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04-24-2007, 05:50 PM
Great resource site. 32 albums and 13 categories.;)

Arresting Images Photo Gallery

04-24-2007, 06:37 PM
Hi SGM !
Great stuff, I just shot the link to our LEs and EOD folks, and already a quick reply.

Thanks, Stan

04-30-2007, 04:07 PM
College and university campus crime data is available from two major sources, the U.S. Department of Education which under the "Jeanne Clery Act" collects statistics from more than 6,000 schools, and the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting program which includes data for about 400 schools. The most recent statistics from each government agency are available from this page. Due to differences in reporting standards statistics reported under one program may not match those reported in the other.

Security on Campus.org

05-07-2007, 03:25 PM
Need Your Help and Subject Matter Expertise!!

The people at Trinus Technologies Inc. (www.trinustech.com) have created eSolve – an Investigation management program that is being developed into a Major Case Management program. Trinus is making this software available to all law enforcement at no charge. (FREE)

So what is the catch? There is none!

Creating law enforcement computer software is a challenge these days as policing pressures and needs are continually evolving. Trinus is looking to develop a very mature full electronic major case management software package. This would include the usual entity management components such as people places and things, but also the ability to record and analyse activities and the investigation of events and objects. Objects, of course, can become evidence so the need to maintain continuity and produce a judicially worthy package for court disclosure is a necessity.

In order to create the most mature and robust case management system, Trinus needs the law enforcement communities input. Therefore, those who are given the pre-release product for FREE (to try as they wish in a live operational or test environment) are welcome to do so with no strings attached. Trinus is looking for volunteers who will prove the product and provide casual feedback on development and enhancement priorities – but if you don’t wish to participate in development recommendations – you may still keep and use and distribute the software at your discretion. However, too many software development companies produce law enforcement software in a vacuum. Who better, than the law enforcement community themselves, are equipped to offer functionality requirements for an electronic program focused on enhancing the investigators ability to perform their duties.

Once Trinus has compiled the information needed to make it the best system available – then the true hard core “creation” work continues.

Those who were given the Pre-Release product get to keep it! Even more incredible, they are invited to join a user community and supplied with regular updates on advanced versions as the development evolves.

Check out a demonstration on May 31st 2007 at: https://www.gotomeeting.com/register/943906864

There is not cost to register for this demonstration and no obligation to acquire the free software – so why not?

05-07-2007, 03:47 PM
No idea what is behind this. No affiliation or advanced coordination with SWJ / SWC. Buyers (tryers?) beware, but there is no gain without risk. Your call. Please let the rest of our members know of your experiences, positive or negative, by posting in this thread here.

FYI, this same offer was extended to a broader community including gov't and NGO investigators in this thread (http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/showthread.php?t=2825).

05-07-2007, 05:39 PM
No idea what is behind this. No affiliation or advanced coordination with SWJ / SWC. Buyers (tryers?) beware, but there is no gain without risk. Your call. Please let the rest of our members know of your experiences, positive or negative, by posting in this thread here.

This was posted at my suggestion / urging. I got the announcement on another list and felt that Bradley could get some good input from people here given all the threads where we have discussed the application of LE methodology to COIN situations. Besides that, I am always in favour of real field tests of new programs :D.


05-09-2007, 08:23 PM
Here's another free software download: Facility Cop (http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij/maps/facilitycop.html)

FacilityCop is a version of SchoolCop (http://www.schoolcopsoftware.com/index.htm), modified by Temple University, that is geared for the corrections environment. The program can be used to map, analyze, and keep records of incidents within a building environment, such as a prison. The program can also be used to generate tabular reports, graphs, and charts. FacilityCop is available as a free download.

To use FacilityCop, you import a diagram, sketch, or image containing the building's floor plan. You can also provide information on shifts used to staff the facility. Information on types of weapons used in assaults and incidents can also be entered into FacilityCop.

05-11-2007, 03:25 PM
After downloading and looking over the manual. It almost looks like a Microsoft Access interface.:confused:

05-15-2007, 03:23 PM
Seems to be one of the higher priorities for smaller departments to become more and more familiar with these type operations. Some resources that may assist you in your training task.

Active Shooter Response Options, Pierce County Sheriffs Dept

SRO Active Shooter Response

Criminal Justice Online
Providing criminal justice practitioners, students and academics with online information and resources.



06-29-2007, 09:14 PM
This just came over another list-serve I'm on and could be useful to many council members (thanks, SleuthOne!).


The Library of Congress has developed a number of specialized digital
collection designed to be of special use to researchers, and this very
thorough collection of materials follows in that most welcome tradition. The
site contains digitized legal documents and related ephemera such as the
Military Law Review, various U.S. Army Field Manuals, and transcripts of the
Nuremberg Trials. One important recent addition to these materials is a full
set of the Commentaries on the 1949 Geneva Conventions, which were
originally published between 1952 and 1959. Additionally, the site also
contains legislative histories of such important acts as the Freedom of
Information and Privacy Acts of 1974. Finally, the site is rounded out by a
section that provides direct links to the official investigations of the My
Lai Incidents during the Vietnam War.


09-22-2007, 11:28 AM
Professional Communication: Law Enforcement Officers Training Guide (https://wilenet.org/djleforms/texts/pscstud.pdf)
Training and Standards Bureau, Wisconsin Department of Justice
Many people contributed to the writing of this manual.

Law enforcement officers, perhaps more than any other group of people in society, depend on strong communication skills to do their job. As we have seen, 99% of the contacts that police make involve no force at all—just communication.

Communication is integral to all that law enforcement officers do, whether they are talking to crime victims, investigating traffic accidents, interrogating suspects, or calming people in crisis. Good communication skills are also the hallmark of the professional. By communicating effectively, officers can enhance their professional image and encourage others to cooperate willingly with legitimate law enforcement goals.

Law enforcement officers use communication skills daily in performing their duties— whether they are calming a frightened victim, directing a crowd to disperse, placing someone under arrest, or interviewing a witness. Because it is such a big part of an officer’s job, it is important to set communication skills in the context of professional law enforcement. This training guide addresses the topic of Professional Communication.

09-22-2007, 12:41 PM
Link to the Verbal Judo Institute by the man who started what is now being called Tactical Communication. For the puppy dawgs out there from an old dog this can be a life saving as well as career saving school. Get the books and or tapes or go to the classes if possible many are department paid for.
IMNHO this should be a national standard...it would also be useful for the military on how to deal with civilian populations. Whooosha!!!!
