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View Full Version : Scientists Use the "Dark Web" to Snag Extremists and Terrorists Online

09-13-2007, 10:15 AM
NSF - Scientists Use the "Dark Web" to Snag Extremists and Terrorists Online (http://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=110040&org=NSF)

Terrorists and extremists have set up shop on the Internet, using it to recruit new members, spread propaganda and plan attacks across the world. The size and scope of these dark corners of the Web are vast and disturbing. But in a non-descript building in Tucson, a team of computational scientists are using the cutting-edge technology and novel new approaches to track their moves online, providing an invaluable tool in the global war on terror.

Funded by the National Science Foundation and other federal agencies, Hsinchun Chen and his Artificial Intelligence Lab at the University of Arizona have created the Dark Web project, which aims to systematically collect and analyze all terrorist-generated content on the Web.


Despite the risks, Dark Web is producing tangible results in the global war on terror. The project team recently completed a study of online stories and videos designed to help train terrorists in how to build improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Understanding what information is being spread about IED methods and where in the world it is being downloaded can improve countermeasures that are developed to thwart them.

Project Website: http://ai.arizona.edu/research/terror/index.htm

09-13-2007, 01:25 PM
Here is an interesting website for those of you are interested in deep web analysis http://siteinstitute.org/