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View Full Version : 21st century Anti-Slavery Campaigns

05-13-2016, 05:10 PM
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3. Anyone currently involved in this fight care to chime in?

There are over 20 million people sold every year to the highest bidder. Two million or more are children sold into sex slavery.

A group of highly skilled and dedicated veterans, former police officers, and homeland security agents have joined the fight against child human trafficking. They work with local authorities all over the world to rescue children caught in this vicious cycle.

The group, dubbed The Abolitionists, have been taking the fight to human traffickers for the last two years in Columbia, Honduras, Mexico, India, Hati and the USA. With one child being sold into sex slavery every 30 seconds, we need them more than ever.


05-19-2016, 04:06 PM
Since 2013, this team of former U.S. soldiers, Navy SEALs, and government agents has been filming its on-the-ground efforts to end sex trafficking.

Several years ago, Tim Ballard, who had served as a U.S. government agent for a dozen years, went rogue — but in a good way. While working as a special agent for the Department of Homeland Security, Ballard, a devout Mormon, infiltrated child-trafficking rings by posing as a pedophile. But he grew frustrated by the red tape. So, in 2013, Ballard left the department and started Operation Underground Railroad, or OUR, a private organization that conducts so-called “extraction operations” to free child sex slaves and bring their captors to justice.


09-21-2017, 11:33 AM
Some 40.3 million people around the world are trapped in conditions of slavery, according to a report released on Tuesday and presented to the UN General Assembly. Campaigners say the report gives the best-ever account of modern slavery and is a stepping stone to helping governments stop it.
Of the 40.3 million people around the world trapped in conditions of modern slavery, an estimated 24.9 million are forced into working in the sex trade, on industrial or agricultural sites or as domestic workers, according to the report, Global estimates of modern slavery: Forced labour and forced marriage.
Another 15.4 million people are married against their will, it says

The report found practices of modern slavery are most prevalent in Africa, followed by Asia and the Pacific regions, as well as in Europe.


11-14-2017, 10:32 PM
Libyan slave auctions.

11-25-2017, 03:00 AM
PARIS, Nov 23 (Reuters) - Forty people were arrested and 500 people rescued after a swoop on human trafficking across West Africa, international police organisation Interpol said on Thursday.
The Interpol-led action comes amid a global outcry sparked by footage of Africans being solved as slaves in Libya, often the final transit for migrants wanting to reach Europe.
In a statement, Interpol said that some 500 people, including 236 minors, had been rescued in simultaneous operations across Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal. Forty suspected traffickers were arrested.


11-26-2017, 01:39 PM
Stand-up move by the Rwandan Government.

the East African country of Rwanda has offered refuge to around 30,000 African migrants who are living in slave-like conditions in Libya.
The Rwandan foreign ministry said in a statement on Wednesday that it was “horrified by the images of the tragedy unfolding in Libya, where African men, women and children who were on the road to exile, have been held and turned into slaves.
“Given Rwanda’s political philosophy and our own history, we cannot remain silent when human beings are being mistreated and auctioned off like cattle.”
Rwanda’s Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo told Rwandan newspaper The New Times that the country may be able to accommodate up to 30,000 refugees.


01-09-2018, 03:28 PM
LONDON — Slavery is thriving in the United Kingdom, as authorities try to battle a growing problem.
Britain’s National Crime Agency said cases of forced labor affect "every large town and city in the country.”
A government estimate of 13,000 victims in the U.K. is the "tip of the iceberg," according to Britain’s anti-slavery commissioner Kevin Hyland. He called for tighter regulation of nail salons in the country — some of which are sites of forced labor.

The High Court in Glasgow heard Robert McPhee and John Miller held three men in "slavery or servitude" at a site in Shotts, North Lanarkshire.
Prosecutors said the men were kept in squalid conditions and forced to carry out work for little or no pay.
Mr McPhee and Mr Miller, along with two other men, James and Steven McPhee, have denied all of the charges against them.
Between them, the four men face a total of 30 charges including violence, intimidation, abduction and detaining victims against their will.

03-25-2018, 11:16 PM
Inner city children being forced to sell drugs in the countryside has fueled a tripling in the number of modern slavery victims in Britain, the National Crime Agency has said.

For the first time UK nationals have made up the majority of the cases reported to the scheme set up to identify children and adults who are at the mercy of slave drivers and traffickers.

This was partly down to fears of children being exploited in a drug distribution model known as "county lines", where city gangs branch out into county or coastal towns to sell heroin and crack cocaine.

In 2017 there were 5,145 potential victims referred, up 35 per cent from 2016 and the number has almost tripled since 2013, when there were 1,745 cases.