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05-10-2007, 11:16 AM
10 May AP via NY Times - Language Corps (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/10/washington/10brfs-LANGUAGECORP_BRF.html).

The Pentagon is setting up an experimental civilian Language Corps, recruiting about 1,000 foreign-language speakers who would volunteer to help the government in times of war and national emergencies. The languages to be included in a three-year pilot program have not been chosen...

05-10-2007, 11:23 AM
Official DoD press release (http://www.defenselink.mil/releases/release.aspx?releaseid=10845). No real specifics yet, though.

The Department of Defense announces the implementation of a pilot “The Language Corps” over the next three years. The pilot Corps will include no fewer than 1,000 members drawn from all sectors of the U.S. population. Members will have the opportunity to join a dedicated pool or a national pool of linguists.

The Language Corps, formerly the Civilian Linguist Reserve Corps, represents a vital new approach to address the nation’s needs for professionals with language skills. This is an integral component of the Defense Department’s comprehensive language roadmap and the President’s National Security Language Initiative.

“The department is confident that a successful Language Corps will not only address gaps in federal preparedness, but also serve to reinforce the importance of language skills in the American population and the U.S. education system,” said Gail McGinn, deputy under secretary of defense for plans.

The corps will be an entirely civilian organization managed by the DoD for the federal sector composed of members who will voluntarily join and renew their membership.

The national pool will consist of a larger national data base of volunteer members with certified language skills who may be available for activation for federal service during times of war, national emergency or other national needs.

The dedicated poolwill be comprised of a smaller number of members who will have contractual arrangements with dedicated federal sponsors and who agree to perform specific responsibilities and duties and serve a specific number of days per year. Selected members of the pools will be involved in activation exercises during the second and third years of the pilot effort. These activation exercises will involve DoD, the intelligence community, and other federal organizations.

Good to see we're taking such swift action on this. Less than 1,000 dedicated translators will surely "address gaps" in our preparedness.

Tom Odom
05-10-2007, 01:13 PM
Given that interpreters in Iraq are in some cases drawing more than $180K, I am just sure there will be a whole bunch of folks who want to "volunteer" to have their lives completely disrupted in times of emergency (as declared by the government). :rolleyes:

This reminds me of the langauge "bonuses" offered in the 80s and 90s. Basically if you were willing to work an extra 40 hours a month to maintain your linguistic skills after duty hours (in a profession where normal duty hours were routinely 10 and often 12 hours a day), Uncle would pay you an extra $100 or so a month. Very successful. :rolleyes:


05-10-2007, 04:00 PM
Geez, sign me up immediately !

Are stuborn and retired Army NCOs permitted to join ?

Can I take Tom with me ?

OK, forget that last one :cool: