim all 300 workers of Badia cement factory dead- #IS released them

Rebels captured #Afgan milita from #Shiite Qdus Brigade in #Handarat.

FSA costs #ISIL great losses on international #Damascus-#Baghdad highway
#RFS correspondent: Ahmad Zakariya
https://rfsmediaoffice.com/en/2016/04/08/30441/#.Vwea2xN969Y …

Rebels claim destroyed regime tank with TOW in #Aleppo's northern Handarat

Rebels regain control of entire factories area in northern Handarat after battles with #Assad-forces

6 airstrikes on #Damascus' Dumayr suburb- #IS still try to storm rebel held town & regime airbase http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.632558&lon=36.707211&z=14&m=b …

04-08-2016, 05:37 PM
CrowBat.....something up your area..........

So at least 3 Mi-28s, 4 Ka-52s and 3 Mi-24/35s at Shayrat airbase via @JeremyBinnie

04-08-2016, 05:44 PM
Aleppo #IS bring reinforcements to villages south of al-Rai to counter #FSA

Aleppo #FSA move into Ka'ibah south of al-Rai
& clashes with #IS in this area
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=36.542467&lon=37.417631&z=14&m=b …

Hawar Kilis Operation has taken Kaeebeh,beginning its south advance on Al-Bab,and Outflanking ISIS at Sawran and Dabiq

04-08-2016, 05:48 PM
Russia'n general declare airstrike support for kurdish #YPG militia in northern #Syria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUIF3ltOl08 …

AND naturally he is stating it is JaN....

04-08-2016, 05:50 PM
Kurds, rebels in rat race to seize #ISIS territory
http://mme.cm/N5AW00 via @NOW_eng

AhrarSham & #FSA have reversed all of Liwa Shuhada Yarmouk's recent gains in SW #Daraa countryside

Total recall: #Hezbollah may well want what #Syria had in #Lebanon
http://mme.cm/K5AW00 via @NOW_eng

Rebels convoys now #Tasil town in western #Daraa after #IS-offshoots fled
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGEFZS-xNx8 …

Jabhat al-Nusra handed over regime Su-22 pilot to Ahrar al-Sham after confirmed the warplane downed with MANPAD.

04-08-2016, 05:51 PM

Hama Defection of #Assad-forces near Kafr Nabudah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRkIMVvS1uk …

04-08-2016, 05:55 PM
Highly reliable source confirms this suicide operation in Damascus province, killing around 50 regime soldiers Was executed by Dutch IS-fighter Abū Mujāhid al-Hūlandī, aka Anis Zerguit, brother of the killed Soufyan aka FightingJournalist, who was Killed in the battle of Koban late 2014. Another killed Dutch IS-fighter, leaving behind 3 spouses

04-08-2016, 05:58 PM
Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
US citizen Kevin Dawes has been released in #Syria [by #Assad regime], held since '12

Assad trying to now "play nice" so the US will work with him?????

Russia arrests U.S. citizen in #Syria, takes him to #Russia - is #Syria formally a Russian colony now?
https://twitter.com/reuters/status/718494962338435072 …

BREAKING: Russian Foreign Ministry says U.S. citizen was arrested in Syria for illegal entry and other breaches of law

MORE: U.S. citizen freed in Syria has been taken to Moscow, handed to U.S. embassy and has left Russia: Russian Foreign Ministry

Not a spy ‎@finriswolf
One of #KevinDawes conversations with me on the risk of capture in #Syria before his eventual capture

04-08-2016, 06:01 PM
Issam Al Reis ‏@south_front_sy

Following advances yesterday #FSA #Southern_Front also fully liberated the town of Tseel today in south west #Daraa from #Daesh affiliates

04-08-2016, 06:17 PM
Mar 23: Coalition strike on ISIS vehicle near Kabibah Oil Field
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkgRft0xAQ4 …
http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.137411&lon=41.297414&z=19&m=bh …

There goes Sykes-Picot: a coalition airstrike in Iraq labelled by @CJTFOIR as "near Al Hawl, Syria"

04-08-2016, 06:24 PM
Situation in North Aleppo. All Handarat points rebel controlled have been regained

YPG Kurdish militia playing a very dangerous game in co with Russia/Assad in Aleppo. This will not end well for them

Fighter of kurdish well equipped #FSA brigade in northern #Aleppo:
"I will fight against #YPG"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PO8-xVb2pM …

Rebels captured #Isis member in #alRai,he was hungry, injured and even asked for cigarettes 😂
#ALeppo cs #Syria APR7

Aftermath several airstrikes on #Altareb, destroying what left of civilian houses & School
#Aleppo cs #Syria APR 8

04-08-2016, 06:30 PM
Rebels destroyed #SAA terrorists a cannon 23' in #Tel_Mayasat moments ago
#Aleppo cs #Syria APRIL 8

MASSACRE; 3Martyrs including a child & several wounded victims of Airstrikes on #alSheikh_Ahmed & #alTalihy villages
#Idlib cs #Syria APRIL8

Rebels just destroyed #SAA terrorists Rocket Launcher at #Nayrab airbase, was targeting Rebels at #Handarat fronts
#Aleppo cs #Syria APRIL 8

SAA terrorists dropped barrel bombs over #alHamidiyah neighborhood, this time ASSad genocidal barrels didn't explode
#DeirEzzor #Syria APR8

Martyrs and several wounded including children, victims of #SAA terrorists barrel bombs over #alTakeiyah Street
#DeirEzzor #Syria APRIL 8

Several airstrikes targeted #alSanae neighborhood
#DeirEzzor #Syria APRIL 8

SAA helicopters dropped barrel bombs over #alQiyasat village - #Ariha, minutes ago
#Idlib cs #Syria APRIL 8

SAA terrorists positioned at #Turkmen_mount #Latakia, fired #RUSSIA balistic missiles targeting #Jisr_alShghour
#Idlib cs #Syria APRIL 8

SAA terrorists helicopters dropped barrel bombs over #Handarat .
#Aleppo cs #Syria APRIL 8

SAA terrorists dropped barrel bombs over #Deir_Foul moments ago
#Homs cs #Syria APRIL 8

04-08-2016, 06:45 PM
Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
#Syria's rebellion cut off IS's main supply route to the outside world, al-Ra'i, in Aleppo yesterday.

The rebellion is pushing IS back north and south: an attempted advance by IS's frontgroup in Tasil, Deraa, has been repelled

The #Assad regime has murdered the last doctor in besieged Zabadani and bombed two hospitals in besieged East Ghouta

Zabadani's under a terrifying regime siege + 28/46 sieges (61%) of ongoing sieges are in East Ghouta, worst in Douma

04-08-2016, 06:48 PM
Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
CIA presented Obama with 50 options for engineering the downfall of #Assad. He rejected them all.

BUT WAIT...in a recent WaPo article the Obama WH claimed they had a highly successful Syrian/IS strategy and it was working.......

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
The CIA believed that President Obama telling #Assad to "step aside" was a statement of policy, so prepared options to make it happen

04-08-2016, 06:57 PM
Azaz pays tribute to commander Abu Sheikh who died during the liberation of al-Raai. #Syria

04-08-2016, 07:04 PM
Russian Syrian Express......

ВМФ Ropucha class LSTs #Бф BF A.Otrakovsky completes 4th Syrian deployment of 2016 & returns to the BlackSea 17:00Z

Fast turnaround: #ВМФ Ropucha class LST #Бф BF A.Otrakovsky returns from #Tartus #Syria in 9days &transits Bosphorus

That's 13knots/h average all the way from there. Quick for Ropucha's. 031 was supposed to pass with Minsk yesterday.

04-08-2016, 07:09 PM
CrowBat.....something up your area..........

So at least 3 Mi-28s, 4 Ka-52s and 3 Mi-24/35s at Shayrat airbase via @JeremyBinnie

From a proRussian commenter.....
Yury Barmin ‎@yurybarmin
Now confirmed that Russian military is present at Shayrat base in Syria. @EjmAlrai was the first to report on this

04-08-2016, 07:15 PM
Typical Russian info warfare vagueness..........


Militants Near Syria's Aleppo Given 85 Heat-Seeking Missiles - Source

Middle East
12:50 08.04.2016(updated 12:57 08.04.2016)

DAMASCUS (Sputnik) – An armed group of militants in Syria has received no less than 85 heat-seeking missiles capable taking down aviation, a source in Aleppo told Sputnik on Friday.

The source said the information comes from a conversation overheard between militants.

“They have received 85 missiles, 85 heat-seeking missiles have been brought into Syria,” the source said after providing a recording of the conversation.

It is unclear from the recorded conversation where the rockets came from or their specifics, but is clear that the group is based outside Aleppo.

04-08-2016, 07:19 PM
NCRI reveals: #Iran ramps up IRGC forces & army in #Syria in preparation for operations in Aleppo

Russian propaganda also misrepresenting #JaI´s statement about using indiscriminate weapons.
http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160408/1037680457/jaysh-islam-syria-chemical.html …

JaI´s spokesman @islamalloush0 on which unauthorized weapons were used by them in #Aleppo: Grad rockets.

While #JaI didn´t specify the "unauthorized weapons" the pro regime crowd see them admitting use of CW.

04-08-2016, 10:05 PM
From a proRussian commenter.....
Yury Barmin ‎@yurybarmin
Now confirmed that Russian military is present at Shayrat base in Syria. @EjmAlrai was the first to report on this
Yeah... the first - today.

(See our reports - including several videos - from back in January and February.)

04-09-2016, 06:46 AM
Yeah... the first - today.

(See our reports - including several videos - from back in January and February.)

Have always said...open source analysis via social media is far faster if one is in tune to the flow of it.....you are absolutely correct this was posted back in Jan/early Feb......

BTW 80% of all intelligence is from open source.

04-09-2016, 06:52 AM
Kyle W. Orton ‎@KyleWOrton
Deserves to be better known: ten Europeans were tortured to death by Assad, per @joshrogin's reporting on CAESAR docs in DEC 2014.